How will they rule ??!

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That's what he's saying. The rights of the trans outweigh the rights of the baker. Listen to Dion, "it was just a pink and blue cake". What would the next one be? This entire situation is just another ruse to create a problem where none existed.
Except the problem of the baker refusing service. You're free to disagree with the court's ruling but this isn't just my opinion. It's the law of the land.

Yeah, only a "lib" would have a problem with Santos. There is no comparison between Santos' lying and the lies of anybody else in Congress.
No, I think everyone should have a problem with it...afterall you can become president even with these types of lies.

Hasn't biden claimed he was a truck driver, his son died in battle, was arrested visiting Mandela, stole someone else's entire platform amd speeches for his 80s presidential run, claimed he fought black gangs, etc etc. And yet the left amd the press just chalk it up to "ah that's joe"

The bigger problem here is how he got elected. He got elected in a blue state in a blue voters put him in office, bc he played what matters most to democrats...identity. He's non-white and claimed to be/is gay. That's all the qualifications you need to win over libs for a job...clearly no one bothered to look into anything else.
Except the problem of the baker refusing service. You're free to disagree with the court's ruling but this isn't just my opinion. It's the law of the land.
It is when SCOTUS rules. The Colorado Court of Appeals hardlyvsets the law of the land. This is far bigger than Colorado.

Out of curiosity, why do you think anyone should forced to create anything for anyone else?

If society believes the business is wrong, the business will die.

Do you believe an artist should be forced to paint something against their closely held beliefs?
So if a male Christian walked into an atheist tranny cake shop and said bake me a cake to celebrate my baptism into the Christian faith, that tranny atheist has to make it by law?
Yup. So long as it isn't some complicated message like "I totally personally support what this guy is doing!" in icing on the top. If it's like a simple cross cake the atheist transgender cake maker has to sell it. Or they're free to close up shop if they feel it for some reason violates their conscience.
It is when SCOTUS rules. The Colorado Court of Appeals hardly sets the law of the land. This is far bigger than Colorado.
This cake case does specifically have to do with a CO law, but yes there's the possibility of SCOTUS ruling on some aspects of that CO law in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. Will be interesting to see how that one goes and the limits of the ruling since all they took up was the freedom of speech clause and not the freedom of religion clause. Or if they eventually take up Phillips's case on appeal assuming the CO SC affirms the CO appellate court decision.
Out of curiosity, why do you think anyone should forced to create anything for anyone else?
It's not a coincidence we're talking about cake, food. Sustenance required to live. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal to refuse service based just on who someone is. Their race, color, national origin, religion, or sex. Age, disability, and veteran status were added later. This means a town cannot all get together and decide they won't sell food or housing to black people and thereby effectively ban all black people from their town. No one is being forced to create, they're only being forced to provide equal service to all if they choose to provide a service.
If society believes the business is wrong, the business will die.
You can throw out a platitude like that but it doesn't make it true. Some businesses, mostly in rural areas(especially in the South), would be lauded by their local populations if they refused service to transgender people. They would be more successful, not less. Your free market isn't the solution to every problem.
Do you believe an artist should be forced to paint something against their closely held beliefs?
So your sentence contains several different issues.

1) forced: what do you mean by forced? We've mostly been talking about the Jack Phillips cake cases wherein he's never being "forced" to bake a cake. He's always free to close his shop and not sell cakes if he has a serious moral/religious conviction. I would assume the same in your artist's case. Literally forcing him to do it, at gunpoint or whatever, is wrong obviously.

2) paint: So this is an interesting case study as painting is usually subjective right? The value depends on the viewer. If you're talking about an inherently creative unique original work there's a strong argument that that's speech and hence protected. But if you're talking about painting a room in your house yellow there's also a strong argument that that's routine commercial work and not speech. Either way that's a compelled speech issue that goes directly to the freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment and would have to be litigated to find the boundaries.

3) against their closely held beliefs: You can refuse service to anyone for any reason that isn't one of the listed protected conditions. So their closely held belief would have to be discriminating against a legally protected class, which is why the cake case is so interesting as he's claiming it's his Christian right to discriminate against gay and transgender people. I agree with the courts that both "the act of baking a pink cake with blue frosting does not constitute protected speech under the First Amendment," and "that CADA’s prohibition against discrimination based on a person’s transgender status does not violate a proprietor’s right to freely exercise or express their religion." That covers both the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion(free exercise) clauses. So they have to follow the CO state law(CADA).
GoP getting the important work done! Lmao. Like anyone thought those clowns would do any real governing.

Some Dems votes yes, but not a single Repub voted no. Tells you all you need to know. I guess you think this administration doing some real governing? You are the type of voter they love. Uninformed and goes along with whatever they say. Some people call it useful idiots.
That's what he's saying. The rights of the trans outweigh the rights of the baker. Listen to Dion, "it was just a pink and blue cake". What would the next one be? This entire situation is just another ruse to create a problem where none existed.
Dion claims that before the baker knew for what the cake represented, the baker agreed to bake the cake. Does anyone here think the trans person was not noticeable as a person from the Alphabet community to the baker? The baker was not discriminating against the person, but refused only when the baker concluded the baker would be celebrating what his religious beliefs view as sin. The baker was attempting to avoid being part of the sin. Baking a cake for a trans person was not objectionable. Participating in sin was. Dion will not respect the distinction, but for those who seek God, it is patent.
Christianity is most certainly a religion, the most practiced religion in the world in fact. Sure, you can be a Christian without belonging to or going to a church or particular denomination. But that has nothing to do with whether Christianity is a religion.
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Schiff led this country into 4 years of turmoil because of his repeated lies that he had seen credible evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. Were you asleep or just didn't watch the news? Santos is an asshole but he screwed his district and his voters. Schiff screwed the country and in hindsight... the free world. We are facing ww3 largely on the lie that Trump colluded with Russia. WW3 seems like a much bigger cause and effect than some freshman congressman lying about his background because our very own president has done the same thing dozens of times.
Facts and truth are things libs do not understand and do not want to understand. It goes against their agenda.

So they deflect. They point to the lies of some two bit congressman from New York and totally ignore what lies Shiff created and lies from the Commander In Chief every day of the week. Did you know Biden had a son killed in Iraq?
So USCG tracking a Russian intelligence vessel off Hawaii and now China has a spy balloon in Montana? Awesome.

Looks like @vhcat70 and CCP errand boy Milley told Biden not to shoot it down.

However, I’ll give you credit VH on McCarthy. So far he’s not been half bad.
The excuse given by Biden was it would harm human life if it was shot down. The thing is flying over one of our largest states in land mass and one of our most rural states. It is not like you are shooting it down over New York City.

These fools think we are too dumb to see through their lies. Shoot it down Biden.
Can you imagine the MSM and left wing firestorm if it was Don Jr’s laptop instead of Hunter Biden’s?

After all the hand wringing over Trump, we now have an actual criminal in the WH and nobody seems to even give a damn about it.
If that was Don Jr's. Laptop and all of the crimes committed were his and his dads, they would both be in Gitmo already.
Facts and truth are things libs do not understand and do not want to understand. It goes against their agenda.

So they deflect. They point to the lies of some two bit congressman from New York and totally ignore what lies Shiff created and lies from the Commander In Chief every day of the week. Did you know Biden had a son killed in Iraq?
I think you're the one who is deflecting. Not everything should be excused with "whataboutism". Santos is a disgrace.
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There are multiple different translations of the Christian Bible, additional scriptures not recognized by most Christians, and religions like Catholicism are frowned upon by a lot of modern day Christians.
I grew up in a Southern Baptist church and am now a Presbyterian. I have never heard of people in those churches "frowning upon" Catholics or considering Catholicism a separate religion from Christianity. Is this a return to the 1950s when it was thought Kennedy was unelectable because he was a Catholic?
I would throw him out of congress if I had a say and I hope the people of New York do the same.

Now would you remove Schiff and Biden for their lies? I didn't think so.
Schiff should be investigated and I think will be and we will see what happens after that. Biden is not in Congress and so no I would not support his impeachment for lying.

Santos created his entire persona. We don't even know his true life story. His case is unique. I doubt he will be removed unless he is indicted.
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The Chinese are sending a signal to the world they can humiliate the U.S. and Biden will do nothing about it.

Biden and his crew are the weakest administration I can recall in my lifetime. They are more concerned with how many women and trans in their cabinet than protecting our nation from our biggest enemy.
He initially agreed and then later in the phone call she said it was celebrating a transition. He then changed his mind and refused service after learning that.

If a bartender is willing to serve you a drink, then finds out you’re a mentally disabled alcoholic and refuses to enable you, he shouldn’t be forced to serve you. Same here. A baker may be willing to bake a cake, but he shouldn’t be forced to entertain the mental disabilities and fantasies of lunatics against his will.
Schiff should be investigated and I think will be and we will see what happens after that. Biden is not in Congress and so no I would not support his impeachment for lying.

Santos created his entire persona. We don't even know his true life story. His case is unique. I doubt he will be removed unless he is indicted.
If Santos broke a law I want him indicted. I would vote to remove him by sundown today. He is not good for the image of the GOP or congress. But I guess if they removed every liar in congress they wouldn't have enough members left to call a forum.
Schiff should be investigated and I think will be and we will see what happens after that. Biden is not in Congress and so no I would not support his impeachment for lying.

Santos created his entire persona. We don't even know his true life story. His case is unique. I doubt he will be removed unless he is indicted.

Just within the past couple days a democrat member of the House was ranting about another member taking about “Jewish space lasers”.

If someone could please find me a quote from a Republican talking about Jewish space lasers which the democrat is referring to, that would be great.

If not, please chalk up another damaging democrat lie on the floor of congress which is far worse than guys like Biden, Santos, etc. lying to people who are dumb enough to vote for them.
Schiff should be investigated and I think will be and we will see what happens after that. Biden is not in Congress and so no I would not support his impeachment for lying.

Santos created his entire persona. We don't even know his true life story. His case is unique. I doubt he will be removed unless he is indicted.
Santos is a lot like Biden. Liars. It’s not debatable. Joe and George have each been caught in numerous ridiculous lies. It’s who they are. I am not sure how it would invalidate one but not the other.
Just within the past couple days a democrat member of the House was ranting about another member taking about “Jewish space lasers”.

If someone could please find me a quote from a Republican talking about Jewish space lasers which the democrat is referring to, that would be great.

If not, please chalk up another damaging democrat lie on the floor of congress which is far worse than guys like Biden, Santos, etc. lying to people who are dumb enough to vote for them.
I believe it was a whacky tweet from Taylor Greene.
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Something is definitely off. We have every inch of everything monitored all the time with satellites and radar. No way that thing got all the way here with noone knowing.

Plus they have advanced technology including satellites themselves. No way theyd just float a balloon.

There's really only one conclusion: we knew they were sending it and agreed to let them. That's why we immediately knew it was Chinese (because I'm sure it didn't just have a Chinese flag on it) and why we didn't shoot it down.

The only real question is what information was sought?