- Is it just me or are female athletes as a whole getting much hotter? Used to be news when one was dope (Kornikova, Jennie Finch) but now it seems about 20% or so are legit.

- Oh shout out to my baby daughter for giving me the dreaded summer cold. ☹️

- Get me to September. 🙏🏻
- Is it just me or are female athletes as a whole getting much hotter? Used to be news when one was dope (Kornikova, Jennie Finch) but now it seems about 20% or so are legit.

You’re just getting old, the amount of females I find attractive now compared to when I was in my mid 20s is staggering. The only way to not find a world class fit female in her 20s not attractive at this point is if she has some weird freakish build like a gymnast or shot put thrower or if she’s very manly.
Lass got an upper respiratory infection and I told her we were shipping her to her parents house until she gets better. She told me to eff off and leave her alone. The 6 year old comes in and tells her she can’t stay here if she’s sick and will help her get her things packed. It was the little ones idea. I was just relaying the message.
Needless to say I’m now the bad guy and she’s not leaving. Mumbled something about the little one being around me too much as I retreated to the man cave.

Trump giving money to Kamala more than once and his daughter doing the same makes them both a RINO. Wonder how he’ll spin that one now that he’s called everyone else that term that’s gone against him. Just thought the karma was funny, not trying to be political.
magically, Kamala already has enough votes to secure democratic nomination. Amazing how all that came together 😉. other democrats with hopes of running basically just got told to stand down..don’t even think about another democrat running. They picked your nominee for you.

Really enjoying this new political thread seeing people’s opinions who don’t post on actual political thread. ( I am being serious here, no matter which side you are on).
Trump giving money to Kamala more than once and his daughter doing the same makes them both a RINO. Wonder how he’ll spin that one now that he’s called everyone else that term that’s gone against him. Just thought the karma was funny, not trying to be political.
Well Trump also donated a lot to the Clinton's over the years and apparently some porn stars as well. So I'm sure he's got this covered already. He does have a history of giving money to women in exchange for one favor or another. Hell that's what we all do in some capacity. Just most of us aren't billionaires.
magically, Kamala already has enough votes to secure democratic nomination. Amazing how all that came together 😉. other democrats with hopes of running basically just got told to stand down..don’t even think about another democrat running. They picked your nominee for you.

Really enjoying this new political thread seeing people’s opinions who don’t post on actual political thread. ( I am being serious here, no matter which side you are on).
Thats It Al Pacino GIF
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  • What’s the point of a political party if the party doesn’t get to nominate who it wants? They probably figured that the risk of opening it up (having candidates trash each other for a few weeks before voting at the convention) would do more harm than good for the general election.
  • It was clear that they had Biden debate Trump so early because they knew there was a chance this would happen. Trump was basically told “take it or leave it” so I get why he debated at that time. But why did Biden?
  • The Braves let Austin Riley leave the game in the 9th inning last night because his wife went into labor. I’m all for family and crap like that, but dude, you’re paying that guy $20M a year. Is it too much to ask him to stick around an extra 10 minutes to finish the game? It was at home for Christ’s sake. He would have made it just fine.
  • Maybe the Olympic basketball team will turn it on, but they don’t look good right now. Should have had Reed on the team.
  • I don’t like how these huge tech outages just bring businesses like Delta to a grinding halt and nobody stops and says “ya know, maybe we should have a backup plan in place to mitigate this sort of thing.
  • Dollywood has some banger roller coasters. My son did all of them but was scared to do Wild Eagle. So about thirty minutes before the park closed I said, “nah son, we’re going whether you like it or not.” Ended up riding it two more times as the crowd was gone. He told me it “changed his life” although I’m not noticing any changes these last few days.
  • Louisville putting in a Clear Line so that I can further avoid even the precheck riffraff has been a pleasant addition. Place has been an absolute zoo lately. Never underestimate the American consumer I guess.
  • Starbucks should put in a black coffee only express line. They could even do surge pricing (e.g., oh, the regular line is 10 minutes long? Your coffee will be $10). I’d pay that in a heartbeat sometimes. Instead I’m just standing here waiting for Olivia, Emma and Charlotte to order their iced, shaken, frozen, sweet, drizzled, whipped, soy, oat milk macchiatos (with an extra shot).
  • Women (and hence women athletes) are getting prettier and its due to social media. Go back and look at the pictures of women on Facebook in 2009 and compare that to today. Everybody has learned how to do makeup better, dress better, frame a picture better, etc. And hell, the WNBA has basically a runway fashion show as the players arrive each night. May not be great, but the point is everybody seems to be trying harder.
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I also think hussies today take better care of themselves. They work out more or have access to information on how to work out smarter, eat better and use all kinds of advanced skin care.

I mean how many girls today hang out in smoky bars, rip heaters and drink cheap beer out of a pitcher? The 90’s were wild.
Social media has changed everything. I can't get on Youtube now without getting a ton of video's of women who were not good enough to play on a golf tour show up all dolled up with their chest hanging out to get clicks. Applies to most sports now.
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I mean hot damn if you could press a button and go back for one night.
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Andy vs Vance would be a no contest imho - Andy is a dork but Vance is fake ass who just wants to be liked - Andy would crush him in a debate
Andy was born with a silver spoon up his ass. Vance was born to a single mom with an addiction.

One joined the marines and got an ivy league degree. The other made a career for himself off his dad's name.

Andy Beshear is a fake.
I also think hussies today take better care of themselves. They work out more or have access to information on how to work out smarter, eat better and use all kinds of advanced skin care.

I mean how many girls today hang out in smoky bars, rip heaters and drink cheap beer out of a pitcher? The 90’s were wild.
Rogue would disagree with you on this.
I don’t like how these huge tech outages just bring businesses like Delta to a grinding halt and nobody stops and says “ya know, maybe we should have a backup plan in place to mitigate this sort of thing.

Was supposed to go to Mexico for work yesterday. Delayed to today. Woke up at 3:30 to my 6:00 am being cancelled. I am relieved because felt like I was about to fly into a mess in Atlanta. But it is a pretty jarring situation that Delta is the company having the most trouble. I would have expected Allegiant but not Delta.
-Again, politics are fine in here if you don't just sling shit. Obviously, sports are dead right now and we've had a fairly monumental last 3 weeks of political news. It's fair game.

-The Bobby Newport routine works well in Kentucky but I can't imagine it translating nationally.

-Upgraded to a 38" LB curved desktop monitor. Holeeeeeeshit this is a game changer. Still adapting to snap but much better than 3 different sized displays.

-Hussies take care of themselves because they are realizing that barre, spin, yoga, trampoline aerobics, (insert dumbass class where you sweat) isn't the answer. Get to the gym and lift weights mixed with some light cardio. Mostly off the popularity having a big ass. I love it. Leg days are easily the biggest fat burning exercise you can do. Ladies never lifted back in the day, if they did it was super light. Now they murder in there. Just dead lifts, RDLs, squats, bulgarians, lunges. Lower quadrant > the rest. Love it.

-ATL and Charlotte customer service line pictures were a nightmare. No rental cars, no hotels, no clue on when they'll get rebooked. Guy here at work got in at 3:00 after being stranded in Charlotte for 2 days. I would've ubered as far as I needed to get a car and drove.

-Why not just make black coffee at home? Cheaper. easier, better.

-Walked in to my 9 year old standing on the kitchen counter and a whole boxes of chips exploded on the floor. I'm like, "what the f*ck are you doing?" No clear explanation. He wasn't even eating the chips. He was just standing on the counter and knocked them off. The destructive ability of those kids is astounding.