How will they rule ??!

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The last week has not been kind to Hillary; she has slipped even further behind Trump in the latest USA Wide polling data.

Most pollsters manipulate their data in order to show Sec. Clinton with a lead
relying on turnout models that unfairly favor Democrats. USA Wide tweaks turnout models appropriately by giving more weight to independents, who tend to favor Trump, and eliminating the false practice of oversampling of Democrats in the survey.
I know its only the BBC and Washington Post reporting it, world leaders in news, and not Number One Free Good Time Agency First Action Number One Brando News, but looks like Trump's foundation is under investigation.

What is it with both candidates having shady foundations?

Good to know that 2 of the charities that were adamant about never receiving the funds, suddenly found the money. Shew... The others, well, whatever.

I agree with you.

I truly believe we will never see our best people run for office anymore. Why would you?

edit - I suck at writing my thoughts... I get in a big hurry.
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"Libya" is vague to the point of meaninglessness. Gaddafi was ousted during an Arab Spring revolt. NATO forces stepped in to stop atrocities against civilians. If you're suggesting we shouldn't have participated, that would be interesting. Should we always step in to stop revolts against tyrants?

Benghazi has been investigated by around 7 committees. It's just air. It's always been air.

There is no ACA debacle.

The fact that ISIS is a shadow of what it once was is hardly a negative.

The Iran nuclear negotiations were great. A "trust but verify" framework is in place. You remember that phrase, right?

Maintaining GITMO for indefinite incarceration was a travesty. Shame on you.

Sorry if he disagreed with Romney.

You don't like Occupy "miscreants" but do like Trump.
Oh, wait,you don't like BLM and do ike Trump.
Martin was found innocent in court, but many people found that a travesty.

I'm not referring to Benghazi from the legal perspective --- I'm referring to the 4 dead Americans. I would say that is "screwing up", wouldn't you?

To argue that the ACA and the exchanges are not a first-rate screw up is asinine --- exchanges are collapsing nearly daily, insurance companies are pulling out, and rates are generally trending up and not down as promised....that's a "screw up", is it not?

If Obama had not pulled out of Iraq against military advice, there would never have been an ISIS to begin with.

Iran negotiations are "great"? I guess if you're the Iranian regime, they were great. We'll trust but verify --- only after Iran is given prior notice several weeks before inspections so they can hide their development of weapons --- and we send them $150B for their troubles, too!

And what is the greater travesty? Detaining known terrorists indefinitely, or releasing them into the "wild" to continue killing American soldiers?

I could not care less if Obama disagreed w/ Romney. Again, you missed the point completely! He was wrong about an emerging Russia as a geopolitical threat --- that's the "screw up"!

Lastly, Martin was not found innocent in court --- he was found dead. Obama's long-lost son Trayvon (along with the "Gentle Giant" in Missouri) found out the hard way that when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

And lastly....where did I ever say I am supporting Trump?
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oops. I am compelled by fairness to amend my own post. Just read that piece by the ombudsman again, and the sentence before the part I quote says this:

"When The Times covers a national presidential campaign, I have found that the lead editors and reporters are disciplined about enforcing fairness and balance, and usually succeed in doing so," Brisbane wrote.

Only fair that I include that part. I think the idea that, generally, the Times is biased to its core is irrefutable, as the balance of the piece admits.....

Thats basically what it says, in so many words: we're biased, but thats ok because being liberal is cool and pays the bills.
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Interesting move away from Clinton in mid-August at 80% chance of win now down to 67% on the betting line. Still a 2-1 favorite, but the money and the momentum is starting to move.

five 38 also had her chances drop to about the same, from the 80s. No doubt theres a clear trend, and its moving quickly.

All most people wanted to see was that Trump was capable of listening to advice, and stop putting his foot in his mouth daily. Once he proved that, it all started moving.
I'm not referring to Benghazi from the legal perspective --- I'm referring to the 4 dead Americans. I would say that is "screwing up", wouldn't you?[1]

To argue that the ACA and the exchanges are not a first-rate screw up is asinine --- exchanges are collapsing nearly daily, insurance companies are pulling out, and rates are generally trending up and not down as promised....that's a "screw up", is it not?[2]

If Obama had not pulled out of Iraq against military advice, there would never have been an ISIS to begin with.[3]

Iran negotiations are "great"? I guess if you're the Iranian regime, they were great. We'll trust but verify --- only after Iran is given prior notice several weeks before inspections so they can hide their development of weapons --- and we send them $150B for their troubles, too![4]

And what is the greater travesty? Detaining known terrorists indefinitely, or releasing them into the "wild" to continue killing American soldiers?[5]

I could not care less if Obama disagreed w/ Romney. Again, you missed the point completely! He was wrong about an emerging Russia as a geopolitical threat --- that's the "screw up"![6]

Lastly, Martin was not found innocent in court --- he was found dead. Obama's long-lost son Trayvon (along with the "Gentle Giant" in Missouri) found out the hard way that when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.[7]

And lastly....where did I ever say I am supporting Trump?[8]/QUOTE]

Every bad thing that happens isn't a "screw up"[1]

The ACA is worse than every poor person going to hospital emergency room for every complaint?[2]

ISIS antedates the Iraq War[3]

Every time Iran is mentioned that dollar figure grows. Just round it up to a hundred brazilian and be done with it. (Nukes leave traces, btw.)[4]

Do you imagine that everyone detained at GITMO was a terrrorist? (Maybe you do.)[5]

You're interpreting Obama's remarks to fit the criticism. Do you imagine he'd blanked on their power? The Obama remark was oibviously talking about styles of diplomacy and rhetoric.[6]

Sorry. Meant Zimmerman.[7]

Are you?[8]

[I've edited the original with bracketed numbers to link my responses to the points in the post. ]
five 38 also had her chances drop to about the same, from the 80s. No doubt theres a clear trend, and its moving quickly.

All most people wanted to see was that Trump was capable of listening to advice, and stop putting his foot in his mouth daily. Once he proved that, it all started moving.

People change so much at 70.
Wait wait Hillary and Kaine really wrote a book and released it this week? Why is this not being talked about?

Oh, because it only sold 2000 copies?

Good grief what a disaster that whole Clinton realm is right now....

Both Mrs. Clinton and her running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, have promoted the book on the campaign trail, but the sales figure, which tallies about 80 percent of booksellers nationwide and does not include e-books, firmly makes the book what the publishing industry would consider a flop.
Moe probably bought half of those.
Amazingly enough, presidents have to pay attention to someone other than the Pentagon.

And I take it from your response that you do believe that wanting something badly gives you a right to it.

Of course they do, but they are also elected to make tough decisions with the best info at hand, not on political reasons. It only took common sense and a backbone to realize Iraq wasn't ready. That was the best decision for everyone involved except Obama, so he chose himself over the United States best long term outcome.

I don't know what you're second part means to be honest with you Moe.
The company from California that F'd up welds at the killer mustard gas plant is no longer in business, and project manager is seeking solutions and compensation for the 15-20million in repairs.

That company sucks. They F'd up *every* *single* *weld*. I don't even
understand how that's possible.

This is a killer mustard gas project. How on earth do you hire a company that sucks so bad to do a job of this magnitude? One from California no less. Surely someone on this side of the country could have F'd up all the welds.

Who's gonna pay that $15 million? Does it even matter?

*asks google*

LMAO...that company is a heavy political donor, and recently F'd up a Project for the Navy to the tune of....1billion dollars.

You can't make this shit up.

Fn govt man. Let's just keep giving them more power and responsibility. Gone em healthcare. Who gives a shit. We catan print and waste wayyyy more money.
Hillarys doctor releases she has NON contagious pneumonia. Looking through icd-10 book right now...don't see that diagnosis anywhere. She's so sick she must be getting strands of the virus that are unheard of.

I mean, what is with this camp. Either lying for no reason, or she doesn't even have pneumonia
Not a single answer to this yet. Anybody?
Well, let's see.... she is a woman (I think) and isn't it time we had a woman in the white house. She will fight for women's rights as long as it does not conflict with her other dealings that make her rich. That is not an accomplishment per normal but, to her, yes. She saved face by allowing 4 Americans to die in Benghazi so, that too is an accomplishment to her. She had thousands of emails erased and cleaned that would have finished her politically so, to her that is an accomplishment. Lastly, she has faked her way all the way up the line not really doing anything noteworthy and is now in line for the most powerful position in the world so, she has that going for her, which is nice.
This bullshit company makes drones - one of 3 major manufactures. Netherlands bought 15 for 1.5billion. That should help pay for the 1billion they cost the navy for trying to replace fn cables that stop the planes...and they had no idea what they wee doing. F'd up the planning, the software, and the actual cables didn't work. They bungled the whole shit. I'm assuming our US drones are made Boeing.

Honeywell - the thermostat people / make drone engines, btw, if anybody wants to invest in that. I was trying to see if GA was public, but it's not.
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This just in from no mention from liberal media, a 2012 tweet from the President whos currently campaigning for Hillary:

"RT if you agree: We need a president who is fighting for all Americans, not one who writes off nearly half the country"

But but but that was different, we should have taken that comment seriously because of Romney, but not Hillary.
Of course they do, but they are also elected to make tough decisions with the best info at hand, not on political reasons. It only took common sense and a backbone to realize Iraq wasn't ready. That was the best decision for everyone involved except Obama, so he chose himself over the United States best long term outcome.

I don't know what you're second part means to be honest with you Moe.

A selective quote from someone as nuanced as Obama has proved unreliable.His choice wasn't between leaving perfect and leaving unfinished. Nothing is ever finished and nothing is ever perfect. We'd overstayed our welcome.
This just in from no mention from liberal media, a 2012 tweet from the President whos currently campaigning for Hillary:

"RT if you agree: We need a president who is fighting for all Americans, not one who writes off nearly half the country"

But but but that was different, we should have taken that comment seriously because of Romney, but not Hillary.

47% are the poor. People are "deplorable" by choice.
Hillarys doctor releases she has NON contagious pneumonia. Looking through icd-10 book right now...don't see that diagnosis anywhere. She's so sick she must be getting strands of the virus that are unheard of.

I mean, what is with this camp. Either lying for no reason, or she doesn't even have pneumonia
Predictable. I'm not mad at the doctor though, was most likely paid off. Also probably didn't want the Seth Rich treatment.
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Can someone please explain to me how Chelsea Clinton who has said many times she talks to her Mom everyday about pretty much everything says she had no idea when Hillary showed up to her apartment that she was diagnosed with Pneumonia 2 days before? On top of that, she has two small children in her apartment. I have a very hard time believing neither her or Hillary would go anywhere near those children after being diagnosed with it. Point being, its pure BS. Something else is going on that they are terrified of getting out to the public.
Can someone please explain to me how Chelsea Clinton who has said many times she talks to her Mom everyday about pretty much everything says she had no idea when Hillary showed up to her apartment that she was diagnosed with Pneumonia 2 days before? On top of that, she has two small children in her apartment. I have a very hard time believing neither her or Hillary would go anywhere near those children after being diagnosed with it. Point being, its pure BS. Something else is going on that they are terrified of getting out to the public.

I thought that Martin Shkreli broke the story that Chelsea Clinton's "apartment" is actually a secret medical facility Clinton uses.
Even further back. And Reagan would be rolling over in his grave if he knew this clown was the party candidate.

Definitely a low point, candidate wise, for either party. Although I dont find Trump as bad as most. His demeanor and impulsiveness was what had me really concerned. Last few weeks, hes showed a willingness to listen, and restraint, that I truly didnt think he had in him.

We're probably screwed either way, but at least Id feel better about turning the keys over to Trump than I did a few months ago.

I thought that Martin Shkreli broke the story that Chelsea Clinton's "apartment" is actually a secret medical facility Clinton uses.

Saw a tweet where he said it was an old home health facility. Dont know if that was ever verified as true, or if the tweet was even a real tweet. But I did see that.
A selective quote from someone as nuanced as Obama has proved unreliable.His choice wasn't between leaving perfect and leaving unfinished. Nothing is ever finished and nothing is ever perfect. We'd overstayed our welcome.

Our reason for leaving had absolutely zero to do with anything you just posted, nor is it what I inferred. What do you think would've happened if we'd just packed up and left Germany or Japan after WWII? How long would it have taken the USSR to move in?

Thats what we just did in Iraq, Obama clearly didn't understand ISIS, nor did he listen to the people on the ground in Iraq. He didn't want too, he wanted to get the troops out in time to run on it in the election. Now, we're going back, 1400 troops from Ft Campbell are on their way as I type this. How many thousands of people have been tortured, murdered, displaced because of his inaction? We've got millions of Syrians fleeing to Europe and here because of his recklessness.
Definitely a low point, candidate wise, for either party. Although I dont find Trump as bad as His demeanor and impulsiveness was what had me really concerned. Last few weeks, hes showed a willingness to listen, and restraint, that I truly didnt think he had in him.

We're probably screwed either way, but at least Id feel better about turning the keys over to Trump than I did a few months ago.

Saw a tweet where he said it was an old home health facility. Dont know if that was ever verified as true, or if the tweet was even a real tweet. But I did see that.

He will offend, defame and degrade anyone who should question him, disagree with him or have a different thought or opinion than his. Even the most revered and respected among us, our war heroes, are not off limits. Not even those captured and tortured for years. He says he” likes those that were not captured”. Yet he stands before them to thunderous applause proclaiming to be a strong, tough leader of men while his past shows him to be a coward relying on a rich father and a willing family doctor to keep him out of harm’s way. He claims to know more than the generals and the sacrifices that military families make, while no one in his family has worn a uniform for this country…….ever. Yet he talks conflict and military might casually in tough, strong man talk to prove his self-perceived bravery.

He speaks of Nuclear Weapons as if they are toys to be distributed and obtained with no consequence. He talks of the ransom and blackmail of our NATO friends and partners unless they meet his demands. Yet speaks nothing of defending them.

He admires dictators and butchering strong men, proclaiming them to be strong leaders, ignoring the fact they are tyrants. Dissent or questioning is not allowed in these societies and he admires it.
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