How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Cardkilla maybe you are trolling, maybe you're not.

This country is laughing at you and your ilk. You just got lied to by the MSM. Nothing they said was even remotely close and you dumb shits slurped it up like it was was gospel. There is wikileaks PROVING HILLARY CLINTON TOOK MONEY FOR PAY FOR PAY WITH THE MEDIA. Russia didn't break into her computer and forge those emails. Those emails are more authentic than the Holy Bible. It happened. Russia has been cleared. Assange said it wasn't Russia. It came from inside the US. But you still don't get it.
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I don't read infowars either and I think Alex Jones is a loudmouth gimmick.

What about Don Lemon?
Like the street interviews on his show. Those things are so scripted and faked. Looks like some cheesy ass reality show every time they interview "real people" out on the street.
Yup that's all I read I don't read infowars or worldnutdaily, though, guess that's where the real Republican intellectuals get their talking points.

Btw, as crazy and nutty as Alex Jones is, he knew for a fact that Clinton did not have a 98% chance to win the election. CNN and NYT are the people who reported the 98% number as a fact. So....
Yup that's all I read I don't read infowars or worldnutdaily, though, guess that's where the real Republican intellectuals get their talking points.
We also read actual emails between the dems where they actually say what they actually mean and even reveal what they are going to tell you to think. Might say we get our news firsthand from a secondhand source.

All of your talking points you were given to repeat have been shot down. You seem like an intelligent guy, why not give your own thoughts a try and see how you fare. Can't be worse.
So they count the votes to a point where they can confidently declare a winner instantly on election day . . . but it takes 2 months to decide to and actually preform a recount? And nobody seems to care that the results aren't exactly the same?

We put so much faith in such a stupid process.
If you think about it, he's really the only prominent Democrat they have to run who would remotely have a chance to win.

Unless someone breaks onto the scene within the next four years, I can't think of a single other Democrat who would have a chance.

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If you think about it, he's really the only prominent Democrat they have to run who would remotely have a chance to win.

Unless someone breaks onto the scene within the next four years, I can't think of a single other Democrat who would have a chance.
Maybe, but he would have a hard time defending his billion public gaffes hes had. Even the media couldn't cover them up. The DNCs best bet is finding another Obama, someone younger who can rile up the retarded base of the DNC.
Maybe, but he would have a hard time defending his billion public gaffes hes had. Even the media couldn't cover them up. The DNCs best bet is finding another Obama, someone younger who can rile up the retarded base of the DNC.
Yeah, that's why I said remotely. Chance is slim, but there is a chance.
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Fake news has been around since the Internet and yes, i've talked about the fake emails that are always forwarded from some stupid uncle or cousin in the past but now it's gotten to where vast swathes of low information voters who could care less if it's true or not believe things that are not true. OH and the soon to be President retweets these fake news stories and conspiracy theories!!

And the right thinks that's not a problem of course. Obviously haven't read 1984 or are able to critically think about the implications of this in the future. We laugh at North Korea and Russia for their ridiculous news articles, but here in America, fake news and false information is now a political view. Just blame the left. Because you think fake news stories are true? The circular logic is breathtaking.

They will believe absolutely anything that is said. Their saviors can get them to repeat ANYTHING. Lock her up! Drain the Swamp! Libtards! Lamestream Media!

Yup, you guys really are THAT stupid.

My god.

I really don't understand how an adult in this country can be so goddam dumb, but possess the ability to type a post on a computer.

1. "Fake news", those words together, you moron, not just shit like made up stories about Russian boogeymen has been in the pop-lexicon for like 2 months. Pull you head out of your ass and maybe the point won't fly so far above it next time.

I challenge you to find a single post older than one month where you use the term "fake news".

2. Are you really dumb enough to mention 1984 and the Russian and NK media after seeing all the collusion between most major news media outlets and the Clinton campaign? As Obama and the lefties yell about "fake news" and basically the need for a Ministry of Truth? Christ.
It's absurd to read this fake news stuff now coming from the news that has been proven fake.

Remember the "take that shit to the suburbs" lady who was portrayed as a saint calling for peace on CNN?
How about every single Clinton rally with bs camera angels?
Hillary is perfectly healthy . . . faints the next day.
DNC chair people magically resigning left and right.

If anything is 1984, it's the perpetrators of the above dismissing the people who correctly reported the above as fake news.
This whole fake news tirade they're on is just an attempt to cover their own asses. That's why they all acted so shocked about the polls being so wrong. The polls were so wrong because they were part of their fake news.

They purposely reported them that way in an effort to sway the public, it backfired, and now they're scrambling with this fake news narrative from the other side to cover up for their own fake news.
This whole fake news tirade they're on is just an attempt to cover their own asses. That's why they all acted so shocked about the polls being so wrong. The polls were so wrong because they were part of their fake news.

They purposely reported them that way in an effort to sway the public, it backfired, and now they're scrambling with this fake news narrative from the other side to cover up for their own fake news.

Bill nailed it.

No mention of fake news until two weeks ago when democrats turned it into a talking point.
Cardkilla says he's been on the fake news train with his kooky relatives email chain before it was fake news.

Ha ha before CNN said "fake news" , Cardkilla never. And I repeat never. Never called media fake news
Before this ridiculous campaign only the most fringe conspiracy nut thought the was as bad as it has been proven to be by random dudes recording with cell phones. I'm not sure the words "fake news" had ever been uttered. Everyone thought it was just a bias that we wish were disclosed.
By the way, I'm still waiting for proof Russia hacked our election . . . and the appropriate response by the Democratic party. Crickets? Yeah, eff you all for warmongering.
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Ha ha before CNN said "fake news" , Cardkilla never. And I repeat never. Never called media fake news
Yet the rest of us were calling CNN, NYT, MSNBC, etc... biased, liars, etc.. throughout the entire campaign, especially after the editing of video news clips, red scare tactics and wikileaks. They've been outed and are doing exactly what liberals do; projecting.
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Been complaining for years and years about the obvious liberal bias of the MSM and Hollywood and now the left grabs on to the term "fake news" like they've invented the wheel.

Fake news was trying to get people to believe O'bama was qualified to be president because he was black and could read well.
Man, there sure are a lot of old, white racist democrats out there criticizing Dr. Carson. They might as well be saying he isn't qualified because he's black. Can't believe we have to put up with that kind of hatred and bigotry in 2016.
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