1. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/08/politics/treasury-russia-crimea-sanctions/index.html (Big No. on that one)
2. The US needed to be bogged down in another war in the Middle East, that is definitely the way to go. Are you were willing to have Americans die for Syria? How about for Ukraine?
3.Trying to create peace with someone who is on a path to create a nuclear state is never wrong.
4.Yep, dumb.
I stand corrected on the crimea sanctions, he attempted to overturn them immediately and ended up being overruled by congress. The sanctions you linked were quickly defanged by Trump as he allowed depriashk (spelling?) to maintain control during the sanctions.
On the second point, and much like Biden failed to do so, you have to have a smart exit strategy. Trump literally blind sided the kurds and us with the withdrawal. Once again, many Republicans spoke out about how wrong this was. I believe it was colonel Powell who so wisely told us all to never enter a place without a plan to leave. We pretty consistently get that wrong. Also, Obama fumbled the bag on Syria. Yall are right about that. Set red lines, adhere to said lines.
I'll give Trump credit for getting Kim to look reasonable and hold talks. But it was evident by the fact that Kim constantly tested missiles I spite of these talks (and real pressure from China and Russia) that he was just enjoying the attention. Meanwhile, Trump canceled military exercises with south Korea, calling them provocative (as if test missile launches aren't) and spent more time praising Kim, after insulting and threatening him first, while bad mouthing Germany, France and England. Just wasn't a good look in my mind.