How will they rule ??!

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You are correct, we really should have had hindsight. That really has nothing to do with the refugees. It's the simple question of "can we know who these people are?" It's that simple. It has nothing to do with what's happened before. You can't correct a past mistake with a new one. It's about what may happen going forward.

It sounds like you believe in actions without consequence. "We'll be put out. So, go do something else."
Hide the money y'all!!! There's po folk around!!! HAHAHA WIT YO BROKE ASS!!!

The answer to everything is money. Dolla Dolla bills y'all.

It's why we've opened the borders. Bc fn whitey ain't paying the bills. We are broke. Do y'all understand?
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It sounds like you believe in actions without consequence. "We'll be put out. So, go do something else."
Not true, but to use past actions as a means to make future decisions can be very dangerous, as your argument for the refugees is dangerous. Perhaps the war in Iraq was a bad idea and perhaps we shouldn't have left when we did. That doesn't mean we need to make up for those decisions by making another bad one. You're advocating for us intentionally allowing harm to the US in the name of accepting consequences.
I didn't understand the immigration stuff till my dumb ass read an article about the financials. Our wonderful economy has F'd us.
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It's pretty simple to see through the dems refugee plan..they want them to naturalize, tell them they can survive only with government help...they actually don't want them to assimilate and be independent..that way they have new dem voters...and push them into the communities that become taxpayer money pits. Because that's what dems do now with African americans. Flood with government programs and regulations and it ends up making everything worse and does nothing to improve future generations of that minority. Most minority groups are recognizing this.
I feel sorry for Colin Powell....from the look of it he took shots at the Clintons, the Bush family, Trump and several others. All supposedly in private...he's not running for office and has for the most part stuck to his own business. Will certainly make for some awkward situations as he travels the political events....
If you talk to an adamant Hillary supporter ask them to tell you a few things they DONT like about her. They can't do it other than to deflect to Trump. I don't understand this thought that just because you support someone you can't criticize them. I've been completely open with several things I don't like about Trump. It makes you assume theyre just blindly following and just expecting that the government actually cares about people and you know, feelings and stuff.
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No "if". I'm saying that we should have thought through Bush's MidEast Adventure a bit more thoroughly.

Moe, Syria and ISIS happened under Obama's watch. Specifically AFTER he pulled the troops from Iraq too soon against military advice, simply for political purposes.

Now, if you want to say we shouldn't have been in Iraq in the first place that's a different argument, because we were there and Syria wasn't having a mass exodus.
LOL CNN with a scathing piece just now about HC's dragging down downstream Senate and House races (remember when both chambers were going to swing to the de......yeah, no). Stunning they ran it, candidly.

Made a great point that the "deplorables" comment, while kitchy to her folks nationally, has played *terribly* in localized Senate races including (but not limited to)....NV (Reid's seat of all things), OH etc.

What an effing disaster for them.

And just a reminder to the spin machine, we saw HC seize and collapse cold on film....that isn't getting unseen no matter how many "healthy as an ox" stories you want to run.
Look, save your breath. I'm a social worker who deals with vulnerable people every day. Moe is some snooty high end liberal who takes a few photo ops at his local Rotary Club events smiling like Joel Osteen and acts like the community savior. He'll tell what everyone else should do, but I effing guarantee you that he'd shut the door on a family of whatever race if they were on his front door step.

I deal with the Moe's of the world all the time. A dime a dozen.
The refugee crisis that happened under Obama is Bush's fault?
The argument can be made that we shouldn't have been there in the first place. That's the only way you can pin any blame for ISIS on Bush. It cannot be argued, however, that Obama's decision to leave opened the door for ISIS to come in and open up shop.
Moe, Syria and ISIS happened under Obama's watch. Specifically AFTER he pulled the troops from Iraq too soon against military advice, simply for political purposes.

Now, if you want to say we shouldn't have been in Iraq in the first place that's a different argument, because we were there and Syria wasn't having a mass exodus.

Remember ISIS is the JV team:

Remnick: "You know where this is going, though. Even in the period that you’ve been on vacation in the last couple of weeks, in Iraq, in Syria, of course, in Africa, al-Qaeda is resurgent."

Obama: "Yes, but, David, I think the analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant. I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian."

Remnick: "But that JV team just took over Fallujah."

Obama: "I understand. But when you say took over Fallujah –"

Remnick: "And I don’t know for how long."

Obama: "But let’s just keep in mind, Fallujah is a profoundly conservative Sunni city in a country that, independent of anything we do, is deeply divided along sectarian lines. And how we think about terrorism has to be defined and specific enough that it doesn’t lead us to think that any horrible actions that take place around the world that are motivated in part by an extremist Islamic ideology is a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into."

This pretty much leaves no doubt. Obama may not have specifically said Islamic State, but it’s clear he was talking about them. Remnick was referencing events in Syria and Iraq, particularly the takeover of Fallujah, which was conducted by Islamic State, and Obama referred to the group responsible for thatas "a JV team."
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Remember ISIS is the JV team:

Remnick: "You know where this is going, though. Even in the period that you’ve been on vacation in the last couple of weeks, in Iraq, in Syria, of course, in Africa, al-Qaeda is resurgent."

Obama: "Yes, but, David, I think the analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant. I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian."

Remnick: "But that JV team just took over Fallujah."

Obama: "I understand. But when you say took over Fallujah –"

Remnick: "And I don’t know for how long."

Obama: "But let’s just keep in mind, Fallujah is a profoundly conservative Sunni city in a country that, independent of anything we do, is deeply divided along sectarian lines. And how we think about terrorism has to be defined and specific enough that it doesn’t lead us to think that any horrible actions that take place around the world that are motivated in part by an extremist Islamic ideology is a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into."

This pretty much leaves no doubt. Obama may not have specifically said Islamic State, but it’s clear he was talking about them. Remnick was referencing events in Syria and Iraq, particularly the takeover of Fallujah, which was conducted by Islamic State, and Obama referred to the group responsible for thatas "a JV team."

Is that a real conversation? I haven't seen that before.
Not true, but to use past actions as a means to make future decisions can be very dangerous, as your argument for the refugees is dangerous. Perhaps the war in Iraq was a bad idea and perhaps we shouldn't have left when we did. That doesn't mean we need to make up for those decisions by making another bad one. You're advocating for us intentionally allowing harm to the US in the name of accepting consequences.
All the left wants is votes and will put the country in jeopardy to get them. End game? One party rule. Once the republicans are finished, every freedom we have will be lost.
If you talk to an adamant Hillary supporter ask them to tell you a few things they DONT like about her. They can't do it other than to deflect to Trump. I don't understand this thought that just because you support someone you can't criticize them. I've been completely open with several things I don't like about Trump. It makes you assume theyre just blindly following and just expecting that the government actually cares about people and you know, feelings and stuff.
It really is what lemmings do, follow without question. They have no mind of their own.

All the left wants is votes and will put the country in jeopardy to get them. End game? One party rule. Once the republicans are finished, every freedom we have will be lost.
It's alarming how transparent their strategy is yet people that they aren't pandering to still fall for it.
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Your point is vague. Are you suggesting that we shouldn't care for people whose lives we had a hand in uprooting?

I want them all moving in and living with you. I'm not afraid to say it. And apparently most of America feels the same way.
So Moe, explain the new polls showing Trump leading in Ohio, Nevada, Florida?

Lies right?
Not true, but to use past actions as a means to make future decisions can be very dangerous, as your argument for the refugees is dangerous. Perhaps the war in Iraq was a bad idea and perhaps we shouldn't have left when we did. That doesn't mean we need to make up for those decisions by making another bad one. You're advocating for us intentionally allowing harm to the US in the name of accepting consequences.

You sound like you're not disagreeing with me. Just wrapping it up in blander words.

Remember ISIS is the JV team:

Remnick: "You know where this is going, though. Even in the period that you’ve been on vacation in the last couple of weeks, in Iraq, in Syria, of course, in Africa, al-Qaeda is resurgent."

Obama: "Yes, but, David, I think the analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant. I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian."

Remnick: "But that JV team just took over Fallujah."

Obama: "I understand. But when you say took over Fallujah –"

Remnick: "And I don’t know for how long."

Obama: "But let’s just keep in mind, Fallujah is a profoundly conservative Sunni city in a country that, independent of anything we do, is deeply divided along sectarian lines. And how we think about terrorism has to be defined and specific enough that it doesn’t lead us to think that any horrible actions that take place around the world that are motivated in part by an extremist Islamic ideology is a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into."

This pretty much leaves no doubt. Obama may not have specifically said Islamic State, but it’s clear he was talking about them. Remnick was referencing events in Syria and Iraq, particularly the takeover of Fallujah, which was conducted by Islamic State, and Obama referred to the group responsible for thatas "a JV team."

So, when Obama explains what he means, you can just ignore it to make your "point".
Moe, Syria and ISIS happened under Obama's watch. Specifically AFTER he pulled the troops from Iraq too soon against military advice, simply for political purposes.

Now, if you want to say we shouldn't have been in Iraq in the first place that's a different argument, because we were there and Syria wasn't having a mass exodus.

We had a status of forces agreement with Iraq. Lots of things happen on someone's "watch". That's just a sonorous nothing kind of phrase.

The "political purpose" is called an international agreement.
Gun control. Gun laws. Why is inner city Chicago a death trap? This is what you suggest? He has failed miserably.

Oh that's right it's lies.

And since you are too stupid to understand what I just said, it's he promised all this stuff and nothing has been changed in cities or for the African American person. He was giving himself a pat on the back today about gas being $2. Global warming? Glad everyone can drive and travel more.

Your crab people.