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The Pitino Banner?

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Bottom line is so many UK fans and even some grounded UL fans tried to tell the idiot UL fans that this was really bad and a big-time punishment was looming but they just plugged their ears and told us we were trolls. Now that it's happening they are still trying to deny it but instead of blaming the people that caused this they blame UK fans, Matt Jones, Ramsey and Katina Powell. They STILL don't get it.
i am PROUDLY BANNED on that board and have no intention or desire to ever post there again. Steelers and Zippy can both KISS MY ASS. I'll just sit back and enjoy watching the dumpster fire that is only just beginning in their program.
I honestly think he just really enjoys trolling UK fans. He doesn't even try hard at it, we're just quick to defend all perceived slights against UK, no matter how ridiculous. We're a very easy target for trolls. I mean he calls us Louisville's Play Toy, or Thing, or whatever LPT stands for. That makes no sense on any level.

I would just like to take this time to point out just how bad it's got for Louisville, just so that we can savor it. Rick Pitino, our traitor coach, went over to coach them to a national title. Since he's been there, he's had to testify on the stand about having sex with a woman in a restaurant. They've been hiring hookers for recruits who DIDN'T EVEN END UP GOING THERE. Said prostitute wrote a tell-all book, which was backed by freaking IU of all schools. The NCAA is breathing down Louisville's neck. Jurich might get snatched up by another school. Their 2013 National Title banner is in jeopardy. They have self imposed sanctions on themselves this year. Pitino might leave to coach elsewhere. Their school name is currently synonomous with the word "squirt".

All of this happened while they've been screaming about how we're cheating and it's only a matter of time. So very, very satisfying.

I got a two day ban for posting a video of Zipp pushing the old lady into a pool and was told it was my fault - he said it never happened so I posted proof. When Steelers banned me for a week I told him to keep the ban for as long as Zipps ball$ were in his mouth - still banned as of this day. What they don't realize is that they lose traffic and $$ because of those two, and watching that program self destruct is hilarious. Funny thing is like a previous poster said you can sign back up under a different device and they cannot ban because of the different IP address so they have no clue who I am. As long as it does not say "Cat", "UK", or "Blue" they have no clue.
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I infiltrated several years ago and I'm now entrenched to the point where I can rant and rave about how bad they played, Pitino blew it yada yada One time my fake looserville screen name thanked my UK screen name for coming over and posting. It's awesome to be the "negative fake homer" on your rivals board.

Advice. Use two different devices. Phone for uk account and iPad for UofLsucksville account or vice a versa or else the mods can match your IP address and rat you out.
Hate to break it to you but if you use both devices on the same wifi you will show up with the same IP on both devices. Better hope Steelers doesn't have an obsession with trying to hunt down your UL name with an IP matching your name here. Though mods might not have access to IP addresses outside of their home board?

As for the Rivals UL board, it used to be a big time board. Now everytime I go over there there hardly anybody on or posting and there's threads on the first page that were started weeks ago. Seems like the most active and fun to read UL board is "the yum" board on the Scout site. It's full of comedy at all times.
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My intent in my original post wasn't a Back To The Future. But since we are reminiscing, my father took me to Cards and Cats games in the late 50s. Some of my more impressionable memories are Turner/Goldstein for UL and Cox/Lickert for UK. I just wished they played each other back in the days to see where my allegiance would have been. My Dad was 100% Cats as he was a graduate.
Bottom line is so many UK fans and even some grounded UL fans tried to tell the idiot UL fans that this was really bad and a big-time punishment was looming but they just plugged their ears and told us we were trolls. Now that it's happening they are still trying to deny it but instead of blaming the people that caused this they blame UK fans, Matt Jones, Ramsey and Katina Powell. They STILL don't get it.
Your exactly right. They don't even know the whole story behind what's going on behind the scenes and they keep blasting the wrong people. Jurich made the decision for the post season ban and they absolutely blasted Ramsey for agreeing with him. They don't even know what was found in the investigation and are raising hell when they don't even know the full story. They should be mad at Rick for embarrassing their program and for Jurich allowing him to do so when he should have been fired after the Karen Sypher ordeal. They keep defending Rick and it keeps blowing up in their faces. He's the man responsible for his program and I find it hard to believe that he had no knowledge of what was taking place with Katina Powell.
I have always been UL #1 and UK # 2. Many oldtimers like myself are not an either or fan.

From a sentimental view though liked Dampier and Kron the best.
In the 50's/60's/early 70's: I was UK first, but rooted hard for the Cards. Things changed when Denny took over and picked a fight with Ricky Gallon vs. Robey/Phillips.

I wish everyone could have witnessed the Runts. Kron and Looooooie and friends were something special.
He will get out of his LOI when Rick leaves..Id like to see Cal pick him up..Also wouldn't mind having Spalding come sit out a year then be ready to go in 18..He's going to be a nice player.very long and has some skillz..
not a spalding fan. He's kind of a punk like Montrezl was, but for no good reason. Too much mouth, not enough muscle to back it up!
Steelers won't post but is liking pro UL posts like a little puzzy. [laughing]

I 'liked' your post but I wish there was a way to 'love' a post because this one's a gem. That POS has been a pain in my ass since I signed up for these boards years ago. Now he's MOD. Seriously. Your quote is 100% right on.
even though they don't care about UK or it's fans. Hence, there are numerous threads about UK and our fans.
So to keep any UK fan response or reply from occurring, they have colluded to "report" any UK poster (as much as possible). This will create work overload for the MODS, so they will just delete and ban.

Should we do this here? Should we censore an opinion that is anti-uk?

Oh, I forgot. We don't have to see their thoughts on RR or WL... There is an ignore button.
Those buffoons (a hate to insult bafoons) can find the report feature; but can't find the ignore button. I guess the one extra syllable throws them off.

I have been banned for about a year, just because I said lol to one of Zipp's threads after we beat them.
Just read Katina's book and one thing that didn't make sense to me was what caused the whole thing to blow up. Powell says it was the request for "clean white girls". Sorry but I can't buy that. Does anyone else think it could have had something to do with the Chris Jones rape charges and the way that situation was handled? You might recall that the whole incident went away rather quickly. Her comments in the book just seemed like she wanted to nail them to the wall.
If Steeler is looking at others IP address for his personal use then the man needs to be banned from any and all access to these boards. For him to freely and confidentially threaten to expose someones IP address crosses the line. I hope someone reports this. Would love to see this as$$ get knocked off his high horse.
Hawkins. Is that Frumunda cheese ?

Humphries. What's Frumamda cheese? We don't have any cheese looks like that down under. That's like squid on the Barbie
If Steeler is looking at others IP address for his personal use then the man needs to be banned from any and all access to these boards. For him to freely and confidentially threaten to expose someones IP address crosses the line. I hope someone reports this. Would love to see this as$$ get knocked off his high horse.

He's always been REALLY weird. He's useless. He doesn't belong on any message board.
STEELERS- I see that you 'liked' this post. You're the biggest hypocrite on earth. You just banned my ass from looking at your sinking ship of a message board but come over to our board and snoop around. I didn't even post on your board because you were going to ban me regardless of what I said. You, Zipp, and Kerry need to grow up. What a joke.
what's that have to do with my post? I just think it's a UK guy posing as an OTIS fan. I don't believe a single ul fan in anything.
At one time I liked the Cards. Not as much as the Cats though. When they had Mike Grosso. ( not so sure on that spelling ). Also liked Mike
Lawhon. He used to live in the little town I grew up in. His Dad was a pastor.
The online UL fans make it impossible to get along. They are the absolute worst. I've met a very few UL fans in person that were as obnoxious as their online fans but most are much more reasonable. The online version is too crude and totally irrational.
Steelers was upset at me for taking up for Vanetti and Meiners being friends with Matt Jones. The way he's been posting lately strikes me as some one who's been crying a lot and is just beat down.
I have always been UL #1 and UK # 2. Many oldtimers like myself are not an either or fan. I must say though, I have never seen the UL board so delusional. Do they really think any 5 star (VJ King) would come to UL after this fiasco? Do they think any other highly touted recruits are going to sign on to a sinking ship? Do they not think some of the current stars are going to transfer out? I also can't fathom the unrelenting support of CRP. Whether he knew or didn't know is besides the point. He was in charge while all this went down and should be held accountable. And by the way. Have been watching UK basketball since the 50s and can't think of a better guard combo than the present. From a sentimental view though liked Dampier and Kron the best.
Did you watch Louisville when Jack Coleman played for UL ?
what's that have to do with my post? I just think it's a UK guy posing as an OTIS fan. I don't believe a single ul fan in anything.

Nothing to do with your post. I apologize if you took my comments the wrong way. I quoted your post because Steelers 'liked' it and he's a total phony that tries to mess with people on this board. My post was totally intended to address Steelers. He's just a troublemaker.
STEELERS- I see that you 'liked' this post. You're the biggest hypocrite on earth. You just banned my ass from looking at your sinking ship of a message board but come over to our board and snoop around. I didn't even post on your board because you were going to ban me regardless of what I said. You, Zipp, and Kerry need to grow up. What a joke.

Why Steelers isn't banned from here is beyond me.
At one time I liked the Cards. Not as much as the Cats though. When they had Mike Grosso. ( not so sure on that spelling ). Also liked Mike
Lawhon. He used to live in the little town I grew up in. His Dad was a pastor.

Again UofL fan: you see these types of posts?
I don't recall the pre-Crum era, but I was coming of age about the time he started running his mouth and throwing challenges at UK. Looking back, I can see his point: he had everything to gain and nothing to lose by getting a game with us.

What made me and so many UK fans so bitter was the way the media lined up behind him. They turned the whole non-rivalry into some sort of bogus morality play, with Hall and UK as the "bad guys." Kentucky had every right to schedule who they wanted; they (correctly) realized that agreeing to a series with Crum was in Louisville's best interest, not UK's. The truth was so transparent, but not one member of the press/media ever explored UK's legitimate reluctance.

Oh well, ancient history. They got their series, and got our foot up their ass for the last 3 decades with it.
Denny Crum started the mess over there, Pitino just took it to another level.

During the John Dromo, Peck Hickman and the AA Charlie Tyra's days I could root for the Cards second to the Cats. That changed a long time ago, they are an embarrassment to college sports.

I hate when us as UK fans try to say DC was dirty. He was, but not anymore or less then we were. Love Hall. But during that time it was common place to buy players. Bowie is a great example. Crum was doing the same as we were to compete. Then came Sutton. We all know he was playing in grey areas. DC was no different. Once we got RP there was no wiggle room to play dirty.

DC was older and how UL treated him to bring in RP was wrong. Now UL has one of the dirtiest slimmy coaches to ever go down in history.

Biggest difference between RP and DC is DC played dirty to make the program better. RP played dirty to get himself off.

Being known as a school who broke rules to better themselves on the court has been going on since Wooden. Not saying its right. But i can live with and move forward after a envelope of cash accidentally busts open at UPS. Not sure i could move forward and follow my team after my coach testifies about having sex with a chic that looks like a dude on a table while his assistant coach sneaks a peak from behind a booth. To only less then 5 years later have a player accused of rape and an asst coach caught for getting second hand hookers to bang players and recruits.

Give me buying a kid a car any day over that nasty degrading stuff RP and his staff was up to.