How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Yes, especially impressive because of so many retirees who do not work. There are more people working today than before the pandemic. I think unemployment is below 2.5 and we are going to get a massive tax reduction. Not just gas stoves. LOL But families will see it. Things like all baby products, cribs, diapers etc and even pet food will not be taxed any more. That is just a start. The list is very long.

There are so many things going on down here to improve the state and society one being requiring high school students to take financial literacy courses as a requirement to graduate.

Who can aruge with this?

Think I also saw today (read a headline but not the article) where Sen. Scott was asking the state (just Florida or maybe all states?) to send back to D.C .unspent covid relief funds and DeSantis said no.
Some people call those "who object to checkpoints and other 4th amendment violations" - "constitutionalists"
How much weight does the 4th carry once you've voluntarily given away the 5th? The fact that all are as important as any is a fact that was lost on us long ago.

Govt: we want you to freely give up your rights.
us: you mean the rights that protect us from you?
Govt: Yep.
us: OK
I would like to buy a catturd shirt if they are out there.
You should make some. You'd be famous.

So did Hunter learn that from CornyPops, or did CornyPops learn it from it from Hunter?

That second picture there on the right is Hunter talking to Al Gore at DNCP(erv) tech support to try to brainstorm (I kid of course) to get the scent of their hair to transmit over the interwebs.

"HOLD ON, DAD... I think we've got it... Can you smell her hair now?!"
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From the appellate court decision itself: "Additionally, the division concludes that CADA’s prohibition against discrimination based on a person’s transgender status does not violate a proprietor’s right to freely exercise or express their religion." That's directly in reference to the First Amendment freedom of religion claim.
His attorneys are arguing it wrong. It doesn't matter that the people who ordered the cake are delirious. Their feelings are of no concern here. As I stated earlier, there are no doubt many different cakes that this guy would not bake if you asked him to. His discretion is being misinterpreted by you, and other racist bigots, that it must be discrimination about the sex shit. This is about free will of the individual. He is the one using his time, skill, and knowledge to put food on his table. It is absurd to think that someone should be able to dictate to him how he applies his attributes. You are morally, logically, and metaphorically wrong!
My gawd...look at all those lemmings still willing to wear masks in 2023 to go to a Colbert show.

Funny thing. Apparently American Airlines thinks mask wearers are morons too.
On flights today and yesterday when they were doing all their safety announcements, they said for us non-maskers (90% or more of the plane) to respect those passengers wearing masks. OK fine. But then after they were done with the standard announcements they said “Those of you wearing masks please listen a few moments longer for additional instructions” the “instructions” were “In the event the oxygen masks are needed please remove your mask before placing the oxygen mask on your face”.
She didn’t want a white cake. She wanted a pink one with blue frosting. Which he agreed to make.

Ahhhh, so blue (male) on the outside?
Pink (female) on the inside? So a man pretending to be a woman?

Wait a moment!!!!!!

What is going on here? I thought associating those colors with ones gender was verboten!

Which is it, you mf'ing lunatics?

Make up your damn minds.
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As far as I'm concerned I have no problem if I'm temporarily detained for no reason. As long as the drunk driver is taken off the road. Have some friends that live out in the country about 3 miles from a state highway. Highway connects about 3 or 4 towns, and they say that on a Friday and Saturday night that the traffice increases about 10X on their tiny road.....drunks coming out of the bar(s) in the largest town going home and avoiding the more well traveled...and patrolled...highway.

Question for the old time UK alums (or Lexington residents)....remember the bar in Richmond that a lot of UK students went to back in the 60s? Didn't card/ID you going in....but the cops were always waiting outside as you went out (parked on the street). Always heard that the Richmond police chief owned the place (don't know if true).
EKU is a big police training school. I’m sure they loved nothing more than busting UK students raiding their town to party on Thursday nights. (Never understood why Thursday was the big night to hit Richmond back when I was at UK in the early 90’s.
She didn’t want a white cake. She wanted a pink one with blue frosting. Which he agreed to make.
Where is the proof of that conversation. You keep saying it over and over. I know that you were told to say that. Did you question that narrative at all? Did it occur to you that he agreed to make a cake for these people prior to him understanding what kind of cake they wanted and it's intended purpose?

You would be among the first lemmings off the cliff and feel pride all the way down.
EKU is a big police training school. I’m sure they loved nothing more than busting UK students raiding their town to party on Thursday nights. (Never understood why Thursday was the big night to hit Richmond back when I was at UK in the early 90’s.
It was a big deal in the 70's. Probably before that. Thursday night was big because a lot of people went home on the weekends. Same as colleges all over America. Damn, I miss those days.
And, one sentence from an aspiring historian exponentially dropped the collective IQ of the thread. Congrats.
As if Christians are only white. What separates a black Christian from a white Christian? Or a Christian of any other race? He still won’t respond to what would happen if that baker had been Muslim and if those laws apply to them too.

Christianity (in general, not just the “white” variety) has been part of our Country since it’s inception yet he acts like it’s suddenly being shoved down everyone’s throat when the truth is that acceptance of all this deviance, debauchery and dysphoria is what’s being shoved down down everyone’s throats.
His attorneys are arguing it wrong. It doesn't matter that the people who ordered the cake are delirious. Their feelings are of no concern here. As I stated earlier, there are no doubt many different cakes that this guy would not bake if you asked him to. His discretion is being misinterpreted by you, and other racist bigots, that it must be discrimination about the sex shit. This is about free will of the individual. He is the one using his time, skill, and knowledge to put food on his table. It is absurd to think that someone should be able to dictate to him how he applies his attributes. You are morally, logically, and metaphorically wrong!
So what right are you asserting that allows him to refuse service to a transgender individual by trumping the law? How would you argue it if the attorneys are doing it wrong like you say? As I linked in the court decision itself they addressed Failure to Exhaust Administrative Remedies and the First Amendment, both Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. I didn't quote the freedom of speech paragraph as @Caveman Catfan was talking about the freedom of religion angle but here it is in case that's what you're referring to: "Turning to the constitutional issues presented, the division concludes that the act of baking a pink cake with blue frosting does not constitute protected speech under the First Amendment." Can't get much clearer than that.
Might've been before the constitutional challenge. Not sure when the case was decided.

I still run into them in rural areas without hearing notice. I assume they publicize it somewhere but I'm just not there to listen to local radio. Other times I do hear the postings.
I’ve seen a few around where I’ve lived, but they were always on or around certain holidays or derby. Times like that.
Where is the proof of that conversation. You keep saying it over and over. I know that you were told to say that. Did you question that narrative at all? Did it occur to you that he agreed to make a cake for these people prior to him understanding what kind of cake they wanted and it's intended purpose?

You would be among the first lemmings off the cliff and feel pride all the way down.
I wasn't told anything. It's part of the court record. Neither side disputes the conversation.
As if Christians are only white. What separates a black Christian from a white Christian? Or a Christian of any other race? He still won’t respond to what would happen if that baker had been Muslim and if those laws apply to them too.

Christianity (in general, not just the “white” variety) has been part of our Country since it’s inception yet he acts like it’s suddenly being shoved down everyone’s throat when the truth is that acceptance of all this deviance, debauchery and dysphoria is what’s being shoved down down everyone’s throats.

Charlie Hebdo: Fourteen guilty in 2015 Paris terror attacks trial

He still won’t respond to what would happen if that baker had been Muslim and if those laws apply to them too.
Of course the same if the baker were Muslim. I said as much in this comment as well as the conversation about the Muslim salon worker but I'm saying it now too explicitly if this wasn't enough:
I’m anti all religions. Christianity is just the one I’m predominantly surrounded by so come into conflict with the most. If I was in Turkey right now I’d be doing the same to Islam. They’re famously not too fond of the Jewish people/religion either.
Nevermind the many crimes and acts of treason they uncovered. Let’s go after them for looking at it.
EKU is a big police training school. I’m sure they loved nothing more than busting UK students raiding their town to party on Thursday nights. (Never understood why Thursday was the big night to hit Richmond back when I was at UK in the early 90’s.
Back in the 70’s The Family Dog and Maverick Club were targets of police. The Dog was within walking distance of EKU campus. I believe Thursdays were nights that bands played. Exile was a frequent band.