I like how you gloss over that chart showing that Russian oil imports went up even more during Trumps presidency.The clown is currently in the White House, Mr. Brain Dead lefty..
U.S. Imports set record in Biden's first year
Try to use your small brain. What happened in 2020? US oil production dropped 25%, thanks Trump. Then in 2021 demand spiked up hard and the oil companies couldn't ramp back up because that takes time and willing employees. They also don't want to ramp up fast because they like prices high. So obviously refineries need to import more to fill the gap. I know trumpsters don't understand this but Biden doesn't personally import or export oil. The US has an entirely private oil industry run by these things called corporations. Biden can try to push an agenda but those companies make the decisions based on what makes shareholders the most profit, they don't give a shit about Americans buying expensive gas.
Maybe we should nationalize the industry like a large portion of the world does. Then the president can control imports and the country gets all the profits.
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