Sestina spat on after the game

It appeared to be one particular UL player I think their center. Does anyone know who it was?
My watching of one of the videos, I think the UL guy was more pissed at Ulis. Nate gives him like a good game type thing and things seem chill-ish then you can see Ulis come in with some very hard and direct L’s down(probably some choice words too!). Then dude spat at them. Way over the line after the trash talk. But honestly I’m not even sure the spit was for Nate.
They Mad!

Show this video to every future recruit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why Kentucky basketball is so superior and like no other.
I don't even remember fat head Onuaku, but the dude is nasty looking and has bad breath. He just confirmed what a lot of people feel Louisville's reputation is, thugs. This guy is such a loser, he should be banned, it's obvious he can't control his temper.
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Guy sounds like a bitch. If you’re that pissed then square up with someone, don’t spit on them.

It doesn’t matter the year, the coach, or the players; ul will always be second fiddle to UK. They’re the type to talk crap leading all the way up to the game, play like assholes, then try and act surprised when they get it back afterwards.