Ft. Campbell, KY schools removing books, billboards, etc. about slavery, Civil Rights Movement, Black History, etc.

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Root of the problem? Barack Hussein Obama. Liberalism ruins everything it touches: the USA is not exempt.

Dems ran roughshod over the country in 12 of the last 16 years: now comes the pushback. You fvcking idiots told us Biden was coherent, inflation was temporary, and everything was fine.

Gonna be a looong 4 years for you azzholes: hope you leave the country.

Born and raised here bud. I'm not going anywhere. And if I'm a "lib" I'd hate to see what you'd really think of the true left nut jobs.
Born and raised here bud. I'm not going anywhere. And if I'm a "lib" I'd hate to see what you'd really think of the true left nut jobs.
Ha... I'd deport every liberal if it were up to me lol.
"We must seek common ground."

This principle should guide every decision the government makes.

That sounds nice and all, but the reality is that we have no common ground with the radical left. They are the biggest enemy of this country because they destroy from within.
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"We must seek common ground."

That sounds nice and all, but the reality is that we have no common ground with the radical left. They are the biggest enemy of this country because they destroy from within.

I agree with you. That’s why I included the “there is a limit part”. It’s idiotic to expect people to fall in line with the ridiculous shit the fringe expects.
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I see that one of my DOGE related posts just disappeared. Which lefty did I offend with the truth?
Oh, the irony of being censored by liberals... in a thread complaining about censorship by liberals.

I lost a few posts also.
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TS, I get a kick out of posters like WTF Cat and IdaCat who seemingly act normal in other threads but whenever anything comes up that's remotely political, WTF Cat turns into a 14 year old troll who refuses to have an actual discussion and IdaCat just says that liberals are the enemy (which he's said 1,000 other times) and then posts a bunch of tweets he agrees with.

I know you know how to post like normal people. That's how you know this silly shit is an online gimmick for attention.

And fwiw both sides are the exact same and neither side are the heroes they constantly portray themselves as.
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TS, I get a kick out of posters like WTF Cat and IdaCat who seemingly act normal in other threads but whenever anything comes up that's remotely political, WTF Cat turns into a 14 year old troll who refuses to have an actual discussion and IdaCat just says that liberals are the enemy (which he's said 1,000 other times) and then posts a bunch of tweets he agrees with.

I know you know how to post like normal people. That's how you know this silly shit is an online gimmick for attention.

And fwiw both sides are the exact same and neither side are the heroes they constantly portray themselves as.

Nobody cares about your kicks or your lectures.
Whatever you say, gimmick. Can't wait to see you upset at liberals again in a couple weeks and follow that up with a bunch of tweets instead of acting somewhat normal.

People can choose to ban books or "end" Black History Month. If that actually bothers you for some reason, go ahead. I didn't know having a couple posters in a school or seeing a commercial about a black man or woman who invented something useful was so troublesome. What's next then? We going back to pretending drag shows are the devil? Give an inch, take a mile. That's what right leaning posters say about the left. Again, that applies to both sides. America has bigger problems (or so we were told) but if you'd rather ban things, want liberals kicked out of the country, end every drag show, and stop the evil that is *checks thread again* Black History Month, where does it stop and how does it end? Just seems strange to focus energy on these things that affects no one and certainly not anyone within this thread.
Whatever you say, gimmick. Can't wait to see you upset at liberals again in a couple weeks and follow that up with a bunch of tweets instead of acting somewhat normal.

People can choose to ban books or "end" Black History Month. If that actually bothers you for some reason, go ahead. I didn't know having a couple posters in a school or seeing a commercial about a black man or woman who invented something useful was so troublesome. What's next then? We going back to pretending drag shows are the devil? Give an inch, take a mile. That's what right leaning posters say about the left. Again, that applies to both sides. America has bigger problems (or so we were told) but if you'd rather ban things, want liberals kicked out of the country, end every drag show, and stop the evil that is *checks thread again* Black History Month, where does it stop and how does it end? Just seems strange to focus energy on these things that affects no one and certainly not anyone within this thread.

Is this directed at me? I've said nothing you are ranting about in this tirade. read that on X?

You probably believe the president when he said tariff's are a tax on the other country.
Let me explain how they work. They take a nation like China who manipulates their currency and uses slave labor to produce cheaper products....and levels the playing field for the US. It makes American products more competitive. Not sure why you are against American labor. Union Labor. Is it simple TDS? Shame on you.
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Like renaming bodies of water while grocery prices skyrocket? The problem is the current administration is making a lot of noise about small things. And I'm not sure exactly why.
Were you complaining about skyrocketing grocery prices the last 4 years or did you just now get religion?
Yet inflation was going down, and now it's going up. And the US government is going to give 400M to Tesla for Cybertrucks. But sure, no waste their nor conflict of interest.
No it wasn't.

Politico is a left wing rag. Even they admit the numbers were all fraudulent. I'll be you never had a problem when inflation was 16% with other guy.... The tesla deal was also done under the "other" guy. But you don't care about detail like that do you...?
I have several friends that are teachers in public school. A couple of them history teachers. They don't teach that the Civil Rights Movement is somehow related to white people being racist in today's world. But you'd be naive to think that wasn't the case in the 60's.
And incidents like Emmet Till and the kidnapping of Civil Rights workers are proof of very systemic racism in the South. Now, of course, racism will never truly die as long as human exist, and we are in a MUCH better place today than 60 years ago. But to sit and agree with the removal of billboards discussing Dr. King and books that talk about slavery is naive. It's no different than removing statues. ANY erasure or censure of American history is morally WRONG.
If you think DEI is about people not knowing there were terrible racist in our past then you didn't read books in HS. Did anyone ever get taught in HS that we weren't that bad to Native Americans and black people in the past? Did you honestly not learn about Japanese detainment during WW2? i feel like some of you just didn't learn history so you assume nobody did.
So why then has Trump said those receipts are to be classified at the Presidential level and not subject to FOIA requests? If there's nothing to hide, why are the receipts not being made public?

I'm ALL for cutting waste. But color me suspicious when Elon is then taking a 400M contract like it's not a conflict of interest.
There is a DOGE page. you can actually read up on it if are curious. If there is nothing to hide.... Well if you are really curious then why haven't you read up on it to give an informed opinion?
That’s the problem with your politics. I question one of your tribe members about a reason for inflation and you come back with a MAGA Bingo card full of gibberish fresh out of the echo chamber thread that has zero to do with inflationary causes.
Was inflation a problem before J20?
IMO this isn't a hill Dems need to die on. Maybe learn how to talk to the American people again and win elections first. Regardless, both sides, particularly the far right LOVE this shit. A couple years back, a poster ranted about seeing tv logos in the corner of the screen rainbow colored for Pride Month. He was legit frustrated over that. So we're going to have four years of pretending Black History Month and Pride Month don't exist and once a Dem wins again, these things will return. I can tell just from the Paddock though that "woke" has been replaced by "DEI" so that's something. I wonder how many times a couple here have typed "DEI" since last month lol. But hey, I hope Trump does a good job. Just didn't get the memo that pissing off Canada, wanting to take over various countries and control Gaza, and renaming the Gulf Of Mexico the Gulf Of America were really important things. I mean, Harris is a big ole loser for losing but if she suggested doing those things in her first few weeks in office, most here would like "wtf."
Both sides... Far right.... It's weird how it's never Far Left... and The Left.... It's always the right involved in the problem with you. LOL.

The election proved the country isn't close to as far left as people like you think. Stuff like illegal immigration is a 65/35 issue, trans stuff is 70/30, racial quotas over competency is 65/35. I'm sure things are good in your neighborhood but lots of places have been hit hard the last 20 years with all the nonsense in DC. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it didn't affect 70% of the country. You really need to expand your news feed because you are so out of touch with 70% of the county and you think you are right down the middle.
Not a Dem. Just not a fan of censorship. And neither should any true American be.
I'll bet you were fired up the last 4 years then. I'd love to hear about all the times you came on here to rail about right wingers being censored and websites being banned. I bet you've got dozens of post on that.
Weird how these programs, many of which have been in place for 25-50 years, didn’t become racist against the white man until a person came along running on the white guy grievances platform, which is admittedly quite popular with its intended audience.

I also think you might be confusing DEI with critical race theory. Can you link DEI policies or provide company names for any company that explicitly says "white people are inherently racist and oppressive" in its policies or training materials? CRT theorizes white systems are inherently racist and oppressive, not white individuals. I learned CRT at a very intro level in 2001 in a 300-level sociology course, so I could be misremembering. But I am pretty sure it's the theory that white men rigged the game in this country to benefit themselves over anyone else.

End of the day, if these programs gotta go, they gotta go. I know they positively affected white women the most, and it might negatively affect minorities, the disabled veteran amputee, or the deaf/blind/mentally challenged person seeking employment or housing protections. But it won't hurt me, the straight, white, able-bodied male (and I'm pretty sure that's the point).

The good thing about all of this theater is we no longer hire based on race, gender or any other kind of identity nonsense. We only hire based on merit and qualifications.

I am so happy the president appointed a highly qualified, lifelong educator with a passion for educating children as Secretary of Education and not some perverted billionaire wrestling promoter's wife who happened to be longtime donors to and pals of the president. That would be like DEI for rich people and could be seen as hypocrisy.
You should really check into Harvard admission then. Turns out Asian are the most discriminated group and white males are only second. I would think just best test score and best interview get in... but DEI says Asians are wayyy too smart.
I’ve got great news for you: it’s not.
It's like when they tried to say teaching sex to kids 6, 7, and 8 years old in Florida was the "don't say gay" bill. All it said was kids that young are too young for strangers to be talking about sex. Leftist freaked out that couldn't talk about sex with kids under 10... Tell me again how we are on the wrong side of this??? LOL.
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You are being disingenuous- and dodging my question. Yes or no. Is teaching about slavery or the Civil RIghts Movement DEI?
No. But that isn't what is being discussed. DEI is racial equity. Equity is a different word than EQUALITY. If you want equity over EQUALITY then I don't agree with you. Dr King had it right on that... content of character...
No because he wasn’t working directly for the government at that time. He’s acting as an auditor and is getting a contract that benefits him while auditing other programs. That screams conflict of interest. I have no qualms with stuff being cut. But it does bother me a bit when you’re cutting stuff but then push for things that personally benefit you.
This is the problem. He's working for an office set up under Obamacare. Trump only changed the name. He can serve for (I think) 180 days before needing to be confirmed by congress. The contract was under Biden. I think it was OG planned on '22.... Have you actually looked into the stuff they are finding?
Yes. They still get the day off, but can’t host or promote a symposium to discuss the Civil Rights era or hang posters celebrating Dr. King because …..?????

Can you help explain how these new initiatives are helpful in any way or why this is such a top priority of the current administration who promised to prioritize lowering prices and reigning in inflation?

I feel like we have much bigger fish to fry as a country than this performative 50s era nonsense that will likely be reversed one day by someone else.

Seems silly to me, but I am just a random dude in rural Kentucky who feels like I live on a different planet than 3 out of every 4 of my neighbors. Lol.
Can’t hang posters celebrating dr king? You have a link where it says that?
TS, I get a kick out of posters like WTF Cat and IdaCat who seemingly act normal in other threads but whenever anything comes up that's remotely political, WTF Cat turns into a 14 year old troll who refuses to have an actual discussion and IdaCat just says that liberals are the enemy (which he's said 1,000 other times) and then posts a bunch of tweets he agrees with.

I know you know how to post like normal people. That's how you know this silly shit is an online gimmick for attention.

And fwiw both sides are the exact same and neither side are the heroes they constantly portray themselves as.
Weird how you pretend to be down the middle guy yet only have problems with "ultra right wing fanatics". Look, Please don't change. Polls are showing that the country supports the policies this administration is putting forward anywhere from 55% to 65%... The more people like you pretend cutting the junk off of kids is normal the more people move to the center... because you aren't the center. You need to admit you are further left than we are right. Bill Clinton couldn't get elected as dog catcher in a democrat city now.
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Whatever you say, gimmick. Can't wait to see you upset at liberals again in a couple weeks and follow that up with a bunch of tweets instead of acting somewhat normal.

People can choose to ban books or "end" Black History Month. If that actually bothers you for some reason, go ahead. I didn't know having a couple posters in a school or seeing a commercial about a black man or woman who invented something useful was so troublesome. What's next then? We going back to pretending drag shows are the devil? Give an inch, take a mile. That's what right leaning posters say about the left. Again, that applies to both sides. America has bigger problems (or so we were told) but if you'd rather ban things, want liberals kicked out of the country, end every drag show, and stop the evil that is *checks thread again* Black History Month, where does it stop and how does it end? Just seems strange to focus energy on these things that affects no one and certainly not anyone within this thread.
Where were you when pubs were being banned off facebook, kicked off YT, debanked, GAB deleted, shadow banned on Twitter? Why are you only worried about censorship now? And I will bet we find out this isn't what was reported.
How many chickens were culled in the US the last 6 months

Square profile picture






15 posts

15 web pages
Over the last 6 months, more than 20 million egg-laying chickens were culled in the United States due to bird flu outbreaks. read that on X?

You probably believe the president when he said tariff's are a tax on the other country.
And also... You do know that Canada, Mexico and Colombia all caved on pressure of tariffs don't you.... Canada has tariffs on US products of over 100%, 200% and even 300%. you hear anyone complaining about those? We threaten 25% tariffs because they are letting people on the terrorist list come across the border and letting fentanyl run through with zero effort to stop it.... Yea.. It's a tax on us.
Born and raised here bud. I'm not going anywhere. And if I'm a "lib" I'd hate to see what you'd really think of the true left nut jobs.
Simple questions...
Should the most qualified person get a job regardless of race?
Should people be forced to pay for something their great grandparents did?
Are children under 14 sexual?
Are there more than 2 genders?
Should race or gender be a deciding factor in a court of law?

I know this is long but some people seem really concerned about censorship so this will be really interesting to you. Would you be surprised that US taxpayer money went to censoring people not only overseas but also in the US? How about funding instability in countries to overthrow democratically elected governments??? good? bad? We were using our tax dollars to fund the overthrowing of democracies.... Or how about funding al-qaeda and isis???? Are you OK with us funding those 2 groups? How about us funding both while they are fighting each other?

In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA​


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In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA​

By Nabih Bulos, W.J. Hennigan, Brian Bennett
March 27, 2016 5 AM PT
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Reporting from Amman, Jordan — Syrian militias armed by different parts of the U.S. war machine have begun to fight each other on the plains between the besieged city of Aleppo and the Turkish border, highlighting how little control U.S. intelligence officers and military planners have over the groups they have financed and trained in the bitter five-year-old civil war.
The fighting has intensified over the last two months, as CIA-armed units and Pentagon-armed ones have repeatedly shot at each other while maneuvering through contested territory on the northern outskirts of Aleppo, U.S. officials and rebel leaders have confirmed.
In mid-February, a CIA-armed militia called Fursan al Haq, or Knights of Righteousness, was run out of the town of Marea, about 20 miles north of Aleppo, by Pentagon-backed Syrian Democratic Forces moving in from Kurdish-controlled areas to the east.
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It's weird how much money is connected to the judges ruling against Trump yet nobody brings up those financial connections. I'm sure it was an oversight.
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