How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
internal GOP polling data from Utah:

Trump 26%
Clinton 26%
Johnson 25%



Considering Obama was blown out 70/30 in Utah, more than any other state, back in 2008, that is one helluva turnaround.
I would like to hear from the liberals on here...have/has/had a liberal group or leader ever done anything wrong?

I just get the feeling that a lot of the liberal thinking is usually justified with an excuse rather than a reason.

Sure. There have been liberal bad guys. Since when do political ideas inoculate people from moral failings?

You want a list? I'm not in the business.

Let's look at the cooked indignation. The recent spiel about the Clinton Foundation and salaries. The CF rarely gives grants. They conduct programs themselves. They've been audited (Charity Watch) and 88% of the donations to the foundation go to charity. But to make the Clintons into the most evil people on the planet, that wouldn't be a good story.

Take the uranium deal. Bill Clinton's approval had supposedly been bought. He was flown into Kazakhstan by a billionaire who used Clinton to get government approval for the deal. Except 1) Kazakhstan isn't Russia. Separate country. 2) The deal didn't have anything to do with Clinton's visit and had been finalized weeks prior to Clinton getting there. 3) Clinton wasn't in Kazakhstan at the behest of the rich guy. And 4) uranium is a commodity and sales of it don't require gov't approval. But a good story. Evil Clintons.

"Sounds like evil" stories follow them around like pariah dogs. Now this may shock you, but some people may have been paid to concoct them.

Take the Algerian donation for Haiti. Joe Scarborough reported that Algeria had used that donation to get off the Terror Watch list. ooooh. Evil Clintons. Except Algeria is an ally, doesn't support terror, and isn't on any terror list.

And so it goes.

Just yesterday or the day before, a story about a DNS standards body became Obama giving control of the internet to the Russians and Chinese. If you know anything about computers you know its pure nonsense, but if you're constantly being told whoppers, it's just one more example of evil Democrats.
Sure. There have been liberal bad guys. Since when do political ideas inoculate people from moral failings?

You want a list? I'm not in the business.

Let's look at the cooked indignation. The recent spiel about the Clinton Foundation and salaries. The CF rarely gives grants. They conduct programs themselves. They've been audited (Charity Watch) and 88% of the donations to the foundation go to charity. But to make the Clintons into the most evil people on the planet, that wouldn't be a good story.

Take the uranium deal. Bill Clinton's approval had supposedly been bought. He was flown into Kazakhstan by a billionaire who used Clinton to get government approval for the deal. Except 1) Kazakhstan isn't Russia. Separate country. 2) The deal didn't have anything to do with Clinton's visit and had been finalized weeks prior to Clinton getting there. 3) Clinton wasn't in Kazakhstan at the behest of the rich guy. And 4) uranium is a commodity and sales of it don't require gov't approval. But a good story. Evil Clintons.

"Sounds like evil" stories follow them around like pariah dogs. Now this may shock you, but some people may have been paid to concoct them.

Take the Algerian donation for Haiti. Joe Scarborough reported that Algeria had used that donation to get off the Terror Watch list. ooooh. Evil Clintons. Except Algeria is an ally, doesn't support terror, and isn't on any terror list.

And so it goes.

Just yesterday or the day before, a story about a DNS standards body became Obama giving control of the internet to the Russians and Chinese. If you know anything about computers you know its pure nonsense, but if you're constantly being told whoppers, it's just one more example of evil Democrats.

Thank you for helping to prove my point. Democrats do no wrong in liberals eyes.
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Yes, that is what he said. I was sitting right there beside him when he said it. And even verified his answer after he said it:

WettCat: "So, just to confirm, you never gave Hillary advice about an email server?"

Colin, (notice I said Colin--cause we are on first name terms) "Not only no, but Hell no. Only thing I ever told that lying bitch was to cut some salt out of her diet and hope those hideous cankles go away."

And then we ordered another round of tequila shots.
Yes, that is what he said. I was sitting right there beside him when he said it. And even verified his answer after he said it:

WettCat: "So, just to confirm, you never gave Hillary advice about an email server?"

Colin, (notice I said Colin--cause we are on first name terms) "Not only no, but Hell no. Only thing I ever told that lying bitch was to cut some salt out of her diet and hope those hideous cankles go away."

And then we ordered another round of tequila shots.
Best thing about partying with Colin is your money is no good. I don't care if he's just big timin', free booze is the best booze.
Why not quote the rest of your response? You didn't name one thing, instead you gave examples of how they were made to look bad, when nothing was done in the liberal view.

He's not going to say any names. Because he would have to get off the Democrat titty long enough to think for himself and we both know he is enslaved to the liberal game plan. You're asking for a pipe dream.
He's not going to say any names. Because he would have to get off the Democrat titty long enough to think for himself and we both know he is enslaved to the liberal game plan. You're asking for a pipe dream.

I know. It's the only way to call them out, and really expose them. Arguing left and right does nothing. However if you ask them to list things that their party has done wrong, well...that shows the true colors.
Why not quote the rest of your response? You didn't name one thing, instead you gave examples of how they were made to look bad, when nothing was done in the liberal view.

Right. I said all of that. The question was if liberals ever admit that liberals do anything wrong? Which is a no-brainer. Sure, they do. And if LBJ is a liberal, I just attacked him up above there. A list would just be a source of harangue. I provided an alternate list because that would put you on your toes, accusation-wise. And frankly, who cares?The standard accusations against the Clintons have been manufactured. The disproof has been proffered. And it doesn't diminish the accusations. There were boocoo investigations into Benghazi. None of them found anything. The Republican head of one committee admitted the investigations were political. The man who wrote the speech the Benghazi widow gave at the convention has denounced Trump. And yet, nothing will diminish the bile the next time someone here wants to denounce Clinton over the incident. Why provide proof when it's disregarded? People can't be reasoned out of positions that haven't been reasoned into.
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Right. I said all of that. The question was if liberals ever admit that liberals do anything wrong? Which is a no-brainer. Sure, they do. And if LBJ is a liberal, I just attacked him up above there. A list would just be a source of harangue.

hahaha, "if"
Moe couldn't even confirm LBJ as a liberal.

What an attack. That was vicious

"Hey Hey LBJ. How many kids did you kill today?"
Right. I said all of that. The question was if liberals ever admit that liberals do anything wrong? Which is a no-brainer. Sure, they do. And if LBJ is a liberal, I just attacked him up above there. A list would just be a source of harangue. I provided an alternate list because that would put you on your toes, accusation-wise. And frankly, who cares?The standard accusations against the Clintons have been manufactured. The disproof has been proffered. And it doesn't diminish the accusations. There were boocoo investigations into Benghazi. None of them found anything. The Republican head of one committee admitted the investigations were political. The man who wrote the speech the Benghazi widow gave at the convention has denounced Trump. And yet, nothing will diminish the bile the next time someone here wants to denounce Clinton over the incident. Why provide proof when it's disregarded? People can't be reasoned out of positions that haven't been reasoned into.
It really depends on where you get your information from whether or not anything was found. They said the same things about her emails and we all know how that turned out. Bill did not have sex with that woman either. Hillary has never lied according to them either. The list of inconsistencies with Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, its legitimacy, and her email scandal is long. Many investigations have found many things, it is only Obama and his administration that continue to blow if off or better yet, sweep it under the table. It is obvious that the nose in front of your face blocks your view of reality. Wipe the Clinton dung off of it and perhaps you could see a little better.
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Right. I said all of that. The question was if liberals ever admit that liberals do anything wrong? Which is a no-brainer. Sure, they do. And if LBJ is a liberal, I just attacked him up above there. A list would just be a source of harangue. I provided an alternate list because that would put you on your toes, accusation-wise. And frankly, who cares?The standard accusations against the Clintons have been manufactured. The disproof has been proffered. And it doesn't diminish the accusations. There were boocoo investigations into Benghazi. None of them found anything. The Republican head of one committee admitted the investigations were political. The man who wrote the speech the Benghazi widow gave at the convention has denounced Trump. And yet, nothing will diminish the bile the next time someone here wants to denounce Clinton over the incident. Why provide proof when it's disregarded? People can't be reasoned out of positions that haven't been reasoned into.

You can stop now...we get it. Thank you again, though.

Can't put me on my toes, kid. I know that none of them are perfect and they ALL have their flaws. All of them are corrupt, some more than others.
You do realize it's not "foreign donations" everyone cares about, correct? Or are you that stupid?

It's the donations from foreign oppressive regimes and the favors Clinton was granting in return for the donations.
Yeah, then there's your Trump campaign manager resigning amidst a cloud of stories involving him taking 12 million or so from Putin's henchmen in Urkraine so there's that.
I know for a fact that Hillary did nothing wrong with regards to Benghazi. I read it in the paper and they can't report anything that isn't the truth. How do you people think we got the rule that everything posted on the internet must be true? Stop bickering for two seconds and just think!

What possible profit motive could there be for the MSM to lie to us? To sell more papers? To ensure the corporations that own them continue to receive favorable position from the government? I'm glad our government is so transparent and kept that way by the press. I mean, how could it remain of the people, by the people, and for the people if it wasn't?
what did Michael Moore know, and when did he know it? It's almost enough to make me not take him seriously.

Michael Moore then:
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald J. Trump is going to win in November … Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP.”

Michael Moore now:
Donald Trump never actually wanted to be President of the United States. I know this for a fact.
It was called Operation Pimp Trump. We had to convince naive gullible rube Republicans to actually nominate a narcissistic loud mouthed lunatic in order to completely destroy their party and yeah, it worked.
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I think Trump has had the best week of his campaign so far. Great speeches, no stupid off the cuff remarks for the media to rip, hiring Bannon and Conway. For those of you that believe polls, they are all showing Trump gaining ground. And showing actual leadership by visiting Louisiana. If Trump has more weeks like this he can win.
I know for a fact that Hillary did nothing wrong with regards to Benghazi. I read it in the paper and they can't report anything that isn't the truth. How do you people think we got the rule that everything posted on the internet must be true? Stop bickering for two seconds and just think!

What possible profit motive could there be for the MSM to lie to us? To sell more papers? To ensure the corporations that own them continue to receive favorable position from the government? I'm glad our government is so transparent and kept that way by the press. I mean, how could it remain of the people, by the people, and for the people if it wasn't?
The head of the committee isn't in the MSM and he said Benghazi was political. The guy who wrote the widow's speech at the RNC isn't in the MSM and he's denounced Trump.

MSM or what you want to believe?
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Hey Hey LBJ. How many kids did you kill today?

Well, at that particular moment in time--- Hey Hey Richard Milhous Nixon, not-currently-the-president-or-holding-political-office, How many kids did you kill today?--- just didn't have a nice ring to it.

Though, something tells me that the Berkeley crowd was probably still working on it.
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I think Trump has had the best week of his campaign so far. Great speeches, no stupid off the cuff remarks for the media to rip, hiring Bannon and Conway. For those of you that believe polls, they are all showing Trump gaining ground. And showing actual leadership by visiting Louisiana. If Trump has more weeks like this he can win.
Trump dropped like a rock in the polls. His campaign manager was revealed to be a paid stooge for one of Putin's old Ukraine strongmen and thus had to resign. Trump picked a novice blogger with zero political campaign experience known more for hating on Paul Ryan than anything else and also claimed Ryan was going to lose a campaign in which Ryan won upwards of 80% of the vote... so you're right that was Trump's best week of the general election campaign so far because he's the absolute worst political candidate since ever so merely catching everything on fire and successfully not detonating the entire building into a flaming death ball would certainly appear to be a victory at this point.
The head of the committee isn't in the MSM and he said Benghazi was political. The guy who wrote the widow's speech at the RNC isn't in the MSM and he's denounced Trump.

MSM or what you want to believe?

So the words of the survivors means nothing.

You have three choices:

Believe the words of the survivors

Believe the words of a politician

Believe the words of the media

Who you gonna believe?
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