I am aware of Biden saying if you don't vote for me then you ain't black. That is ignorant and insulting but I don't think that is proof, I saw Hunter talk like a rapper using the N word, again, the context was as if he was using it as a term of endearment, which again, I don't like, it's insulting and ignorant. But surely, you can differentiate between THAT and Frank Nucera wishing to do harm to black people, express a hate for black people etc...I can get past the ignorance and somebody being "too comfortable." I can't get past somebody who wants to slam my kids head into a car, put him before the firing squad and wipe me and my family off the planet. Because if I am being too honest, at least in my everyday experience, MOST OF US get a little comfortable sometimes. Then again i'm not your typical lib. I don't do the political correctness thing all the time. I can take off color comments and jokes.