How will they rule ??!

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I think that is because they are a subsidiary branch of the liberal democrat who know those people are wacko's and don't want the stigma that goes with that title.

The sooner that people realize that not all democrats agree with each other about everything and not all republicans agree with each other about everything, the better we all will be. Politics has become too tribal and we all have to take responsibility for that. I do it, we all do it. It's a cycle at this point. It won't be easy to break. It has gotten to a point where it doesn't matter who is wrong anymore. It's a war and if it's lies, people have chosen to fight on the lies.
Another liberal idiot who would have been unknown had it not been for the media's obsession with the lie that is systemic or inherent racism. Baby's born are not racist and most children are not these days unless they are being raised that way and quite frankly, it is mostly non existent except in the minds of those who are of the victim mentality today. That mentality is solely based in the fact that they are too lazy to go out and actually make their own way through life. Instead, they have chosen the path of the entitlement lie that allows them to be lazy and reap the rewards others have worked so hard for.
Nothing illustrates Democrats like this mixed up POS. People who think like this he/she are running this country. Right into the sewer

Another liberal idiot who would have been unknown had it not been for the media's obsession with the lie that is systemic or inherent racism. Baby's born are not racist and most children are not these days unless they are being raised that way and quite frankly, it is mostly non existent except in the minds of those who are of the victim mentality today. That mentality is solely based in the fact that they are too lazy to go out and actually make their own way through life. Instead, they have chosen the path of the entitlement lie that allows them to be lazy and reap the rewards others have worked so hard for.

Just because a person believes there may be instances of systemic racism, does not make that person lazy and it doesn't mean they can't or aren't successful in life. They could have persevered. I personally believe in some parts of the country, systemic racism certainly still exists. Whether it be in some local police departments, prosecutors offices, and even at the judge level. There are thousands, perhaps even millions of municipalities in the whole country. It's highly likely, that there are segments still operating in a way that is significantly disadvantageous to certain groups who don't hold positions of power in those communities.
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They took the sure thing and got rid of an albatross. I don't blame them at all, especially given the alternative was to leave it in the hands of 12 likely politically charged jurors.

The governor should've pardoned them though, because the whole thing was ridiculous.

Imo his best move is us Congress. He'd shine there the same way he shines as Lt governor, because it's mostly speaking and he's an incredible orator. A run for governor would bore or bog down someone like him with daily governance.
I agree. We have an open Senate seat, hope he runs for that.
If they had been a straight couple he would have sold them a wedding cake. Since they're a gay couple he refused. Simple as that. You know it and everyone on this board knows it. It's straight from Phillips's own mouth.
Even if he did refuse to bake the gay couple a cake, so what? Libs are perfectly fine with FB, Twitter, CNN, et al censoring or suppressing news stories they don't agree with because they're 'a privately owned company - they can do what they want' but this individual who happens to own a bakery can't? I'm guessing there are other bakeries who would've been glad to provide a cake but we have to have the government MAKE a private citizen do something in the course of his business that he doesn't want to do? Does the business owner not have the right to refuse service to anyone? Will it eventually hurt his business if he continues to refuse business from potential customers who don't agree with him politically? Most likely. But, it's his business and his prerogative to be as narrow-minded as he chooses to be. Certainly the media companies are not shy about promoting one viewpoint to the exclusion of all others and no one on the Left seems too worked up about that.
The sooner that people realize that not all democrats agree with each other about everything and not all republicans agree with each other about everything, the better we all will be. Politics has become too tribal and we all have to take responsibility for that. I do it, we all do it. It's a cycle at this point. It won't be easy to break. It has gotten to a point where it doesn't matter who is wrong anymore. It's a war and if it's lies, people have chosen to fight on the lies.
As soon as people realize that liberalism is a disease the faster we can get rid of it. Under our current status of everything is racist, we have umpteen genders, anything said could be offensive, socialism is a Utopian style government followed by communism being the way to go, violent destruction of our cities is really peaceful protesting, and many more outlandish claims, we can't move forward. There are just too many red flags to navigate through the BS that are the Social Justice rules.
As soon as people realize that liberalism is a disease the faster we can get rid of it. Under our current status of everything is racist, we have umpteen genders, anything said could be offensive, socialism is a Utopian style government followed by communism being the way to go, violent destruction of our cities is really peaceful protesting, and many more outlandish claims, we can't move forward. There are just too many red flags to navigate through the BS that are the Social Justice rules.

Extremism is a disease.
Just because a person believes there may be instances of systemic racism, does not make that person lazy and it doesn't mean they can't or aren't successful in life. They could have persevered. I personally believe in some parts of the country, systemic racism certainly still exists. Whether it be in some local police departments, prosecutors offices, and even at the judge level. There are thousands, perhaps even millions of municipalities in the whole country. It's highly likely, that there are segments still operating in a way that is significantly disadvantageous to certain groups who don't hold positions of power in those communities.
Not what I am saying. Believing there is systemic racism means you really have not thought this through or get out much or you are easily duped. There is enough proof out there if you look for it instead of listening to the race baiters and agenda pushers to see the truth. There are enough lazy people out there who will side with the afore mentioned race pushers so they will be a large enough group to make enough noise to make it look legit. The entitlement mindset (The Lazy) has grown and it is not a race issue, nothing really is anymore although some would have you believe it is.
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As soon as people realize that liberalism is a disease the faster we can get rid of it. Under our current status of everything is racist, we have umpteen genders, anything said could be offensive, socialism is a Utopian style government followed by communism being the way to go, violent destruction of our cities is really peaceful protesting, and many more outlandish claims, we can't move forward. There are just too many red flags to navigate through the BS that are the Social Justice rules.
Liberalism is not just any disease, it is a cancer.
Not what I am saying. Believing their is systemic racism means you really have not thought this through or get out much or you are easily duped. There is enough proof out there if you look for it instead of listening to the race baiters and agenda pushers to see the truth. There are enough lazy people out there who will side with the afore mentioned race pushers so they will be a large enough group to make enough noise to make it look legit. The entitlement mindset (The Lazy) has grown and it is not a race issue, nothing really is anymore although some would have you believe it is.

No, I'm not clear on what you are saying. Are you saying that systemic racism doesn't exist anywhere in the country? And those who claim to have experienced it in their community or even if there was some type of review of specific entities within that community that revealed troublesome patterns and practices, that it is all because folks were duped or listened to an agenda?
Yes but, even small levels of liberalism is. Once you go down that road it is hard to turn around or just stop and settle.

You would have to explain to me what liberalism is then because I don't follow you. There are plenty of productive and highly functional members of society who may be described as liberal.
No, I'm not clear on what you are saying. Are you saying that systemic racism doesn't exist anywhere in the country? And those who claim to have experienced it in their community or even if there was some type of review of specific entities within that community that revealed troublesome patterns and practices, that it is all because folks were duped or listened to an agenda?
Yes. Racism exist but, only in some areas but, it is not systemic and it is not limited to one race. Racism exist mainly in individuals and not so much as groups although there are some. blm, antifa, kkk, and a few others are racist groups. That is not systemic, that is individuals joining by choice.
Yes. Racism exist but, only in some areas but, it is not systemic and it is not limited to one race. Racism exist mainly in individuals and not so much as groups although there are some. blm, antifa, kkk, and a few others are racist groups. That is not systemic, that is individuals joining by choice.

If a whole town or municipalities' law enforcement/court SYSTEM has been found to disproportionately target a specific race of people, then that is systemic racism. The very system with the power to investigate, detain, arrest, put on trial, convict and incarcerate. There are official government reports (not newspaper articles) with numbers and data and interview and other legitimate sources that reveal this. Now, I can post those here, but if you're simply going to tell me that such reviews and data are agenda driven only and not born out of any facts, then is there really any point in me doing so?
You would have to explain to me what liberalism is then because I don't follow you. There are plenty of productive and highly functional members of society who may be described as liberal.
Todays liberal is much different than liberals of the past and basically put it is the anything goes mentality. The Sodom and Gomorrah mindset. A more chaotic way of life which if left in their own home or circle would be ok for them but, liberals have taken it to a level of social control as to push their agenda on to those who do not agree with that way of living nor want to live that way.
If a whole town or municipalities' law enforcement/court SYSTEM has been found to disproportionately target a specific race of people, then that is systemic racism. The very system with the power to investigate, detain, arrest, put on trial, convict and incarcerate. There are official government reports (not newspaper articles) with numbers and data and interview and other legitimate sources that reveal this. Now, I can post those here, but if you're simply going to tell me that such reviews and data are agenda driven only and not born out of any facts, then is there really any point in me doing so?

It’s always bastardized statistics, that’s why there is no sense sense in you posting your agenda driven ”data.”

Anyone genuinely educated, or at least competent in mathematics, can see right through your lies.

There is no such thing as systemic racism in modern America. Your claims are no better than extremist idiocy.
If a whole town or municipalities' law enforcement/court SYSTEM has been found to disproportionately target a specific race of people, then that is systemic racism. The very system with the power to investigate, detain, arrest, put on trial, convict and incarcerate. There are official government reports (not newspaper articles) with numbers and data and interview and other legitimate sources that reveal this. Now, I can post those here, but if you're simply going to tell me that such reviews and data are agenda driven only and not born out of any facts, then is there really any point in me doing so?
You will have to define disproportionally. Disproportionate to what? If you are suggesting that individuals should be "targeted" based on the make-up each race is to the population as a whole, that is a ridiculous concept in law enforcement.
It’s no different than claiming police are systemically against men, sinc e that’s what they “data” clearly show.

Men are disproportionately incarcerated because police hate men, they have an intrinsic bias against hem and the system is keeping men Down
Todays liberal is much different than liberals of the past and basically put it is the anything goes mentality. The Sodom and Gomorrah mindset. A more chaotic way of life which if left in their own home or circle would be ok for them but, liberals have taken it to a level of social control as to push their agenda on to those who do not agree with that way of living nor want to live that way.

I just think it's dangerous to practice generalizations and group think like this. What past are we talking about? Clinton years? Well, that wasn't long ago. That was from 1993-2001. When you say "even a little bit of it is." That's dangerous and counterproductive. It's no better than folks who round all Trump voters into one group of "deplorables." It's lazy and counterproductive and the cycle will never break if we don't acknowledge that there are variations in both conservatism and liberalism and on occasion, depending on who you are talking to, those lines can become blurry.
It’s no different than claiming police are systemically against men, sinc e that’s what they “data” clearly show.

Men are disproportionately incarcerated because police hate men, they have an intrinsic bias against hem and the system is keeping men Down

No it's not the same. If you conduct numerous interviews and learn of numerous comments toward men by the folks being investigated then you may be onto something. If you have a small town somewhere that data shows targets blacks and then when you conduct interviews and learn that leadership in that department openly says things like "blacks are like terrorist etc." That might be a red flag.
It’s always bastardized statistics, that’s why there is no sense sense in you posting your agenda driven ”data.”

Anyone genuinely educated, or at least competent in mathematics, can see right through your lies.

There is no such thing as systemic racism in modern America. Your claims are no better than extremist idiocy.

Okay, well there it is. Nothing to see here. There are no problems with any towns and or small municipalities in the whole country. Got it. Thank you.
Most times I hate both parties, but there is only one party I can vote for...therefore, I'm not independent.
Fair points. I’m still registered as one. And back a decade ago I did vote for some local democrats and if a moderate democrat existed I would consider voting for them... but a moderate democrat is a unicorn with dragon wings these days.

But I suppose you’re right. That entire party went so far left it’s almost impossible to be a true independent anymore... which sucks because the GOP is awful too.

I’m all for eliminating parties and making candidates run on their ideas forcing people to listen to what they actually stand for and not what the letter is next to their name.

Edit: and just to amplify how far left democrats have gone, in 1992 my entire family were registered democrats. By 2009 not a single person was.
If they had been a straight couple he would have sold them a wedding cake. Since they're a gay couple he refused. Simple as that. You know it and everyone on this board knows it. It's straight from Phillips's own mouth.
Per usual, wrong because as always you're leaving a large portion of the story out, and of course we know entirety is never needed, just a narrative and something to rage about. And that's the problem, ppl can't separate feeling and emotion. So, it needs to be repeated that Phillips never turned a gay couple away from his shop. He never “refused” to sell a gay couple his products. Mullins and Craig were free to buy anything they desired from Masterpiece Cakeshop. They weren’t free, however, to force Philips to create something that conflicted with his long-held religious beliefs. One of the most basic ideals of liberty is that we don’t coerce individuals to say things, or refrain from saying things, in ways that violate their conscience.

So your entire narrative is again make believe. They tried to force him into labor of a product he doesn't make, didn't have, and never has produced. Nuanced thought is difficult. It would be like if I cut lumber and make wood furniture and you said build me a house. I don't build houses you can buy the lumber or any of the furniture tho. So, it's wood...houses are made of wood, build the house bigot.

But, to play this simpleton know, if the cake owner was Muslim and denied to create something would say nothing, or at the very least you would have the respect to not demand a service from a practicing Muslim who's beliefs this contradicted
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If a whole town or municipalities' law enforcement/court SYSTEM has been found to disproportionately target a specific race of people, then that is systemic racism. The very system with the power to investigate, detain, arrest, put on trial, convict and incarcerate. There are official government reports (not newspaper articles) with numbers and data and interview and other legitimate sources that reveal this. Now, I can post those here, but if you're simply going to tell me that such reviews and data are agenda driven only and not born out of any facts, then is there really any point in me doing so?
Most of these reports are agenda driven these days and that is the problem. Objectivity is non existent. There will be other "reports and facts" that will refute it but, they are just ignored as well. Such as the shooting and killing of unarmed black men by police. It has been proven that it is not the genocide many proclaim it to be and in fact it is much lower than the so called "facts" say it is. The problem today is that there have been so many false reports and investigations from the lowest to the highest levels that we are subjected to just using our own anecdotal evidence and what we chose to read and believe as our "Facts". And yes, there is really no point of you posting them here because you believe many of the things the mainstream media spouts that I don't believe for a moment. Until the media and the government starts reporting the news and not agendas this will continue to be an issue for those who don't trust them. By the way, there are also official government reports that said Trump colluded with Russia and he committed Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine and other things that were found to be false and drummed up by government agencies. Imagine that, and you trust the government? Hell, even Biden and his son have been proven to be racist too. Are they also part of the systemic racism you talk about or does that just fit Trump and the GOP.
I just think it's dangerous to practice generalizations and group think like this. What past are we talking about? Clinton years? Well, that wasn't long ago. That was from 1993-2001. When you say "even a little bit of it is." That's dangerous and counterproductive. It's no better than folks who round all Trump voters into one group of "deplorables." It's lazy and counterproductive and the cycle will never break if we don't acknowledge that there are variations in both conservatism and liberalism and on occasion, depending on who you are talking to, those lines can become blurry.
Not counter productive when you take into account todays social driven mob mentality which by the way is a liberal generated mob bent on the destruction of the constitution and the principles that made this country great. Good luck trying to talk people into civil discourse by listening to lunatics trying to separate a country based on race using a false narrative of genocide and hate based rhetoric.