I'm not referring to Benghazi from the legal perspective --- I'm referring to the 4 dead Americans. I would say that is "screwing up", wouldn't you?[1]
To argue that the ACA and the exchanges are not a first-rate screw up is asinine --- exchanges are collapsing nearly daily, insurance companies are pulling out, and rates are generally trending up and not down as promised....that's a "screw up", is it not?[2]
If Obama had not pulled out of Iraq against military advice, there would never have been an ISIS to begin with.[3]
Iran negotiations are "great"? I guess if you're the Iranian regime, they were great. We'll trust but verify --- only after Iran is given prior notice several weeks before inspections so they can hide their development of weapons --- and we send them $150B for their troubles, too![4]
And what is the greater travesty? Detaining known terrorists indefinitely, or releasing them into the "wild" to continue killing American soldiers?[5]
I could not care less if Obama disagreed w/ Romney. Again, you missed the point completely! He was wrong about an emerging Russia as a geopolitical threat --- that's the "screw up"![6]
Lastly, Martin was not found innocent in court --- he was found dead. Obama's long-lost son Trayvon (along with the "Gentle Giant" in Missouri) found out the hard way that when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.[7]
And lastly....where did I ever say I am supporting Trump?[8]/QUOTE]
Every bad thing that happens isn't a "screw up"[1]
The ACA is worse than every poor person going to hospital emergency room for every complaint?[2]
ISIS antedates the Iraq War[3]
Every time Iran is mentioned that dollar figure grows. Just round it up to a hundred brazilian and be done with it. (Nukes leave traces, btw.)[4]
Do you imagine that everyone detained at GITMO was a terrrorist? (Maybe you do.)[5]
You're interpreting Obama's remarks to fit the criticism. Do you imagine he'd blanked on their power? The Obama remark was oibviously talking about styles of diplomacy and rhetoric.[6]
Sorry. Meant Zimmerman.[7]
Are you?[8]
[I've edited the original with bracketed numbers to link my responses to the points in the post. ]