How will they rule ??!

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What do find wrong with it?

Just my humble opinion but perhaps you should be checking out suspicious "people" in Wykoff. Not suspicious black people. If I am a ring leader of a car theft ring, I'm probably going to try to elicit the services of a white car thief to steal cars in Wykoff because a white person simply being in Wykoff may not get the same degree of attention of the police, but a black person in Wykoff? Probably don't stand a chance.
I am aware of Biden saying if you don't vote for me then you ain't black. That is ignorant and insulting but I don't think that is proof, I saw Hunter talk like a rapper using the N word, again, the context was as if he was using it as a term of endearment, which again, I don't like, it's insulting and ignorant. But surely, you can differentiate between THAT and Frank Nucera wishing to do harm to black people, express a hate for black people etc...I can get past the ignorance and somebody being "too comfortable." I can't get past somebody who wants to slam my kids head into a car, put him before the firing squad and wipe me and my family off the planet. Because if I am being too honest, at least in my everyday experience, MOST OF US get a little comfortable sometimes. Then again i'm not your typical lib. I don't do the political correctness thing all the time. I can take off color comments and jokes.
Biden's association and voting records of the past conclude that he was racist. Excusing Hunter's use of the N word but not others is being disingenuous regardless of the content because there have been recent incidents in the past few years where some others have gotten in trouble for it while others get a pass. I think it is all stupid anyway. I have friends who reference me as their white boy and don't have a problem with it and have on occasion called me honky (jokingly). I am good with the context myself but, public figures where social media and the agenda driven news media are concerned don't have that liberty regardless because of the climate they have created and when you start allowing one and not the other, division ensues.

The FBI does far more good and protect you more than you ever know.
Y'all celebrate and champion rural living. One of the fixtures of rural life is limited options. Becky out in the backwoods may only have one place within miles that makes custom cakes. The problem can be even worse out west where towns are so far apart. Businesses aren't legally allowed to refuse service on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin; age or disability(added later). That protects you from your local gun shop refusing you service just for being an American or white devil just like it protects them with the cakes.
Those backwoods rural folks wouldn’t be trying to pull this crap on a business owner where I live. A lot of you city folks like to look down on us. To each their own.
Agreed. Again, not very egregious in my opinion but that small thing can be a big thing. If the numbers show that blacks are stopped far more than whites in Wykoff when the majority of people in Wykoff are white and coupled with what this Chief sent out, that may be an issue?
Let me ask you a serious question. I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'm just trying to understand your perspective. If what the chief says is true. In other words, most of the burglaries in Wykoff are being committed by black kids then why would your expectation be that white people in Wykoff would be stopped as frequently as black people in Wykoff? Why would be frequency in which one race is stopped versus another race be equal to that race's make-up of the population as opposed to the amount of crime each is committing in the area?
Terrible job on the border. Absolutely terrible. With that said, I don't think there needs to be a "do this INSTEAD of doing that." You should be able to do both.
No but, you should address the most pressing at the moment with at least some attempt of stopping or at least stemming the flow because it will tidal wave before too long if we don't.

We should handle the big problems of the present for the living and make sure our people (Americans to pin it down) are taken care of.
Just my humble opinion but perhaps you should be checking out suspicious "people" in Wykoff. Not suspicious black people. If I am a ring leader of a car theft ring, I'm probably going to try to elicit the services of a white car thief to steal cars in Wykoff because a white person simply being in Wykoff may not get the same degree of attention of the police, but a black person in Wykoff? Probably don't stand a chance.
If that indeed started happening, don't you think the police would adjust who they stop to include more suspicious white people. It appears to me they are stopping people based on known crime statistics in the area. Why is that a problem? In other words, it's not racially motivated. It's motivated by crime statistics.
Biden's association and voting records of the past conclude that he was racist. Excusing Hunter's use of the N word but not others is being disingenuous regardless of the content because there have been recent incidents in the past few years where some others have gotten in trouble for it while others get a pass. I think it is all stupid anyway. I have friends who reference me as their white boy and don't have a problem with it and have on occasion called me honky (jokingly). I am good with the context myself but, public figures where social media and the agenda driven news media are concerned don't have that liberty regardless because of the climate they have created and when you start allowing one and not the other, division ensues.

I can agree with most of this. I wish the word never existed. It certainly can cause a great deal of confusion. I hate that it's even a thing, no matter the context and i'm guilty of using it growing up.
If that indeed started happening, don't you think the police would adjust who they stop to include more suspicious white people. It appears to me they are stopping people based on known crime statistics in the area. Why is that a problem?

I'm just going off of what the email said. I didn't see any statistics. But even if an adjustment was made, there are real consequences to people's lives during the time before the adjustment.
No but, you should address the most pressing at the moment with at least some attempt of stopping or at least stemming the flow because it will tidal wave before too long if we don't.

We should handle the big problems of the present for the living and make sure our people (Americans to pin it down) are taken care of.

Indeed, prioritization is very important.
I'm just going off of what the email said. I didn't see any statistics.
I'm assuming he is not making crap up when he said they know black kids commit a lot of the burglaries in Wykoff and white kids buy a lot drugs in the other neighborhood. He is drawing that conclusion from something. He isn't just making it up. If what he says is accurate, what is the problem with saying it and what is the problem with stopping people based on that knowledge?
I'm assuming he is not making crap up when he said they know black kids commit a lot of the burglaries in Wykoff and white kids buy a lot drugs in the other neighborhood. He is drawing that conclusion from something. He isn't just making it up. If what he says is accurate, what is the problem with saying it and what is the problem with stopping people based on that knowledge?

Because if you're only stopping people for being a certain color simply because of what other people who are the same color did, that is wrong. Also, if all you're looking at is those people, then you will miss people of other races who are doing the same thing. It is absolutely wrong for a black person to be stopped in Wykoff simply because they are black and in Wykoff. Catching a few does not warrant disenfranchising those who are innocent. He mentioned black gang members, well is there something else about those gang members other than their color? Certain tatoos, etc? If my kid is visiting a friend in Wykoff, gets stopped there because he is black, and made to stand there and be asked questions, then no I don't like that. If you're not doing anything wrong, if you don't fit the description of a specific target you are looking for, then you shouldn't be stopped.
Those backwoods rural folks wouldn’t be trying to pull this crap on a business owner where I live. A lot of you city folks like to look down on us. To each their own.
I’m one of you backwoods rural folk. I live in eastern KY not a city. If you reread my post you quoted I’m standing up for our rights not looking down on anyone.
Now that is some funny shit.

100% true. Do you know how many terror plots and other conspiracies to commit acts of violence against the general public have been foiled? I'm just being honest sir. Now, that should not take away from some of the shame of the embarrassing things that have happened but i think a little perspective is in order.
Because if you're only stopping people for being a certain color simply because of what other people who are the same color did, that is wrong. Also, if all you're looking at is those people, then you will miss people of other races who are doing the same thing. It is absolutely wrong for a black person to be stopped in Wykoff simply because they are black and in Wykoff. Catching a few does not warrant disenfranchising those who are innocent. He mentioned black gang members, well is there something else about those gang members other than their color? Certain tatoos, etc? If my kid is visiting a friend in Wykoff, gets stopped there because he is black, and made to stand there and be asked questions, then no I don't like that. If you're not doing anything wrong, if you don't fit the description of a specific target you are looking for, then you shouldn't be stopped.
You're making a lot assumptions in that post. He didn't say that's all they look at. I doubt something that simplistic would ever be all a police department looks at. It's one of the things. You also assumed they stopped black people indiscriminately. There is nothing in what he said that hints at that. I'm sure they stop black kids and white, that fit the description of people suspected of crime in the area. They may also stop black kids in Wykoff and white kids in the other town who are out traveling at odd hours, which makes it suspicious. If your son matched the description of someone they were looking for, why would it upset you that he got stopped? It certainly wouldn't upset me if my son got stopped if he matched a description of someone they were looking for. I think you are assuming they stop every black man they spot in Wykoff. I doubt that is the case. There is usually secondary reasons why they decide to stop anyone. I doubt many cops gets their jollies by stopping every black person they see driving around. It just doesn't happen like that. I would also bet you that if the rates for violent crime committed by black men dropped to the levels of other races, you would also see a drop in the number of black men stopped and the number of black men shot by police. There is a correlation between crime and coming in contact with police officers. I think that drives differences in statistics by race more than anything else.
You're making a lot assumptions in that post. He didn't say that's all they look at. I doubt something that simplistic would ever be all a police department looks at. It's one of the things. You also assumed they stopped black people indiscriminately. There is nothing in what he said that hints at that. I'm sure they stop black kids and white, that fit the description of people suspected of crime in the area. They may also stop black kids in Wykoff and white kids in the other town who are out traveling at odd hours, which makes it suspicious. If your son matched the description of someone they were looking for, why would it upset you that he got stopped? It certainly wouldn't upset me if my son got stopped if he matched a description of someone they were looking for. I think you are assuming they stop every black man they spot in Wykoff. I doubt that is the case. There is usually secondary reasons why they decide to stop anyone. I doubt many cops gets their jollies by stopping every black person they see driving around. It just doesn't happen like that. I would also bet you that if the rates for violent crime committed by black men dropped to the levels of other races, you would also see a drop in the number of black men stopped and the number of black men shot by police. There is a correlation between crime and coming in contact with police officers. I think that drives differences in statistics by race more than anything else.

Fair enough, but you're making assumptions as well. All we have is the email. Needless to say, it didn't end well for him. I don't believe they stop every black person in Wykoff. But I do believe a random black person is more likely to be stopped in Wykoff. Yes, to me, that is a problem. And I said I would be upset if they stopped my son without any circumstances present other than him being black. I didn't say I would be upset if he fit the description of a specific target. I have been stopped for fitting the description. It went well. They explained everything to me in a professional manner, showed them my ID and I was let go. I wasn't upset at all.

But I was also stopped on I-95 traveling from New Jersey to Florida. I was pulled over, he asked me where I was coming from, where I was going, license and registration of course, it was all legit, then he asked me if he could look in my trunk. I said sure. He looked in my trunk, I had a bullet proof vest. He asked me about it, I told him I was a Probation Officer, which I was. I showed him my ID at that time. He said it must be dangerous being a PO in NJ, I said indeed it is, but we don't carry. He said he stopped me because they get guys running drugs from new jersey down 95. Now, there is no proof he stopped me because I was black, I mean I would hope nobody is going to come right out and say it, but can you blame me for thinking, if I wasn't, maybe I don't get stopped?

Of course. Lib mayor of Louisville blames media for showing any of the looting and violence.

As someone who is in downtown Louisville often, I can assure everyone only 25% of the daily disaster was covered. For six or so months businesses stayed shuddered because they knew the city would not protect them. The police weren't allowed to. I also know exactly when the deal was struck between Fischer and community leaders where they'd call off the dogs. That was communicated out to downtown business owners in an attempt to get them to take down boarded barricades.

It's pathetic. And of course Andy stood by watching it happen while probably backroom dealing on all of it