How will they rule ??!

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Speaking of Gavin McInness, he's the one who went to a Trump rally and spoke with protesters and when he brought up coyotes raping illegals, one of the Trump protesters thought he was talking about coyotes the animal. HAHAHA

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...continuing down that road -- let's also repeal the Matriarchal Burden embedded in the UNJUST Divorce laws



I'm NOT saying that I WANT penis

I mean....I alley HAVE one

hell....let me just leave....and come back in later and try this another time


Mfn right!

The world is over if that bitch Oprah runs for president. I have been fearing this for years now. A Oprah and Michell Obama ticket would win. I can't believe the Dem's didn't line this up for 2016.
People need to take a moment to thank God/or flying spaghetti monster in Willy's case, that Hillary did not win. Donald Trump saved this country albeit briefly..maybe? If Hillary had won, this would have been all she wrote.

What is happening in Europe would be happening here. We'd be a one party state due to immigration. We would have lost the 2A and the PC/impeding on free speech would have been the norm. Could you imagine what a Hillary stacked Supreme Court would look like?

Trump's victory is like the Patriots intercepting Russell Wilson at the one yard line in the Super Bowl.
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Created more divisiveness? Really? Is he the one that painted cops as racists hunting blacks down to kill them? Did he tell minorities that they were victims of evil whitey? Did he continue to push a class warfare? Is he the one pushing the victim indoctrination in our universities? Is he the one calling everyone Nazis and fascists and seeking out people who disagree with them to stop speech and assault them? Did he call people who didn't vote for him "deplorable?" Are his supporters burning flags and sympathizing with Islam over the west?

The left are the ones who have divided this nation. They thrive on identity politics and victimhood and blaming everyone. They have never given this guy a chance. They have created this mass hysteria and BS narrative to fight Trump. Dems have no interest in bettering this country or working with Republicans. It's always their way or no way.

We weren't that divided until Obama and his racist anti-white/anti-cop DOJ and media were weaponized.
I agree, but Trump is not alienating Dems, but the GOP too. He needs to tone it down to get some sort of credibility.

Mfn right!

The world is over if that bitch Oprah runs for president. I have been fearing this for years now. A Oprah and Michell Obama ticket would win. I can't believe the Dem's didn't line this up for 2016.

The last thing we want is a black female to run because that will get the black vote out yet again and that is two "I'm oppressed" boxes to check off. So not only would it be playing the gender card which is what Hillary did, we'd also get the "you're a racist" card as well.

Also, why does the left hate entrepreneurs so much? Why do they hate the successful?

If we just say "the left" or "liberals" then the question is hard to answer
because a) people who fit those descriptions don't all hate entrepreneurs and b) neither term is specific enough to make any meaningful evaluation of the perceived problem

if we review the historical writings and actions of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and other founding fathers of that "bent" -- then we can see that they specifically outline what they believe , why they believe it -- and what they intend to DO about it

If you look at American politics as a Hegelian Evolution though several decades then that explains the "drift" within each political party
That (and changed in Communist tactics) also would help explain why the D-Party is now a lot more Marxist in their words and deeds than they used to be

And if that's what they are -- a highjacked party tormenting revolution --- then this is NOT politics a normal - and they DO intend to seize power and (IMO) cooperate with what would be a quickly emerging Global system of Socialst style economics and govt

It's the final conflict according to Marx as capitalism extinguishes itself

unless rational thinking people resist that jive talk

(or unless I'm just totally wrong ---- which I don't think I'm TOTALLY off base here......)
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I agree, but Trump is not alienating Dems, but the GOP too. He needs to tone it down to get some sort of credibility.

I have no idea how to do that considering the pile of shit he has found himself in. We basically have a guy who is an alpha male with a big ego but wants to genuinely help people, engulfed in a system of mass corruption and collusion.

Both the GOP and the Dems are so crooked and back globalism and want things to stay the same. We also have a media that does the bidding of these groups. It's hard to let people just punch you in the face and then turn the cheek.
No one is talking about this but hey, who would have effing guessed that Trump supporters weren't calling in bomb threats to Jewish centers?

But you know who did? A black Muslim socialist journalist named Juan Thompson. He posted this on Twitter back in November. His twitter is a treasure chest of nuts.

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I have no idea how to do that considering the pile of shit he has found himself in. We basically have a guy who is an alpha male with a big ego but wants to genuinely help people, engulfed in a system of mass corruption and collusion.

Both the GOP and the Dems are so crooked and back globalism and want things to stay the same. We also have a media that does the bidding of these groups. It's hard to let people just punch you in the face and then turn the cheek.
If he could get a more tougher skinned, it would help. He sounds like a whiny, spoiled brat.

He needs to get off his twitter account.

We, as a country, can't keep letting people come in and freeload off of us. We can't let liberals dictate how society should be either.

Not saying he should give in to anyone, but you can catch more flies with honey.
And if that's what they are -- a highjacked party tormenting revolution

The public's tolerance for the ultra-left's recent tantrums, childish behavior and protests seems to diminish every day. I see fewer and fewer social media posts screaming outrage and those that remain don't seem to be gaining many "Likes." The media and lib political voices haven't stopped but their credibility lessens with every false narrative.

In a nutshell...their highjacked party antics aren't working and don't seem to be picking up any momentum. Their revolution is dying a slow death. Even if Obama steps back into the ring swinging haymakers, its unlikely any of those hits will land or do any real damage.

Even if they try to take it to the next level--inciting actual violence--the police, most State Governments and the military are almost all now under the direct influence of more conservative powers.

Their revolution is over.

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I agree, but Trump is not alienating Dems, but the GOP too. He needs to tone it down to get some sort of credibility.
Trump has more support from the GOP than even Reagan did.

Unless you mean GOP politicians, than I think who cares if he pisses them off? A lot of them are part of the swamp too. I hope he alienates every POS politician, no matter what party. F*** them.
If he could get a more tougher skinned, it would help. He sounds like a whiny, spoiled brat.

He needs to get off his twitter account.

We, as a country, can't keep letting people come in and freeload off of us. We can't let liberals dictate how society should be either.

Not saying he should give in to anyone, but you can catch more flies with honey.
I love that Trump fights back. We haven't had a fighter on our side in decades.

Every single one of the other 16 GOP candidates would've completely caved in by now.

I think its a good thing that Trump isn't being a total pussy.
Republicans have waged war on the middle class and done the bidding of rich wall street fat cats ever since Ronnie Reagan and his trickle-down bread crumbs off the rich man's table gang of thieves rode into town and lynched our middle class. We've never recovered from it.

Under Obama at every turn the Republicans obstructed jobs for Americans. Now, they elect some New York reality TV show internet troll that has no qualms at all in lying from the podium in front of the entire world without batting an eye, and he's done absolutely nothing except flap his mouth and parade corporate fat cats in front of the camera to put on a freak show for the dumbasses that were gullible enough to believe in this horseshit show.

Now, after all the lying is done about what they are doing for the middle class, the tax *plan* to loot the treasury blind in one giveaway to the rich after the other will come thudding out.

Yes, folks.. "MAKE AMERICA 2008 AGAIN" is coming soon to a Wall Street Bank near you.

All the protections implemented by the Obama administration to prevent another one of these global heists has been removed. Already the stock market is being pumped up artificially again. Next undoubtedly will be a phony scheme to inflate the real estate market again. Then BOOM and you better be ready to reach for your billfolds to bail these thieves out as they have already come back for more.

You learned NOTHING America. We're right back to 2008 all over again. Here comes the next big wave of tax give-aways, a big stock market bubble, another big real estate bubble, then you RUBES get to pick up the tab and BAIL THEM OUT AGAIN. You elected your New York con man and he's got big plans for your wallets. Bigly.

NOTE: "Make America 2008 Again" is mine. Please credit me appropriately when stealing it. Thanks.

Middle Class take home went down a little over $4,000.00 a year under Obama, Healthcare premiums rose more than twice the amount for many Americans. More Americans out of work than ever before, many more Americans on food stamps than ever before, etc....
Remember all those stories from the liberal msm, some as recent as three days ago, citing anonymous Intelligence sources, claiming the Yemen raid was unsuccessful, worthless and zero intelligence was gathered? All fake news.

On top of my earlier post about seven high ranking AQ militants being killed in airstrikes because of the Intel obtained during the raid, there's also this...

Fatal Yemen Raid Yielded Intel On ‘Hundreds’ Of Al-Qaida Operatives

U.S. intelligence officials are now trying to identify hundreds of al-Qaida operatives with contacts gleaned from a late night Jan 29 raid by Navy SEAL team 6 deep inside Yemen.

The reports contradict previous claims from NBCNews Tuesday that no actionable intelligence was gained from the raid.

Officials said that some of the operative contacts found in the raid were in the West, but not in the United States. U.S. officials also found information regarding training camps used by the groups, explosive-manufacturing techniques, and possible targets being considered by the terrorist group.
Fatal Yemen Raid Yielded Intel On ‘Hundreds’ Of Al-Qaida Operatives

U.S. intelligence officials are now trying to identify hundreds of al-Qaida operatives with contacts gleaned from a late night Jan 29 raid by Navy SEAL team 6 deep inside Yemen.

Not sure I'm buying it, why disclose that they found a treasure trove of intel while they are still working on it? Seems they would try and keep it under wraps until they could act on the information. Sounds fishy....or nothing more than trying to counter the left's bitching and moaning.
I love that Trump fights back. We haven't had a fighter on our side in decades.

Every single one of the other 16 GOP candidates would've completely caved in by now.

I think its a good thing that Trump isn't being a total pussy.
trump still should never cede an inch to liberal trolls. They are zombies and they will never be happy. They are happy when you are miserable.
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the police, most State Governments and the military are almost all now under the direct influence of more conservative powers. Their revolution is over.

Regardless of my opinion -- this might be the most important statement on this subject yet

Trump has boosted the military budget and defended the police and border agents -- it may be anecdotal but I feel comfortable in saying that each of those segments of our system are going to be more loyal to this admin than the last (and probably more so than Bush)

If the Marxist drivers of the D-party bus decide that an actual revolution is their next step

Then they need to think long and hard about the military, police, border patrol and possibly even key union groups siding with this admin....factor in an increasingly organized, fed up and armed public that outnumbers their most militant members and my conclusion has to be that "Revolution" would end very badly for the new Rebels

My hope of course is that this isn't being seriously planned
But it's exactly what Marxism would call for -- and the longstanding tactics are no longer working........

They only have ONE MORE PLAY in their playbook (aside from backing down of course)
Not sure I'm buying it, why disclose that they found a treasure trove of intel while they are still working on it? Seems they would try and keep it under wraps until they could act on the information. Sounds fishy....or nothing more than trying to counter the left's bitching and moaning.
Yes, they're fighting back the fake news narrative claiming their irresponsible mission cost a SEAL his life.

As long as they're not leaking specifics, then nothing wrong with outlining the type of Intel obtained because the enemy can't really gain from it.

Besides, as I noted earlier, they're already acting on the info. In a matter of weeks, two waves of airstrikes on AQ hideouts in Yemen so far, totaling in 10+ bombs being dropped, seven high ranking militant confirmed kills, 12 in total.
"Eerily like how the Germans were able to start killing Jews and telling the world that there is no problem. All while the world sat idly and watched"

To a lesser extent, libs are trying to do the same thing in this country with white privilege. It is how these things start, by using something to rally around and then getting the masses worked up into a frenzy. I wonder when the killing will start. Problem is, a lot of these people who support it now will be victims if it happens.
Libtards would LOVE to turn us into another South Africa. Their psychosis truly runs that deep.
Would be interested to hear everyone's thoughts as to why and how the media has been compromised by leftest extreme radicals.

Honestly I think it's two fold. Number one all the major news outlets have been bought out by major corporations. There is no more independent news organizations. The second reason imo is that most of the major news outlets are based out of uber liberal areas of NY and LA.

Back in the day printing false news would be the death kneel for any news organization but now they have the financial backing of major corporations that have a vested interest in the Democratic party.
My first response would be that "the media" is a broad-broad brush. Do you ignore the existence of a right-wing media?
You suggest that news organizations have a vested interest in the Democratic party...where is your evidence? Many news organizations are owned by non-news corporate conglomerates. ABC is owned by Disney, NBC is owned by General Electric, CBS is owned by Westinghouse. News organizations have a vested interest in stories that attract viewers/readers, not any particular political opinion. During the campaign season last year many complained that Trump got all the he complains that he is the object of coverage. If you were honest and observed you'd realize that news organizations are about the story, where ever the story might be.

Do journalist have a tendency to lean left? Yeah, they do. However not as much as you want to think. If you ever take notice, people drawn to certain professions generally fit similar personality molds. People in the arts (journalism is an art) are typically more liberal and open in their thinking. More accepting of things and people who are different, new ideas, etc. Musicians, actors, dancers...all the performing arts are dominated by people who liberal to very liberal. This isn't a new phenomenon, it isn't an American is universally true across the globe and has been so from the beginning of recorded time.
Similarly, there is a much higher propensity for men who are in the arts to be gay. Likewise, the ranks of women's professional sports is dominated by women who are gay. Why is that?
And the liberal msm is going to take him literally, and start writing stories about him being a dictator and unfairly demanding investigations. When it fact he's just being sarcastic, mocking them, and pointing out their hypocrisy.
Even though you are right and its obvious Trump is being sarcastic, but I bet you probably would find democrat-Russia ties if it was actually investigated.

Hell, democrats invited Russias damn ambassador to Trumps speech just a few days ago. That wasn't Trump or any republican, that was the democrats.
The more and more I watch Europe continue their downward spiral and then use media to lie to the world that "there is no problem" with Islam. All while the world sits idly and watches.

Eerily like how the Germans were able to start killing Jews and telling the world that there is no problem. All while the world sat idly and watched

Hopefully 6 million Europeans won't have to die before Islam is outright banned. What a disgusting ideology.
Yeah, and while Jews who were refugees tried to flee Germany countries like the US and others didn't want to accept them because people believed small minded stereotypes of Jewish people.
Amazing how history continues to repeat itself.

Hopefully 6 million Muslims won't have to die before bigotry is outright banned.
"journalism is an art" will be scorched in brain forever. That dipshit spends all those hours on the bicycle thinking of moronic questions and even more time thinking of moronic non-answers.
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Yeah, and while Jews who were refugees tried to flee Germany countries like the US and others didn't want to accept them because people believed small minded stereotypes of Jewish people.
Amazing how history continues to repeat itself.

Hopefully 6 million Muslims won't have to die before bigotry is outright banned.
Were Jews beheading people?
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Fed Chief Yellen hinted that she's going to raise interests rates again later this month. That's two rate hikes since Trump has became president.

I guess now the market is on an upwards trend, and is finally able to stand on its own, Trump doesn't get the luxury that Obama got from having artificial 0% rates to prop up his numbers.
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