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The Pitino Banner?

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even though they don't care about UK or it's fans. Hence, there are numerous threads about UK and our fans.
So to keep any UK fan response or reply from occurring, they have colluded to "report" any UK poster (as much as possible). This will create work overload for the MODS, so they will just delete and ban.

Should we do this here? Should we censore an opinion that is anti-uk?

Oh, I forgot. We don't have to see their thoughts on RR or W.... There is an ignore button.
Those buffoons (a hate to insult bafoons) can find the report feature; but can't find the ignore button. I guess the one extra syllable throws them off.
Uh oh, I better go over there and see if I have been blacklisted. I commented on their board last night after a celebratory glass of Blanton's.
Looks like our old buddy has made some enemies over there....[laughing]

Steeler just needs to go period. I agree people who are not fans of the boards team should have a shorter leash. But steeler since becoming a mod has done nothing but display censorship. He also protects zipp. Zipp is probably the worst poster i have ever seen. How UL has continued to let him post is a shock to me. But steeler once given the mod authority let everyone know he was doing it his way, not by the rules set by rivals. I reported him last week. God to see UL fans are about to turn on him also.
Looks like our old buddy has made some enemies over there....[laughing]

251328 seems like a class person.. Taking a very important issue like website banning to the Courier-Journal crap reporting.. How about reporting on issues that matter like prostitutes squirting Pitino Hall.
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Meh...let 'em write. I don't care...I like differing viewpoints as long as they are respectful and reasoned. I also like reading other teams' boards but never post on a uavel or iu board. The only one I ever post on is the KU board, and that's maybe once a quarter with some pithy observation or bit of humor.
did you really use the word pithy? [winking]
I like it
for awhile around 90% of the threads here were UL threads. The obsession runs both ways.

They're the main story in all of college sports right now, and they're our rival. I can't get enough of it, seems like new news comes out every few days on something crazy in Duh'Ville.
Opinions, criticisms, healthy discussions...all fine...

...but lunacy shouldn't be allowed or encouraged...

I do not have problems with cards fans coming over and posting anything...i don't have a problem with them criticizing, disagreeing, or even talking a little bit of trash...this is a sports forum...jabbering is part of the culture of sports...

If they want to whine a little bit and stir the pot...great...but we don't need complete nonsense...

They can do what they want on their board...if they think banning some uk fans from posting is going to help them and the current situation they find their beloved athletic program and its leaders in, then fine...

There is no sugar coating the mess they have on their hands...we've all known about it and talked about the culture of that athletic program for a while...that place has stunk for some time...

they need clean house and start from scratch...the sooner they start the better for them...
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Make a UL screen name and destroy from within.
I infiltrated several years ago and I'm now entrenched to the point where I can rant and rave about how bad they played, Pitino blew it yada yada One time my fake looserville screen name thanked my UK screen name for coming over and posting. It's awesome to be the "negative fake homer" on your rivals board.

Advice. Use two different devices. Phone for uk account and iPad for UofLsucksville account or vice a versa or else the mods can match your IP address and rat you out.
There was a thread that was suggesting an economic boycott of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Not only was it not shouted down immediately or deleted, there were people treating it like a serious discussion. :flush:
It's unbelievable what has happened to Pitino. If he had only stayed at UK, things could have, and most likely, would have been so different. l think the breaking point of Pitino's psyche was when he chose to come back and coach at Loserville, he thought that he would dominate us and all the fans would be so jealous! But, UK hired Calipari and the tables were turned!!!

Now, he's the one that's being dominated and he's the one that has let jealousy take over his soul!!!

You can se it in his eyes; he is a broken man with no way out of the sh*tstorm he created!!!!
Lets see, small but mouthy fanbase in your backyard known for linebeards, blunts, 40's and crown royal, puffs out their chest despite regular beatings, constantly accuses your team and coach of cheating while getting busted in salacious whore scandal. Yeah, might be a few threads.
I would never post over there, but every now and then, it gives me pleasure to see them wallow in their misery. When you add the level of ignorance, excuses, denial, accusations, and downright lies to it, it is fairly enjoyable. Like I said, I would never post, but sometimes UL fans are good for the soul. :cool2:
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Steeler just needs to go period. I agree people who are not fans of the boards team should have a shorter leash. But steeler since becoming a mod has done nothing but display censorship. He also protects zipp. Zipp is probably the worst poster i have ever seen. How UL has continued to let him post is a shock to me. But steeler once given the mod authority let everyone know he was doing it his way, not by the rules set by rivals. I reported him last week. God to see UL fans are about to turn on him also.

I honestly think he just really enjoys trolling UK fans. He doesn't even try hard at it, we're just quick to defend all perceived slights against UK, no matter how ridiculous. We're a very easy target for trolls. I mean he calls us Louisville's Play Toy, or Thing, or whatever LPT stands for. That makes no sense on any level.

I would just like to take this time to point out just how bad it's got for Louisville, just so that we can savor it. Rick Pitino, our traitor coach, went over to coach them to a national title. Since he's been there, he's had to testify on the stand about having sex with a woman in a restaurant. They've been hiring hookers for recruits who DIDN'T EVEN END UP GOING THERE. Said prostitute wrote a tell-all book, which was backed by freaking IU of all schools. The NCAA is breathing down Louisville's neck. Jurich might get snatched up by another school. Their 2013 National Title banner is in jeopardy. They have self imposed sanctions on themselves this year. Pitino might leave to coach elsewhere. Their school name is currently synonomous with the word "squirt".

All of this happened while they've been screaming about how we're cheating and it's only a matter of time. So very, very satisfying.
Opinions, criticisms, healthy discussions...all fine...

...but lunacy shouldn't be allowed or encouraged...

I do not have problems with cards fans coming over and posting anything...i don't have a problem with them criticizing, disagreeing, or even talking a little bit of trash...this is a sports forum...jabbering is part of the culture of sports...

If they want to whine a little bit and stir the pot...great...but we don't need complete nonsense...

They can do what they want on their board...if they think banning some uk fans from posting is going to help them and the current situation they find their beloved athletic program and its leaders in, then fine...

There is no sugar coating the mess they have on their hands...we've all known about it and talked about the culture of that athletic program for a while...
The mods on most boards will let you blast your rival on your board but if you go to your rivals board and are disrespectful or attack another poster on their board your going to get banned

I'm up for a healthy discussion but most looserville posters that come to UKs board just want to justify their existence with no regards to anything else.

too bad karen's early release was denied or there might have been another ingredient stirred into the $hitpot in a few months.
I have always been UL #1 and UK # 2. Many oldtimers like myself are not an either or fan. I must say though, I have never seen the UL board so delusional. Do they really think any 5 star (VJ King) would come to UL after this fiasco? Do they think any other highly touted recruits are going to sign on to a sinking ship? Do they not think some of the current stars are going to transfer out? I also can't fathom the unrelenting support of CRP. Whether he knew or didn't know is besides the point. He was in charge while all this went down and should be held accountable. And by the way. Have been watching UK basketball since the 50s and can't think of a better guard combo than the present. From a sentimental view though liked Dampier and Kron the best.
One thing we shouldn't do, is allow ANY other fan of another team be even remotely disrepespecful to UK posters. It should be an automatic ban. I don't want a UNC board, but a few of these Kansas posters take it a bit far. Guys like Kiimo calling some UK fans idiots and morons because he doesn't like what he's seeing should be automatic ban.

Other than that I don't mind how we run things. But I hate that we give the same amount of rope to rival fans as we do our own. We just shouldn't do it.

I totally agree. Hell on some rival boards they will ban you if you even lurk, yet we let rival posters bash UK and the fans on here with no ban. Makes no sense to me.
I also can't fathom the unrelenting support of CRP.

This. Right here. It's baffling. I mean what's done is done but it's not like Louisville wouldn't be able to hire a good coach that has nothing to do with Pitino. The Louisville job, once the smoke clears from the current scandal, is a top spot in college basketball.
My dad used to talk about Peck Hickman's Louisville teams. Dad was a UK fan first, but he graduated from WKU and followed UL a bit.

It was a different time.

Things got pretty heated in the 80s, but nothing like now. UL was actually a pretty cool team in the 80s, even if I hated them. I understood why someone would root for a team like that.

UL today is a pathetic mess. Rick Pitino has wrecked it.
OP, I appreciate your honest assessment. I won't pretend to like anything about uavel or Pitino, but if I were a uavel fan, I would have wanted Pitino gone five years ago after the Sypher abomination. That most uavel fans not only condone it or shrug it off, but actually increased their support of him, speaks volumes about their character.
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My dad used to talk about Peck Hickman's Louisville teams. Dad was a UK fan first, but he graduated from WKU and followed UL a bit.

It was a different time.

Things got pretty heated in the 80s, but nothing like now. UL was actually a pretty cool team in the 80s, even if I hated them. I understood why someone would root for a team like that.

UL today is a pathetic mess. Rick Pitino has wrecked it.

Denny Crum started the mess over there, Pitino just took it to another level.

During the John Dromo, Peck Hickman and the AA Charlie Tyra's days I could root for the Cards second to the Cats. That changed a long time ago, they are an embarrassment to college sports.
This. Right here. It's baffling. I mean what's done is done but it's not like Louisville wouldn't be able to hire a good coach that has nothing to do with Pitino. The Louisville job, once the smoke clears from the current scandal, is a top spot in college basketball.
I disagree, it will take a year or two for the 'smoke to clear' big name coaches will be reluctant to touch the job for a period of time. UL is not UK,KU, Duke or UNC. This scandal is a big deal,we aren't to the bottom of it yet,coach,at least some of the staff,AD and President are likely to take a fall in this mess.The effects aren't going away in a year or two,this will set UL back to the day Pitino got there and there will be no one running thru the door to rebuild it overnight.
I infiltrated several years ago and I'm now entrenched to the point where I can rant and rave about how bad they played, Pitino blew it yada yada One time my fake looserville screen name thanked my UK screen name for coming over and posting. It's awesome to be the "negative fake homer" on your rivals board.

Advice. Use two different devices. Phone for uk account and iPad for UofLsucksville account or vice a versa or else the mods can match your IP address and rat you out.
Steelers just got you:)
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This was passed to McGee. Been going a long time. Back prior to Pitino the Galt House was the hall of preference.