Sheet on the right, bottom left hand corner -- "Client Copy"
All institutions have giant red flags on accessing celebrity/politician records. For example, if OJ gets hospitalized and some nurse decides to look at his records then they are going to be found out. Cops that run background checks or run license plat numbers on celebs/pols will immediately be red flagged. Been that way for many years. There are many more controls in place than people think and all employees are made intimately aware that termination is the likely outcome for sticking your nose in there.My wife formerly worked for IRS here in Austin. According to her, income tax returns of celebrities and dignitaries are separated from your common everyday Joe/Jane. These returns are also usually closely guarded in secure rooms.
At any rate, Madcow is still a damn loon.
I know you really want a single payer system. However, eliminating the insurance company profits will not have a huge impact on cost. There is also no guarantee that the government will be as efficient as insurance companies. Typically, government is not very efficient. It's certainly possible that the government inefficiencies will offset the profit being saved from going to a single payer system. Free market organizations tend to be much more efficient than government because they have to be to compete.I understand that the cost of insurance will always be the cost of care + profit for the insurance company. Insurance isn't cheap because it isn't cheap to treat many medical conditions, many of which we have little say in the matter if we will require care. I understand that if you show up at the hospital in need of care that they are required to give you that care. I understand that if you don't pay for the care that you received that the hospital and the other healthcare providers will roll the cost of the care that they delivered into the bills of those who do pay. I understand that when the federal and state governments cut reimbursement rates for their citizens who are on Medicare and Medicaid that providers raise the rates for patients who have private insurance plans.
I'm not sure what your idea of affordable health insurance really means. What is affordable to me might not be so to you or vise versa. We can't shop for healthcare like we do for a home or a car. If you have cancer, heart attack or injured in an car accident, there is no economy model of care. I can't go buy a used treatment for $5000 that would cost $40,000 new. I can't choose between the $50,000 home and $500,000 home. You can be treated or not treated. If you're treated it is very realistic that your medical bills will be in excess of $150,000 and not unrealistic that they climb to $500,000. I work in the health insurance industry. We process those claims and send out those checks every day. We have some that cost us over $1 million.
The Trump plan will result in fewer people being covered, not fewer people getting sick. Those sick people will still go to the hospital, still accrue costs that will get shifted to those with insurance. Why? That's where the money is.
Do you understand how insurance works?
It's the cost of healthcare for the people being insured + profit. Premiums = (cost of healthcare+profit) / members insured. Not Trump's plan or Obamacare do a single thing do lower the cost of healthcare. Without that, premiums will never fall.
Haha uncle Bernie has some explaining to do. How can the king of socialists only pay 13% in taxes while the evil 1% who doesnt pay his fair share pays basically double that %. Oh what a great night for Trump
We are seeing the left become crazier and crazier. They have cornered themselves into this corner of nuttiness. They are destroying themselves and their outlets with their antics and doubling down.
They have learned nothing. They are going to lose every non-brainwashed person and any moderate/independent due to their insanity. You think normal working class people want to be associated with this?
I really wish Trump would make a statement to America and apologize. Admit he tried and will continue to do so but there is no real leadership in DC therefore Obamacare stays in place. Apologize to us for how much worse its going to get, and gurantee he will still try to negotiate something to work, but at this point the media and democrats are to blame.
But it on the back burner and let it really sink in why they wanted to change course, because Obamacare is unsustainable, and report the real numbers as we go. Cost to the govt to keep it working, increase rates etc etc.
Make these idiots like Z beg for something so reality can slap them around for a little bit.
Here's a map showing the oil that's shipped thru the South China Sea -- take a close look at that huge, fat area just west of the Philippines -- that's where China created their artificial islands, 3 new airstrips and added anti-aircraft weapons etc
THIS is a hell of a lot worse than almost anything else that happened under Obama's watch
I was against most of the wars Bush and Obama started -- but this isn't something we can allow China to get away with
-- This will be the next blog article and I'm working it up right now.......3 times as much oil flows through this region as does the Suez Canal (Source: Business Insider and Linked on Blog article)
NOW......if it comes down to a limited engagement with China -- I KNOW we can defeat them
However -- how do you think the Marxists will react when / if this Commander in Chief attempts to go to war?
China KNOWS they have ample allies within our nation right now -- so does Iran, North Korea and Cuba + a few others,......
More later but I believe we may finally be at the point where we have to be ready to engage in (limited) conflict with China
Otherwise -- we may as well start pulling back from the Pacific because NOT standing up to them will invite more of the same......thoughts on how to plan for a Pacific war with them in a few
Shaking my GD head.
Not surprising. We must also remember there's still an ongoing IRS scandal for something like 1300+ days after the fact over targeting conservative groups.Also, if someone from the IRS wanted to hurt Trump, why the hell would you release tax returns from 12 years ago? Especially since theres absolutely nothing damaging in them.
Either the IRS employee is a total moron (and criminal) and shouldn't be working at the IRS if they thought theyd nail Trump with this. Or it was a troll job like I said. I'm going with troll job.
If anything, this helps Trump. Destroys the Russia narritive and shows he paid even more in taxes.
Thanks to Maddow we can now do a comparison.
Trump 2005 tax rate: 25.3%
Romney 2011 tax rate: 14.1%
Sanders 2014 tax rate: 13.5%
Obama 2006 tax rate: 19.5%
*Edited to add Obama's
Make sure you research the Clinton ties to China especially the Wal Mart connections. Hildawg sold out to china years ago.
All institutions have giant red flags on accessing celebrity/politician records. For example, if OJ gets hospitalized and some nurse decides to look at his records then they are going to be found out. Cops that run background checks or run license plat numbers on celebs/pols will immediately be red flagged. Been that way for many years. There are many more controls in place than people think and all employees are made intimately aware that termination is the likely outcome for sticking your nose in there.
Now hacking... that's a different story. But the idea that someone with approved cleared access is going out there looking at political records and then releasing stuff is ridiculous as they'd be discovered immediately.