How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

Good documentary:
All the reasons people are calling on Venezuela to have a fair election are all things that literally happened in the usa in the 2000 election. Almost to the tee.

You could actually argue it was worse in the us. Here they started counting. Only when they saw dems lost did they completely change everything. They threw out monitors, and took a secret count with windows boarded/blocked. Then emerged with a different winner.

Noone with any semblance of objectivity can say that was a fair count. So if anyone rightfully wants to call out Venezuela they should call out the 2000 election.
Well the resident Libs are awfully quiet about the Election in Venezuela.
This “omg they’re sooo weird” narrative that the DNC orchestrated is something they must have got from their TikTok Gen Z focus group.

But the audacity of Democrats calling someone weird is hilarious considering the freak shows the left trot out and even put in their admin.

I loathe our press. It further shows how compromised the entire industry is. Our government tried to murder Trump and the press just buries it after running disinfo campaign? They don’t care that Dems are committing massive fraud through ActBlue? No fact checkers on anything that could be negative to Dems.

It’s all so pathetic. I can’t believe there are people who are so stupid and mentally weak that they let DNC Media completely control their perception of the world.
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Your cavalier attitude about not wanting any part of it is a large part of what is wrong with society. What if we allowed dogs and cats to be killed on a whim like we are a 3rd world country....does that affect you at all?

Does the mom beating her kid in the store have any impact on the rest of your day?

Does Boko Haram slaughtering innocent Christians in Nigeria bother you or is it the equivalent of the next blue light special at K-Mart?

Your ignorance blocks you from understanding how "society" works, and yes, moral obligations come into play. If you want to be a recluse and stay in your mom's basement forever, then fine. But when you come out and play in the real world, we all have responsibilities to our community and to each other.

If you truly are anti-abortion like you stated before, then yes, the subject matter should concern you, and you should use your voice.
Dude....NONE of those scenarios is a decision concerning choices you are making ABOUT YOUR OWN BODY.
Your moral obligation ends where someone else's damn body begins.
If you had to vote knowing what you know:

The Secret Service is just Sgt Schultz incompetent.

The Secret Service had elements that knew of Crooks and allowed him to shoot.

This goes all the way to the top.

Anyone that thinks the SS did anything wrong is weird.

The answer is absolutely B. Possibly C.
Dude....NONE of those scenarios is a decision concerning choices you are making ABOUT YOUR OWN BODY.
Your moral obligation ends where someone else's damn body begins.'re clueless. So, we as a society, turn a blind eye to people committing suicide? It isn't my body....why should I care? Why are there suicide crisis centers? Why do they care?

You are truly one ignorant SOB.
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Yes some do but only because from a young age they amd their family literally worked every waking hour to get the opportunity. The opportunity usually consists of an entry level tech job, sometimes in customer service, wherein they have to leave their family (even spouses) with no idea how or when they can ever see them again. Nothing free, no handouts.

Did you think they just plucked some random Indian off the street and they were magically good at tech?

Now imagine if blacks or any American applied themselves that much while starting that far ahead of these people.

Imagine what mexicans could do if theyd bother to learn the language and assimilate like the indians, while theyre getting free everything plus handouts.

Its all about culture. Work hard, apply yourself, and you will have a great chance to be successful on some level. Blacks used to do this before Democrats poisoned their minds (and bodies) so they could get a dedicated voter base.

Before you undoubtedly claim "thats racist!" guess what - you can apply the exact same thing to Appalachians and poor rural whites. Hardest working blue collar parts of America turned into financial drains and drug addicts by handouts and an fda who sold them out to pharma.

Change the culture.
That’s ridiculous. Appalachia is the way it is because of geography. There’s no work and no incentive for businesses to move to the mountains. Coal is the only industry not because mountain people are hard workers who like mining f***ing coal, it’s because that’s where the coal is. Appalachia has been poor since the 1700s. Are you f***ing kidding me with this fetishization of blue collar work. Mining blows. I know. My family has done it for generations. My dad does it. I do it. The only reason is because that’s all there is. Drugs seeped into these communities because it’s a crime of despair. Medicating hard lives. They got prescribed the oxys in the first place because they got injured in the mines and the corpos needed them to work while hurt. Big Pharma were evil with it, but it would’ve happened no matter how hard it was pushed, or wasn’t at all. Basically everything wrong with Appalachia is solely due to its economic state thanks to geographical and historical circumstances. The same is mostly true of every other group/area you mention here and everywhere else.
Keep waiting for the day you fools realize that Jan 6th was not a sightseeing tour and the election wasn't f'ing stolen. Other than that and extremist abortion policies I actually can find some common ground with most Pubs.
Election was stolen. Right in front of your face.