How will they rule ??!

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I considered making fun of Trump for scheduling a full day's worth of events in Austin this coming week, but then I realized it kinda makes sense since Texas is now a battleground state.
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It was all the master plan, that he, big dog, michael moore and the gang cooked up in dragon ball zs mothers basement. We fell for it. Were so dumb
Yep, he's grasping at straws to try and make sense of his lack of rationality. He's the only one here that isn't smart enough to pick up on his deficiencies. Well, him and lek.
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So let me see if I got this right...people who WERE THERE in the middle of basically hell at the time, gave conflicting accounts of what happened, and people who WEREN'T THERE didn't believe their accounts of the events....

Yep, I'm pretty sure I know who I believe.

Moe, you sure do have a lot of trust in your elected officials, I'm sure they are very happy to have a follower like you.
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and any other crazed dictator love people like Moe.

Hitler killed millions of Jews? Show your work.
I went back through ymmot31's posting history and after reviewing several hundred of his previous posts I could not find a single one that did not contain an easily disprovable lie in it. I think his serial lying is a manifestation of a deep seeded desire he has to destroy the United States and replace it with a dictatorship where working men and women are slaves while he and his rich Russian friends rule with an iron fist as soft young pre-teen oriental boys feed them ripe grapes and olives.

Just a hunch. But that's what his entire posting history strongly suggests to the trained eye.
Well, he is one of the top 3 dumbest guys on the paddock, not including his aversion to Chris Hansen. Don't think he can help it.
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I thought it was shit that needed to be said, but something that's not comfortable to hear.
I like how he said Hillary would hire a refugee before an AA. Hes trying to make blacks think for themselves, which is good. Obviously he won't come close to winning the black vote, but nothing wrong with seeing if he can pull even a few to his side. The ones that aren't totally brain washed by the left that is.
Treated how? Please show systematic racism, or is this another long line of posts that you can't prove?
Supporting slavery, Jim Crowe laws and being against the civil rights acts are good starts.

Can you prove there hasn't been racism against blacks from the democrat party?
Well, he is one of the top 3 dumbest guys on the paddock, not including his aversion to Chris Hansen. Don't think he can help it.
What did you have to edit Eric? Two sentences and you made a mistake? I haven't forgot what you said about my wife. You might want to rethink your position.
If ymmot were reading the 2nd and 3rd lines of my posts then he would have a better idea of the incredible insight I bring to this board. As it stands now, his laziness is cheating everyone else. He's making snap judgments and then making lengthy replies based purely upon what he himself admits is only a small portion of my actual posting. He's discriminating against paragraphs. Taking the easy way out. I bet he has filed an unemployment claim and then used his single line reading as justification as if he were actually reading the entire posts thereby cheating tax payers out of their hard earned money.

Americans don't like laziness. We like people that are willing to put forward a full hard day's work not work for a few minutes then sit back and criticize everything which is clearly ymmot's M.O.

I know this board will speak as one when it comes to condemning ymmot's lazy tactics. I hope all of us, by example, can teach him the value of hard work instead of always looking for shortcuts and making snap decisions without carefully considering all available facts. He admits to not reading. He admits by default to lying. I'm not sure we can trust anything he posts quite frankly.
I made two lines that time due to my powers of observation.
Baby steps. Baby steps. You're used to living off other people's dime so it is going to take time for you to get used to putting consistent effort into something instead of just sitting by the exit ramp looking for a handout.
FINALLY some of what I called out a month ago is being looked at:

Manafort’s Ukraine ties being probed by FBI

The Justice Department and the FBI are conducting a wide-ranging investigation into allegations of corrupt dealings by the government of former Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovych, including the hiring of Washington lobbyists for the regime by former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a senior law enforcement official confirmed to Yahoo News.

The investigation, which was first reported by CNN, began two years ago after Yanukovych fled Kiev to Moscow and was replaced by the current government of Petro Poroshenko, the official said. But the inquiry has expanded in recent weeks in the wake of the discovery of documents showing $12.7 million in payments to Manafort by Yanukovych’s Party of Regions political party. Investigators are also looking into reports that Manafort recruited two top Washington lobbying firms to advocate on behalf of a Belgian nonprofit that investigators now believe may have served as a front for Yanukovych’s party. Neither of the firms, the Mercury Group and the Podesta Group, represented a foreign government or political party.

The disclosure of the Justice Department investigation came on the same day that Manafort stepped down as Trump’s campaign chairman — news that sent new shockwaves through Republican circles. Manafort, who served for years as a campaign consultant to Yanukovych, declined requests for comment. But a close associate of his who asked not to be identified explained his resignation this way: Manafort “is not going to take orders or relinquish power to people like” Kellyanne Conway, the new Trump campaign manager, and Steve Bannon, the newly named CEO of the campaign. The Manafort associate also blamed the rapidly unfolding Ukraine allegations on “oppo research” being spread by Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s former campaign manager and a bitter foe of Manafort

Ken Gross, a lawyer at Skadden Arps, which represents the Mercury Group, one of the lobbying firms recruited by Manafort, told Yahoo News that his firm has been “engaged to look into the matter” of whether Mercury was required to register as a foreign agent with the Justice Department when, at Manafort’s request, it agreed to represent the Brussels-based European Centre for a Modern Ukraine in 2012. Lobbying reports reviewed by Yahoo News show that the firms sought to burnish Yanokovych’s reputation and lobbied against congressional resolutions condemning the regime’s treatment of political opponents and opposing Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Baby steps. Baby steps. You're used to living off other people's dime so it is going to take time for you to get used to putting consistent effort into something instead of just sitting by the exit ramp looking for a handout.
That sounded just like the idiot lek. Is he another of your aliases?
Ziusuckra, you have claimed in the past to live in a country outside the US. Where are you? Why don't you live in America?
Yes, LEK is me and I am him. Always has been. Always will be. I am all your tormentors rolled into one. We will always be with you.
Yes, LEK is me and I am him. Always has been. Always will be. I am all your tormentors rolled into one. We will always be with you.
I see you dodged the question. How about the lie you told about people offering to pay you for your writing prowess? Can you provide an example of your musings from anywhere other than being the village idiot on a sports message board?
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From what I read, there were people that were praising Trump for coming and asking for HRC and O'bama to come. Once again, you take the word of one person to represent the word of all people. I wonder why lek doesn't call you on it?

I'm sure Trump's visit bound up the wounds of the injured, healed the sick, and brought the dead back to life, and was absolutely not for PR. And that there was absolutely no diversion of over-taxed resources to accommodate him. He was in his element, walking on water.

I'm sure Trump's visit bound up the wounds of the injured, healed the sick, and brought the dead back to life, and was absolutely not for PR. And that there was absolutely no diversion of over-taxed resources to accommodate him. He was in his element, walking on water.
Quoted so you couldn't sober up and erase it.
If trump had not visited Louisiana, President Obama would have never bothered to go there. Why? Because the victims of the current disaster don't matter.

I'm sure Trump's visit bound up the wounds of the injured, healed the sick, and brought the dead back to life, and was absolutely not for PR. And that there was absolutely no diversion of over-taxed resources to accommodate him. He was in his element, walking on water.
Twist it any way you want, boy. Bottom line is trump showed up, Obama played golf and Hillary took a few "days off".
If trump had not visited Louisiana, President Obama would have never bothered to go there. Why? Because the victims of the current disaster don't matter.

Since obuma can't run again, he doesn't need their votes anymore, and he's stopped pretending. Hellary's team still had to make some phone calls, though... to get some kind of excuse out there for the lemmings.
Twist it any way you want, boy. Bottom line is trump showed up, Obama played golf and Hillary took a few "days off".
He's not a "boy". He's an old dude that overextends himself at times. Unless you were using "boy" as a racial designation. Again, you are wrong in my estimation. His cognitive awareness clearly points to him being white, of European descent. You are correct in your assumption that O'bama is not in Louisiana because he is playing golf. It is unfair to point out that HRC is not there. Since she is in hiding, there are a myriad of places we can imagine she is not present at for any reason she tells us is viable.
Trump looked more Presidential today than Obama has in 8 years. Trump made Obama look so bad that Obama had to schedule a visit to LA for Tuesday.
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