Ho-hum another school shooting...

Of course protecting the kids is the right thing to do - as much as it is terrible to understand that this is what the world we live in has come down to.

Are there not armed guards at banks? Are children not worth more than money?

I do not agree with arming the teachers.

Let the teachers teach, let law enforcement protect. Even a patrol car sitting in front of the school could be a strong deterrent. Perhaps a local police presence will help kids to have a better respect and appreciation for law enforcement as well, if handled properly.

There are ways to make schools safer that do not involve turning them into armed fortresses or require tremendous expenditures.

Don't quote me, but I believe it is being reported that there were armed security guards at the school.
For every armed teacher that would run out into a dangerous situation with good enough sense to determine who is bad guy vs. the possibly 1000s of good guys, there is a classroom of kids unattended and without an adult to protect them and make wise security decisions.

just sayin'
For every armed teacher that would run out into a dangerous situation with good enough sense to determine who is bad guy vs. the possibly 1000s of good guys, there is a classroom of kids unattended and without an adult to protect them and make wise security decisions.

just sayin'

I'm not suggesting those who are not trained to be heroes run out and try to be a hero. I'm suggesting a gun protects you from bad guys with guns. That's all.

There are examples daily of good guys with guns deterring criminals. Guns are tools.
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Adam Lanza killed 27 kids and adults in 5-6 minutes of shooting.

I don’t think arming the teachers would change much.

Then what would? Did he not get inside a locked door? Would he have stopped if a metal detector beeped?

Would one or two armed people in the front office possibly been able to stop him before he made his way into the school?
I think the answer is yes.
The first major school shooting was Columbine, it happened during Clinton's assault weapons ban. California has had an extended magazines ban during all their school shootings. Why would someone committing murder be discouraged by a gun law?
Calling for gun control is the response from uneducated people simply to further their political agenda. Talk about real answers, not something that has already been proven not to work.
Almost if not all of these places are no gun zones. These crazies want us not to have guns. They don't want people shooting back so, you will still have these types of shooting in America and maybe even more if we got rid of guns. How many homes would be invaded if criminals knew that there were no guns.
Still doesn't fix the problem that this person was mentally disturbed and there was warning signs. If not a school, then it's a football game. movie theater or other public area. Are you going to require teachers to arm themselves, pretty sure it's a right also not to.
Not all would but if only one did (more than that would) you stand a better chance of defending students.
As I said in the Pol thread... you can have a complete gun ban and it won't make the guns go away. Illegal guns seem to not follow laws. You can have all the metal examinations you can dream up... someone will still lose their shit and want to shoot something or somebody. To deny those things is to display a short-sighted view of this country and human nature.

Those kids desrve protection while the gun problem sorts itself. At this rate, we're losing more kids than guns b/c we continue tom refuse to protect them while we continue to not address the problem. Not fair to the kids. To me, anyway.
Prohibition and drugs laws worked didn't they? No wait.....never mind.
I'm not suggesting those who are not trained to be heroes run out and try to be a hero. I'm suggesting a gun protects you from bad guys with guns. That's all.

There are examples daily of good guys with guns deterring criminals. Guns are tools.
I agree that guns are tools. I even agree that having armed teachers would probably be helpful, but ultimately, I don't think it is practical. For example: the county that I live in is very liberal (politically). There probably aren't 3 teachers in the county that have ccw or wold even consider it. Even then, no way the school board here would go for it.

To me, the issue comes down to a combination of mental health and access to guns. Access to guns is a protected right. Mental health runs a full spectrum of issues. Mental health can change by the day or even hour and I assume goes largely un-diagnosed due to the stigma attached to it.

I've read very little about this latest shooter, but it sounds like he had some warning signs that probably should have been used as a screening tool to dig deeper. But how to do that when medical info is private?

I hate it, but there really are no safe places anymore. Maybe there never were.
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I'm not sure what the answer is, but probably the dumbest of the ideas is the one where we simply give teachers guns. I've had a lot of teachers in my day, and I can think of maybe one or two that would have any business running into the line of fire. Plus, what do I do if I'm someone who just wants to teach Social Studies and not be relied on to have law enforcement-type training to engage and put down an active shooter?
They would not have to carry a gun if they did not want to. Those that would will get training and being that they were willing to help out I bet would make them better.
there is 0% chance they are putting officers and metal detectors in every school. most schools are already underfunded, the cost of that kind of security is astronomical. Your talking basically doubling the education budget when the GOP wants to cut it 30%.
Some one suggested retired officers and military who would do it as a means for something to do. You have enough in this country to probably help in most area's. They do not have to do it everyday, just switch out with others who were willing to do the same. I know several retirees in my area who are just looking for something to do. Couldn't hurt.
So what happens when those 5-10 teachers (which sounds like a really high number when you consider the number of schools throughout the country) grab the $5,000 raise thinking it'll never happen at their school, go through the classes, then high tail it out of there when the bullets start flying? And what happens when you don't get 5-10 at a school? Do you have to let teachers go to get people that would be willing to defend the school?

There is a certain type of person that goes into law enforcement and another type of person that goes into teaching. Those types rarely intersect, and surely not enough to be able to adequately defend every school in the country.
What happens if they don't hightail it? You make assumptions you cannot possibly know. Not all if any would hightail. Bad take.
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I may have missed them, but other than limiting magazine capacity to 10 rounds (and considering the ease with which a magazine can be changed this would have a very limited, if any, effect in reducing casualties), has anyone proposed any other "common sense gun control laws" that would have prevented these mass shootings?
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With the current political climate, I can definitely see the option of arming classroom teachers as an option that’ll be considered. Do we have money for textbooks . . . no. Do we have money for professional development for schools . . . no. Do we have money to provide transportation services to get students to school . . . no. Will we find money to pay school personnel a stipend to get their CCW and pack heat at school . . . most definitely. The NRA lobbyist will see to that.
What happens if they don't hightail it? You make assumptions you cannot possibly know. Not all if any would hightail. Bad take.

Um, the post I was responding to was making the assumption (which he could not possibly know) that there'd be 5-10 teachers at every school in the country willing to take a modest raise in exchange for arming themselves and committing to becoming the first line of defense against a mass murderer wielding military grade weaponry.

So, I think my assumption was pretty mild by comparison.
The short answer is that our culture has gone to shit. Lack of discipline, victim mentality, glorification of street thug criminals, over medication, family breakdown, normalized degeneracy, PC religion run amok, lack of values that promote and bind a healthy society, ....

All the product of the GD Marxist left bastards.
I may have missed them, but other than limiting magazine capacity to 10 rounds (and considering the ease with which a magazine can be changed this would have a very limited, if any, effect in reducing casualties), has anyone proposed any other "common sense gun control laws" that would have prevented these mass shootings?
Or talk about how the govt failed in the TX church shooting and this one.
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The short answer is that our culture has gone to shit. Lack of discipline, victim mentality, glorification of street thug criminals, over medication, family breakdown, normalized degeneracy, PC religion run amok, lack of values that promote and bind a healthy society, ....

All the product of the GD Marxist left bastards.

Very much the case.
Um, the post I was responding to was making the assumption (which he could not possibly know) that there'd be 5-10 teachers at every school in the country willing to take a modest raise in exchange for arming themselves and committing to becoming the first line of defense against a mass murderer wielding military grade weaponry.

So, I think my assumption was pretty mild by comparison.

Correct, I do not possibly know, the same way you do not possibly know. But I definitely think there would be more teachers willing to take on that responsibility, than properly trained armed teachers high tailing and running off at the first sign of violence. Unarmed teachers are standing up and dying for kids right now, cant imagine that would change if they were armed and properly trained.
Man, the assistant football coach/security guard died while shielding students from gunfire. What a hero.

What if that security guard had a weapon? What kind of security guard doesn’t have a weapon?
Man, I was a security guard for a day once. The only weapons I had were my fists. Thunder & Lightning. Made min. wage and got to wear a uniform.

We have security guards where I work. They would be useless in a fight, only good for calling the cops - maybe.
Assuming that we just can't get rid of all guns.. you know, unless we close our borders (ahem, liberals):

The only thing that would have prevented this is an armed officer, armed faculty or right to carry. The kid wasn't even allowed back on campus with a backpack. He had an affinity for guns, which for the mentally sane, is fine. And he was clearly said to be unstable.

What else would have stopped someone from shooting the door locks and killing people without anyone realistically standing in the way? Unfortunately, assuming the first statement, you need guns in the school to prevent this.
Everyone instantly jumps to the shootout conclusion b/t teachers and student and forgets the aspect of a gunman being less ambitious to attack a known protected area in the first place.

And good Lord and a quarter, no, you wouldn't mandate old Mrs. Applebaum pack a .44 in her purse. I see these young teachers that can't even control the number of times they put a fork in their mouths, so again, no, you wouldn't mandate every teacher learn to regulate with a firearm. You give them the option to accept that responsibility. I would have though that concept was pretty straightforward.
Sadly, most gun owners are painted with the same brush by the media as these pathetic sociopaths/lunatics or the terrified 3% that load up on guns in case someone darker than them moves within 5 miles.
Everyone instantly jumps to the shootout conclusion b/t teachers and student and forgets the aspect of a gunman being less ambitious to attack a known protected area in the first place.

And good Lord and a quarter, no, you wouldn't mandate old Mrs. Applebaum pack a .44 in her purse. I see these young teachers that can't even control the number of times they put a fork in their mouths, so again, no, you wouldn't mandate every teacher learn to regulate with a firearm. You give them the option to accept that responsibility. I would have though that concept was pretty straightforward.

You make another good point. Well 2 now that we know Mrs. Applebaum doesn't need to go Dirty Harry.
Definitely and hopefully less ambition for a gunman to enter school property knowing there are armed defenders inside. Instead of a Gun Free Zone sign in front, how about a school guarded by armed teachers sign?

There is no exact solution, but I think that would deter plenty.
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Lock up schools, give all the teachers guns, add metal detectors, add security guards, etc. etc. and guess what will happen. Some nut job will just wait for school to let out and just start shooting kids as they are exiting the school just like that terrorist did when the concert was letting out last year or in Vegas where everyone was out in the open. Point being, if someone has a strong desire to mass kill they are going to find the guns (legally or illegally) and they are going to carry out their plan one way or another.
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Since we can't offend anyone who is mentally ill by trying to get them help rather than normalizing their psychopathic behavior, maybe we should just educate kids remotely over the internet. That way they're never gathered in one spot.

Any other fixes we could try that would negatively impact every single person in the country other than the psychopath doing the shooting? Obviously we've all heard the arguments for eliminating all guns.
Not all would but if only one did (more than that would) you stand a better chance of defending students.

I fully support letting the teachers to chose if they want to have a concealed weapon. Give them free CCW classes and a discount on their firearm.
But the previous mention of having an armed guard for every 100 students just isn't economically feasible with cash strapped districts.
Kentucky's governor is slashing the education budget by 6%, I can't see them buying even an extra security guard.
They would have to raise school taxes again, and it already well over my state and local bill combined.

Let teachers carry concealed if they wish.
Back packs have to be clear.
The way we think about building school campuses has to change. With a check point like TSA where parents and students have to park outside a fenced off campus before passing through it.