It’s not propaganda, it’s a fact. Your pro-Russian sympathies deem anything disagreeing with your narrative as propaganda.
You misunderstood what I meant. I meant Russians propagandized their troops to dehumanize their enemy too, that they were fighting some existential war against the same enemy they did in WW2. Not that you were lied to to hate the orcs more than you arleady do.
And I have no more sympathy for them than I do for Ukriane; they're the same, equally corrupt chitholes full of fools fighting this foolish and unnecessary war that adversely affects more than just them, potentially catastrophically. The only
sympathies I extend to them are the same ones I extend to everyone. And I most certainly don't have a narrative like you do, that's a projection; stop all the projecting already about anything
disagreeing with your narrative as alt-right this-that-whatever nonsense like bigbluefanga with his idiot liars.
You'll never get anywhere like that. Genuinely understanding Russia/Ukraine for what it is doesn't necessarily make one pro/anti one and the other.
Well, your “answer” was insufficient. Try harder.
You can't possibly be so obtuse to think that just because some Azov fighters were welcomed recently somehwere in Israel, that they can't be a 100% Nazi orgination, can you?
In that case, no, I will not try harder to explain it to you and this post will be the end of it. Their rebrand (hint, propaganda) from swastika to adidas three stripes logo to con the useful idiots would be hilarious if it weren't so vile and consequential.
It’s a very simple question. Give me one or two top Ukrainian GOVERNMENT officials that are proven Nazis?
The loser I posted pictured with McCain is more NAzi than David Duke. He was then proclaimed the Ukranian equivalent of their
Time man of the year.
That doesn't happen in a country where
merely .1% of the populace are nazis. You people want to spin some narrative like they are no more bigoted than America is. Cam you imagine someone like David Duke being lauded man of the year in America? That woudln;t have happened in even in 1950s America, certainly not named such as a good thing.
I never made the claim top government officials were openly nazi. My main problem with them is that they sold their country out, not that they're fascists.
it isn't incoherent, just sloppy
Ukraine has a veritable and consequential nazi (ethno-nationalist extreme right) problem; the very fact you (pl.)
insist on trying to pulll the wool over people's eyeshere like they dont is tellng, atleast to those more capable of discernment. They're not innocent in all this. They're not just like us, simply want freedom democracy and self-governance, would have it too if not for the irrational dictator next door. THAT"S what's NARRATIVE. It's telling you a story to prevent you from understanding what's actually created this whole mess. You (pl.) don't care though about what's actually true vs what isn't, only whatever furthers your pro-war narrative and
righteous bigotry. That's certainly it at worst, maybe simply naivete or willful ignorance at best for some of you, but nothing any of you have posted goes against "my narrative."

I'm well aware you
and the laughy face army here
actually believe that posters here must be pro-russian, that it's all some alt-right conspiracy, some narrative aiding and abetting the enemy cause snopes says ALex Jones or Joe Rogan wantedPutin to invade or whatever, but it's absurd. It's completely ridiculous. The anti-war argument can't be so easily pigeon-holed.