How will they rule ??!

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The Mail's medical and science journalism has been criticised by some doctors and scientists, accusing it of using minor studies to generate scare stories.[17][18][16]

In 2015, freelance journalist Djaffer Ait Aoudia told The Guardian that he secretly filmed a Mail representative negotiating for a "hacker" to obtain a café's CCTV of the November 2015 Paris attacks. The café owner agreed to supply the footage for €50,000. The Daily Mail responded: "There is nothing controversial about the Mail's acquisition of this video, a copy of which the police already had in their possession." The Guardian also, briefly, embedded the footage on their own website before removing it.[139]

Other criticisms include the extent of coverage of celebrities,[140][141] the children of celebrities.[142] and property prices.[143] The Mail has strongly denied any bias in its coverage of asylum seekers.[144]

In February 2017, users of the English Wikipedia reached a consensus to reject the Daily Mail as being a reliable source for its articles, deeming its reporting to be "generally unreliable".[145] Examples of articles where the subject indicated falsehoods in Daily Mail coverage include the articles about the Amanda Knox case, footballers Paul Pogba and Andrea Pirlo, and actor George Clooney and his wife. The newspaper was also accused of manipulating scientific data to undermine a scientist's position on global warming.[146]A spokesman for Mail Newspapers replied that "only a tiny portion of the site’s millions of anonymous editors had been involved in the decision," adding "It is hard to know whether to laugh or cry at this move by Wikipedia. For the record the Daily Mail banned all its journalists from using Wikipedia as a sole source in 2014 because of its unreliability."[145]
The Daily Mail is a UK tabloid newspaper. You're basically quoting the National Enquirer you blubbering moron. And hypocritically without blinking an eye your next post will be about fake news.

Can you guys please just TRY being less stupid? To apply some small amount of critical thinking to your daily lives? It is hard enough to tackle the countries problems in a two party system but when one party is so totally out of touch with reality to the point we have to spend all our time "debating" on what constitutes actual "reality" then it becomes impossible.

Be less stupid.
So Jarrett didn't move into his home? It's fake news? Is that what you're implying?
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The Daily Mail is a UK tabloid newspaper. You're basically quoting the National Enquirer you blubbering moron. And hypocritically without blinking an eye your next post will be about fake news.

Can you guys please just TRY being less stupid? To apply some small amount of critical thinking to your daily lives? It is hard enough to tackle the countries problems in a two party system but when one party is so totally out of touch with reality to the point we have to spend all our time "debating" on what constitutes actual "reality" then it becomes impossible.

Be less stupid.
When your party STOPS burning down buildings, kidnapping disabled people, comparing Trump to Hitler, cheering when cops are killed, putting ILLEGAL immigrants concerns above American citizens concerns, caring more about allowing people to use whatever bathroom they feel like that day rather than if that person can find a good paying job, censoring Conservative ideas on college campuses.... I could go on but I think you get the point.....then maybe we can begin to solve the problems in this country! Until that time comes, enjoy continuing to watch the liberal party's continued decrease in power/influence across all levels of government.
Excellent point. After all you guys fell all over yourselves complimenting and cooperating wit Obama. Nary an angry word was said and right from the start Mitch promised to work with him to solve the countries problems. Not like they immediately set out to obstruct Obama even as the country was mired in economic devastation from the last trickle down go round.
The Republicans tried to work with BO in the sense that they wanted to help him not piss away $1T in porkulus and not pass the ungodly shitty healthcare bill. He refused that "help" and steamrolled his party into widespread losses. MM made the infamous, and silly that it is even infamous since every opposition party has that goal, after those two failures. You should try reading and thinking a little.
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Kevin Lewis, Barack Obama’s post-presidency spokesman, called the story “absurd” and devoid of facts, stating to us that Jarrett was neither moving in with the Obamas nor launching a political movement intended to oust President Trump from office.
For liberals sake I hope the story is "absurd". I mean following Obama's lead the last 8 years has definitely left your party a lot stronger than it was before he took office. Right? Maybe it's time for the liberal party to ask themselves if they are better off now than they were 8 years ago?
The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Lowered The Unemployment Rate And Increased The Number Of People With Full-Time Jobs By Millions.
  • All 176 Republicans In The House And 38 Republicans In The Senate Voted Against The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act. [H.R. 1, Vote #70, 2/13/09; H.R. 1, Vote #64, 2/13/09]
The Affordable Care Act "Could Increase The Number Of Jobs In The United States By About 250,000 To 400,000 Per Year." According to the Center for American Progress: "In the analysis that follows, we combine these two studies to show that health care reform could increase the number of jobs in the United States by about 250,000 to 400,000 per year over the coming decade." [Center for American Progress, 1/8/10]
  • No Republicans In The House Or Senate Voted For The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act. [H.R. 3590, Vote #165, 3/21/2010; H.R. 3590, Vote #396, 12/24/09]
The Jobs For Main Street Act Could "Create More Than One Million Jobs." According to Rep. Ray Oberstar (D-MN) via National Journal: "We have the opportunity to build on the foundation set by the Recovery Act in H.R. 2847, the Jobs for Main Street Act. This bill, which won approval in the House on December 16, 2009, would invest another $37.3 billion in our nation's highways and transit systems, and create more than one million jobs." [National Journal, 1/4/10]
  • 166 Republicans In The House And 29 Republicans In The Senate Voted Against The Jobs For Main Street Act. In its final form, this act is known as the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act. [H.R. 2847, Vote #90, 3/4/10; H.R. 2847, Vote #55, 3/17/10]
The FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act "Would Preserve The Jobs Of More Than 300,000 Workers." According to the Washington Post: "Democrats argued that it would preserve the jobs of more than 300,000 workers by helping state governors plug their own budget holes." [Washington Post, 9/11/10]
  • 158 Republicans In The House And 39 Republicans In The Senate Voted Against H.R. 1586, The FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act. [H.R. 1586, Vote #518, 8/10/10; H.R. 1586, Vote #228, 8/5/10]
The Small Business Jobs Act "Would Generate An Estimated 500,000 Jobs." According to The Center for American Progress: "In May, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, introduced the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010. ... The benefits to small businesses and the economy from this bill could not be more clear. Demand for the Small Business Administration loans included in the Recovery Act was so high that the SBA ran out of funds in the spring of 2009, leaving over a thousand small businesses on a waiting list. Helping small businesses access private credit would generate an estimated 500,000 jobs." [Center for American Progress, 9/21/10]
  • 174 Republicans In The House And 38 Republicans In The Senate Voted Against The Small Business Jobs Act Of 2010. [H.R. 5297, Vote #539, 9/23/10; H.R. 5297, Vote #237, 9/16/10]
Not Extending The TANF Emergency Fund "Jeopardiz[es] 240,000 Jobs In 37 States." According to the Huffington Post: "Congress is set to increase unemployment by not reauthorizing a fund for a subsidized jobs program that will expire on September 30, jeopardizing 240,000 jobs in 37 states." [Huffington Post, 7/27/10]
  • 42 Republicans In The Senate Voted Against Extending The TANF Emergency Fund, Which Failed Passage. [S.Con.Res. 21, Vote #45, 3/9/10]
House Republicans Targeted TANF Emergency Fund For Elimination. Politico reported:

House Republicans built a web site that asked people to vote on which government program to cut, and they've found a winner: welfare.

After receiving 81,000 text message votes on the new "YouCut" web site, $2.5 billion from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families fund is in Republican crosshairs. The expanded welfare fund - passed in the stimulus bill and reauthorized in March - provides funds to states to subsidize jobs. [Politico, 5/18/10]

Unemployment Benefits Are "Timely And Cost-Effective In Spurring Economic Activity And Employment." According to the CBO Testimony of Doug Elmendorf, director of the CBO:
  • 42 Republicans In The House And 39 Republicans In The Senate Voted Against The Unemployment Compensation Extension Act Of 2010. [H.R. 4213, Vote #463, 7/22/10; [H.R. 4213, Vote #215, 7/21/10]
  • 111 Republicans In The House And 38 Republicans In The Senate Voted Against The Continuing Extension Act Of 2010. [H.R. 4851, Vote #211, 4/15/10; H.R. 4851, Vote #117, 4/15/10]
Trump and the GOP must investigate the coup against his administration headed by Obama. I'm sure George Soros is involved in it too.

They must be investigated and prosecuted ASAP. This is sedition.
Republicans have waged war on the middle class and done the bidding of rich wall street fat cats ever since Ronnie Reagan and his trickle-down bread crumbs off the rich man's table gang of thieves rode into town and lynched our middle class. We've never recovered from it.

Under Obama at every turn the Republicans obstructed jobs for Americans. Now, they elect some New York reality TV show internet troll that has no qualms at all in lying from the podium in front of the entire world without batting an eye, and he's done absolutely nothing except flap his mouth and parade corporate fat cats in front of the camera to put on a freak show for the dumbasses that were gullible enough to believe in this horseshit show.

Now, after all the lying is done about what they are doing for the middle class, the tax *plan* to loot the treasury blind in one giveaway to the rich after the other will come thudding out.

Yes, folks.. "MAKE AMERICA 2008 AGAIN" is coming soon to a Wall Street Bank near you.

All the protections implemented by the Obama administration to prevent another one of these global heists has been removed. Already the stock market is being pumped up artificially again. Next undoubtedly will be a phony scheme to inflate the real estate market again. Then BOOM and you better be ready to reach for your billfolds to bail these thieves out as they have already come back for more.

You learned NOTHING America. We're right back to 2008 all over again. Here comes the next big wave of tax give-aways, a big stock market bubble, another big real estate bubble, then you RUBES get to pick up the tab and BAIL THEM OUT AGAIN. You elected your New York con man and he's got big plans for your wallets. Bigly.

NOTE: "Make America 2008 Again" is mine. Please credit me appropriately when stealing it. Thanks.
Oregon judge under investigation. An illegal, charged with a felony, was in her courtroom. ICE showed up and was waiting outside of the courtroom to apprehend him afterwards.

Court staff notified the judge of ICE's presence. The judge then proceeded to sneak the criminal illegal out of her courtroom through a back private entrance, so that he could allude ICE agents.

Suspects was caught two weeks later anyways.
Republicans have waged war on the middle class and done the bidding of rich wall street fat cats ever since Ronnie Reagan and his trickle-down bread crumbs off the rich man's table gang of thieves rode into town and lynched our middle class. We've never recovered from it.

Under Obama at every turn the Republicans obstructed jobs for Americans. Now, they elect some New York reality TV show internet troll that has no qualms at all in lying from the podium in front of the entire world without batting an eye, and he's done absolutely nothing except flap his mouth and parade corporate fat cats in front of the camera to put on a freak show for the dumbasses that were gullible enough to believe in this horseshit show.

Now, after all the lying is done about what they are doing for the middle class, the tax *plan* to loot the treasury blind in one giveaway to the rich after the other will come thudding out.

Yes, folks.. "MAKE AMERICA 2008 AGAIN" is coming soon to a Wall Street Bank near you.

All the protections implemented by the Obama administration to prevent another one of these global heists has been removed. Already the stock market is being pumped up artificially again. Next undoubtedly will be a phony scheme to inflate the real estate market again. Then BOOM and you better be ready to reach for your billfolds to bail these thieves out as they have already come back for more.

You learned NOTHING America. We're right back to 2008 all over again. Here comes the next big wave of tax give-aways, a big stock market bubble, another big real estate bubble, then you RUBES get to pick up the tab. You elected your New York con man and he's got big plans for your wallets. Bigly.

NOTE: "Make America 2008 Again" is mine. Please credit me appropriately when stealing it. Thanks.
Then why did the middle class vote for Trump? Liberals lost the middle class, the battle is over Z. You still have California and New York though.
It's sad that it came down to two candidates that wasn't worth crap.

Totally disagree. We are very much happy with our choice. We are done with do-nothing career politicians and lawyers. No Republican politician even touched on the illegal immigration issue until Trump.

I like having a guy not owned by lobbyists and donors.
Then why did the middle class vote for Trump? Liberals lost the middle class, the battle is over Z. You still have California and New York though.
We all lost. You'll realize that when the next big round of BAILOUTS come due after everything collapses under the weight of massive fraud and debt again.

Don't worry though, you'll hand it all off to another Democrat to deal with then promptly start screaming about how big *their* deficit is. We've seen this one before. Over and over.

Ronnie runs it up and takes us from being the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth. S&L debacle under Ronnie and HUD debacle under Bush v 1.0 destroy us economically.

Bill Clinton gets handed the bill.

GWB rides into town touting more of Ronnie's greatest trickle down hits. Manages to bankrupt the entire world.

Barack Obama gets handed the bill.

Now comes Trump. I think we know how this story ends. Rinse and repeat with these Big Spending Republicans and their Big Plans for our wallets.
We all lost. You'll realize that when the next big round of BAILOUTS come due after everything collapses under the weight of massive fraud and debt again.

Don't worry though, you'll hand it all off to another Democrat to deal with then promptly start screaming about how big *their* deficit is. We've seen this one before. Over and over.

Ronnie runs it up and takes us from being the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth. S&L debacle under Ronnie and HUD debacle under Bush v 1.0 destroy us economically.

Bill Clinton gets handed the bill.

GWB rides into town touting more of Ronnie's greatest trickle down hits. Manages to bankrupt the entire world.

Barack Obama gets handed the bill.

Now comes Trump. I think we know how this story ends. Rinse and repeat with these Big Spending Republicans and their Big Plans for our wallets.
Sorry, Obama added more debt than all other presidents combined. He couldn't give a crap about debt, or the middle class either. He did care about gender neutral bathrooms, white people feeling guilty about...being white, people on welfare...getting to stay on welfare, etc.

I also want equal representation across the board here. They want "equality" with the fun stuff like movies, fluff comfy corporate jobs but I want a mandatory enforcement of equal representation in sanitation. I want them represented in all of the jobs that get men killed.

I want them to put their money where their mouth is and see how these "I'm a badass" and "We need to reverse gender roles" crowd do with stuff like that.

...continuing down that road -- let's also repeal the Matriarchal Burden embedded in the UNJUST Divorce laws



I'm NOT saying that I WANT penis

I mean....I alley HAVE one

hell....let me just leave....and come back in later and try this another time
Say it ain't so Chuckie:

Would be interested to hear everyone's thoughts as to why and how the media has been compromised by leftest extreme radicals.

Honestly I think it's two fold. Number one all the major news outlets have been bought out by major corporations. There is no more independent news organizations. The second reason imo is that most of the major news outlets are based out of uber liberal areas of NY and LA.

Back in the day printing false news would be the death kneel for any news organization but now they have the financial backing of major corporations that have a vested interest in the Democratic party.

I have a book that discusses the purposeful design of a "network of networks" that crosses industry/cultural lines with the intent of radically "Transforming" our society into a more enlightened one.....

it's creepy -- the book outlines how resistance will come from specific quarters where people still have the "old mentality" and adhere to "outmoded" institutions etc

When I first read it -- it was just a creepy little book that sounded like a group of hippies who'd smoked some Aldous Wrapped wrapped in Marx brand papers

Then I realized that the post 1960's radicals DID JUST THAT (many but not all)
It was either Alinsky or Ayers that said real radioals made the decision to cut their hair and join many of the institutions they were trying to change -- so they could agitate from within

Most people know about Huxley's "Brave New World" but few have read (or heard of) his final novel called "Island"......THAT one was more of a purposeful roadmap on how to peacefully coopt religion and other elements of society in order to 'transform' humanity into a more proactive and peaceful existence

The devil's always in the details though -- as Orwell noted ,you'd best be making sure that those type of platitudes are well defined

Some people define "peace" as the absence of resistance to their ideas and the removal of 1/3rd of the humans on this planet so we can be more "sustainable"......

I like to think peace as a room with lots go books, two vintage tube amps, one Strat, one Les Paul and a big red button that causes a major scandal at U of L overtime I push it...........and non-chain pizza

Did I mention that I'm bleeding a lot right now?
I Think I'm becoming a bit loopy.....I tripped and fell into my backdoor about an hour ago but had a phone interview so I had to bleed while answering questions

I think I should go lie down for a min
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So Comey gave a full and complete brief of the Russian investigation to the Intelligence committee today. Needless to say, there wasn't anything there, and since the Democrats didn't hear what they wanted to hear, they're now accusing Comey of withholding evidence.


Honestly, McCarthy had more legitimacy of his claims of calling everyone a communist than what Democrats do with their levying accusations of collusion with Russia.
In this post I will prove how utterly awesome I am. I will post something I have figured out based on my own private analysis that has not even been touched on in the press:

The leaks, at least the most damaging ones first involving Flynn and now involving Sessions... are not coming from infighting Trump staff or former Obama staffers or any domestic place else... they are coming from the Russians.

The campaign to discredit the United States political system did not end with the election. There is a clear and ongoing campaign to destabilize the United States government being carried out by Russian agents. They are timed and staggered to inflict and sustain the most damage over time which is a clearly strategic undertaking. They are designed to undermine the credibility of the US Government in carrying out its foreign policy in countering ongoing Russian military aggression and expansion while also undermining US intelligence agencies in monitoring and countering ongoing Russian intelligence operations in European elections including attempting to destroy the European Union.

The Russians are tipping their hand. I am quite sure the FBI understands this. That explains otherwise baffling FBI actions. They know this is afoot and they are desperately trying to track it down and stamp it out but who knows how high or where it leads.

I like your aggressive, inquisitive mind --- I'd like to drink Miller High life (my new favorite for some reason) with you and discuss where things are headed....then go set something on fire....but not HURT anyone...

anwauy -- I think that Intellectual honest is more important than ever right now -- same for clarity in our words and intent

When you express ideas that are based on the idea that Russia is a threat to the US
Do you also consider the facts surrounding George Soro's post-Cold war investments in Russia during the Clinton eras?

Putin cut a LOT of that stuff out when he decided that foreign funded NGO's would no longer be tolerate

So we were seeing the angst against Russia well before Trump was even close to being President

Don't you think that has something to do with it?

Russia and the US (not the USSR - but RUSSIA) are not traditional rivals
If you read "A Peace to End all Peace" by Fromkin (GREAT BOOK) it talks about how the Brit's redrew the maps of the Middle East after WW1 -- but it also talks about something called "The Great Game" .... it was the decades long rivalry between England and Russia as they competed for colonies and resources around the planet

I THINK THAT stuff has more to do with the Russia as bad guy dialog (even as we move military machines UP TP THEIR BORDERS) than anything Trump as done.....

What's your opinion on those historical drivers as they play into the current dialog?

Also -- be honest here -- isn't it a little hypocritical to make such a fuss about Russia tampering with our election with no smoking gun proof

And then having Holder and Obama team up to sue states for how they'r'e handling their elections?
Their stated intent with the new organization (can link in a few - Im still bleeding now though) is to create more fairness in state level elections that result in more victories for the Democratic party.....

and I'm not even touching on how that admin was as bad / worse than Bush for toping foreign goat's and leaving chaos in their wake......air droping weapons in a damn hot zone to the "moderates" (that included Al Queda)
...continuing down that road -- let's also repeal the Matriarchal Burden embedded in the UNJUST Divorce laws



I'm NOT saying that I WANT penis

I mean....I alley HAVE one

hell....let me just leave....and come back in later and try this another time

You'd love Gavin McInness.

The above are just him vs feminism but this one is regarding politically correct liberalism is really just class warfare and arrogance.

true story

I spent about 14 months learning Russian (and reading LOTS of their history and literature) -- on the last Lockheed audit before I resigned they saw the Russian phrasebook on my desk and actually acted like they were concerned,,,,,I responded to them in Russian

The guy said something like -- you probably voted for Trump too

I smiled and ... responded in Russian
Because his sheer STUPIDITY didn't deserve any other response....

We had an engineer from Ukraine that helped me along with the audio CD's

My Russian is getting fairly good
But my weife still won't let me drink vodka.....
Trey Gowdy's remarks after the Comey briefing --

Jim Comey did more today to update us than I have ever had done in the 6 years I have been there, and for Adam to treat it that way - that dismissively, clearly he and I were in two separate rooms this morning.

I have never heard a Federal law enforcement agent give, with that degree of particularity and detail, an update on an inquiry. As you may recall, I was a federal prosecutor for 6 years, so I have talked to lots of FBI agents. He went so far beyond what any other administration official has ever done, whether it's Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, or his predecessor Robert Muller - they never gave us this level of detail and specificity. He bent over backwards.

I will tell you this - to the extent people are relying on media reports, whether it's the New York Times or the Washington Post, upon which to base their factual assertions, I would tell them to be very very careful. I'm not gonna say any more than that, other than to say that the person leading the investigation on behalf of the Untied States government, the head of the FBI, listen to what he has to say - don't listen to anonymous sources who leak classified information which, oh by the way, is also against the law.

Between Jim Comey and a reporter from the New York Times, give me Jim Comey.

Totally disagree. We are very much happy with our choice. We are done with do-nothing career politicians and lawyers. No Republican politician even touched on the illegal immigration issue until Trump.

I like having a guy not owned by lobbyists and donors.
I agree, but Trump is an idiot in the way does things. He could really take advantage of his position, but he wants everyone to know how "great" he is. He isn't trying to bring unity, he has created more divisiveness.
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I agree, but Trump is an idiot in the way does things. He could really take advantage of his position, but he wants everyone to know how "great" he is. He isn't trying to bring unity, he has created more divisiveness.

Created more divisiveness? Really? Is he the one that painted cops as racists hunting blacks down to kill them? Did he tell minorities that they were victims of evil whitey? Did he continue to push a class warfare? Is he the one pushing the victim indoctrination in our universities? Is he the one calling everyone Nazis and fascists and seeking out people who disagree with them to stop speech and assault them? Did he call people who didn't vote for him "deplorable?" Are his supporters burning flags and sympathizing with Islam over the west?

The left are the ones who have divided this nation. They thrive on identity politics and victimhood and blaming everyone. They have never given this guy a chance. They have created this mass hysteria and BS narrative to fight Trump. Dems have no interest in bettering this country or working with Republicans. It's always their way or no way.

We weren't that divided until Obama and his racist anti-white/anti-cop DOJ and media were weaponized.
I agree, but Trump is an idiot in the way does things. He could really take advantage of his position, but he wants everyone to know how "great" he is. He isn't trying to bring unity, he has created more divisiveness.

That's a great opinion... for a liberal snowflake who wouldn't give credit to a republican if they cured cancer.
Trump and the GOP must investigate the coup against his administration headed by Obama. I'm sure George Soros is involved in it too.

They must be investigated and prosecuted ASAP. This is sedition.

You are seeing a revolution that's been deterred in my honest opinion
I do leave room for the possibility that Trump is fraud however and possibly playing his part to help set up a much wider and more violent conflict between the thesis and antithesis factions that have been artificially created (Left and Right --- terms that originally come from Hegel -- one of the primary influencers for Marx)

We have been so trained to go at each other that there's not a lot of clear thinking going on - the study and consideration of history to help evaluate our actions seems to be non existent -- and that's very scary IMO

Trump is either the biggest and move dangerous deception since Alger Hiss
Or he's the last chance America has to organize and resist a Marxist revolution for their precious New World Order

'....damnit.....I left a bloody rag in the sink and my teenage daughter just found it...........gotta go