How will they rule ??!

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Warrior was bragging about his combat skills so I of course began doing a little research and uncovered this rare footage of him competing as a youth rassler. These skills served him well his entire life:

What made it even better, the cherry on top, is that it was a girl he was rasslin against.
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Would be interested to hear everyone's thoughts as to why and how the media has been compromised by leftest extreme radicals.

Honestly I think it's two fold. Number one all the major news outlets have been bought out by major corporations. There is no more independent news organizations. The second reason imo is that most of the major news outlets are based out of uber liberal areas of NY and LA.

Back in the day printing false news would be the death kneel for any news organization but now they have the financial backing of major corporations that have a vested interest in the Democratic party.
Warrior was bragging about his combat skills so I of course began doing a little research and uncovered this rare footage of him competing as a youth rassler. These skills served him well his entire life:

What made it even better, the cherry on top, is that it was a girl he was rasslin against.
Typical liberal fake stories. Saying I could teach you a lesson is not bragging, in fact, it is common place for anyone who goes against you.
Hopefully, it will be made in Mexico when talking about California. I am dead serious when posting this about California. Can you imagine how completely trashed out it would become under Mexican control. Please Lord make it happen.

When the Western Roman Empire fell, Byzantium lasted another 1000 years before falling to the Muslims. There is a lesson there somewhere.

A nation can not long last if it's citizens hate it. Allowing immigration into this country by people that hate it is moronic.
Hopefully they are pissing Sessions off enough to motivate him to go hard after these criminals.

That's what I'm hoping. He said he would recuse himself of the Hildawg investigation but I bet he sets the sights on the scope for someone else to pull the trigger. It's not delivery. It's digiornos.
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Sessions didn't commit perjury. He was clever, but not lying.

The problem, as usual, is that the libs and msm want to blow it way out proportion.

What that they'd realize if they would quit being such zealots, is there is a very legit question here if they'd quit crying wolf - if sessions would've been completely honest and said he had discussions as a US senator; no one but the libs would've had an issue.

Instead, strictly speaking he was truthful in answering the questions. Yet no doubt he was being intentionally deceptive. Why? That's what needs to be asked. But the libs and msm can't stop crying wolf long enough to ask it.
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Would be interested to hear everyone's thoughts as to why and how the media has been compromised by leftest extreme radicals.

Honestly I think it's two fold. Number one all the major news outlets have been bought out by major corporations. There is no more independent news organizations. The second reason imo is that most of the major news outlets are based out of uber liberal areas of NY and LA.

Back in the day printing false news would be the death kneel for any news organization but now they have the financial backing of major corporations that have a vested interest in the Democratic party.

Look up the 1996 Telecommunications Act which Clinton and Republicans were both responsible for. That allowed all of these major networks to gobble up pretty much everything. When you have six companies controlling 90 percent of what we read and see, you think that's not going to be used for some bigger agendas?

Regarding what generates all of the radical left to journalism, you can't help but think it's because all journalism professors are Democrat. All of college is becoming very much to the left and when you're young, you're idealistic and wanting to save the world and "fight the system" so that mentality sticks with them at universities and in the newsroom at the university newspaper and then they move on to the workforce where these newspapers/websites are Democrat and you're surrounded by even more people just like you and your bosses only push this agenda.

Then like you mentioned, think about where our major newspapers/news stations often are- New York, D.C. and L.A. I'd say most of those people don't even know anyone who drives a truck.

So it's just a huge echo chamber and you're putting these people in charge of hiring other writers. It's just like academia and probably even Hollywood. You think a conservative is going to get hired in these far left industries with libs in control? NOPE.
So why are our taxes going to these super pac non profits? How did that occur?

Basically regulatory agencies would initiate enforcement actions against citizens/companies. Then offer to resolve the action if they would donate to these non profit organizations.

Of course those non profits were shell organizations for liberal super pacs/organizations.

So basically, they'd start stuff just to extort money from people and then ensure it went to hillary or dem nonprofits
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Sorry if this has been discussed:

Sweden institutes military draft for both men and women


I also want equal representation across the board here. They want "equality" with the fun stuff like movies, fluff comfy corporate jobs but I want a mandatory enforcement of equal representation in sanitation. I want them represented in all of the jobs that get men killed.

I want them to put their money where their mouth is and see how these "I'm a badass" and "We need to reverse gender roles" crowd do with stuff like that.
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I also want equal representation across the board here. They want "equality" with the fun stuff like movies, fluff comfy corporate jobs but I want a mandatory enforcement of equal representation in sanitation. I want them represented in all of the jobs that get men killed.

I want them to put their money where their mouth is and see how these "I'm a badass" and "We need to reverse gender roles" crowd do with stuff like that.
Well, I was more focused on this part:

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -- Sweden's left-leaning government instituted a military draft for both men and women Thursday because of what its defense minister called a deteriorating security environment in Europe and around Sweden.

Sweden abolished compulsory military service for men in 2010 because there were enough volunteers to meet its military needs. It has never had a military draft for women.
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