Thought it was pretty obvious Pence obliterated Kaine.
Thankfully we got to end with abortion though. The topics that matter.
Thankfully we got to end with abortion though. The topics that matter.
Not watching. Is it good?
Chris Christie would have torn Kaine apart.
Pence ragdolled the rude, creepy molester-looking Kaine.I really enjoyed Pence. Seems like a no-BS type of guy. Was very good about letting Kaine speak, despite the fact that he could probably beat up a gaggle of Kaines at the same time.
Kaine definitely has some dead babies in a closet somewhere.Pence ragdolled the rude, creepy molester-looking Kaine.
Matthews is correct, of course, but he's thinking strategically. He'll toss the Donald a bone (and it's easy to do when Pence obviously won tonight) in a VP debate that is not going to move the polls either way, so he can hopefully be perceived to be objective when he supports Hillary in every other respect, including past and future debates.I'm not watching it but apparently Chris Matthews said Pence won tonight.
So in their first Presidential decision, Trump picks a seasoned, steady handed politician.
Hillary chose Flat top from Dick Tracy.
I doubt that it did.Only saw part of it, but my guess is the Clinton team wasn't interested in Kaine winning. Winning the debate probably wasn't the goal. Sounded like he was going for the conventional veep attack dog role. The objective is to attack trump and get mud all over the place, including himself. Don't know if it worked....
The racist, xenophobic smear has already started.Pence won the debate and he'll be fittingly crushed for the next 48 hours (unless Trump finds another brush pile to light on fire)
Credit to his race. The word you're fumbling for is credit.Good thing Pence didn't actually have to defend his record in Indiana. But he's well spoken and a compliment to his race.
Like I said in august, if Kasich were the nominee he would be leading. But every GOP response I received was negative towards Kasich. Pence would be a better candidate, too.I would like to submit tonight as evidence that Generic Republican would be performing much better in this race than Trump is.
But blah blah Rubio is robotic blah blah
oh, he was def trying to bait Pence into dropping some bad soundbitesOnly saw part of it, but my guess is the Clinton team wasn't interested in Kaine winning. Winning the debate probably wasn't the goal. Sounded like he was going for the conventional veep attack dog role. The objective is to attack trump and get mud all over the place, including himself. Don't know if it worked....
holy sh!t i wish i hadn't noticed your avatar"Kaine should have been himself. I don’t know what the Clintons have done to him. I thought Pence won the debate. It made me very sad,” Rickers told Breitbart News. “I’ve never seen him like that. It’s not the Tim Kaine I know. I can’t believe it. Is that what we have been reduced to? Win at all cost and bring out the hatchet?”
Like I said in august, if Kasich were the nominee he would be leading. But every GOP response I received was negative towards Kasich. Pence would be a better candidate, too.
The GOP base just didn't have it in them to nominate an easily electable guy, just consider # 2 was Cruz.
I remember the debate where Kasich differentiated himself from Trump and Cruz by saying 'you can't just break up Mexican families living in America and deport them.' He was very humane in his words, and he dropped in the polls afterwards. That's just one example, but I say again, the GOP base didn't have it in them to nominate an easily electable candidate - which Kasich obviously is.No it wasn't. I supported John Kasich, simply because of two reasons: (1) he was the most qualified candidate for the republican nomination since like, forever and (2) he would have dominated Hillary in 1 on 1 debates.
It is both a sad and very perplexing reality that the party showed, at best, pedestrian interest in Gov. Kasich. He truthfully has only two flaws that could hurt him as a candidate. One is factual, that he supported the 1994 temporary (10-year) assault weapons ban. The other is perceptual, that he can be cast in the image of a religious zealot. It is possible that the latter of these two concerns may lead to the nature of why Kasich did not "come to light" as a legitimate party-supported candidate, as through his principles / convictions he has made open remarks which are anything but anti-refugee in the sense of the current concerns.
But much of why John Kasich did not emerge as a strong candidate is the fault of John Kasich. Perhaps he actually thought by not participating in the steady bursts of back-and-forth rancor, rancor which contributed so much to why Trump, Rubio and Cruz remained most visible, he could somehow distinguish himself before any end came to him. He was wrong.
However, he did make (or re-make) a name for himself. And today, people are not saying "if Rubio was the nominee he would . . ." and they are not saying "if Cruz was the nominee he would be . . " No. The October could-have-been musings seem to be about John Kasich and John Kasich alone. And should he decide around this time in 2019? . . . these Kasich musings may endure.
sssshhhhh. Stop being a cuck.Clinton is barely beating the least supported nominee in modern history. There were several Rs that would've beaten her - not just Kasich. Funny, the Republicans were always the "disciplined" ones. Always in the end nominated the right guy. This year, rank and file just said, screw you, we're sick of it all....