How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
DNC convention had lots of security and demanded ID to enter, sooooooo. And most of those dreamy liberal (and very white) Nordic countries limit immigration and require IDs.
HUH? What does this have to do at all with voting in America? Nice diversion tactic but the facts are that NC and other states are trying to disenfranchise black voters.
Moe you and others have your heads so far up the President's rear end that you can't even admit that maybe, just maybe that the President playing golf while parts of LA suffer is just plain wrong.
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HUH? What does this have to do at all with voting in America? Nice diversion tactic but the facts are that NC and other states are trying to disenfranchise black voters.
April 29, 2008 the Supreme Court ruled in. 6-3 decision that Indiana's voter id law was Constitutional. Guessing you didn't know that cardkilla.
How much simpler do I need to make it to limit the context so narrowly that you can't rathole? You prove my point above. No, there was no magic flourishing (again with the strawman and drama). Thus when you look at the data across time and both parties in control there are no reasons for the drastic 95% support.

Not so. The reasons are historical. Nixon ostentatiously tried to pick up the supporters from the Wallace campaign after the assassination attempt in 1972. The Southern Strategy. Reagan began his campaign with a States Rights speech at the Neshoba County Fair in 1980. Dog whistles. Voting rights finagles. Gerrymandering, Education has been used as a football for temporary electoral advantage. (Democrats reached across the aisle to pass Bush's education agenda only to have those things repudiated by Republicans once Obama took office,.) So, no. There are plenty of reasons why black voters don't believe Republicans, Even the effort to get police abuses dealt with fairly (Black Lives Matter) has been fanned into a shiatstorm of antagonism. Do you think a "pivot" and a speech are going to make people forget that?
Moe you and others have your heads so far up the Predidrnt's rear end that you can't even admit that maybe, just maybe that the President playing golf while parts of LA suffer is just plain wrong.

Or maybe not. FEMA funds were released promptly as soon as the size of the issue became known. There are dozens of times during the year when parts of states are declared disaster areas. The president doesn't fly out to each one or he'd do nothing else.
Or maybe not. FEMA funds were released promptly as soon as the size of the issue became known. There are dozens of times during the year when parts of states are declared disaster areas. The president doesn't fly out to each one or he'd do nothing else.
He's playing golf and yuking it up Moe. Damn this isn't that hard to see.
April 29, 2008 the Supreme Court ruled in. 6-3 decision that Indiana's voter id law was Constitutional. Guessing you didn't know that cardkilla.

Some voter id laws are ok. Kentucky has a voter id law that hasn't disenfranchised anyone. Some have been self-consciously designed to do exactly that. Some voter id laws have been crafted to insure accurate elections. Some have been designed to keep people from voting.
. (Democrats reached across the aisle to pass Bush's education agenda only to have those things repudiated by Republicans once Obama took office,.)
Ungodly dishonest again. Compare Bush's behavior in that bill to Obama's with the stimulus and ACA. "we have the votes, f%&k them" was the actual stance.

(I'm going to kick my own ass for actually trying to have an exchange on a nice day with this insufferable pos)
Hahahaha you keep proving yourself to be the biggest idiot douche nozzle here.

Yes, if you read dragon ball zs posts, he claims that he and others here are part of the inner circle of the democratic party. So yes, sycophant is a perfect definition. It also fits in with the rest of you who refusw to acknowledge any shortcomings of anyone with a D next to their name. Another definition of sycophant is an uninformed ass kisser. Which describes all you little tools perfectly. Youre uninformed and you kiss each others ass every time you like one of each others tirades.

And it seems to me like youre the one who doesnt know what a tirade is. As i used it, and also basically defined it in my description. I believe a 2 day spew of nonsense would qualify as a long, angry rant would it not.

So yes, keep trying little boy. It is comical. You and your little minions look either: a. More stupid or b. More willing to sacrifice your true beliefe to ride the democratic schlong, on a daily basis.

Its comical you trying to insult intelligience pn this board when youre clearly the one who needs to google definitions. And then still cant understand application of the words. Get bent.
Now that's a tirade. But grats on 1000 words about not knowing what a word meant, silly clown.

I mean look at this, this is your America. Guy doesn't know the definition of the word, it gets defined for him, and he still argues that he's not wrong. This is how stupid our country has become. Overrun with dumb. There is literally no justification, yet he thinks there is.

It's so easy. They don't even understand basic English, or separation of government powers, yet the spew forth gibberish thinking they're right. :joy::joy::joy:
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Republicans are held to behavior from the 60s and Dems behavior from that time is anctient history. Noted.

And BLM is above questioning or disagreeing with. Also noted.
Ungodly dishonest again. Compare Bush's behavior in that bill to Obama's with the stimulus and ACA. "we have the votes, f%&k them" was the actual stance.

(I'm going to kick my own ass for actually trying to have an exchange on a nice day with this insufferable pos)

Well, you brought up the ACA. So, if you want to kick yourself, ask Susan Collins about it first.
Republicans are held to behavior from the 60s and Dems behavior from that time is anctient history. Noted.

And BLM is above questioning or disagreeing with. Also noted.

You asked about why the GOP isn't trusted. Don't ask a question you don't like the answer to.
Most places it isn't a big deal. NC's was horrific and got axed. Most states do ok for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
Lady in Ohio voted I think 8 times for President Obama in the last election. Got caught and prosecuted because she bragged about it. Voter Id would have helped prevent this I would hope
Lady in Ohio voted I think 8 times for President Obama in the last election. Got caught and prosecuted because she bragged about it. Voter Id would have helped prevent this I would hope
If it's who I think you are talking about, she received 5 years in prison for it (though, she was released and placed on probation after about a year). Now, I don't know for a fact that she voted for Obama, as I don't believe that ever came out in the courts. No, I will admit that I don't know it for a fact, although, if I had to bet on it, I know which way I would be betting.
On another note, the progressives are again behaving in a barbarous, despicable manner at a Trump rally, this time in Minneapolis. They assaulted attendees as they were leaving, making some people run a gauntlet in which they were slapped and punched. I thought that George had called off the dogs, but perhaps I was wrong- or perhaps some of the more radical believers are disinclined to listen to George. In any event, the victims included several elderly people and women.

No doubt that MSM will give this exactly the same level of coverage that they would give a bunch of rabid Trump thugs assaulting elderly Hillary rally attendees (assuming that they are any attendees at a Hillary rally; that's questionable). I eagerly await that level of coverage from the national media. I'm sure it's on the way.
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If it's who I think you are talking about, she received 5 years in prison for it (though, she was released and placed on probation after about a year). Now, I don't know for a fact that she voted for Obama, as I don't believe that ever came out in the courts. No, I will admit that I don't know it for a fact, although, if I had to bet on it, I know which way I would be betting.
This is just one example. I just want an honest election. Either side doing this, procecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
Guys, I'm feeling scared.

I'm afraid a piece of shit is going to be our next president.


Any advice?
Make up stuff, use hyperbole at all times, never back any statement with facts. Even if its shown your argument is garbage, dont relent, if you say it enough times, it becomes truth. Also, have a vocabulary of a 5th grader and pretend that you understand which each branch of government does when you really dont. The biggest point is to call everyone an idiot without any justification.
Make up stuff, use hyperbole at all times, never back any statement with facts. Even if its shown your argument is garbage, dont relent, if you say it enough times, it becomes truth. Also, have a vocabulary of a 5th grader and pretend that you understand which each branch of government does when you really dont. The biggest point is to call everyone an idiot without any justification.
That person already is president.
Some voter id laws are ok. Kentucky has a voter id law that hasn't disenfranchised anyone. Some have been self-consciously designed to do exactly that. Some voter id laws have been crafted to insure accurate elections. Some have been designed to keep people from voting.

Show your work. Why and how are the "racist" ones bad?

Why isn't lek calling you out for this?

I also see you failed to comment on the clnton foundation article I posted for you after your day long argument of no wrong doing.
Now that's a tirade. But grats on 1000 words about not knowing what a word meant, silly clown.

I mean look at this, this is your America. Guy doesn't know the definition of the word, it gets defined for him, and he still argues that he's not wrong. This is how stupid our country has become. Overrun with dumb. There is literally no justification, yet he thinks there is.

It's so easy. They don't even understand basic English, or separation of government powers, yet the spew forth gibberish thinking they're right. :joy::joy::joy:

Come on genius, show your work.

How was I wrong? Please enlighten me.

Who does this sound like.. what is wrong with people these days? Making claims without any verification. They just say it so many times that eventually they believe it becomes fact.... my god you're the biggest POS hypocrite here. I don't say this much, because I pray that a lot of people act differently online than real life, but I feel horrendously sorry for your husband and anyone else who you know.

Again, please show your work. I did. Both definitions and the context of use. But you just keep repeating thru same nonsense again, champ!
Make up stuff, use hyperbole at all times, never back any statement with facts. Even if its shown your argument is garbage, dont relent, if you say it enough times, it becomes truth. Also, have a vocabulary of a 5th grader and pretend that you understand which each branch of government does when you really dont. The biggest point is to call everyone an idiot without any justification.

You forgot the rest of yalls plan: multiple accounts to post the same drivel.
Show your work. Why and how are the "racist" ones bad?

Why isn't lek calling you out for this?

I also see you failed to comment on the clnton foundation article I posted for you after
your day long argument of no wrong doing.

I don't know if I saw your post since I don't check attribution on posts. I remember a post which faulted the foundation for paying so much on salaries. I responded by pointing out that the CF runs its own programs rather than give out grants. Charity Watch, an audit group, found that they spend about 88% on charity. If you posted something else I didn't see it.
Trump is riding a very powerful message in Fredericksburg right now. I have the feeling it's too late and the public's image of him is already baked in so it is all for naught.

But as a political wonk, I have to admit he has a great message in his mouth right now. If he had hit this lick coming right out of their convention then he would be President. Very strong message.