NBA GM Draft RD12

My schedule cleared up today so I should have time to get teams drafted too 2k and set up the seasons today. I'll let you all know when it's done
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@LukaszObrzut here is the order of the 16 teams. Make them like the 'seeds' of a regional.

here were 16 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. LukaszOrbzut
  2. UKNorse
  3. Morgousky
  4. YaySports
  5. PizzaSlice
  6. Wall2Boogie
  7. drcats2013
  8. Rupp'sRunts
  9. Cats192
  10. BigbluefanGA
  11. Miracle7s
  12. HotelBlue
  13. GonzoCats
  14. NKYCatFan17
  15. BeeBeeIn
  16. Kornucopia
Timestamp: 2018-05-31 16:06:17 UTC
How do you propose we do a power ranking?
Based off your 2K maybe team ratings? Participation has slowed down in this thread so I'd say it would be nearly impossible to get each person to do their own rankings. I can do my own power ratings (excluding myself) but don't want to offend anyone lmao
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