How will they rule ??!

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All things bush should be banned from politics. Ronald regan said it best; the scariest words you can ever hear are; I am a politician, I am here to help. I respected what bush sr stood for but w, was a joke. If another bush somehow is elected to presidency prepare for the great recession part 2. Your not going to find ole W in the primaries pimping out any republican nominee. He has the likeness of Herbert Hoover or Franklin pierce another bad president related to Barbara bush. Say what you want about bill Clinton or Hillary for that matter, but growing up in the 90s the man did a good job as commander and chief. Clinton had his vices, but what president didn't? Chicks dig the saxophone. Clinton left office with a 60% approval rating as well as a surplus. Not many can say that. i truly think Hillary will win in a landslide especially if it gets bill back in the White House. I have a better chance than Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. That being said, I would vote for rand Paul or Chris Christie. As long as they stick to their beliefs. In the end I really don't think it will matter unless saint regan is somehow resurrected for the nomination. Like it or not Hillary will be president 45. She may not be the best choice to the haters, but like Obama people who have never voted before will go out and vote just to see a woman president. Sarah palin easily costed McCain the election and set republican women in poltics back 50 years.

The tea party sucks, they are slowly killing the Republican Party
All things bush should be banned from politics. Ronald regan said it best; the scariest words you can ever hear are; I am a politician, I am here to help. I respected what bush sr stood for but w, was a joke. If another bush somehow is elected to presidency prepare for the great recession part 2. Your not going to find ole W in the primaries pimping out any republican nominee. He has the likeness of Herbert Hoover or Franklin pierce another bad president related to Barbara bush. Say what you want about bill Clinton or Hillary for that matter, but growing up in the 90s the man did a good job as commander and chief. Clinton had his vices, but what president didn't? Chicks dig the saxophone. Clinton left office with a 60% approval rating as well as a surplus. Not many can say that. i truly think Hillary will win in a landslide especially if it gets bill back in the White House. I have a better chance than Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. That being said, I would vote for rand Paul or Chris Christie. As long as they stick to their beliefs. In the end I really don't think it will matter unless saint regan is somehow resurrected for the nomination. Like it or not Hillary will be president 45. She may not be the best choice to the haters, but like Obama people who have never voted before will go out and vote just to see a woman president. Sarah palin easily costed McCain the election and set republican women in poltics back 50 years.

The tea party sucks, they are slowly killing the Republican Party
A surplus of what? The national debt was still there. Also, Hillary not the best choice for anyone hater or not. But, I agree she will probably be it because of being a woman.

Federal debt (not deficit) as a % of GDP
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Ohio representative Ron hook has proposed Ohio bill 147. Those who are not familiar with this ingenius it might be the stupidest idea I've ever heard of. Basically, he wants anyone who is not a felon and over the age of 21 to be permitted to carry a gun, without training or a permit. Reason being, soccer moms amongst others don't have the time, money, or resources to take a class on gun control. My question would be if you can shell out a few hundred dollars for a gun, what's 50 bucks being taught how to use it? What's the worst that could happen?

Speaking of another genius idea how about the idiot in California who happens to be a lawyer that wants to introduce the idea that gays should be stoned to death because the bible says so. First and foremost, I am a Christian I believe everyone should be respected(with the exception of certain groups such as terriosts) I know what the bible says about certain things but I do not believe you are sent to eternal damnation for a lifestyle. I believe God has a plan for everyone and when our time has come we will understand that plan he set for us
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Russian GDP shrank by a full 2% over the first three months of the year. Medvedev says their central bank is predicting at least a 4% contraction over the course of 2015.
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All things bush should be banned from politics. Ronald regan said it best; the scariest words you can ever hear are; I am a politician, I am here to help.

This perfectly exemplifies the mindset that is leading this country to ruination. Our Government is us, or is supposed to be us. You, right now, are faced with a vast globalist network of corporations and individuals that want to make nations and borders a thing of the past. Your own Government, the Government you are supposed to have, is the only thing on earth even remotely possessing the power to keep these greed addled SOBs in check. They don't care nothing for your country and your Government is the only threat to them in existence. Why do you think they are so intent upon crippling it? You are hating the one thing that can save you.

One small question, seriously... other than Government what power do you posses against multinational billion dollar corporations and individuals? How, in what way, aside from your Government, do you keep that kind of power even remotely in check? How do you keep them from polluting every stream, from selling the contractor that builds your home contaminated toxic products that your family will live in, how do you keep your retirement savings from being ripped off by unscrupulous traders... what oversees the playing field aside from Government? What made this country different from all others before it? What did we create that was new, unique, and that changed the entire course of history? A company, a corporation, or a Government?

What asinine idiotic myopic reasoning is it to conclude that the one thing that has separated this country from all others in history, our form of Government, is what the problem is while countryless wolves eat away at what once was your sovereignty?
I guess we just have different levels of faith in the government, Z.

"The government you are supposed to have" is wildly different than the government we have.

It's not only the corporations, but a large portion of the American government at this point that want to make nations and borders a thing of the past.

Obviously it's never going to happen, but step one would be taking power away from the government. The more power that's centralized in Washington, the easier it is for those corporations you hate so much to buy that power. At least the large businesses are honest with the fact that their intention is to make money. And they don't have guns. An oil company never "liberated" a foreign state. No one goes to Washington to serve the public. They go to Washington to get rich.

Our government is the problem. And a retarded American electorate that can be bought off with shiny objects ensures nothing is changing.

Honestly Z, at this point, there's no fixing the government. You just need to find a way to take advantage of the retards that keep perpetuating the system.
This perfectly exemplifies the mindset that is leading this country to ruination. Our Government is us, or is supposed to be us. You, right now, are faced with a vast globalist network of corporations and individuals that want to make nations and borders a thing of the past. Your own Government, the Government you are supposed to have, is the only thing on earth even remotely possessing the power to keep these greed addled SOBs in check. They don't care nothing for your country and your Government is the only threat to them in existence. Why do you think they are so intent upon crippling it? You are hating the one thing that can save you.

One small question, seriously... other than Government what power do you posses against multinational billion dollar corporations and individuals? How, in what way, aside from your Government, do you keep that kind of power even remotely in check? How do you keep them from polluting every stream, from selling the contractor that builds your home contaminated toxic products that your family will live in, how do you keep your retirement savings from being ripped off by unscrupulous traders... what oversees the playing field aside from Government? What made this country different from all others before it? What did we create that was new, unique, and that changed the entire course of history? A company, a corporation, or a Government?

What asinine idiotic myopic reasoning is it to conclude that the one thing that has separated this country from all others in history, our form of Government, is what the problem is while countryless wolves eat away at what once was your sovereignty?
So, I take it you are for bigger government? If so, what would stop them from taking from you once they got so big and pwerful enough to change the constitution and you could not stop them by voting them out. By taking away your right to protect yourself under the second amendment by everntually taking away your guns. Taking away your freedom to speak out against them once they have total control. PC police is a start in that derection. Government control? NO. Smaller government yes.
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I like everything about Hillary. Her fake cackle, her black cadence when the audience fits, her asleep-at-the-switch malfeasance leading up to and during the Benghazi massacre, her conducting state business on her private email (and then wiping the server clean), her totally sincere townhall coffee shop discussion, etc. Most of all I like her populist message. I totally believe she's got the middle class' back. The middle class really thrived and grew during Obama's tenure, and with Clinton representing Obama's third term, I'm sure that trend will continue. She seems nothing like the prototypical dishonest, money grubbing politician we've all come to detest. She's a real breath of fresh air.
Thank god McConnell got in over Grimes.

Every single one of you that said you were voting against Grimes asked Mitch McConnell to go to Washington DC and represent you so he could push for reauthorization of the most sweeping secretive government surveilence program the world has ever seen.

I hope you all are happy with yourselves.
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So essentially a Republican, Mitch MConnell, wants to expand the use of big government by having the Patriot renewed till 2020?

We're so screwed. so so screwed. let me guess, that same bill prolly increases police's military ability too. I got about 20 more years in this country and I'm gone. Not coming back to this police state.
The only way to fix congress is to take private money out of the campaigns. Criteria could be set to give a set amount public money to "qualified" candidates. That's the only way you are ever going to get respectable people running for election.
The only way to fix congress is to take private money out of the campaigns. Criteria could be set to give a set amount public money to "qualified" candidates. That's the only way you are ever going to get respectable people running for election.
What you have stated is the truth, but in no shape or form will it ever happen. Ever.
What you have stated is the truth, but in no shape or form will it ever happen. Ever.

Not so fast my friend. If enough guys with gyrocopters fly to Washington and land on the Capital lawn, we might get this done.:D

Seriously, though, since the only way the payola gravy train will ever get cut off is if the recipients decide to do so, it doesn't make me feel too warm about the chances either. Sort of like asking kids to quit eating candy. The temptation is too great.
The same posters continually yelling to get money out of politics are the same posters who continually support giving more and more power to the federal government.

Why not stop sacrificing so much goddam power to the federal government so the money doesn't buy as much?

Would it be great to get money out of politics? Sure. But there's a zero percent chance of that happening.
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Not so fast my friend. If enough guys with gyrocopters fly to Washington and land on the Capital lawn, we might get this done.:D

Seriously, though, since the only way the payola gravy train will ever get cut off is if the recipients decide to do so, it doesn't make me feel too warm about the chances either. Sort of like asking kids to quit eating candy. The temptation is too great.
That was a pretty cool move that the guy did with those copters.

Yeah, money ruined politics. George Washingtonn turned a yearly salary, but then took it, because he didn't to want the office to be ran by people who could afford to go without pay (meaning only the rich serve). Little did he know, that money would be the only thing that drives politics in the future.
HW was a very solid president. Unfortunately, his son will detract from that legacy.

Hell, HW was probably the last US President to have a cohesive and rational foreign policy.

I thought HW was good at the time. Would have been 2 terms had Perot not split the vote.

That said, looking back on it I truly think HW was the beginning of the end in terms of the presidency being almost predetermined by power brokers/fundraisers.
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Did anybody catch the contradiction in wall2boogie's argument above? After praising Bush Sr., and trashing the son, he can't believe anyone could possibly vote for "another Bush." In many ways I agree. But then he goes on the suggest the primary reason to vote for Hillary would be the success of her husband's tenure. Boogie, you just proved, vis a vis Bush, that legacy is no predictor of success, then you tout Hillary as Bill's legacy and the reason to vote for her.
The same posters continually yelling to get money out of politics are the same posters who continually support giving more and more power to the federal government.

I don't really understand what your criticism is. I cannot recall a time where I have suggested government is too small, I have always maintained it should right-sized. Big enough to carry out it's constitutionally mandated mission and nothing more. Of course there can be differences opinion on what is and is not a government function, that's understood. For instances I view health care and education as functions of the government whereas you may not. I'm not going to change you and you won't change me.

However what I do think people can agree on is belief in the basic structure of our government and the balance of power with the three branches. When one branch's power is stretched the other branches can act to pull it back. Some in Congress objected to the presidents actions on deportation of illegals, now that matter is in the courts and it likely go the supreme court. If they believe executive power has been overreached, they have the power to overturn it. Portions of the Patriot Act which came in to effect under Bush 43, and received near unanimous bipartisan support after 9-11 may also get court challenges.

So in effect what I'm saying is I have faith in the basic structure of our government as outlined by the Founders. It seems to have worked so far more or less - albeit tested mightily at times, and while not perfect its probably better than most anything else out there.
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The Patriot Act was needed, but not in it's current form. Too much power given to the government that's led to citizen's freedoms to be compromised.

The Patriot Act was a knee jerk reaction to 911, just as invading Iraq was. Both went too far.
However what I do think people can agree on is belief in the basic structure of our government and the balance of power with the three branches. When one branch's power is stretched the other branches can act to pull it back.
Do you honestly believe this is actually occurring right now? It certainly isn't being checked nor balanced. The Exec branch and to a lesser extent the Judicial have been running roughshod over the Legislative....not close. Now granted we have some historically bad people running it, it still gets trampled as an institution. Shoot, I'm even surprised how D's in the Legislative branch allow themselves to get run over as well. Used to be more pride out there than that.

But hey, anything to win!


When one branch's power is stretched the other branches can act to pull it"

hahahaha. That's comedy
After watching the conduct of the federal legislature over the past 20 years, I'm not exactly sad that they've rolled over.
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I get your sentiment, but that's a different topic altogether from Deee's, imo.

i actually think they're linked. if people actually gave a damn who they were sending to washington instead of the letter next to their name, perhaps the executive wouldn't have run roughshod over the legislature in the post-Lewinsky era.

we've been electing people who are good at winning primaries, not people who are good at legislating.
So how many years back has this Chilean volcano set us in trying to stop man from ruining the world? Carbon emmissions have to be off the charts.
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Honestly Defense just lives in some fantasy world. There is absolutely zero balance of powers at this point. And there won't be until a R gets into the executive branch (if that ever happens).

I really wish, Defense and everyone like him could stop participating in the electoral process based on their fantasies about how the world works. You've had your chance. When you're an old ass man campaigning for a guy who's biggest supporters are young dipshits who live in their parent's basements, and people voting solely because of race, you should probably take a step back and think about what the hell it is you're supporting.

Instead, let's run up $20 trillion of debt the future generations can pay off and make sure we take away any autonomy the states once enjoyed, centralizing that power in the federal government. $20 trillion we can take out of the economy the future generations will live with and a strong centralized government that can be bought by anyone with enough money.
Man Rand Paul needs to kick his son square in the ass.

DUI and crashing into a parked car are the start of dad's presidential primary. Shewee.

Kid needs to claim he's an alcoholic, take whatever punishment the DUI brings, go to rehab and become some redemption story. Oh wait, nevermind. He's a Republican. Nothing short of the electric chair is going to satisfy the media.
i actually think they're linked. if people actually gave a damn who they were sending to washington instead of the letter next to their name, perhaps the executive wouldn't have run roughshod over the legislature in the post-Lewinsky era.

we've been electing people who are good at winning primaries, not people who are good at legislating.