Russia - Ukraine WAR Warning: Political Discussions

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Wow, are you that blind? Ukraine doesn't have nukes, neither did Vietnam. Each was/is in a war with a nuclear power, each was/is supported by a nuclear power. You'd have to intentionally ignoring the similarities to not see them.
Also the parallel danger of another proxy war, this one maybe against China if they’re dumb enough to support Russia.
There is going to be a boom time in Ukraine after this war is over the likes of which hasn't been seen since the end of WWII. The money is going to rain on Ukraine to rebuild it. Literally the world will be falling all over themselves to help them.
There is going to be a boom time in Ukraine after this war is over the likes of which hasn't been seen since the end of WWII. The money is going to rain on Ukraine to rebuild it. Literally the world will be falling all over themselves to help them.
They can start with the 300B in frozen Russian assets. They broke it, they bought it.
Good thing the Russians have body bags to spare and some. Putin will just keep getting young Russian men and women killed until they complete whatever sick objective this invasion endgame is.

Bodybags? He doesn't dignify them with that. He grinds them to dust like a dog or just leaves them on the battle field, probably shoots a few in the head to not be bothered with them crying out in pain.
Canada addressing Zelensky right now. If this stuff doesn't give you goose bumps then I don't know what to say. I believe in what I post. I believe in my country. I believe in the cause of freedom around the world. Clear that many here no longer share those values or beliefs and I genuinely from the bottom of my heart feel sorry for you not being able to feel what I do watching this address.

Several drunks/weirdo's here that spend every waking minute of the day (how scary is that) on the political thread and now this one. Don't let them bother you, they have serious mental issues.
Follow the link for video.

Because just cancelling Navalny wasn't good enough. South Africa is all ears.

A thread from Putin's opposition in Russia.
Lee Harvey, Car wreck, landed on the moon, Muslims, crazy mentally I’ll kid shooting up a school?

earth is round as a bonus point.
I would have worked with you on JFK. I've never been able to wrap my head around Ruby assassinating Oswald. Makes no sense. Yes, it's round, but round like a baseball or round like a quarter?
It desires attention, not discussion. It refuses to answer questions but demands its questions be answered. It refuses to read anything that would oppose its narrative.
It desires attention, not discussion. It refuses to answer questions but demands its questions be answered. It refuses to read anything that would oppose its narrative.
I don't refuse anything. Show me where I did or shut the hell up.
This could be what it takes to unite a divided America and Europe. We needed to focus on something we can mostly agree on; that is that Russia is our eternal enemy. Cold War never really ended, just like WW1 never really ended. The consequences of the humiliation of Russia are being felt today.
Bull spit. If you think we’re uniting with the progressive left you’re an idiot. There will be civil war before that happens.
There’s always been a right and a left in America. Should we allow our corporate overlords to divide us to the point we destroy ourselves? Thankfully, most will try to avoid civil war.
Anywho, I’m still of the mindset that the United States actually unites, and it does not take a civil war for it to do so.
Bull spit. If you think we’re uniting with the progressive left you’re an idiot. There will be civil war before that happens.
They've already united.

The left have let their reprobate minds turn themselves into full blown neocons.

Today it's defending (spreading) democracy and we need to go in to get their biological weapons. Tomorrow it'll be the Ruskis hate us for our freedoms.
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