How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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LOL my god. Shut down the Trump foundation.

Surprised a NY government official who endorses Clinton for POTUS isn't doing the same investigation on the Clinton Foundation improprieties.
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Hillary is desperate. Running scared. Now openly offering cash and begging for info on Trump.

Remember, folks, Russia (still no proof) is horrible, despicable and dangerous because of their criminal hacking acts, but she'll gladly put your ass on the line, and encourage you to commit such horrible, despicable and dangerous crimes on her behalf.
Wait wait Hillary and Kaine really wrote a book and released it this week? Why is this not being talked about?

Oh, because it only sold 2000 copies?

Good grief what a disaster that whole Clinton realm is right now....

Both Mrs. Clinton and her running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, have promoted the book on the campaign trail, but the sales figure, which tallies about 80 percent of booksellers nationwide and does not include e-books, firmly makes the book what the publishing industry would consider a flop.
Hillary is desperate. Running scared. Now openly offering cash and begging for info on Trump.

Remember, folks, Russia (still no proof) is horrible, despicable and dangerous because of their criminal hacking acts, but she'll gladly put your ass on the line, and encourage you to commit such horrible, despicable and dangerous crimes on her behalf.

Hahaha how pathetic. It really is desperate times for the clintons it appears. Just like deadspin begging for trump dirt last week.

I really don't think it's there. He's been in front of cameras almost every second of the past 25 years. He has no shame, abd he's always thought there was no such thing as bad publicity. So there's nothing hidden. We already know all the embarrassing details. If they've not found it by now, it doesn't exist.

His wife, is another story. But they've already played their best cards on her and noone cared.

Like I said months ago, I fully expect rape allegations to start flowing. They already floated one rape story that no one bought. So the next one will have to be worse. It'll have to be allegations of sex with underage girls.
Hillary must think so highly of all her degenerate, simpleton supporters. Literally has to break down p2p in numerical steps and include a corny video so they'll be able to understand. Treating them like the peasants they are.

Thing about that LA Times poll, it may be have quirks but damn it shows trends and that trend line is not showing any curve....who knows how far it will go but 10 doesn't sound crazy.

Rest are/are going to follow. Everyone saw the video. They know what they saw. Hell, on top of the people publicly changing their vote you are going to have *record* numbers of people switching their vote or not voting for her due to what they saw but would never admit that publicly.

That video (and the coverup) is stunning.

There are around 60 polls this year. So it's hard to tell what's going on.The LA Times poll has huge margin of errors.
Sorry that you have problem with treaties and agreements. We had no right to be in Iraq.

I don't have a problem with agreements, I have a problem with not owning up to an obvious mistake.

What do you mean we had no right to be in Iraq? Again you're mixing 2 different arguments, that argument took place in 2003. We WERE there, we HAD turned the country upside down, it was our RESPONSIBILITY once we did that to leave Iraq in the best possible ability to take care of itself, and the time of Obama's withdrawal didn't do that. It left them extremely vulnerable. Then when ISIS invaded Iraq he didn't react quick enough, because action would've been an admittance that he was wrong.
Media put on notice by the DNC - If you talk about DNC leaks, you get fired. MSM and DNC collaborating to control the narrative. Government run. Free Press is dead.

Someone on Fox getting fired for criticizing HRC?

MSM threatened with the loss of their jobs if they talk about DNC leaks, Facebook censoring DNC leaks topics and groups, now Twitter has joined the ranks.

Welcome to the Communist States of America. Hillary's not even president yet, and is already infringing on our rights. It's coming and they know it. Pulling out all the stops.

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Someone on Fox getting fired for criticizing HRC?

You're right, McCain is lying. Made it all up just to look cool on TV. Must explain why there's a media blackout about the info contained in the leaks. Powell's emails don't count. They are the distraction.
Defending Obama and Hillary seems to be more difficult with each passing day and with each new eye-popping failure.

Kerry sending money to his daughter's charity, Obama sending HUGE money to the Iranians, Hillary falling in public view..and those are only a few from the past week. It's either deflect, ignore, make some wiseass remark, threatening the media or simply claim...."they weren't sent to jail so it must not have happened."

A few months ago they at least had well crafted somewhat believable retorts---now it's just throw anything out there and see if it works.
You're right, McCain is lying. Made it all up just to look cool on TV. Must explain why there's a media blackout about the info contained in the leaks. Powell's emails don't count. They are the distraction.

Seems legit. You get your information from the aether. You don't rely on media. And there a blackout except for stuff there isn't a blackout on. We're not really talking about it because we can't.
Defending Obama and Hillary seems to be more difficult with each passing day and with each new eye-popping failure.

Kerry sending money to his daughter's charity, Obama sending HUGE money to the Iranians, Hillary falling in public view..and those are only a few from the past week. It's either deflect, ignore, make some wiseass remark, threatening the media or simply claim...."they weren't sent to jail so it must not have happened."

A few months ago they at least had well crafted somewhat believable retorts---now it's just throw anything out there and see if it works.
Yeah but you sourced the NYT - don't know if we can trust that. JK, they broke the HRC email scandal so you know they play it straight.
I don't recall how they broke it. If they broke it in a way to minimize or explain away - if the Clinton's gave it to the Times for that very reason - then they get no credit.
Seems legit. You get your information from the aether. You don't rely on media. And there a blackout except for stuff there isn't a blackout on. We're not really talking about it because we can't.
For once in your life will you please stop being a bimbo dicker. There's a liberal, globalist agenda being ddt'd all across the western world and you're missing out on all the fun.
I feel sorry for Colin Powell....from the look of it he took shots at the Clintons, the Bush family, Trump and several others. All supposedly in private...he's not running for office and has for the most part stuck to his own business. Will certainly make for some awkward situations as he travels the political events....
but only his comments about Trump will get any play. And taking shots at Trump is what all the cool kids do!

Moe, Why are you even arguing this point? It's clear at this point that Obama left Iraq before the 2012 election because that was his main pledge 08.
He ignored people that had been on the ground there telling him it was too soon. He supported rebels in Syria opposing Assad, one of those groups was ISIS. When they invaded Iraq instead of acting swiftly to oppose them he drug his feet. Action would've proven he was wrong, and when we did act it was half assed.
So now we're sending more troops to Iraq to resolve an issue that cost thousands of innocent lives which we could've prevented.
headline in today's WSJ:

Third-Party Ticket on Every Ballot for First Time in 20 Years.

Johnson, not Stein.
For once in your life will you please stop being a bimbo dicker. There's a liberal, globalist agenda being ddt'd all across the western world and you're missing out on all the fun.

Just earlier, I saw someone who objected to Occupy. (Was that you?) How sincere can an anti-globalist be if they object to Occupy. Rember them. The anti-globalists who actually risked something.
Just earlier, I saw someone who objected to Occupy. (Was that you?) How sincere can an anti-globalist be if they object to Occupy. Rember them. The anti-globalists who actually risked something.
You're such an Islamaphobe. Dammit, Muslim people have feelings, too. Disgusting!
Moe, Why are you even arguing this point? It's clear at this point that Obama left Iraq before the 2012 election because that was his main pledge 08.
He ignored people that had been on the ground there telling him it was too soon. He supported rebels in Syria opposing Assad, one of those groups was ISIS. When they invaded Iraq instead of acting swiftly to oppose them he drug his feet. Action would've proven he was wrong, and when we did act it was half assed.
So now we're sending more troops to Iraq to resolve an issue that cost thousands of innocent lives which we could've prevented.

Amazingly enough, presidents have to pay attention to someone other than the Pentagon.

And I take it from your response that you do believe that wanting something badly gives you a right to it.
Yeah, that must be it.

See the words of the Times' own ombudsman below. Game, set, match. By its own admission. I suppose you, and Moe, might argue that while a pervasive and defining bias may generally be true, it likely isn't relevant for something so trivial as a mere Presidential election. No way they'd cover Hillary "more like a cause than a new subject." heh

"Across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism — for lack of a better term — that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times.

As a result, developments like the Occupy movement and gay marriage seem almost to erupt in The Times, overloved and undermanaged, more like causes than news subjects.

Stepping back, I can see that as the digital transformation proceeds, as The Times disaggregates and as an empowered staff finds new ways to express itself, a kind of Times Nation has formed around the paper’s political-cultural worldview, an audience unbound by geography (as distinct from the old days of print) and one that self-selects in digital space."

See the words of the Times' own ombudsman below. Game, set, match. By its own admission. I suppose you, and Moe, might argue that while a pervasive and defining bias may generally be true, it likely isn't relevant for something so trivial as a mere Presidential election. No way they'd cover Hillary "more like a cause than a new subject." heh

"Across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism — for lack of a better term — that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times.

As a result, developments like the Occupy movement and gay marriage seem almost to erupt in The Times, overloved and undermanaged, more like causes than news subjects.

Stepping back, I can see that as the digital transformation proceeds, as The Times disaggregates and as an empowered staff finds new ways to express itself, a kind of Times Nation has formed around the paper’s political-cultural worldview, an audience unbound by geography (as distinct from the old days of print) and one that self-selects in digital space."
oops. I am compelled by fairness to amend my own post. Just read that piece by the ombudsman again, and the sentence before the part I quote says this:

"When The Times covers a national presidential campaign, I have found that the lead editors and reporters are disciplined about enforcing fairness and balance, and usually succeed in doing so," Brisbane wrote.

Only fair that I include that part. I think the idea that, generally, the Times is biased to its core is irrefutable, as the balance of the piece admits.....

See the words of the Times' own ombudsman below. Game, set, match. By its own admission. I suppose you, and Moe, might argue that while a pervasive and defining bias may generally be true, it likely isn't relevant for something so trivial as a mere Presidential election. No way they'd cover Hillary "more like a cause than a new subject." heh

"Across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism — for lack of a better term — that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times.

As a result, developments like the Occupy movement and gay marriage seem almost to erupt in The Times, overloved and undermanaged, more like causes than news subjects.

Stepping back, I can see that as the digital transformation proceeds, as The Times disaggregates and as an empowered staff finds new ways to express itself, a kind of Times Nation has formed around the paper’s political-cultural worldview, an audience unbound by geography (as distinct from the old days of print) and one that self-selects in digital space."

The Clintons have never been one of the Times' pets. The Times invented the Whitewater gag and have never apologized for it. Yes, the Times is very liberal on somethings. Not so much on others. The Clintons are in the others.
Obama's White House buried taxpayer funded DHS border security report. Report shows illegal immigrant numbers Obama administration is trying push are all lies.

Of course it was purposely buried for political reasons, because they know it'll only help Trump. Doing everything they can to try to steal this election, even putting the safety and well-being of the public in danger.

Karma is coming is the form of an orange, loud mouth, Yankee New Yorker.
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