How will they rule ??!

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"Explains" ... uh huh.
My offer is still out from earlier. Name a few things you don't like about hillary. I've been more the forthcoming with things I don't like about Trump. Her policies. Go. Or do all dems think you cant criticize that which you support?

And it doesnt "explain", well it doesn't say "feelings" "they just can't help it", "you need us the government" "we know how to fix everything we'really wizards of life" so you probably struggled to rationalize it.
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When Liberal policies/ideas are examined down to their fundamental essence, they are completely contradictory. For example, let's look a little more closely at the seemingly unrelated ideas of open borders and the AGW hoax. If the US allows unlimited, unregulated immigration of refugees from Syria and/or economically challenged nations like Mexico, it stands to reason that there will be countless thousands --- if not millions --- more people attaining a higher standard of living, buying more cars, running more air conditioners, and using more natural resources than they would have otherwise used had they stayed in their own disadvantaged country. What a "moral conundrum"!

I mean, wouldn't it would make more sense if Libs were the ones who wanted to secure the borders so that they could prevent more people from attaining a higher standard of living, and thus, prevent more pollutants from "destroying the planet"? According to the Libs, the entire future of mankind is on the line with regard to AGW, so the well-being of the individual should naturally take a back seat to the greater good, right? Libs already want to place limits on what Americans can use in hopes of staving off existential doom from AGW. Wouldn't it make more sense for Libs to favor "sacrificing" a few 3rd-world Plebs to languish in poverty for the greater good of saving mankind from AGW? It IS their ideological patriarch, Saul Alinsky, who advocares that "The ends justifies the means", right?
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There's something that's been bothering me about this election, and its on both sides. The Never Trump and the Never Hillary stances are rational ones. I think a lot of Trump folks on this thread (I am not voting for him) do so because they feel he's less bad than Clinton. Some Clinton folks feel the same way. That is certainly understandable. It is also problematic and dangerous. If you're never Trump there's nothing Hillary can do that will make you think she's less evil. Her constant lies, her medical episode, her claiming she has pneumonia and then taking a picture with a child and whatever else she does will never be enough for people to throw in the towel.

When she had her medical episode on 9/11, people started suggesting that Trump needed to release his medical records. That makes no sense whatsoever, but in the lesser of two evils it somehow does. It didn't matter to folks that Clinton is potentially seriously ill. What matters is that Trump may not be healthy too, or at least he needs to prove he's not ill like Hillary. Nothing she can do will make someone give up on her.

The same goes for Trump. He can promote a liberal idea like forcing companies to have paid maternity leave and people will buy that, or they'll accept it because he's not Hillary. They don't care what he says because he's not (whatever adjective you want to use) Hillary. It's dangerous.

I'm never Trump and never Hillary. That's not a great stance to have because whoever I vote for his guaranteed to lose. Neither one have my vote at this point. I'm a conservative and I don't feel Trump aligns with my ideologies. I will say, however, that Hillary's medical condition could be what brings me to vote for Trump. I don't know the extent of her condition, but if more comes out and it's clear she's very unwell I'll vote for Trump. I do not want a President to be on their death bed before they even step foot in office. Especially someone who has been plenty dangerous to America while healthy.

Long post over.
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There's something that's been bothering me about this election, and its on both sides. The Never Trump and the Never Hillary stances are rational ones. I think a lot of Trump folks on this thread (I am not voting for him) do so because they feel he's less bad than Clinton. Some Clinton folks feel the same way. That is certainly understandable. It is also problematic and dangerous. If you're never Trump there's nothing Hillary can do that will make you think she's less evil. Her constant lies, her medical episode, her claiming she has pneumonia and then taking a picture with a child and whatever else she does will never be enough for people to throw in the towel.

When she had her medical episode on 9/11, people started suggesting that Trump needed to release his medical records. That makes no sense whatsoever, but in the lesser of two evils it somehow does. It didn't matter to folks that Clinton is potentially seriously ill. What matters is that Trump may not be healthy too, or at least he needs to prove he's not ill like Hillary. Nothing she can do will make someone give up on her.

The same goes for Trump. He can promote a liberal idea like forcing companies to have paid maternity leave and people will buy that, or they'll accept it because he's not Hillary. They don't care what he says because he's not (whatever adjective you want to use) Hillary. It's dangerous.

I'm never Trump and never Hillary. That's not a great stance to have because whoever I vote for his guaranteed to lose. Neither one have my vote at this point. I'm a conservative and I don't feel Trump aligns with my ideologies. I will say, however, that Hillary's medical condition could be what brings me to vote for Trump. I don't know the extent of her condition, but if more comes out and it's clear she's very unwell I'll vote for Trump. I do not want a President to be on their death bed before they even step foot in office. Especially someone who has been plenty dangerous to America while healthy.

Long post over.

Great stay home is ur story?
Looks like that Trump pay for play investigation will be short-lived, considering the check was written prior to the investigation by Florida.


Meanwhile, actual pay for play by hillary continues to go uninvestigated.
Yeah but you sourced the NYT - don't know if we can trust that. JK, they broke the HRC email scandal so you know they play it straight.
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What has Obama screwed up? "Everything" is pretty nebulous.
I'll contribute by narrowing "Everything" down to "Everything Obama Has Touched". Let's start with a working list off the top of my head that I'm sure others will add to: Libya in general, Benghazi specifically, the ACA exchange roll-out, the ongoing ACA healthcare debacle, the rise of the ISIS JV team, the Iran "nuclear negotiations", releasing Gitmo detainees to return to the fight, doubling the national debt, the Iran ransom for captured Navy sailors, race relations, the Bergdahl fiasco, the Syrian "Red Line", His condescending smart-assed remark that "The '80's called and wants their foreign policy back" statement to Romney during the previous election cycle (which, as it turned out, demonstrated once again that he was the one who didn't have a clue about foreign policy and emergent national security threats), cozying up to Occupy miscreants, cozying up to BLM movement, making erroneous and race-baiting statements about Zimmerman's guilt during the Trayvon Martin trial. I could go on, but I'll let others contribute to what should be quite an extensive list that will cover the nebulous "Everything".
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I'll be voting, just not for either of them. Although I do think Trump is less disastrous than Hillary.

So you won't vote. Please, if you don't vote for one of the two you don't vote. Don't gimme some if I stay home shit. Grow a pair and go vote for one of these two.
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Not sure why paid maternity leave is so bad? Also liked the idea of not only affordable childcare but also adult care.

It seems a lot of people do not realize how hard it is to care for other people in a dependant state.

Getting a tax credit for the efforts and at the same time making us more apt to give helping hand is only beneficial. It is not a conservative train of thought to the core, but it's still smart!
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So you won't vote. Please, if you don't vote for one of the two you don't vote. Don't gimme some if I stay home shit. Grow a pair and go vote for one of these two.

But remember while you aren't voting, JBHolmesfan, you live in a free country. "Growing a pair" means accepting neither major party candidate represents you, but bending over and casting your support anyway :okay:
Obama taking credit again for $2 gas. Oh boy. Iraq, gas, and the sequestration....3 topics he both slams and takes credit for both sides depending on what is convenient.
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My offer is still out from earlier. Name a few things you don't like about hillary. I've been more the forthcoming with things I don't like about Trump. Her policies. Go. Or do all dems think you cant criticize that which you support?

And it doesnt "explain", well it doesn't say "feelings" "they just can't help it", "you need us the government" "we know how to fix everything we'really wizards of life" so you probably struggled to rationalize it.

Moe won't touch this one he picks and chooses what to respond to
Trump right again. He says no TPP, Hillary follows and says no TPP.

He says car manufacturers moving to Mexico, Ford then moves all small parts jobs to Mexico.

He says Obama/Hillary created Isis, DNC leaks has faculty members' emails admitting the their actions created Isis.

He says play nice with Putin, Kerry goes and plays nice with Putin.

He says no Syrian refugees, Europeans start screaming and pleading for no more Syrian refugees.

He says build a wall to protect from illegal immigration, Mexico agrees that they hate illegal immigrants and want to build a wall of their own.

It doesn't take political experience to have common sense.
We had a status of forces agreement with Iraq. Lots of things happen on someone's "watch". That's just a sonorous nothing kind of phrase.

The "political purpose" is called an international agreement.

We absolutely did not have to pull out then, that was all Obama. The political purpose was to have all troops out by the 2012 election, everything was set to that timeline come hell or highwater.

The removal of troops at that time DIRECTLY allowed ISIS to take advantage of Iraq unready military. Not to mention Obama's support of rebel groups in Syria ousting Assad, of which ISIS was one. He continually drug his feet in Syria, and then Iraq as ISIS gained ground. It took Russia taking the lead against them before he actually got serious against ISIS.
I'll contribute by narrowing "Everything" down to "Everything Obama Has Touched". Let's start with a working list off the top of my head that I'm sure others will add to: Libya in general, Benghazi specifically, the ACA exchange roll-out, the ongoing ACA healthcare debacle, the rise of the ISIS JV team, the Iran "nuclear negotiations", releasing Gitmo detainees to return to the fight, doubling the national debt, the Iran ransom for captured Navy sailors, race relations, the Bergdahl fiasco, the Syrian "Red Line", His condescending smart-assed remark that "The '80's called and wants their foreign policy back" statement to Romney during the previous election cycle (which, as it turned out, demonstrated once again that he was the one who didn't have a clue about foreign policy and emergent national security threats), cozying up to Occupy miscreants, cozying up to BLM movement, making erroneous and race-baiting statements about Zimmerman's guilt during the Trayvon Martin trial. I could go on, but I'll let others contribute to what should be quite an extensive list that will cover the nebulous "Everything".

"Libya" is vague to the point of meaninglessness. Gaddafi was ousted during an Arab Spring revolt. NATO forces stepped in to stop atrocities against civilians. If you're suggesting we shouldn't have participated, that would be interesting. Should we always step in to stop revolts against tyrants?

Benghazi has been investigated by around 7 committees. It's just air. It's always been air.

There is no ACA debacle.

The fact that ISIS is a shadow of what it once was is hardly a negative.

The Iran nuclear negotiations were great. A "trust but verify" framework is in place. You remember that phrase, right?

Maintaining GITMO for indefinite incarceration was a travesty. Shame on you.

Sorry if he disagreed with Romney.

You don't like Occupy "miscreants" but do like Trump.
Oh, wait,you don't like BLM and do ike Trump.
Martin was found innocent in court, but many people found that a travesty.
We absolutely did not have to pull out then, that was all Obama. The political purpose was to have all troops out by the 2012 election, everything was set to that timeline come hell or highwater.

The removal of troops at that time DIRECTLY allowed ISIS to take advantage of Iraq unready military. Not to mention Obama's support of rebel groups in Syria ousting Assad, of which ISIS was one. He continually drug his feet in Syria, and then Iraq as ISIS gained ground. It took Russia taking the lead against them before he actually got serious against ISIS.

Sorry that you have problem with treaties and agreements. We had no right to be in Iraq.
Oh, and let's not forget he says Hillary doesn't have the stamina and/or energy for the job, DNC leaks proves Powell has been blasting Hillary for being low energy and deathly sick since March '15.
Trump right again. He says no TPP, Hillary follows and says no TPP.

He says car manufacturers moving to Mexico, Ford then moves all small parts jobs to Mexico.

He says Obama/Hillary created Isis, DNC leaks has faculty members' emails admitting the their actions created Isis.

He says play nice with Putin, Kerry goes and plays nice with Putin.

He says no Syrian refugees, Europeans start screaming and pleading for no more Syrian refugees.

He says build a wall to protect from illegal immigration, Mexico agrees that they hate illegal immigrants and want to build a wall of their own.

It doesn't take political experience to have common sense.

"No" to trade agreements like TPP won't have the effect that people promise. The bill that's coming due in England over their Brexit vote is causing lots of buyers remorse.
Car manufacturing has been moving around for decades. It didn't happen because of any insight by Trump.
You're overstating what was involved in ISIS.
Having Russia involved in a cease fire in Syria is not giving Russia the Baltics. There's cooperation and there's toadying.
We've accepted a fraction of of the refugees that Europe has Refugees largely created as a consequence of stuff we've done. And guess what? The current "flood" is just a trickle of what's coming. AGW is going to set the lower latitudes adrift. You remember AGW? That thing that you all don't "believe" in.
Mexico is poor.

"Common sense" is just a synonym for "stuff I agree with".
Oh, and let's not forget he says Hillary doesn't have the stamina and/or energy for the job, DNC leaks proves Powell has been blasting Hillary for being low energy and deathly sick since March '15.

It proves that Trump is a pariah to the world, right?
Looks like that Trump pay for play investigation will be short-lived, considering the check was written prior to the investigation by Florida.


Meanwhile, actual pay for play by hillary continues to go uninvestigated.

That story doesn't contradict pay for play. It undercuts one timeline.
Of course everything Obama has screwed up is Bush's fault. Only Potus in history that still blames everything on the man before after nearly 8 years in office.

The economy was in shambles. The MidEast was on fire. In Congress, Republicans decided to completely obstruct.

All in all, given what he had to work with Obama has done fine.
"No" to trade agreements like TPP won't have the effect that people promise. The bill that's coming due in England over their Brexit vote is causing lots of buyers remorse.
Car manufacturing has been moving around for decades. It didn't happen because of any insight by Trump.
You're overstating what was involved in ISIS.
Having Russia involved in a cease fire in Syria is not giving Russia the Baltics. There's cooperation and there's toadying.
We've accepted a fraction of of the refugees that Europe has Refugees largely created as a consequence of stuff we've done. And guess what? The current "flood" is just a trickle of what's coming. AGW is going to set the lower latitudes adrift. You remember AGW? That thing that you all don't "believe" in.
Mexico is poor.

"Common sense" is just a synonym for "stuff I agree with".
The big bad Russians ate my homework.
Hillary, the champion for women's rights and loony feminist across the country, comes in below bimbo on the woman social ladder.
Iraq, TPP, overuse of "common sense"....why is moe all in for HRC again? Oh, whoredom, that's right.
Thing about that LA Times poll, it may be have quirks but damn it shows trends and that trend line is not showing any curve....who knows how far it will go but 10 doesn't sound crazy.

Rest are/are going to follow. Everyone saw the video. They know what they saw. Hell, on top of the people publicly changing their vote you are going to have *record* numbers of people switching their vote or not voting for her due to what they saw but would never admit that publicly.

That video (and the coverup) is stunning.
I know its only the BBC and Washington Post reporting it, world leaders in news, and not Number One Free Good Time Agency First Action Number One Brando News, but looks like Trump's foundation is under investigation.

What is it with both candidates having shady foundations?

Good to know that 2 of the charities that were adamant about never receiving the funds, suddenly found the money. Shew... The others, well, whatever.
Most foundations are shady, very confident Trump's is. But to compare any foundation dealings to the extravagant dealings of CGI while HRC was SoS and well known to be running for POTUS and the blatant quid pro quo of favors and out of market rate speaking fees is just silly.