We're back to establishment business as usual in the normal climate of corruption.
False.He's shut down much of our own energy production, of course.
50K German troops back in Ukraine, where horrific fighting occurred between Wehrmacht/SS and Soviet forces ala 1941-43, plays right into Putin's and Russian nationalist hands. Nein. Nyet. Preferably a multi-national NATO peacekeeping force, but be prepared for escalation. German Bundeswehr has already deployed an armored task force to Poland.Most of the NATO countries have started to build up their armies over the last couple of years. On one side of the fence, I think it is important that countries like Germany and Poland take the lead on this situation militarily. Ultimately, I believe that is what will happen with the US offering more of a materials and support roll. Ukraine inviting in, say, 50,000 German troops would end this in a hurry.
The other side of this fence involves the perils of a militarized Europe. I have always been happy that the US has shouldered the burden of being the big Army of Europe because it keeps the peace. When wars in Europe break out, the whole world suffers. A big push by a country like Germany on this side runs the risk of breaking that seal and we could see them, or some other European nation getting more aggressive in the future.
As a whole, there is no possible way that the US and NATO can ignore Russia's efforts here. They already did that with Putin back in 2015 in Crimea and now we have this mess. Our decision not to bring a tougher response to the multiple cyberattacks and hacking over the last few years appears to have emboldened them as well. How we managed to just sort of shrug our shoulders after discovering they had been hacking government systems for months is still mind boggling to me.
What does bringing aid and comfort to the enemy mean to Trump Republicans? They are constantly siding with Putin in this thread against their own country, and yet it never occurs to them? I guess that's small potatoes to attacking your own country so probably a step down on their treasonous trajectory.
Russia and Putin are our enemies. Don't you nuts get that?
Also starting to think the only way to avoid Russian expansion is to mobilize and show a force greater than Russia's with attack capability in region.
not that I know shit.....
Wack Jobs….
We all know why Trump loves him some Putin.
I honestly would think some of you guys who wanted to live out your 80’s Red Dawn fantasies would kind of not be on the side of the murderous tin pot dictator with nukes who openly talks about bringing back the old Soviet Empire.
Of course Russia is already there and of course most former USSR satellites speak Russian. What I am referring to, however, is a contiguous border. Annexation of Ukraine is pretty much equal to annexation of Transnitria.Russia already has Transnistria, just like Crimean & parts of Donbas. Like 20-25K Russian troops there. No taking about it. You're right about Moldova. Maybe they'll come to their senses and merge into Romania. You're talking two countries whose peoples are more alike than Russians & Ukrainians. They speak the same language for starters.
False. Look at the "Crude Oil" tab on your graph.False.
As of Nov 2021, US natural gas production was at an all time high.
Also as of Nov 2021, US crude oil production was at its highest level since April 2020, and higher than any time in history prior to October 2018.
Most of the NATO countries have started to build up their armies over the last couple of years. On one side of the fence, I think it is important that countries like Germany and Poland take the lead on this situation militarily. Ultimately, I believe that is what will happen with the US offering more of a materials and support roll. Ukraine inviting in, say, 50,000 German troops would end this in a hurry.
The other side of this fence involves the perils of a militarized Europe. I have always been happy that the US has shouldered the burden of being the big Army of Europe because it keeps the peace. When wars in Europe break out, the whole world suffers. A big push by a country like Germany on this side runs the risk of breaking that seal and we could see them, or some other European nation getting more aggressive in the future.
As a whole, there is no possible way that the US and NATO can ignore Russia's efforts here. They already did that with Putin back in 2015 in Crimea and now we have this mess. Our decision not to bring a tougher response to the multiple cyberattacks and hacking over the last few years appears to have emboldened them as well. How we managed to just sort of shrug our shoulders after discovering they had been hacking government systems for months is still mind boggling to me.
Agreed. Global thermal nuclear war will not matter as long as we go to a bowl and the final 4.I think it’s funny to me that I can count the number of posts on my left hand that some of you have made about Kentucky Athletics. All most of you do is come on here and post your bullshit opinions about politics or race.
What do you seriously get out of this? That you can say some of this shit relatively anonymously without the fear of getting your ass kicked?
My advice? We got a pretty good bball team this season. Football is making waves. Hell the baseball team might be halfway decent this season. Let me read that shit and not your inane ramblings cultivated by the smallest of minds.
Ninth National Championship vs Russian annexation of Ukraine...Agreed. Global thermal nuclear war will not matter as long as we go to a bowl and the final 4.
Nothing I said was false. Current production is the highest since April 2020, and higher now than any time prior to October 2018. Here's a longer time scale on the crude you can look at to see that I was right.False. Look at the "Crude Oil" tab on your graph.
US oil production peaked in 2019 at 13 million barrels per day. Now, thanks to Biden’s burdensome regulations, production has stalled at 11.7 million barrels.
And does this include Canadian oil? Keystone pipeline? Why are we now turning to OPEC? Also, shutting down the leases will affect the future production as we continue to need more energy.
"highest since April 2020, and higher now than any time prior to October 2018"Nothing I said was false. Current production is the highest since April 2020, and higher now than any time prior to October 2018. Here's a longer time scale on the crude you can look at to see that I was right.
Imports from Canada are much more volatile, bouncing up and down by month, but are at similar levels as pre-pandemic, and are currently higher than any time prior to mid 2018.
You'd think the "burdensome regulations are hurting our production" meme would have died when the right was saying it amid the largest increases in natural gas and crude oil production EVER that we saw during the Obama admin. Don't read this as me giving Obama credit for the boom - technology improvements did that. Just showing the lie that is "their regulations are shutting down out production."
You started with your conclusion - "Biden's regulations shut down production" and steadfastly cling to that trying to make reality conform to your belief rather than your belief conform to reality. No, we have not fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels. My point was there has been a good degree of recovery, that we aren't decreasing, and we're still near historic highs."highest since April 2020, and higher now than any time prior to October 2018"
Yeah, I can cherry pick windows of time to make it seem like I have a point too, but I try to be intellectually honest.
You can pick the start of the pandemic and say it's gone up a little since, but that is to be expected given the shutdown. And that says nothing about the current production ability which has been reduced, thus OPEC.
You can leave out data points to suit you (2019) and make a true statement, but that does not support your claim that I was wrong.
There’s still a lot of uncertainty regarding “the expansion of the omicron variant and the impact that it would have on the global economy and supply chains, which is the main driver around the high volatility we are seeing in oil prices,” Daher said.
It’s likely that many U.S. oil producers are being “cautious before opening the taps” in case the world goes into another wave of lockdowns and global oil demand declines again, he said. If that happens, domestic oil producers may struggle to compete against other producers with lower production costs, he said.
U.S. shale producers are also taking advantage of the high prices and profits to “increase returns to shareholders,” rather than increase drilling and investment, said Daher.
I think Putin is going to feign invading Ukraine proper and get concessions from NATO to back down, including keeping the two regions he just seized. Probably will do something similar in a year or so when Biden has to hit the election campaign.Massive cyber attacks today on Ukraine. I just wonder when/if Putin moves troops into other regions of Ukraine. A little slower than I thought, but who knows.
You started with your conclusion - "Biden's regulations shut down production" and steadfastly cling to that trying to make reality conform to your belief rather than your belief conform to reality. No, we have not fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels. My point was there has been a good degree of recovery, that we aren't decreasing, and we're still near historic highs.
Here's marketwatch in December on the recovery of US oil production. While the article does mention vague "not great relationship between Biden and oil producers" that might affect investors' confidence, there are no actual regulations in place mentioned as affecting production. And this comes after their quoted industry insider explains, in December:
This quoted industry insider forecasts about 6% increase in production over 2022, which would take us back to late 2019 production levels and erase 2/3 of the gap between current output and the pre-pandemic high.
Politards only have one hammer, "Everything's the fault of the politicans that aren't in my party," and they hammer it ceaselessly, ignoring any and all other factors that contribute to an issue.
Theory is that he wants to connect Crimea by land. The eastern part of Ukraine is ethnically Russian. Most speak Russian and see themselves as Russian.I think Putin is going to feign invading Ukraine proper and get concessions from NATO to back down, including keeping the two regions he just seized. Probably will do something similar in a year or so when Biden has to hit the election campaign.
You started with your conclusion - "Biden's regulations shut down production" and steadfastly cling to that trying to make reality conform to your belief rather than your belief conform to reality. No, we have not fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels. My point was there has been a good degree of recovery, that we aren't decreasing, and we're still near historic highs.
Here's marketwatch in December on the recovery of US oil production. While the article does mention vague "not great relationship between Biden and oil producers" that might affect investors' confidence, there are no actual regulations in place mentioned as affecting production. And this comes after their quoted industry insider explains, in December:
This quoted industry insider forecasts about 6% increase in production over 2022, which would take us back to late 2019 production levels and erase 2/3 of the gap between current output and the pre-pandemic high.
Politards only have one hammer, "Everything's the fault of the politicans that aren't in my party," and they hammer it ceaselessly, ignoring any and all other factors that contribute to an issue.
CNN? I quoted Marketwatch (owned by Newscorp, no affiliation with CNN or Warner Media), interviewing "the lead energy analyst at The Economist Intelligence Unit," a division of The Economist, again no affiliation with CNN or Warner Media. That you jump straight to something about CNN just confirms that, yes, you're a politard.I'm the politard? You're the one cherry picking and now using unsubstantiated projections... from CNN. No, we are NOT near historic highs. You can blame that on the pandemic, but you still have no basis for your assertion that production isn't being hindered.
I'll tell you what. When we surpass 2019 levels, the actual highest in history and we don't need to supplement with OPEC, you let me know.
I'll take that correction, but you still have no hard facts to support your claim regardless.CNN? I quoted Marketwatch (owned by Newscorp, no affiliation with CNN or Warner Media), interviewing "the lead energy analyst at The Economist Intelligence Unit." That you jump straight to something about CNN just confirms that, yes, you're a politard.
G would need to get agreement from another country to let their troops pass thru as G doesn't border U. Now Poland borders U & I'd trust their military over G's any day. They hate R.Most of the NATO countries have started to build up their armies over the last couple of years. On one side of the fence, I think it is important that countries like Germany and Poland take the lead on this situation militarily. Ultimately, I believe that is what will happen with the US offering more of a materials and support roll. Ukraine inviting in, say, 50,000 German troops would end this in a hurry.
It's difficult to prove a negative. I've shown that decreases in production post-pandemic are fairly small, are recovering, and in the opinion of investing publications and industry insiders, the gap between current production and pre-pandemic production is predominantly due to factors other than "burdensome regulations." The onus is on you to provide "hard facts" that such "burdensome regulations" are indeed responsible for current production levels. All you've provided is "cus I say so."I'll take that correction, but you still have no hard facts to support your claim regardless.
Speak Russian? Yes. Are ethnically Russian? No. Seem themselves as Russian? Hell no. Ukraine been independent for 30+ years. Those under 35 know nothing of being Russian. They view themselves as Western. And the 2014 invasions ended any positive vibes Ukrainians had for Russia.Theory is that he wants to connect Crimea by land. The eastern part of Ukraine is ethnically Russian. Most speak Russian and see themselves as Russian.
I don't see why the US can't stop this from here. Can someone explain?Massive cyber attacks today on Ukraine. I just wonder when/if Putin moves troops into other regions of Ukraine. A little slower than I thought, but who knows.
Ninth National Championship vs Russian annexation of Ukraine...
I'd have to think about it.
Speak Russian? Yes. Are ethnically Russian? No. Seem themselves as Russian? Hell no. Ukraine been independent for 30+ years. Those under 35 know nothing of being Russian. They view themselves as Western. And the 2014 invasions ended any positive vibes Ukrainians had for Russia.
Well he was already basically told a minor incursion would be ok.I think Putin is going to feign invading Ukraine proper and get concessions from NATO to back down, including keeping the two regions he just seized. Probably will do something similar in a year or so when Biden has to hit the election campaign.
Like I said, when we surpass the record high, which we're not even close to now, you may have a point, but as of now, you don't. And the way it's going, I don't expect you will. Oh, you'll also need to include the cost in your data. That's a little important. It seems to be going up. Get ready, it's going to go higher. Biden said so yesterday.It's difficult to prove a negative. I've shown that decreases in production post-pandemic are fairly small, are recovering, and in the opinion of investing publications and industry insiders, the gap between current production and pre-pandemic production is predominantly due to factors other than "burdensome regulations." The onus is on you to provide "hard facts" that such "burdensome regulations" are indeed responsible for current production levels. All you've provided is "cus I say so."
More bs. Go get some facts instead of shooting from the cnn play bookSpeak Russian? Yes. Are ethnically Russian? No. Seem themselves as Russian? Hell no. Ukraine been independent for 30+ years. Those under 35 know nothing of being Russian. They view themselves as Western. And the 2014 invasions ended any positive vibes Ukrainians had for Russia.
What you have is a narrative that feels true to you.Like I said, when we surpass the record high, which we're not even close to now, you may have a point, but as of now, you don't. And the way it's going, I don't expect you will. Oh, you'll also need to include the cost in your data. That's a little important. It seems to be going up. Get ready, it's going to go higher. Biden said so yesterday.
Shutting down pipelines, rewriting EPA regulations which increases production costs and discourages production and investment, delaying decisions on new oil and gas drilling on federal land, shifting to OPEC supplements, ... It's all part of the radical leftist GND agenda. Do you deny this? Gaslight much?
You don't have a leg to stand on and it's only going to get worse for you (and all of us).
Facts will lead you to a narrative if you follow the fact trend.What you have is a narrative that feels true to you.
What you have is a false claim that ignores data you don't like and makes up shit to fix it. Keep gaslighting. According to your leader, you're going to feel some truth soon.What you have is a narrative that feels true to you.
It is true, it’s true because demand has increased globally, yet our oil production is where it was 3 years ago. On top of that the administration is curtailing new oil development at the same time.What you have is a narrative that feels true to you.
Theory is that he wants to connect Crimea by land. The eastern part of Ukraine is ethnically Russian. Most speak Russian and see themselves as Russian.
Draw a line from Donetsk to Kherson and that is probably the minimum of what Putin is wanting to pry away from Ukraine.
I think it’s funny to me that I can count the number of posts on my left hand that some of you have made about Kentucky Athletics. All most of you do is come on here and post your bullshit opinions about politics or race.
What do you seriously get out of this? That you can say some of this shit relatively anonymously without the fear of getting your ass kicked?
My advice? We got a pretty good bball team this season. Football is making waves. Hell the baseball team might be halfway decent this season. Let me read that shit and not your inane ramblings cultivated by the smallest of minds.