How will they rule ??!

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Don Lemon is the most dangerous threat to America at this point.

That POS needs to be droned and dead yesteryears.
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lmfao. Make sure to tune into CNN Wednesday night.

They all know Obama's legacy is pig shit and Trump will throw it away, but they are already piping him up for all good he has done. lol
It's so obvious what this fake news talking point is trying to accomplish...

This election cycle has really shown the masses that people must go places besides CNN NYT YAHOO ETC ETC ETC to really know what's going on. They are becoming obsolete and who knows if they will ever regain respectability...... sooo they are trying their hardest to spook anyone from the main streem talking point stories.
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Hillary is perfectly healthy . . . faints the next day.

This was one of the best. Wasn't it the Washington post that ran a long story lecturing the media about how irresponsible it is to even repeat any allegations of hillarys health?

Then she passes out the very next day hahaha
It's so obvious what this fake news talking point is trying to accomplish...

This election cycle has really shown the masses that people must go places besides CNN NYT YAHOO ETC ETC ETC to really know what's going on. They are becoming obsolete and who knows if they will ever regain respectability...... sooo they are trying their hardest to spook anyone from the main streem talking point stories.

For smart people. Not for our poor friends Copkilla and Albany.
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If you can't enjoy CNN for what it is then that says a lot about you.

I still love it!

Poor little Kaylee tonight was on Erin Burnett telling CNN only the fringe believe the pizza gate scandal BS....... but Bill hanging out with a convicted pedophile..........and before pedophile is completely said all 4 other talker people are all over the hush up of the story!

Cracks my shit up on the daily!
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If you can't enjoy CNN for what it is then that says a lot about you.

I still love it!

Poor little Kaylee tonight was on Erin Burnett telling CNN only the fringe believe the pizza gate scandal BS....... but Bill hanging out with a convicted pedophile..........and before pedophile is completely said all 4 other talker people are all over the hush up of the story!

Cracks my shit up on the daily!

Krazy- Told ya.

Jimmy Saville died and opened a whaler.

I love the human mind. Convinces us.
Man, there sure are a lot of old, white racist democrats out there critizing Dr. Carson. They might as well be saying he isn't qualified because he's black. Can't believe we have to put up with that kind of hatred and bigotry in 2016.

same thing, new day . . . no different that the intolerance the lib media / flocks of followers had for dignified and immaculately qualified African American female like Dr. Condoleezza Rice for 8 years and then instantly demanded acceptance on the basis of His Royal 1/2 Blackness - this wretchedly unqualified piece of garbage been scuffin' his high tops in the white house for 8 years now, yo.
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I hate Bill O'Reilly.

Read two of his books.

Hate thim.

Which books? I know he writes the "Killing so and so" series but I never bothered reading them. I glanced at his Lincoln one and it featured stuff that had already been covered by two other Lincoln assassination historians (awesome) so whatever.
Fake news has been around since the Internet .

long before that . . . Greek mythology says hi . . . but you make a good point about the internet. I thought I found a good one here, Hillary Clinton's pilot into Bosnia . . . talking about "no bullets or bumble bees" flying around. I said to myself . . . that's fake, bumble bees aren't native to the Balkans. So I said to myself, "I'm taking this dude to task." Googled it . . . but then I learned something about bumble bees - they're all over the world, all sorts of species, all sorts of places . . . so then I was like, "damn, didn't know that". You know that feeling don't you? When you think you're onto something, and then you do a little research and you say to yourself "hmm, I learned something there." Oh wait, you don't know that feeling at all, do you? You only know the feeling of when somebody packs it back up your ass, yo. Much like how you felt after your fake side of the housing bubble rant last night. Anyway, great topic "fake news" . . . and that's just what it is whenever Hillary makes it, because that loser, trash bitch is 100% fake.

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Not really a huge fan myself. Found his immigration solutions/plan in that segment interesting, though.

I agree with him. Sounds like a good plan but I would be even harsher. I don't believe you should be granted automatic citizenship because illegals came over here and had a kid.

Entitlement programs for all non-citizens should be done away with COMPLETELY
Massive penalties levied against companies knowingly hiring illegals

And even more. I have no sympathy for these people. They are leaches and they hate this nation and its people. Tired of actual productive people, patriots and our history being destroyed for the sake of radical minorities and illegals to just take everything we worked hard to establish.

You shouldn't even be allowed in this nation without proving you're capable of contributing. Why should we take you on if you're low-skilled, have no education and are going to be a financial burden? Some countries require you to already have a certain amount of people before coming here. Why the hell are we taking these people? We get nothing out of it.
This was one of the best. Wasn't it the Washington post that ran a long story lecturing the media about how irresponsible it is to even repeat any allegations of hillarys health?

Then she passes out the very next day hahaha
I have had pneumonia, not the "running for president and need a quick excuse" kind, the real "damn near died" kind. If she was sick enough to collapse from pneumonia she most assuredly did not go to her daughters apartment and emerge happy and cheerful two hours later. it is truly a ridiculous proposition. Fake news? At the least.
Was going to colorado. Not now. But when the South legalizes the East Coast. Why go to Shit West Coast??
Was going to colorado. Not now. But when the South legalizes the East Coast. Why go to Shit West Coast??

Denver is not west coast IMO. Id move here in a heartbeat if real estate wasn't bat shit. Maybe that is west coast but I love Denver.
Denver is not west coast IMO. Id move here in a heartbeat if real estate wasn't bat shit. Maybe that is west coast but I love Denver.

For me, Denver is west coast. I'm on the eastern side of the U.S. If this country goes to shit. I'm killing west coast like slicin thru butter
I was so sad when I found out the San Andreas fault was a slip and slide and not a subduction fault. Killed my dream of a huge tsunami.
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your cynicism definitely has some shock value working tonight, bro. nothing that two or three Tylenol pm's and a cold beer won't fix. unless you got something better.
Jamo- How are the Starbucks coping on your end? I'm kinda pissed. I had to go berate on a GD Starbucks drive thru here because they keep adding sugar to my Venti. Seriously pissed Jamo. Son, I don't want to even to tell ya. Not because they are Hillary voters. They aren't. They are just stupid redneck chicks waiting to get pregnant. Jamo- I bet you got some potent sperm.