How will they rule ??!

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This is very accurate. The GOP are total pussies. They took it up the rear by liberals and the media and after they got destroyed, they just tuck their tails and do nothing. That's what is typical of the GOP. That's what we got in McCain and Romney.

Finally an alpha male comes along and conquers the enemy and the village and these twits are standing their pissing their pants still at the fear of liberals.

Illegal ALIENS. Don't be dragged into popular vernacular. If it is illegally here, it is not an immigrant. PERIOD. Otherwise, yes. Horrible, indeed. Inhuman at the very least. Subhuman at some component.

All the same according to left. They all deserve a piece of the pie. What you just said is racist.
Look up the 1996 Telecommunications Act which Clinton and Republicans were both responsible for. That allowed all of these major networks to gobble up pretty much everything. When you have six companies controlling 90 percent of what we read and see, you think that's not going to be used for some bigger agendas?

Regarding what generates all of the radical left to journalism, you can't help but think it's because all journalism professors are Democrat. All of college is becoming very much to the left and when you're young, you're idealistic and wanting to save the world and "fight the system" so that mentality sticks with them at universities and in the newsroom at the university newspaper and then they move on to the workforce where these newspapers/websites are Democrat and you're surrounded by even more people just like you and your bosses only push this agenda.

Then like you mentioned, think about where our major newspapers/news stations often are- New York, D.C. and L.A. I'd say most of those people don't even know anyone who drives a truck.

So it's just a huge echo chamber and you're putting these people in charge of hiring other writers. It's just like academia and probably even Hollywood. You think a conservative is going to get hired in these far left industries with libs in control? NOPE.

Shit man look what happened at U.K./lexington with that sexual assault stuff....both very liberal/democratic papers btw, the herald and kernel. Both trashed by U.K. for simply reporting on sexual assaults committed by U.K. employee. Student newspaper publically called out by the damn president of the university simply for doing their job, embarrassed, drug through the court system where they lost bc universities make their own rules citing bs like title ix and privacy. That is not progressive, not transparent, it's exactly the type of slanderous bs the left used to control the message and push their idealogy. It's shameful shit and just a horrible example for the students.
Now this one is actually an excellent point and I touched on it during the campaign. The sole bright spot all of you idiots may point to in Trump winning ....

What's idiotic about being excited about this President -- at least as things stand now? (sarcasm maybe?)
I can see why the globalist / NWO crowd are pissed....and others -- but a common citizen=?
I'm very excited about seeing an admin ROLL BACK bad agreements like TPP, gain endorsements from the AFL-CIO and Teamsters within the first 2 weeks of his admin and make tangible progress to reverse the damage that was being inflicted (BOTH parties) by setting up the conditions that encourage many businesses to leave etc....
I don't know how it will end but I"m 100% pleased with how this admin has started -

The complexity of reparations alone -- that's assuming people want to do it as sensibly as possible make it nearly impossible to execute.
I've thought about it from several angles though --but since African warlords routinely sold slaves and Jewish merchants transported them - then their descendents would need to be included with the group that's somehow expected to pay "the fair sum"

Identifying the right receivers of the one time payment would probably as difficulty
Anyone who immigrated here after the "Proclamation" would be exempt

If we take the non-sensical, and reckless approach of having "all white people" pay "all black people" or (the I've heard more commonly) - have "The Government" pay for it.....then -- depending on how you calculate the 'damage' (and if you benchmark from 1865 [?] to 2017 dollars -- you could do even more damage to the dollar and -- that taxation recklessly foisted upon people who have never been slave owners will further damage / deepen distrust (which just plays into the hands of a govt that wants Control)

it would be refreshing to see someone bring up the fact that chattel slavery (or situations very close to it) still exist today -- as in .... actual slave raids being conducted and slaves sold or "used"......I know there are lots of issues out there but it seems this one doesn't get a lot of spotlight.
Which is truly the more important fight?

Kick Al Sharpton, Van Jones, Angela Rae, Don Lemon, and all the other race hustlers to the curb and let's get back to being the party of the middle class. You can't split a country along racial lines and expect to govern it.

Yes - well said
They aren't trying to strengthen the original framework of our Republic
They're trying to do their part to destroy it

Take a gander at the middle east if you want to know how that shit turns out. Reject the ideas of those that see a growing minority base as the means to victory at the ballot box. Win on ideas, not on us vs the evil whities. That is campaign poison and yes I'm talking to you, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Get your hacks out of the way and let the Bernie people handle this.

If you had of listened to the people instead of cheating your asses off to nominate Hillary then Bernie would have spanked Trump's ass and we would not be on the outside looking in at Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania you dumb jackasses.
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I also want equal representation across the board here. They want "equality" with the fun stuff like movies, fluff comfy corporate jobs but I want a mandatory enforcement of equal representation in sanitation. I want them represented in all of the jobs that get men killed.

I want them to put their money where their mouth is and see how these "I'm a badass" and "We need to reverse gender roles" crowd do with stuff like that.
Problem is, in our military, women do not have to do the same thing physically to meet the standard as men which to me is wrong. It has been that way for a while now. As much as people want to create the illusion of equality in the gender argument it is still not going to happen. Men are by nature and therefor by science, physically bigger and stronger than women. Sure, there are exceptions and that is where this false narrative of women can do anything a man can do has come out. There are things women can do that man can't and vise verse.
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The more and more I watch Europe continue their downward spiral and then use media to lie to the world that "there is no problem" with Islam. All while the world sits idly and watches.

Eerily like how the Germans were able to start killing Jews and telling the world that there is no problem. All while the world sat idly and watched

Hopefully 6 million Europeans won't have to die before Islam is outright banned. What a disgusting ideology.
"Put us in movies or we will join ISIS." Says Star Wars guy.

Granted, the absurdity of this is funny but it does show you that cowering and pandering to these groups is never enough. They always want more and more and more.
Yes and the liberal left will cower to them and do it. At least until ratings and money start getting less and less. Eventually, people will wise up and see what is going on but, will it be in time?
"Eerily like how the Germans were able to start killing Jews and telling the world that there is no problem. All while the world sat idly and watched"

To a lesser extent, libs are trying to do the same thing in this country with white privilege. It is how these things start, by using something to rally around and then getting the masses worked up into a frenzy. I wonder when the killing will start. Problem is, a lot of these people who support it now will be victims if it happens.
The Democrats had more to do with Russia than the Republicans. After all of their promises to Putin and Wikileaks outing them for all of their corruption and crimes, they were "Russian" to cover it all up.
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Just a daily reminder of why I hate Democrats so much. They're extremely effing dumb. If their controlled media says anything to them, it completely shapes their opinion and then they just repeat it like zombies.

It's why they're so in the dark about their glowing hypocrisy regarding Obama and Hillary and the stances they have taken.

I saw some liberals on Twitter post a meme mocking Trump supporters with, "I can't defend Trump on this so I will blame Obama and Hollary." ARE YOU FREAKING MENTALLY CHALLENGED? Where the hell were you when Obama blamed everything and I mean everything on Bush or Republicans or whites. That's all he did.

Their fake outrage over everything regarding Republicans no matter what is just so infuriating. Where the hell were they on all of the Obama and Hillary scandals? They didn't give a damn about anything and all of a sudden, they Habs "integrity" and people should resign? Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Didn't care about Eric Holder. Didn't care about Obama. Didn't care about Vallerie Jarret. Didn't care about Loretta Lynch. Didn't care about Hillary when it came to their scandals. None of these people faced any consequences yet you want Sessions to resign? GFY.
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Another thing- Democrats have absolutely made it clear they don't give a shit about at least 63 million people who voted for Trump. They have gone out of their way to say our vote doesn't matter. They had to have cheated through Russia.

Right Because it was Russia who made Democrats, Hillary and Obama such pieces of garbage. It had to be Russia. It couldn't be that Democrats are scum and trying to ruin our nation & importing the third world and have aligned with Islam.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Russia, through so-called fake news posted on Facebook and Twitter convinced a large enough portion of American voters to switch their vote from Clinton to Trump, Madison Avenue needs to find these conspirators and hire them in marketing and advertising. They basically did on their likely $15K per year job, what billions of campaign dollars couldn't do.
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Look up the 1996 Telecommunications Act which Clinton and Republicans were both responsible for. That allowed all of these major networks to gobble up pretty much everything. When you have six companies controlling 90 percent of what we read and see, you think that's not going to be used for some bigger agendas?

Regarding what generates all of the radical left to journalism, you can't help but think it's because all journalism professors are Democrat. All of college is becoming very much to the left and when you're young, you're idealistic and wanting to save the world and "fight the system" so that mentality sticks with them at universities and in the newsroom at the university newspaper and then they move on to the workforce where these newspapers/websites are Democrat and you're surrounded by even more people just like you and your bosses only push this agenda.

Then like you mentioned, think about where our major newspapers/news stations often are- New York, D.C. and L.A. I'd say most of those people don't even know anyone who drives a truck.

So it's just a huge echo chamber and you're putting these people in charge of hiring other writers. It's just like academia and probably even Hollywood. You think a conservative is going to get hired in these far left industries with libs in control? NOPE.

That was a good read with good points. Had no idea about the 96 Telecommunications Act.
The more and more I watch Europe continue their downward spiral and then use media to lie to the world that "there is no problem" with Islam. All while the world sits idly and watches.

Eerily like how the Germans were able to start killing Jews and telling the world that there is no problem. All while the world sat idly and watched

Hopefully 6 million Europeans won't have to die before Islam is outright banned. What a disgusting ideology.

It's a freaking satanic cult. It just shows how you can condition anyone to believe a lie.
Do you ever wonder why the media doesn't do polls asking if the American people care about this Russian nonsense? The answer is pretty simple.
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Well, I was more focused on this part:

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -- Sweden's left-leaning government instituted a military draft for both men and women Thursday because of what its defense minister called a deteriorating security environment in Europe and around Sweden.

Sweden abolished compulsory military service for men in 2010 because there were enough volunteers to meet its military needs. It has never had a military draft for women.

It's getting ready to happen in America to. They're already lowering the standards for enrollment. That's usually a first step. The libs have killed patriotism in this country.
I've never thought about donating to another candidate in another state but I'm so pissed at the Dems that I'm seriously considering it when the 2018 elections roll around.
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I've never thought about donating to another candidate in another state but I'm so pissed at the Dems that I'm seriously considering it when the 2018 elections roll around.
democrats = globalism = communism. EU just limited visas to Americans for travel in response to Trump's policies. We must withdraw from the United Nations, encourage European nations to leave the EU and re align with countries who show nationalistic pride. Islam and globalist communists are working togather to infilitrate every country, overpopulate it, and take power from the citizens of that country. One by one.
democrats = globalism = communism. EU just limited visas to Americans for travel in response to Trump's policies. We must withdraw from the United Nations, encourage European nations to leave the EU and re align with countries who show nationalistic pride. Islam and globalist communists are working togather to infilitrate every country, overpopulate it, and take power from the citizens of that country. One by one.

It really does feel like were in a war already. Trump helped put a spotlight on globalist.
One of my favorite I read on Twitter from these morons is

"Putin didn't air Trump's dirty laundry because he wants to control him."

[laughing] Yeah, we had the liberal media for that, idiot. Jesus
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That was a good read with good points. Had no idea about the 96 Telecommunications Act.

Thanks. Yeah, before that, there were all types of regulations on how many properties/stations you could own. There were tons of stipulations on not being able to crossover on certain platforms but they basically made it a free for all after that got signed in 1996 and the ones with the money just gobbled it all up.
At what point do these leftist sacks of shit chill out? Never. Good luck ever getting this country to unite. No way anything goes back to being civil with the left. They are so crazy.

Do people realize what Dems have done and what they have set a precedent for? For all that they have done to Trump, you expect us to ever play nice with Dems again or to compromise? Eff off. Dems have become radicals and we have a media that's like the Pravda and Nazi Germany & our universities are just spitting out these zombies to be Dems.

People are getting a good look at how evil our government and media are and what it took to really expose that was an outsider who dared to put a dent in their corrupt BS and globalist agenda.
At what point do these leftist sacks of shit chill out? Never. Good luck ever getting this country to unite. No way anything goes back to being civil with the left. They are so crazy.

Do people realize what Dems have done and what they have set a precedent for? For all that they have done to Trump, you expect us to ever play nice with Dems again or to compromise? Eff off. Dems have become radicals and we have a media that's like the Pravda and Nazi Germany & our universities are just spitting out these zombies to be Dems.

People are getting a good look at how evil our government and media are and what it took to really expose that was an outsider who dared to put a dent in their corrupt BS and globalist agenda.
Excellent point. After all you guys fell all over yourselves complimenting and cooperating wit Obama. Nary an angry word was said and right from the start Mitch promised to work with him to solve the countries problems. Not like they immediately set out to obstruct Obama even as the country was mired in economic devastation from the last trickle down go round.
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It's getting ready to happen in America to. They're already lowering the standards for enrollment. That's usually a first step. The libs have killed patriotism in this country.
I would be for a one year service to the country after you turned 18. It could be in the military or Americorps or something similar.

I think it would galvanize us as a nation and really help in giving people the chance to explore their country while serving with and helping their fellow countrymen.

Bash away....
I would be for a one year service to the country after you turned 18. It could be in the military or Americorps or something similar.

I think it would galvanize us as a nation and really help in giving people the chance to explore their country while serving with and helping their fellow countrymen.

Bash away....

Would love to see a social justice warrior in boot camp lol. That would make for a great sitcom.
Traitorous pieces of dog shit.

EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama's close confidante Valerie Jarrett has moved into his new DC home, which is now the nerve center for their plan to mastermind the insurgency against President Trump
The Daily Mail is a UK tabloid newspaper. You're basically quoting the National Enquirer you blubbering moron. And hypocritically without blinking an eye your next post will be about fake news.

Can you guys please just TRY being less stupid? To apply some small amount of critical thinking to your daily lives? It is hard enough to tackle the countries problems in a two party system but when one party is so totally out of touch with reality to the point we have to spend all our time "debating" on what constitutes actual "reality" then it becomes impossible.

Be less stupid.
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