What a POS
What a POS
Oooh…larper special forces.
When you go fishing, do you go to a pond or do you go to the laundry mat?Does anyone see anything wrong with this email from another NJ Police CHIEF
I think that most police officers are finding the national rhetoric about police abuse and racial
profiling quite upsetting. Profiling, racial or otherwise, has it's place in law enforcement when
used correctly and applied fairly. Unfortunately we have never heard that from our President,
top political leaders or our US Attorney General. Don't ask the police to ignore what we know.
Black gang members from Teaneck commit burglaries in Wyckoff. That's why we check out
suspicious black people in white neighborhoods. White kids buy heroin in black NYC
neighborhoods. That's why the NYPD stops those white kids. The police know tl1ey are there
to buy drugs. It's insane to think that the police should just "dumb down" just to be politically
correct. The public wants us to keep them safe and I'm confident that they want us to use our
skills and knowledge to attain that goal.
My major concern is that all of this misguided complaining about police officers will cause an
officer to react slower to something you might perceive as a threat. That delay could be
Continue to do your job relying on your training, instincts and knowledge:
A common thread in the recent national incidents are persons who resist the police. That
resistance then creates your counter reaction. We don't run from fights.
This department has a history of being respected by the public. Each of you contribute to that
daily. Continue to be fair with people and treat them with respect. If someone resists your
authorized demands, use your counter reaction as the law allows and you have my 100%
support should others complain. If you have done your job correctly, they don't want to get me
on the other end of the phone.
Above all, do what you have to do and that which the law allows you to do to remain safe.
Basically as I said before, they (cops) look for anything out of the ordinary but, should not stop people of a specific race because statistics might say they are at a higher percentage but, they can be aware of their activities. There is nothing wrong with keeping a close eye for anything suspicious as long as they don't interfere with the activities of the individuals being watched.Because if you're only stopping people for being a certain color simply because of what other people who are the same color did, that is wrong. Also, if all you're looking at is those people, then you will miss people of other races who are doing the same thing. It is absolutely wrong for a black person to be stopped in Wykoff simply because they are black and in Wykoff. Catching a few does not warrant disenfranchising those who are innocent. He mentioned black gang members, well is there something else about those gang members other than their color? Certain tatoos, etc? If my kid is visiting a friend in Wykoff, gets stopped there because he is black, and made to stand there and be asked questions, then no I don't like that. If you're not doing anything wrong, if you don't fit the description of a specific target you are looking for, then you shouldn't be stopped.
What a moron. His lifestyle is due to America and the capitalist way of life.What a POS
You name them. Apparently everything I post never happened, isn't true and is agenda driven. Thanks.
Don’t believe them, they just want to put the federal govt over elections. They will say or do whatever necessary.![]()
Top Democrats flip-flop on 'racist' voter ID laws
As Democrats try to push the For the People Act through the Senate, some of the party's top figures are changing their tune on voter ID rules they previously called “racist.”www.foxnews.com
Like the President, VP, Speaker of the House, Representatives, Senate Majority Leader, Governors, and Mayors are doing daily right now because they want to retain all the power and completely change the lives of a great many people?I think it depends on who or what position that person holds. I mean that's the whole point. Some people wield the POWER to completely change the lives of a great many of people if left unchecked.
I am VERY happy for the girls, they are innocent in this incident.
You’re defending the modern gestapo, congrats.100% true. Do you know how many terror plots and other conspiracies to commit acts of violence against the general public have been foiled? I'm just being honest sir. Now, that should not take away from some of the shame of the embarrassing things that have happened but i think a little perspective is in order.
I am aware of Biden saying if you don't vote for me then you ain't black. That is ignorant and insulting but I don't think that is proof, I saw Hunter talk like a rapper using the N word, again, the context was as if he was using it as a term of endearment, which again, I don't like, it's insulting and ignorant. But surely, you can differentiate between THAT and Frank Nucera wishing to do harm to black people, express a hate for black people etc...I can get past the ignorance and somebody being "too comfortable." I can't get past somebody who wants to slam my kids head into a car, put him before the firing squad and wipe me and my family off the planet. Because if I am being too honest, at least in my everyday experience, MOST OF US get a little comfortable sometimes. Then again i'm not your typical lib. I don't do the political correctness thing all the time. I can take off color comments and jokes.
Brawl? Looks closer to a kids squirt gun fight.
Isn't he running for political office in Missouri?He has the money to buy more weapons.
The country has come a long way. We went from tearing down statues of historically important people to building a statue of a crackhead, pregnant woman threatening felon.
Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.Because if you're only stopping people for being a certain color simply because of what other people who are the same color did, that is wrong. Also, if all you're looking at is those people, then you will miss people of other races who are doing the same thing. It is absolutely wrong for a black person to be stopped in Wykoff simply because they are black and in Wykoff. Catching a few does not warrant disenfranchising those who are innocent. He mentioned black gang members, well is there something else about those gang members other than their color? Certain tatoos, etc? If my kid is visiting a friend in Wykoff, gets stopped there because he is black, and made to stand there and be asked questions, then no I don't like that. If you're not doing anything wrong, if you don't fit the description of a specific target you are looking for, then you shouldn't be stopped.
If the article didn't say it was Cusack, I wouldn't have known it was him. Looks like an elderly woman.
Good. Now we can tear it down, right? It offends me
From my experience as a military policeman, we usually found more trouble in areas where trouble was more likely to happen. Then again, I'm pretty conservative, so my thought process is probably off.B
Basically as I said before, they (cops) look for anything out of the ordinary but, should not stop people of a specific race because statistics might say they are at a higher percentage but, they can be aware of their activities. There is nothing wrong with keeping a close eye for anything suspicious as long as they don't interfere with the activities of the individuals being watched.
I have been watched myself in the past and watched people in the past based on my affiliation with certain units I worked with overseas. You can do it without interfering with their normal activities.
The liberal media just ranked New Jersey the number one state to live in. They passed Massachusetts and New York who rank 2nd and 3rd. Was this the reason they are now #1. A statute to a criminal crack head?
Not one thing they will ever do in your lifetime will impact you as much as being arrested because your skin color looks criminal to the officer arresting you. Fact.Like the President, VP, Speaker of the House, Representatives, Senate Majority Leader, Governors, and Mayors are doing daily right now because they want to retain all the power and completely change the lives of a great many people?
No one in this Country is getting arrested solely on the color of their skin.Not one thing they will ever do in your lifetime will impact you as much as being arrested because your skin color looks criminal to the officer arresting you. Fact.
Why wouldn't you be expected to have that? W/o it, you're making baseless claims trying to damage others for merely your satisfaction of doing so.No, i'm not aware of any such places that OPENLY have policies or laws that specifically exclude blacks, if that is what you need then you got me there.
I'd make the same claim about police officers that mistakenly kill/injure black folks, but you wouldn't accept that. It'd be "defund the police". Net, defunding the FBI is just as much justified. As would be defunding the IRS.100% true. Do you know how many terror plots and other conspiracies to commit acts of violence against the general public have been foiled? I'm just being honest sir. Now, that should not take away from some of the shame of the embarrassing things that have happened but i think a little perspective is in order.
I don't know any. Yet you must know they exist for your posts about some "town" and some "small towns". So tell us. If you can't, you owe every town in this country an apology for denigrating them.You name them. Apparently everything I post never happened, isn't true and is agenda driven. Thanks.
Again being white is not an excuse for ignorant. It is actually a celebration of the last enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation by a Union Army General Gordon Granger, born in New York, fought at Chickamauga and sent to Texas after the war. This from Wikipedia:
When the war ended, Granger was given command of the District of Texas.[10] On June 19, 1865 in the city of Galveston, one of the first orders of business was to read to the people of Texas Granger's General Order No. 3 which began with:[11]
The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection therefore existing between them becomes that between employer and free laborer.
This set off joyous demonstrations by freedmen, originating the annual Juneteenth celebration, which commemorates the abolition of slavery in Texas.
nj, cal and ny are the top three best states to live in? damn, what am i missing here?The liberal media just ranked New Jersey the number one state to live in. They passed New York and California who rank 2ne and 3rd. Was this the reason they are now #1. A statute to a criminal crack head?
Well look at it this way. You get shot down for being a criminal and the liberal states will build a statute to celebrate your criminal life.Not one thing they will ever do in your lifetime will impact you as much as being arrested because your skin color looks criminal to the officer arresting you. Fact.
Actually I had to correct the Top 3 It is New Jersey, MASSACHUSETTS and New Yorknj, cal and ny are the top three best states to live in? damn, what am i missing here?
This was a comment by a poster under the bill maher story, highlighting things we already knew, but spot on:![]()
The democrats & their lunacy are about to lose another one, this time it Bill Maher. I love it when Maher said. This is why people hate democrats.
That pretty much covers it all. The darkest ghettos in America have homes with 60" TV sets and the kids have 5 pairs of shoes worth a couple a hundred each. And of course let us not forget they all have Obamaphones.This was a comment by a poster under the bill maher story, highlighting things we already knew, but spot on:
Liberal privilege is being allowed to state your opinion without getting fired from your job or blacklisted. White privilege is being accused of racism simply for disagreeing with a liberal. Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you've never had a job. Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance. Privilege is having a smartphone with a data plan for which you receive no bill. Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don't have a water bill, where rising property taxes and rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table. Privilege is the ability to go march against and protest anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling out of work and the consequences that accompany such behavior. Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and being able to send them off to daycare or school you don't pay for.
And again, the poorest places in the country are in Appalachia. And mostly white.That pretty much covers it all. The darkest ghettos in America have homes with 60" TV sets and the kids have 5 pairs of shoes worth a couple a hundred each. And of course let us not forget they all have Obamaphones.
nj, cal and ny are the top three best states to live in? damn, what am i missing here?
Heard that on the radio the other day while mowing and almost ran into a tree. 😊Actually I had to correct the Top 3 It is New Jersey, MASSACHUSETTS and New York
The only thing you would be missing is higher taxes, more crime, schools in turmoil and liberal cry babies. These are the standards used to grade the best in this upside down country they call America.
Personally they would all be tied to the bottom if I was grading.