Andy Beshear - Not a fan of Science

I haven't seen anybody in here claim to be an expert about the virus. Simply citing credible sources and data. At least those who are in favor of following the data and science that says schools should stay open.

That's because their isn't much, if any, actual data that would point to a shutdown.
They're short on teachers because dumb retirement rules and gaming pensions allowed nearly 20% to bail when this happened. In March, when things were actually terrifying, all essential workers were told to either report to work and suck it up or no pay but not teachers.
Exactly. While I am a gov worker who gets a pension and am also protected by a union (not a teacher), my ass has been working uninterrupted since this whole thing began. I feel zero sympathy for the teachers whining about their safety or having to report to work, especially when they already get a summer break, fall break, winter break as part of a normal work year while the rest of us show up every day.

I'm starting to feel less animus towards Bevin about the rhetoric he used towards teachers unions. I supported his actions if not his words, but now, the way the teachers are completely overreacting about all of this and putting KY's kids waaaaaay behind because of their own selfishness, yeah, zero sympathy. Suck it up buttercup. A whole hell of a lot of us have been working non stop. In public. With people. Without expectation of extra money. We're fine.
I'm a teacher in Tennessee at a private school. We have been in person since day one this year. Didn't have our first positive case until mid-October (600 kids in the school, minus about 60-70 going virtual from the start). Had some minor hiccups in the last month and I think we're up to like 10 total cases for students and 2 for teachers now. Close contacts had to quarantine and go virtual but came back after their isolation. Am I worried I'll get it? Not really. Should I be? Maybe. Don't think about it most days. I go about my job with a mask on and stay away from the kids as best I can. I am one that really gets tired of the whiny stance teachers have seemingly permanently adopted - not just about COVID, but about most things. Just do the job you signed up for or find another one.
You keep saying that but it’s not true. A lot of schools are locked down worldwide.
Like I was saying, all over the world. Especially developed countries. Most of Europe started back in Jun/July. Practically all of Asia that same time. As it stands today, outside of the US, the only heavily closed countries are 3rd world. So whatever, I guess.

Like I was saying, all over the world. Especially developed countries. Most of Europe started back in Jun/July. Practically all of Asia that same time. As it stands today, outside of the US, the only heavily closed countries are 3rd world. So whatever, I guess.

And this map really isn't accurate. Ireland, for example, is almost 100% open as is France. Italy is open except for high schools. Kentucky is a clear outlier in terms of western/developed countries.
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Not gonna lie. It is interesting. A lot less counties than I thought. Kentucky isn’t alone in US though. NYC just did same thing. Jefferson County never reopened schools. So, there’s that.
I don’t have problem with county or even school making decision. Catholic schools in Louisville have done that pretty efficiently.

Skeptical of any strong determination in science, however. Think it’s too soon and too complex to make such determinations. Albeit, I’m just some code monkey.
You're speaking Greek when you say this liberals. They can't possibly grasp this concept.
You’re struggling to type and you seem illiterate yet you’re talking about someone else’s ability to comprehend something. Nice one.
Infections don't concern me one bit. The only metrics that register with me are deaths per million and ICU capacity, which aren't discussed much by our governor.
# of infected long term side effects & hospitalizations is pretty pertinent.
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There's so much dumb shit I don't even know where to start with this one. For f*cks sake.

Let's see:
1. The thought that teachers are some how in closer proximity to other people longer than every other essential industry is just ignorant and untrue. I'm not even going to waste my time listing the countless examples. Just assume everything in your life this very second affording you comfort, electric, food, heat, transportation, internet, starbucks, depends on low income individuals without any of the considerations.

2. Be easier to hire emergency teachers without the stupid archaic unions.

3. Like I said, every industry and business is facing equal or greater issues woth developing policy, safety protocols, acquiring ppe and sanitation, working around health guidelines, and spending a shit ton to do it. Why? Because they go out of business if they don't. If teachers don't they get paid to sit at home. So piss off with the woe is me bs. They created this issue.

4. More money? Umm they just crammed a 9% tax hike through in Louisville a few weeks ago that should hold you over for a bit. Nowhere has our overlord said anything about needing funding to make schools safe.

If we're being honest, and you did this, not me. I was trying to stay cordial. Teachers on the whole are very niave group and out of touch with real world issues. Mainly because they're protected by dumb government rules and on top of that a government union. See their arguments about pensions and then this unsubstantiated nonsense you've been rambling about. They're short on teachers because dumb retirement rules and gaming pensions allowed nearly 20% to bail when this happened. In March, when things were actually terrifying, all essential workers were told to either report to work and suck it up or no pay but not teachers.

There are risks, yes, but they're no greater than any other industry. This is proven. I can post 10+ articles on it right now. They're catching heat because in an effort to bitch about their safety they're putting at risk kids in real danger and our kids are falling behind. Meanwhile, these kids parents are pissed because they've been getting up and carrying a lunch pale to work everday. Why a teacher hasn't been considered essential is ridiculous bordering a civil rights crime.

The reason we're not in school is because unions are making power plays and democrats couldn't afford to piss them off in an election year. Also, Trump supported schools and rather than doing what's right democrats maliciously took the stance anything orange man says is bad.

What a selfish, uninformed, and shallow take, but not surprising from this group.
Damn, I wish I could "like" this post 1,000 times.
Percentage of serious lingering effects and deaths are statistically less likely than serious side effects from the vaccine.

The heart issue is already proven to be fear mongering nonsense

1) not sure that’s a true statement
2) regardless of the statistical yield, one common meme is:”all we care about is deaths“. But point is, long term side effects are a metric that should be paid attention to. Merely looking at deaths is not a portrayal of full picture
There will be more lasting psychological effects than freaking long term virus issues. You have to get infected, have issues and then get into the rare longer term impacts...

the psychological issues require no infection at all!!!! Just order up a lockdown, keep kids out of school, cancel their sports, make them scared of others, let some ppl yell about masks and poof - there’s your long term effects.
1) not sure that’s a true statement
2) regardless of the statistical yield, one common meme is:”all we care about is deaths“. But point is, long term side effects are a metric that should be paid attention to. Merely looking at deaths is not a portrayal of full picture
The full picture also includes economic impact, citizen mental health, and education of our youth.
There will be more lasting psychological effects than freaking long term virus issues. You have to get infected, have issues and then get into the rare longer term impacts...

the psychological issues require no infection at all!!!! Just order up a lockdown, keep kids out of school, cancel their sports, make them scared of others, let some ppl yell about masks and poof - there’s your long term effects.

The lockdown deaths will be something we see for years to come. Maybe from now on due to the severe economic devastation.

Of course that information will be censured and suppressed.
Going back to the OP, as stated, since this was made political we can’t have an honest conversation. Instead it’s confused with do you support Beshear and do you support Donald Trump....
I don’t see that that has happened at all. this thread has been solid.

As far as the overall political nature - by luck or by skill, the party that has sided more with freedom, future and economy just naturally has a much better argument since this virus hasn’t overloaded hospitals and has a 99.8% survival...and a school argument involving children who survive at 99.999 makes it even easier.
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I don’t see that that has happened at all. this thread has been solid.

As far as the overall political nature - by luck or by skill, the party that has sided more with freedom, future and economy just naturally has a much better argument since this virus hasn’t overloaded hospitals and has a 99.8% survival...and a school argument involving children who survive at 99.999 makes it even easier.

Ah, and there it is. It’s why I can’t take it seriously. As initially stated, OP may not be wrong. Except this whole conversation is in context of “Democrats not following science”. Truth is more complicated.
Furthermore, let’s be real...

If you want to make it political... you’re comparing a party which has largely rejected every scientific notion that has challenged religion to a party who has largely sides with scientists.

Furthemore, with rates sky rocketing and holidays approaching, I think there is pretty solid reasoning to consider closing schools. It is very relative to location, ways of life and many other factors not even directly related to virus... and that’s the real world.

Now, a whole lot of people just want their kids out of the ****ing house and see it’s not a good education... they aren’t wrong about that.

One thing being true doesn’t mean the other is not.
Thumb typed as well. Wish I was at my laptop when I wrote it so the formatting would have been better.

Someone should buy you a beer just for thumb typing that and just being an excellent post in general.

Hypothetically speaking what if the state rebelled against his mandates. Like the restaurants stayed open and schools stayed open. Could he actually do something serious or not? I was just curious if there were actually legal ramifications for not following.
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Someone should buy you a beer just for thumb typing that and just being an excellent post in general.

Hypothetically speaking what if the state rebelled against his mandates. Like the restaurants stayed open and schools stayed open. Could he actually do something serious or not? I was just curious if there were actually legal ramifications for not following.
Health dept fines and police shutdowns. If he's willing to chance it.
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Present the data, buddy. Otherwise we're smart enough to realize you don't know what the hell you're talking about and trying to muddy the conversation. That little game doesn't trick us.

I don’t even know if you’re talking me, buddy. Furthemore, what data are you requesting?
"They" are closing down schools just for the fun of it. But you all know better. Sic Semper TRex!
I am. Show us what you're arguing about with some "science".

Lol, what is the argument you think I’m making? My opinion lies on side of facts, wherever facts may lead. If you actually read my initial post, you’d clearly see I said “OP might not be wrong.”

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