International disputes are always a debate of "good vs. evil", again this time Putin has solidified his country's status as aligned with the latter.
I've been reminding everyone I know of Ukraine's historical attachment to Russia as a justification for this invasion on his part, trying to make excuses for these illegal actions. I'm 100% wrong. Apparently a full generation of independence can turn a people's worldview on its head. This guy Zelensky asking for ammo instead of a ride out is unreal. Power to these people and F**& Putin for all times
I've been reminding everyone I know of Ukraine's historical attachment to Russia as a justification for this invasion on his part, trying to make excuses for these illegal actions. I'm 100% wrong. Apparently a full generation of independence can turn a people's worldview on its head. This guy Zelensky asking for ammo instead of a ride out is unreal. Power to these people and F**& Putin for all times