How will they rule ??!

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The blueprint for upsetting McConnell is clear: historically you need one issue to ride on... I believe an issue like growing marijuana in rural Kentucky is a winner. You could change the fate of an entire people overnight bringing in vast sums of money into the very poorest hills and hollows of Kentucky for our rural farmers. Changing failed tobacco crops into rich cash crops. The businesses surrounding those crops would thrive. Downtowns would once again flourish reversing the Walmart trend of decimating our rural downtown businesses.

Mitch McConnell has lived off a government check his whole life while supporting tax breaks and handouts for the rich while ignoring poor rural Kentuckians living in poverty and immersed in drugs and crime. While Mitch partied and smiled with his rich Republican Wall Street banker friends he ignored the ravages that poverty, pills, and a second rate education were inflicting on his own people he was supposed to be championing.

We're going to Make Kentucky Great Again, Mitch. You've been there long enough. You had your chance. Time to let a new generation of Kentuckians do something for our people and our state instead of being content to smile and go to dinner parties. Time to put Kentuckians first again.

The UK stood up to the EU and said "NO, WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK" in BREXIT and Americans stood up to the Washington politicians and said "NO, WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK" and now it is time for Kentuckians to reject Mitch McConnell and say "GO HOME, MITCH. WE WANT OUR STATE BACK".

It's our turn, Kentucky - come join us and help us to bring work back to Kentucky!.
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Hope Sessions doesn't cave to the MSM bastards at his presser. He did absolutely nothing wrong.

My god, how retarded do you have to be to believe this Russian bullshit?
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He already stole it. That is old as dirt.
I tell you one thing that occurred to me looking at that picture, no woman gets up on a couch like that unless she is very comfortable already getting up onto that very couch like that. Let's just say that wasn't her first time up there in that position. You don't go over to somebody's house and just plop up on a couch like that. She has to be very comfortable to do that:

If Whoopi actually said that she should be fired immediately. Reprehensible.

And the Dem Congressman that made that statement about Conway should be skewered for such a sexist comment.

That hole they are digging gets deeper and deeper....
Hopefully Sessions used his free time achieved by recusing himself to go HAM on the Clinton pedophilia ring, the muslims the Democrats hired to steal secrets, and any other cocksucking holdover from the Obama administration who's treasonously working to undermine the United States of America and its President.
Hopefully Sessions used his free time achieved by recusing himself to go HAM on the Clinton pedophilia ring, the muslims the Democrats hired to steal secrets, and any other cocksucking holdover from the Obama administration who's treasonously working to undermine the United States of America and its President.
Also to end the Obama DOJ slush fund that's funding far left wing groups.
Interesting take -- I've been a musician for about 30 years and think the same thing about Rock and Roll

it's not even a form of REBELLION anymore -- in fact, it has its own brand of conformity and overseers.....and I don't know that Rock (or ANY music) ever TRULY changed anything on a wide scale....

Politically - I'm taking a page from George Orwell's essay called "Politics and the English Language" (Book is called "All Art is Propaganda: and I cite it on the blog and have published a modest review of it as well)......

the way we communicate//speak is connected to the way we THINK.....
there are several political implications from this

1) If we are lazy or apathetic in our attempts to use concise words and truly gain mutual understanding with who we're conversing -- then you can start to make the mistake that they're using words with the same INTENT that you are.....or perhaps they have a definition for a word that you didn't even know COULD have more than one definition....that leads to lots being said and/or printed but no true communication and u;timely a dumbed down public who is increasingly unable to maintain accountability over the elected

4) finally -- you start to factor in socially engineers guilt complexes, continually dumbed down language patterns and atrophied channels of meaningful communication, then set everyone against each other with constant fear conditioning of one kind or another and a BLIND COMMAND TO CONSUME>.............and it's a dictators wet dream

Take over the arts to control the masses. Hip Hop has become the propaganda of drug dealers. Not like you can buy a super bowl commercial to sell your drugs. You need to advertise in other ways. The drugs were brought in by the CIA to destroy the community by taking the fathers out of the home. The music is used to create the gangs to sell their drugs and fill their jails. The victim is created and blame can go towards the police creating more civil unrest.

The music is dumbed down language that promotes violence against women and value money over life itself. Being tough or hard is more important than being a responsible father and man. Normalize this behavior to further enslave the population.

My father warned me a long time ago about the difference between "art" and real life. He never had a problem with me listening to hip hop my whole life as long as understood the difference. Sadly life is imitating art more and more rather than art imitating life. After years of listening to rock and oldies my father said they were right about Elvis. Seems crazy they banned him for shaking his hips on tv but the ones that were upset said it will only get worse if we allow it. They were right about Elvis.
The blueprint for upsetting McConnell is clear: historically you need one issue to ride on... I believe an issue like growing marijuana in rural Kentucky is a winner. You could change the fate of an entire people overnight bringing in vast sums of money into the very poorest hills and hollows of Kentucky for our rural farmers. Changing failed tobacco crops into rich cash crops. The businesses surrounding those crops would thrive. Downtowns would once again flourish reversing the Walmart trend of decimating our rural downtown businesses.

Mitch McConnell has lived off a government check his whole life while supporting tax breaks and handouts for the rich while ignoring poor rural Kentuckians living in poverty and immersed in drugs and crime. While Mitch partied and smiled with his rich Republican Wall Street banker friends he ignored the ravages that poverty, pills, and a second rate education were inflicting on his own people he was supposed to be championing.

We're going to Make Kentucky Great Again, Mitch. You've been there long enough. You had your chance. Time to let a new generation of Kentuckians do something for our people and our state instead of being content to smile and go to dinner parties. Time to put Kentuckians first again.

The UK stood up to the EU and said "NO, WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK" in BREXIT and Americans stood up to the Washington politicians and said "NO, WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK" and now it is time for Kentuckians to reject Mitch McConnell and say "GO HOME, MITCH. WE WANT OUR STATE BACK".

It's our turn, Kentucky - come join us and help us to bring work back to Kentucky!.

Hell yea, but not before Ohio does it first.

Matt Jones likes to refer to himself as a new democrat. He's too stupid to know it, but that's his problem. The old democrats that people respected like Harry Truman, J.F.K., and Wendell Ford. Well that democrat party is long gone. Truman, J.F.K., and Ford would roll over in their graves if they could see the weirdos that has taken over their party. And I've heard talk that Matt might run against Mitch McConnell for the U.S. Senate. OH what I would give to see this happen. No one would vote for MJ, the Louisville fans would vote against him because he's a jerk. The republicans & moderates wouldn't vote for him because he's a liberal new democrat, as well as being a jerk. Almost no one likes this guy personally & even fewer likes his politics. I don't know where this clown thinks his votes will come from.

Weirdo declared this in one of the oddest posts I've ever seen on this GYERO. It could have been written by Z, tbh. Idk, maybe he was just trolling...After all, he doesn't even read the stupid message boards, so he would never have an account and actually post a message about his political plans.
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