Can’t that baker tell that woman to stop “pretending” to be a man? I don’t care if you want to pretend, be you, but forcing me to bake you a cake because you want to be seen as something you’re not verges on narcissism.The cake is just a symptom of the underlying disease. I can just as easily tell you "to stop pretending" there's a man in the sky who watches our every move. "I don't care if you pretend, be you, but refusing to bake a cake because you want to be seen as something you are not verges on narcissism." FTFY.
“She”.She didn’t want a white cake. She wanted a pink one with blue frosting. Which he agreed to make.
White supremacy is running wild in south Chicago then. Prolly in hoods and sheets5 black cops, a couple of which were gangsters, wouldn’t have beat the shit out of a white dude?
He can say that, but he still has to bake the cake.Can’t that baker tell that woman to stop “pretending” to be a man? I don’t care if you want to pretend, be you, but forcing me to bake you a cake because you want to be seen as something you’re not verges on narcissism.
IRS put out an update today. Individual Tax refunds are now down 17%. Of course big business got a nice 100billion tax cut while setting record profit margins. The good ole classic GoP tax scam that their base falls for every single time. The best part is this year is the top end "tax cut" for the middle class. From here on out it only gets progressively worse every year.
Anybody who doesn't thoroughly enjoy that is an idiot.
A glorious beat down
A few of our haters made fun of us for following catturd. Turns out a fake cat acct on twitter is more intelligent than anyone in the White House.
They are nationalist more than racist. They tolerate other races as long as they serve the fatherland. For instance, they don't have a problem with Poles and Hungarians per se but if they find young Poles or Hungarians in Ukraine that aren't joining up for the military they will force them into service or beat them. They are OK with pro Ukrainian jews but not others. And you are only talking about 10 to 15% of the country that are extremely racist. Most of Eastern Europe is known to be racist in general so to be considered extremely racist in Eastern Europe is saying something.What exactly is "Nazi-lite" and what is its "sentiment?" Sending half as many Jews to the gas chamber? Only take over 1/2 of Europe? What exactly are these supposed Nazis? Why should we fear them more so than Putin?
You finally admit it.And I'm the insane one.
I didn't start this. @UKBrassowTipIN thought it was a good political topic for the thread and posted Matt Walsh tweets about it:Would somebody bake Dion a damn pink and blue cake so he’ll shut the f**k up about it?
Is taking the L triggering you snowflake?
It's the state funded retirement program. Too many well respected people in small towns and cities say to everyone they meet "Beshear will protect our retirement and that other guy will starve us all". Your avg voter doesn't look into it further than that and figure he can't be that bad.
Good, maybe that will make more of their citizens decide to stay there.This is what the US needs to do:
"El Salvador has doubled its prison capacity after opening a 40,000-person facility this week in an effort to further crack down on the country's gang violence problem.
"All those home boys, those terrorists in the organization that made our beloved Salvadoran people suffer, will be housed and subjected to a severe regimen," El Salvador’s Prisons Director Osiris Luna said on state television. "
According to Dion, if a Christian sculptor who does commissioned work is asked by a gay married couple to make a sculpture of them having gay butt sex, he is compelled to do it. He’s not allowed to turn it away.People should have helped him out by ordering all kinds of cakes he wouldn't make. I'm sure if we put our heads to it, each of us could think of a cake design this guy would hesitate to make. Perhaps he doesn't want to get his name out as the kind of bakery where anything goes. Who decides what the artist paints and doesn't paint? Doesn't the baker have an inalienable right to his own persona and style?
He is not removing their right to have a cake made as they like. This is not a destination case for these people. Just another rung on the ladder.
She didn’t want a white cake. She wanted a pink one with blue frosting. Which he agreed to make.
I heard 19 a while ago so this puts it over 20 at the least.How many food plants have been destroyed by fires since covid? Too many to list here. And we supposed to believe it's all just "accidents". Yeah right. This is a takeover of the American way. A Great Reset if you will. We are dealing with evil we have never seen before. These people are doing the devils work.
They still won't ask her about marrying her brother to commit immigration fraud.
That's what he's saying. The rights of the trans outweigh the rights of the baker. Listen to Dion, "it was just a pink and blue cake". What would the next one be? This entire situation is just another ruse to create a problem where none existed.According to Dion, if a Christian sculptor who does commissioned work is asked by a gay married couple to make a sculpture of them having gay butt sex, he is compelled to do it. He’s not allowed to turn it away.
That’s disgusting and expensive as phuch. Fake syrup was a dealbreaker. That turned up the grossness a couple notches.
So if a male Christian walked into an atheist tranny cake shop and said bake me a cake to celebrate my baptism into the Christian faith, that tranny atheist has to make it by law?Theirs too. You can't refuse them service for being male or Christian either.
Schiff led this country into 4 years of turmoil because of his repeated lies that he had seen credible evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. Were you asleep or just didn't watch the news? Santos is an asshole but he screwed his district and his voters. Schiff screwed the country and in hindsight... the free world. We are facing ww3 largely on the lie that Trump colluded with Russia. WW3 seems like a much bigger cause and effect than some freshman congressman lying about his background because our very own president has done the same thing dozens of times.Yeah, only a "lib" would have a problem with Santos. There is no comparison between Santos' lying and the lies of anybody else in Congress.
I didn't start this. @UKBrassowTipIN thought it was a good political topic for the thread and posted Matt Walsh tweets about it:
Is taking the L triggering you snowflake?
I thought Muslims were the majority?Christianity is most certainly a religion, the most practiced religion in the world in fact. Sure, you can be a Christian without belonging to or going to a church or particular denomination. But that has nothing to do with whether Christianity is a religion.
I thought Muslims were the majority?
No, you clown, it's that you've posted about it approximately 500 times since that post. I think everyone is sick of hearing about it. Move on to your next obsession.
He initially agreed and then later in the phone call she said it was celebrating a transition. He then changed his mind and refused service after learning that.Sounds like he didn’t agree to make that cake and that’s why this lunatic sued.