How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
She actually said 80% of American voters were demanding a recount. Then she said "polls" showed they wanted it. I guess it was the same polls that gave Hillary a 95% chance of winning. She's not doing it to help Hillary though, she's doing it for us. Hillary has promised this bitch a very good job if she can somehow change history. Grasping at the last straw here with the recount.
Watching the world rejecting liberalism is the most beautiful thing to happen in ages.

The world is waking up to the dangers of globalism.
Yes I can't wait for other countries to start imposing tariffs and not importing American products. Should be great for the economy! But stupid is as stupid does. You guys are literally cheering for the death of the US economy. Congrats 'patriots'!

Not sure what liberalism has to do with globalism. I mean just a few months ago I thought liberals were anti-capitalism, anti-trade and socialist. Not sure how that jives with your latest globalism talking points. Republicans brought globalism to America via free trade and moving their companies overseas. Then you got businessmen like Trump buying all their products from China while blaming Mexican immigrants...I mean just pure retardedness.
Theres gonna be a civil war there I bet. Migrants have been rampaging there for a while now.
Not in Germany.

Germans have been conditioned since the Nuremburg trials to reject any sort of nationalism, patriotism, or exceptionalism in the post-war era. Germany is in the infancy of it's death throes.
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Theres gonna be a civil war there I bet. Migrants have been rampaging there for a while now.

As there should be. No way do you let the elite give your country away and put your families in danger with these savages.

If Germany wasn't a civilized country, Merkel would have probably been killed by now.
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Who signed NAFTA?
Same guy that created the housing bubble by forcing banks to lend stupid amounts of money to people with no obvious means to pay the money back.

Unless of course we are supposed to blame someone else, in which case we wouldn't really be able to credit O'bama for the stock market rebounding. We would have to attribute it to capitalism doing what capitalism does.

Oh what a tangled web the dems weave when they constantly practice to deceive.

But, but what about those cops who shoot black criminals? Let's mourn them and riot in the streets and continue to portray everyone as victims while ignoring the reality of racial violence.

Truth should not be an enemy. Imagine if racial stats and violence was actually truthfully told to the SJWs and cucks?
No I hadnt heard that. They caught another democrat politician for pedophilia with ties to Clinton.

Krazy can't buy it, but PizzaGate is real
Bout as real as Trump's 'empathy' for the little guy. But glad that your fake news stories are now causing the crazies to take their investigatorial skills(a gun) into battle. People like Willy are simply unhinged. Probably years of drug abuse and necrophilia that causes brain damage. At some point you're gonna have to prosecute those who intentionally spread these lies because it's gonna get people killed.

A suspect arrested Sunday with an assault rifle at a Washington, DC pizzeria admitted he had come to investigate an online conspiracy theory, Washington's Metropolitan Police Department said Sunday evening in a statement.

I'm sure Trump is still tweeting about Hamilton or SNL.
Same guy that created the housing bubble by forcing banks to lend stupid amounts of money to people with no obvious means to pay the money back.

Unless of course we are supposed to blame someone else, in which case we wouldn't really be able to credit O'bama for the stock market rebounding. We would have to attribute it to capitalism doing what capitalism does.

Oh what a tangled web the dems weave when they constantly practice to deceive.
bwahaha, oh now you wanna talk about capitalism? You guys realize that 34 Republican senators and 27 Democrats voted for this. It was originally created by Bush I but they couldn't get it finished before he left office. It was a top priority of Republicans though. Yup Clinton created the housing bubbles 10 years prior. He bullied Republicans into getting rid of regulations...bwahaha. Right!

I didn't realize capitalism involves trade tariffs, creating winners/losers, and bullying tactics to keep companies from being competitive with global companies. All we heard prior to Trump was Republicans spouting about the wonders of global trade and the free market! But now that Trump is the new Pres, you never heard of it. Yup, Republicans had nothing to do with this at all. Will really and truly say anything, irregardless of facts.

you guys are seriously full of shit.
bwahaha, oh now you wanna talk about capitalism? You guys realize that 34 Republican senators and 27 Democrats voted for this. It was originally created by Bush I but they couldn't get it finished before he left office. It was a top priority of Republicans though. Yup Clinton created the housing bubbles 10 years prior. He bullied Republicans into getting rid of regulations...bwahaha. Right!

I didn't realize capitalism involves trade tariffs, creating winners/losers, and bullying tactics to keep companies from being competitive with global companies. All we heard prior to Trump was Republicans spouting about the wonders of global trade and the free market! But now that Trump is the new Pres, you never heard of it. Yup, Republicans had nothing to do with this at all. Will really and truly say anything, irregardless of facts.

you guys are seriously full of shit.

yo, blood - get down on this, yo. even if day was bi-partisan support for deregulation that didn't have anything to do with Clintonian strong-arming to govt. lending authorities to the point well beyond fraudulent bookkeeping. you want to get down on some this, bro? I gots lots moe, G

no money down . . . get your variable rate on a home you won't be able to afford, you idiot!
This is a decent presentation, sans any political overtones, and does a good job introducing the nature of how the bubble bust (we can blame that on the internet inventor perhaps), which occurred at the end of the Clinton administration (and was not the doing of anything political), ushered a necessity for interest rate adjustments.

One thing about this presentation I do like is in somewhere in the middle . . . a "map of misery" depicting "new and refinanced mortgages into loans with payment options." The map is at about 5 1/2 minutes in. You'll have to pause it - same for most slides in the video to study them. The "map of misery" has an interesting similarity. Not precise, but you'll see it. Those better "educated" people out there, being the most f'king stupid in their most important financial decision-makings. See the similarity? . . . do you see it? Do you see it now?

Hey guys. Denver baby. I love this city. Phone dead, they said malfunction. Ship it back to get the same phone. These liberal assholes don't realize I leave Tuesday and Need a full kicking phone.

Only reason I'm on here is because... I love Denver Trump fans.
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Hey guys. Denver baby. I love this city. Phone dead, they said malfunction. Ship it back to get the same phone. These liberal assholes don't realize I leave Tuesday and Need a full kicking phone.

Only reason I'm on here is because... I love Denver Trump fans.

Back in the day, I posted once while on Ambien. It made even less sense than this did.
Bout as real as Trump's 'empathy' for the little guy. But glad that your fake news stories are now causing the crazies to take their investigatorial skills(a gun) into battle. People like Willy are simply unhinged. Probably years of drug abuse and necrophilia that causes brain damage. At some point you're gonna have to prosecute those who intentionally spread these lies because it's gonna get people killed.

A suspect arrested Sunday with an assault rifle at a Washington, DC pizzeria admitted he had come to investigate an online conspiracy theory, Washington's Metropolitan Police Department said Sunday evening in a statement.

I'm sure Trump is still tweeting about Hamilton or SNL.

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yo, blood - get down on this, yo. even if day was bi-partisan support for deregulation that didn't have anything to do with Clintonian strong-arming to govt. lending authorities to the point well beyond fraudulent bookkeeping. you want to get down on some this, bro? I gots lots moe, G


Never let facts interfere with a good whine.
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Don't worry. After following #FakeNews CNN like gospel and having them lie to their viewers, it doesn't matter if the DNC pays protesters, actors to be Trump rape victims (by the way, where are all those women who were raped by Trump now?). People like Cardkilla will just keep going by the talking points.

Another Democrat politician linked to Hillary was arrested for pedophilia yesterday. The FBI are having a field day with Weiner's laptop. Like shooting fish in a barrel
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bwahaha, oh now you wanna talk about capitalism? You guys realize that 34 Republican senators and 27 Democrats voted for this. It was originally created by Bush I but they couldn't get it finished before he left office.


Told you, I told you..........I told you!!!