What?????--Book alleges UofL used escort services

The Pitino Banner?

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You can bet it will never reach the people in Kentucky politics it should, some dirty dealings went on in Louisville involving elected officials and tax $$$. Ol' Mitch McConnell has had his hands in the UL piggy bank for quite a spell.
Which people would those be? Without access to evidence, do you know more about this than the Grand Jury knows? Sounds to me like you are all mixed up, having a hard time keeping different issues separate in your mind. If you don't like Mitch McConnell, then vote for a Democrat instead. That is a matter of your personal political preferences, not a matter for Rupps Rafters. But if you are saying McConnell is responsible for Katina Powell, then you may as well blame him for the Kennedy assassination too.
Pitino may need legal help,but it isn't going to cost him $ Millions$ and he doesn't have to sell his Florida home to pay that,Real Estate and home building is actually on an upturn.
If you really don't think this will cost Pitino millions, that's just dumb. It will. And it should. He will lose his job, and he will require both criminal and civil counsel. Very expensive counsel.
In a University setting, it typically depends on whether or not University resources (including "work time") were used when creating the item.

Here, it would be tough to prove Pitino used University resources when creating the slogan. On the other hand, if he applied for it using his University email account, for example, the school could have a case.

They have let him get away with so much already though. I can't imagine they would even attempt to challenge him on this.

Yeah, that ship has sailed at this point for the university. I just found that to be interesting.

I've had jobs before where if I were to invent something based on knowledge I gained from performing my job, my employer would have ownership rights to it even if I did the inventing work at home, on my own time and without ever using company resources.

For example, if I saw an unmet need in the market that is perhaps tangential to the company's offering but technically outside of the core business, they'd still have rights to something I'd invent to address that need. Interesting to see the difference.

Anyway, thanks for the response and this is the last I'll post about it. I've gotten this thread off topic enough already.
If you really don't think this will cost Pitino millions, that's just dumb. It will. And it should. He will lose his job, and he will require both criminal and civil counsel. Very expensive counsel.
It may cost him Millions if you include loss of wages and reputation,but not in attorney fees. As far as Mitch McConnell,he is a well known UL supporter and all the issues are connected if you dig deep enough,did McConnell have anything to do with Whoregate? NO,but,he sure had his hand in the embezzling cookie jar and in helping send state tax $$ to a cesspool.I'm a conservative by
the way and despise today's democrats,McConnell may run as a Republican,but he isn't one.
I'm not confusing anything,make no mistake,that UL has been run like a criminal syndicate with ties and coverups by State and Local politicians,Local Media,and Win at All Cost Fans with No Morals.
I have it on the highest authority that in fact McConnel was involved in the JFK assassination and whoregate as well...but by gawd he's for coal so that's all that matters to people even if they don't crawl in a mine shaft for a living, so why not put this worthless dope back in for his 99th year in office. Hopefully soon he will come out of the closet and retire so we can get someone in there who does not lap the ball sack of special may ask who is your source so,I'll go,ahead and tell you who it is... My garbage man worked for the c I a for a few years and he told me this, so it must be true.
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It may cost him Millions if you include loss of wages and reputation,but not in attorney fees. As far as Mitch McConnell,he is a well known UL supporter and all the issues are connected if you dig deep enough,did McConnell have anything to do with Whoregate? NO,but,he sure had his hand in the embezzling cookie jar and in helping send state tax $$ to a cesspool.I'm a conservative by
the way and despise today's democrats,McConnell may run as a Republican,but he isn't one.
I'm not confusing anything,make no mistake,that UL has been run like a criminal syndicate with ties and coverups by State and Local politicians,Local Media,and Win at All Cost Fans with No Morals.
You sound very confused. Yes Mitch McConnell is a well known UL supporter. Hundreds of thousands of people in and around Jefferson County are UL supporters. That isn't illegal. If you don't like McConnell, then vote for someone else. But that is your personal business, not a basketball or RR issue. We aren't interested in your political views. Your opinions about politicians have nothing to do with Katina Powell or anything else we discuss here on the basketball forum.
HoF'r Denny Crum built that program and put it on the hoops map, Rick defaces it multiple times tearing it down. Wonder what Coach Crum thinks about this vile face that RP has put on program>
HoF'r Denny Crum built that program and put it on the hoops map, Rick defaces it multiple times tearing it down. Wonder what Coach Crum thinks about this vile face that RP has put on program>
Crum was no saint either. But there haven't been many self-destruction stories in college sports that compare to what Pitino is doing now at Louisville. You can point to the collapses of Bobby Knight, Kelvin Sampson, Jim Harrick, Billy Gillispie, but none of them did lasting destruction to their own programs even close to the carnage about to happen in Louisville. I can't remember the last Grand Jury investigation in college basketball.
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Didn't Pitino have a PC a few years ago announcing he was retiring in 2016? Did I just dream that or has he lied again and "changed his mind"?
You sound very confused. Yes Mitch McConnell is a well known UL supporter. Hundreds of thousands of people in and around Jefferson County are UL supporters. That isn't illegal. If you don't like McConnell, then vote for someone else. But that is your personal business, not a basketball or RR issue. We aren't interested in your political views. Your opinions about politicians have nothing to do with Katina Powell or anything else we discuss here on the basketball forum.
It's nothing to do with my political views and everything to do with such things as the YUM center scandal,Ramsey's Slusf Fund,and other means of embezzling Ky Tax Payers.Is it that hard for you to understand how all the Cheating and crooked dealings at that shithole are connected? Red Lights are coming on about you ,me thinks another UL Troll has outed himself ,you guys are losing it aren't you?
I have it on the highest authority that in fact McConnel was involved in the JFK assassination and whoregate as well...but by gawd he's for coal so that's all that matters to people even if they don't crawl in a mine shaft for a living, so why not put this worthless dope back in for his 99th year in office. Hopefully soon he will come out of the closet and retire so we can get someone in there who does not lap the ball sack of special may ask who is your source so,I'll go,ahead and tell you who it is... My garbage man worked for the c I a for a few years and he told me this, so it must be true.
McConnell likes to spew he's for Coal but hasn't done much to prove it unless you count the temporary halt of Obama's new EPA regs that will run our electric bills so high the average Kentuckian can't afford electric,turning the USA into a third world country one EPA regulation at a time
This would be different if Ricks past was squeaky clean, but everyone knows it's not. He gets on ESPN as says Jurich would have ran him out of town if he thought Ricky knew about this. Lol he didn't do anything but praise him after Sypher Gate and then hired another skanky coach! Take your medicine Ricky and bow out..
At the risk of derailing the thread, I am curious about one thing. If there are any attorneys on here, perhaps they can answer this.

Typically anytime you create something in the course of conducting your job, it's considered a "work for hire" and ownership of any related copyrights or trademarks is retained by the employer. Why doesn't that apply to Pitino in this case? Is it simply of function of that possibly not being included in his contract?
1. Technically, work for hire is a concept relevant in copyright law. It has no applicability in trademark, which is what Pitino is talking about here.
2. But you get at a good point anyway: trademark rights are derived from use. Filing a piece of paper with some governmental agency may perfect your rights to an extent, but you have to use it in commerce. would Pitino use the phrase LOUISVILLE FIRST in commerce if not in ways about Louisville basketball? If true, looks like that would inure to the school.
3. I just checked the US Trademark Office website and the Ky Secretary of State website, and saw nothing about Louisville First. Not necessarily the end of it, like I said using it is what gives you rights. Still, when one talks of owning a mark, almost always that person means they filed an application with the federal office. IOW, my guess is Pitino is embellishing or making stuff up. Shocked, shocked I tell you....
HoF'r Denny Crum built that program and put it on the hoops map, Rick defaces it multiple times tearing it down. Wonder what Coach Crum thinks about this vile face that RP has put on program>

Let's not pretend Denny is Mr Innocent. He put them on probation, nearly giving them the death penalty, and had 60 Minutes segment that investigated how bad the academics were at UofL
For what it's worth, I hope he stays. Next year will show how much this has hurt their program. Respect and trust is big with families of recruits, and Rick has lost both.
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and we increase Cals record to 10-1 !

Tex, if all of this doesn't hurt his recruiting nothing will. If they hadn't banned the season he might have gotten through some of this but everyone will remember the ban. Everyone.
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How would selling the Florida house cover up more recruiting cheating?
Because, Jurich, Pitino, Petrino are head of one of the dirtiest colleges in history... They are washing their hands, to keep from getting involved in other cheating as the NCAA is busting down on them... The football program might go under with them after finding out how that Jurich is involved to the top of this head to the tip of his tiny little cheating toe....
even though they don't care about UK or it's fans. Hence, there are numerous threads about UK and our fans.
So to keep any UK fan response or reply from occurring, they have colluded to "report" any UK poster (as much as possible). This will create work overload for the MODS, so they will just delete and ban.

Should we do this here? Should we censore an opinion that is anti-uk?

Oh, I forgot. We don't have to see their thoughts on RR or WL... There is an ignore button.
Those buffoons (a hate to insult bafoons) can find the report feature; but can't find the ignore button. I guess the one extra syllable throws them off.
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even though they don't care about UK or it's fans. Hence, there are numerous threads about UK and our fans.
So to keep any UK fan response or reply from occurring, they have colluded to "report" any UK poster (as much as possible). This will create work overload for the MODS, so they will just delete and ban.

Should we do this here? Should we censore an opinion that is anti-uk?

Oh, I forgot. We don't have to see their thoughts on RR or W.... There is an ignore button.
Those buffoons (a hate to insult bafoons) can find the report feature; but can't find the ignore button. I guess the one extra syllable throws them off.
So why do you read their board?
Is this Russia, this isn't Russia is it Danny?

I like opinions of others, and we aren't ridiculously obsessed with our rival like UL is. They're out of hand. We can actually have civil conversations with perspective.
I prefer the way our mods handle the outsiders who do their little drive byes on here. It's just like hunting season coming in. We get the opportunity to go full militia on their trolling butts and blow their a$$es out of the water with facts. Where else could we go and have this much fun for so little money. :popcorn:
No need to stoop to their pathetic level, in my opinion.

They just continue to embarrass themselves with every passing day...
Meh...let 'em write. I don't care...I like differing viewpoints as long as they are respectful and reasoned. I also like reading other teams' boards but never post on a uavel or iu board. The only one I ever post on is the KU board, and that's maybe once a quarter with some pithy observation or bit of humor.
One thing we shouldn't do, is allow ANY other fan of another team be even remotely disrepespecful to UK posters. It should be an automatic ban. I don't want a UNC board, but a few of these Kansas posters take it a bit far. Guys like Kiimo calling some UK fans idiots and morons because he doesn't like what he's seeing should be automatic ban.

Other than that I don't mind how we run things. But I hate that we give the same amount of rope to rival fans as we do our own. We just shouldn't do it.
even though they don't care about UK or it's fans. Hence, there are numerous threads about UK and our fans.
So to keep any UK fan response or reply from occurring, they have colluded to "report" any UK poster (as much as possible). This will create work overload for the MODS, so they will just delete and ban.

Should we do this here? Should we censore an opinion that is anti-uk?

Oh, I forgot. We don't have to see their thoughts on RR or W.... There is an ignore button.
Those buffoons (a hate to insult bafoons) can find the report feature; but can't find the ignore button. I guess the one extra syllable throws them off.
Uh oh, I better go over there and see if I have been blacklisted. I commented on their board last night after a celebratory glass of Blanton's.