How will they rule ??!

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Where are the indictments for the Clinton Foundation? Why hasn't a single prosecutor brought it before a grand jury being as criminal as it apparently is?
Where are the indictments for the Clinton Foundation? Why hasn't a single prosecutor brought it before a grand jury being as criminal as it apparently is?

Guess you'd have to ask the F.B.I. and the U.S. Attorney's office.

I'd guess it's probably because the investigation is on going and they are still gathering information...witnesses and all.
Just when you thought the Libs couldn't lower their standards any more than they already have... several of these nude "Trump" statues (titled: The Emperor Has No Balls) popped up in public (note the children in the photo) areas of major US cities.



Hopefully, Trump laughs it off and says something like "at least they got the hair right"... then, when he becomes the president, he can gut the National Endowment for the Arts.
Not looking forward to the Hillary response.
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Does Correct the Record's second shift start at 4 pm est, or is that when McDonald's first shift lets out?

Z's timing is the same every day.
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Sailor goes to jail for taking pics of classified submarine. Uses Clinton defense, but Judge doesn't buy it. Because he isn't Clinton, duh

Where are the indictments for the Clinton Foundation? Why hasn't a single prosecutor brought it before a grand jury being as criminal as it apparently is?
Most people believe insider trading is widespread but it is rarely charged or victiced because it is so hard to prove. Same with backroom quid pro quo deals. They are not stupid and they know even blatant dealings won't be pursued by the media and they have plenty of fluffers to explain it away.
Hillary promises to shut Breitbart down if she wins. But yes, its the republicans that are fascists.
Because it is important to the American people that they not be let in on the inside information. She's a politician for the people.
So the words of the survivors means nothing.

You have three choices:

Believe the words of the survivors

Believe the words of a politician

Believe the words of the media

Who you gonna believe?

There was contradictory testimony. The people who examined the witnesses -- Republican and Democrat -- didn't believe them. I wonder why.
Sailor goes to jail for taking pics of classified submarine. Uses Clinton defense, but Judge doesn't buy it. Because he isn't Clinton, duh

There is a major difference here. He didn't take the pictures to circumvent FOIA rules. He took pictures to show his kids what he did at work. His reason didn't call into question national security and was able to be prosecuted.
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False. Zero chance. Just like there was zero chance the DOJ was going to actually go after her for the laws she broke.

Hope you're wrong. But I actually think you're correct. Was just poking at some libs .

He has indicted a democrat before, so I have a glimmer of hope.
Lol. Obama is in Fricken Marthas vineyard.. he is going Tuesday when his vacation is over. Guess he won't need security then. And I guess major political party nominees don't require security.
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Obama was asked by the governor of Louisiana to not come. It would take too many security personnel. Trump , of course, went to get his photo op.
I see...glad to know local government officials have say over the president..makes sense though on the security..democratic ran cities are usually unsafe. Point was his statements have done nothing to reflect helping..his entire focus was race...flooding apparently discriminates
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There was contradictory testimony. The people who examined the witnesses -- Republican and Democrat -- didn't believe them. I wonder why.

So let me see if I got this right...people who WERE THERE in the middle of basically hell at the time, gave conflicting accounts of what happened, and people who WEREN'T THERE didn't believe their accounts of the events....

Yep, I'm pretty sure I know who I believe.

Moe, you sure do have a lot of trust in your elected officials, I'm sure they are very happy to have a follower like you.
Obama was asked by the governor of Louisiana to not come. It would take too many security personnel. Trump , of course, went to get his photo op.
From what I read, there were people that were praising Trump for coming and asking for HRC and O'bama to come. Once again, you take the word of one person to represent the word of all people. I wonder why lek doesn't call you on it?
I went back through ymmot31's posting history and after reviewing several hundred of his previous posts I could not find a single one that did not contain an easily disprovable lie in it. I think his serial lying is a manifestation of a deep seeded desire he has to destroy the United States and replace it with a dictatorship where working men and women are slaves while he and his rich Russian friends rule with an iron fist as soft young pre-teen oriental boys feed them ripe grapes and olives.

Just a hunch. But that's what his entire posting history strongly suggests to the trained eye.
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I went back through ymmot31's posting history and after reviewing several hundred of his previous posts
How sad. Particularly when you consider that I only read the first sentence of your ramblings. I have no idea what you said beyond the quoted part.
I am better than you. I assimilate information better than you do. I am more consistent in my position than you are. If I cease to exist, the world would be lesser for it. See the difference?
If you're only reading the first line of my posts then you can't possibly be sure so your lies are rapidly painting you into a corner where you will be forced to confront the awful truth of your clinical afflictions. All the soft asian boys on earth will not save you. I have won again.
If you're only reading the first line of my posts then you can't possibly be sure so your lies are rapidly painting you into a corner where you will be forced to confront the awful truth of your clinical afflictions. All the soft asian boys on earth will not save you. I have won again.

Actually, one could gather your point from reading the first sentence of your posts 95% of the time.

You tend to write 10 page reports repeatedly repeating your first sentence.
North Carolina was supposed to be a purple state. But Democrats are suddenly ahead in all the big races. What’s going on?

If you want to understand the larger dynamics at play in the 2016 election — and how they are reshaping the clash between Republicans and Democrats in real time, from the top of the ticket to the bottom — there’s no better place to look than North Carolina.

And that’s a problem for the GOP.

Once upon a time, the Tar Heel State was reliably Republican, at least on the presidential level. Sure, Jimmy Carter — a southern governor with strong Evangelical ties — won there in 1976. But otherwise N.C. voted for every GOP nominee from Richard Nixon in 1968 to George W. Bush in 2004, and much of the time it wasn’t even close: George H.W. Bush trounced Michael Dukakis 16 percentage points in 1988, and his son defeated another Massachusetts Democrat, John Kerry, by more than a dozen points 16 years later.

That’s why it was such a big deal when Barack Obama inched past John McCain in North Carolina in 2008; his win seemed to signal some sort of shift. Still, Obama’s minuscule margin of victory — a mere 14,177 votes — suggested that, rather than voting Democratic from here on out, N.C. voters would be toggling back and forth between the parties. The fact that Mitt Romney recaptured the state in 2012 while losing nationally only confirmed the conventional wisdom: North Carolina might not be a solid red state any more, but it certainly hadn’t transformed into a solid blue state, either.

What to make, then, of the latest N.C. polling?

According to an NBC/Wall Street Journal survey conducted between Aug. 4 and 10 by Marist College — one of only two firms awarded a statewide accuracy grade of “A” by FiveThirtyEightHillary Clinton now leads Donald Trump by a staggering 9 percentage points in North Carolina. Down ballot, incumbent Republican Sen. Richard Burr is trailing Democratic challenger Deborah Ross by 2 points among registered voters, 46 percent to 44 percent. And in North Carolina’s gubernatorial race, incumbent Republican Gov. Pat McCrory is losing by 7 points to Democratic challenger Roy Cooper, who leads 51 percent to 44 percent.
If you're only reading the first line of my posts then you can't possibly be sure so your lies are rapidly painting you into a corner where you will be forced to confront the awful truth of your clinical afflictions. All the soft asian boys on earth will not save you. I have won again.
No, idiot, you're wrong again. Everyone that posts here remembers a couple of months ago when you were all in on Trump. They remember when you called Bill the "big dog". You are a fool who is so full of shit it drips out of several locations of your despicable soul. Others see it, you are incapable. Address me some more boy, give me some laughs.
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What do you think of that?
I think he's asking them to engage in abstract thought. Science tells us it is futile. If he could somehow persuade a respected representative to tell them what to think, he might be on to something. He should make his message available via cartoon or rap song.
I think he's asking them to engage in abstract thought. Science tells us it is futile. If he could somehow persuade a respected representative to tell them what to think, he might be on to something. He should make his message available via cartoon or rap song.

I thought it was shit that needed to be said, but something that's not comfortable to hear.
No, idiot, you're wrong again. Everyone that posts here remembers a couple of months ago when you were all in on Trump. They remember when you called Bill the "big dog". You are a fool who is so full of shit it drips out of several locations of your despicable soul. Others see it, you are incapable. Address me some more boy, give me some laughs.

It was all the master plan, that he, big dog, michael moore and the gang cooked up in dragon ball zs mothers basement. We fell for it. Were so dumb
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