How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Where you at Eric? You want to get down and dirty, boy? Do you want to answer for hoping my wife is raped by a couple of black guys? Don't hide on me now, you were a big man then.
It's so funny when the dems try to say they have the smarter fan base. Science proves 13% are one standard deviation below, history proves the other 87% aren't far ahead.

I'm sure Trump's visit bound up the wounds of the injured, healed the sick, and brought the dead back to life, and was absolutely not for PR. And that there was absolutely no diversion of over-taxed resources to accommodate him. He was in his element, walking on water.
You new to politics? No one said he was healing the sick and all this other nonsensical stuff...after all Obama was the savior. You would think though since dems are all about feelings..showing up would have showed you cared...right?...that would have been the message if hildawg showed up. Because the the whole message against trump has been what such a meanie he is and how the libs care so much about equality. His appearance, yep all political...the same reason no one from the left showed's a poor, crime ridden city bc it always been run by democrats and they know all they have to do is tell low level thinkers that are of any race that their all in the gutter and there's no way they can ever make it without the government so they shouldn't expect to or try otherwise. It's not systematic's the systematic slavery of the left. Live how we tell you bc you can't live without us. They don't care to show up because they want those people to live off of them...that maintains the votes.
I like how he said Hillary would hire a refugee before an AA. Hes trying to make blacks think for themselves, which is good. Obviously he won't come close to winning the black vote, but nothing wrong with seeing if he can pull even a few to his side. The ones that aren't totally brain washed by the left that is.

Anyone who thinks he is trying to win black votes is silly. What he is trying to do is spread a message so that they won't show up in droves and vote Hillary. He is hoping he gives them enough to just not show up period, which is exactly what he should do.

An old white rich dude isn't winning over a bunch of inner city youth, nor is he winning middle class blacks trying to be civil but happy to see those struggling still fighting the system.

But if he wins, and his policy actually helps blacks then he can ask for their vote in the next election.
Lol, the ***sycophants*** are out in full force.

You all better pray, well scratch that for dems, you all better climb in your safe place and hope some scandal comes out or trump will keep chipping away.

I posted facts about the clinto foundation, and after a whole day of moe saying how it was perfectly legitimate, he has glossed over those facts. What happened moe? i showed my work!

You can literally feel dragon ball z getting more nervous by the hour. Albanys making sure his ballroom deposit is refundable. Or maybe looking into obamacare event insurance.

***i finally used the term that lek went on a 2 day tirade about me supposedly using. Now bash away at how i used it...correctly. as did the previous poster, ms. All knowing one***
Wait, I thought screwduke was Heisman reincarnate? First the fat boys break up, and now this.
Trump up 1 point over Hillary in LA Times daily tracking poll....
Recently, I clicked on the "show ignored content" and noticed that a whole host of our moonbats were gloating about various polls.

I learned that Texas and Georgia are battleground states, and that Hillary is up by 9 points in North Carolina, of all places.

I then checked out various national polls- Rasmussen, Zogby, Pew, LA Times, USC, etc, etc, and the consensus was that Hillary was up by 2 to 4 points.

And now in one national poll, Trump is up.

This is puzzling. If Trump was down by 9 in NC, and more or less tied in Georgia and Texas, then he would be down at least 12 points nationally- unless, somehow, he was running neck and neck in blue states like New York or Illinois (which is highly unlikely).

Since I have no reason whatsoever to doubt the national polls, the only logical conclusion is this- the moonbats are submitting skewed, flawed state polls. There is no other possibility, other that the very unlikely chance that Trump is outperforming in the blue states.

The election is probably going to be decided by the debates, Clinton's health issues, or lack thereof, and Wikileaks, or lack thereof. It's not certainly not going to be decided by Texas or Georgia, and, if North Carolina goes blue, it will be by 1 to 3 points, and certainly not 9.
Exhibit #4001 for the Prosecution:

THE HILL: A tale of two Louisiana disasters and media bias. “A very simple question, if George W. Bush was president right now and playing golf with celebrities in one of the richest zip codes in the country, would the headlines again be everywhere that portray him as insensitive, out-of-touch, even a racist president be the same now as they were 2005? Of course they would. Instead, President Obama continues his vacation that includes fundraising events for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and the relative silence is deafening.”

Ouch. That stings.....
From that link:

"Thirty-eight percent believe news coverage is slanted in the Democratic nominee's favor, the poll found. Twelve percent say the media is actually in GOP nominee Donald TrumpDonald TrumpProtesters push, spit on Trump donors at Minn. fundraiserTrump slow to fill in details of policy plansGOP rep: Trump doesn't have one trait I'd want my son to emulateMORE’s corner. Twenty-seven percent say the media is neutral, with another 23 percent unsure or having no opinion."

So, if I am an upstanding and delusional media guy, what's the takeaway? First, only 38% think we're biased against Trump, which approximates the number of people who intend to vote for him, if you believe polling. And since I clearly don't care about the people who intend to vote for Trump, I shouldn't care about this poll, either. Second, an even 50% say the media is neutral or they are brain dead and have no awareness. Which is an affirmation of me, no doubt.

Lol, the ***sycophants*** are out in full force.

You all better pray, well scratch that for dems, you all better climb in your safe place and hope some scandal comes out or trump will keep chipping away.

I posted facts about the clinto foundation, and after a whole day of moe saying how it was perfectly legitimate, he has glossed over those facts. What happened moe? i showed my work!

You can literally feel dragon ball z getting more nervous by the hour. Albanys making sure his ballroom deposit is refundable. Or maybe looking into obamacare event insurance.

***i finally used the term that lek went on a 2 day tirade about me supposedly using. Now bash away at how i used it...correctly. as did the previous poster, ms. All knowing one***

Simple Definition of sycophant
  • : a person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval
So you think they're sucking up to Clinton to gain approval from Clinton?

You think Clinton reads cats paws political thread? Got it. Thanks.

Also, pretty sure you don't know what tirade means either.

Keep trying though. It's funny watching clowns work.
Sheesh. You see? People who don't get it don't know they don't get it.

I just summarized this entire thread in a couple of sentences. I think I'm good as far as staying above this maelstrom.

But you keep on keeping on, Woodward.

Not exactly. There are facts: clinton took bribes. Kept an illegal email server, lied about it, destroyed evidence. lied to the American people about benghazi. Had her husband double his speaking fees soon as she went into office. Her husband met with AG days before they decided not to prosecute. On and on.

Then there are baseless accusations: Russia is trying to help trump win. Trump is racist. Trump is a bigot. Trump is stupid. On and on.

Then there are the clever, strawman arguments/lies: secretary of state always used a private email (yes but didn't do state business and view classified material on it). Immigrant businesses do really well, and they pay alot in taxes (which uses legal immigrants like Dr's, tech industry to pull up the ILLEGAL immigrant numbers, which are a drain on our nation).

About 4 accounts, maybe all the same person, repeatedly spew ridiculous left talking points no matter what. About the same amount of accounts do the same for the right.

About 2 accounts (you included) drop by every so often to say how stupid everyone is. Yet, you read it all and provide no input. Odd.

The rest genuinely discuss topics openly and intelligently.

THAT basically sums up this thread.
Sheesh. You see? People who don't get it don't know they don't get it.

I just summarized this entire thread in a couple of sentences. I think I'm good as far as staying above this maelstrom.

But you keep on keeping on, Woodward.
Only you didn't stay above it, you jumped right in it. I think you'll fit in nicely. Welcome aboard!
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Reactions: Supreme Lord Z
You new to politics? No one said he was healing the sick and all this other nonsensical stuff...after all Obama was the savior. You would think though since dems are all about feelings..showing up would have showed you cared...right?...that would have been the message if hildawg showed up. Because the the whole message against trump has been what such a meanie he is and how the libs care so much about equality. His appearance, yep all political...the same reason no one from the left showed's a poor, crime ridden city bc it always been run by democrats and they know all they have to do is tell low level thinkers that are of any race that their all in the gutter and there's no way they can ever make it without the government so they shouldn't expect to or try otherwise. It's not systematic's the systematic slavery of the left. Live how we tell you bc you can't live without us. They don't care to show up because they want those people to live off of them...that maintains the votes.

Since the Governor of LA asked that Obama not show up, I guess responding to need was on Obama's mind.

Democratic mayors of San Francisco have really destroyed that town. It's just something in that party.

I see the new meme has been thoroughly digested. Blacks did so well under the Bushes, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Eisenhower, Hoover, and Coolidge that I'm surprised they ever changed their voting habits.
Supporting slavery, Jim Crowe laws and being against the civil rights acts are good starts.

Can you prove there hasn't been racism against blacks from the democrat party?
So, heads up, slavery ended in 1865, or roughly 150+ years ago. So when you say all democrats now are racist because they defended something 150 years ago, well, that's beyond stupid. So thanks for proving my point.
I see the new meme has been thoroughly digested. Blacks did so well
Ah, the ole strawman with a side of dramatic effect. The clear point is that liberal policies and data under Dem presidents does not support the 95% voter loyalty. Illegal immigration specifically affects blacks more than any other group. Try using your brain to process context and stop reading David Brock's spin on every subject.
Ivory tower liberalism would be dead without the pandered votes from and through fake support for the poor minorities. That is why it pisses them off so much that poor whites have shunned them.
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Since the Governor of LA asked that Obama not show up, I guess responding to need was on Obama's mind.

Democratic mayors of San Francisco have really destroyed that town. It's just something in that party.

I see the new meme has been thoroughly digested. Blacks did so well under the Bushes, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Eisenhower, Hoover, and Coolidge that I'm surprised they ever changed their voting habits.
Governor asking Obama not to show up? Political spin.
Moe's continued assertion that the LA governor called Obama and asked him not to come is just dishonest. The group leading that talking point is Media Matters.

I will say though that the photo op stuff for natural disasters is just stupid. Just part of our dumbed down political culture.
Simple Definition of sycophant
  • : a person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval
So you think they're sucking up to Clinton to gain approval from Clinton?

You think Clinton reads cats paws political thread? Got it. Thanks.

Also, pretty sure you don't know what tirade means either.

Keep trying though. It's funny watching clowns work.

Hahahaha you keep proving yourself to be the biggest idiot douche nozzle here.

Yes, if you read dragon ball zs posts, he claims that he and others here are part of the inner circle of the democratic party. So yes, sycophant is a perfect definition. It also fits in with the rest of you who refusw to acknowledge any shortcomings of anyone with a D next to their name. Another definition of sycophant is an uninformed ass kisser. Which describes all you little tools perfectly. Youre uninformed and you kiss each others ass every time you like one of each others tirades.

And it seems to me like youre the one who doesnt know what a tirade is. As i used it, and also basically defined it in my description. I believe a 2 day spew of nonsense would qualify as a long, angry rant would it not.

So yes, keep trying little boy. It is comical. You and your little minions look either: a. More stupid or b. More willing to sacrifice your true beliefe to ride the democratic schlong, on a daily basis.

Its comical you trying to insult intelligience pn this board when youre clearly the one who needs to google definitions. And then still cant understand application of the words. Get bent.
Congrats to DT for making it through a week without saying something completely repulsive. We'll see how much the damage has already been done.

On the black vote, it's just really hard for DT to beg for their support when Republicans in several states are trying to keep as many of them from voting as possible. Backing cops over them, wanting more untrained cops in their neighborhoods and so on.

DT has a mass of wealth he could have used to help black communities and only builds in places where his clientele are mostly white and mostly wealthier.

I do believe he gets more than 1 or 2 percent though. Probably 7 or 8%. 1-2% just seems like an improbable percentage to be taken as accurate. Hard to fathom.
DNC convention had lots of security and demanded ID to enter, sooooooo. And most of those dreamy liberal (and very white) Nordic countries limit immigration and require IDs.
Ah, the ole strawman with a side of dramatic effect. The clear point is that liberal policies and data under Dem presidents does not support the 95% voter loyalty. Illegal immigration specifically affects blacks more than any other group. Try using your brain to process context and stop reading David Brock's spin on every subject.

Republicans have always made this pitch. What's supposed to be new about it? What different happens when Republicans win the White House? Republicans held the White House continuously for 12 years, Reagan to Bush. 12 years is long enough for some magic benefit to be noticed, More than that, Democrats held the office for only 4 years in 24. The Carter term. Was there some kind of magic flourishing of the lot of blacks in America that has been mysteriously forgotten?
Was there some kind of magic flourishing of the lot of blacks in America that has been mysteriously forgotten?
How much simpler do I need to make it to limit the context so narrowly that you can't rathole? You prove my point above. No, there was no magic flourishing (again with the strawman and drama). Thus when you look at the data across time and both parties in control there are no reasons for the drastic 95% support.