How will they rule ??!

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Don't laugh. I came to the first one because Raftards are Billy Joe Wildcats so our liberal friends here are....
This election is absolutely fascinating. If you were on Twitter, the SJW thing might be the most important issue in the election.

Hillary bringing up the "alt-right" is so dumb. Keep pretending like those people exist. I'm sure as exemplified above, most of the voting population has no idea that niche is a thing. If any percent of people who are Hillary Voters go down that rabbit hole and think "wow, there really are no people at her rallies" or "wow, she doesn't look healthy", that could literally cost the election.

How anyone could actually go vote for either of these characters is beyond me. It is undeniable that Trump, Bernie, and Social Media have changed the game. Maybe in the future we will actually get legitimate representation?
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No doubt the media will soon demand that Trump denounce those people on the "alt right" who seem to be in support of him. Never mind that Trump did not ask for their support in the first place. Never mind that Trump probably doesn't even know who most of these people are- and a lot of them are just Internet trolls trying to get a rise out of their Leftist mirror images, the SJWs. Never mind that some of the more hardcore people of that "movement" don't like Trump any more than they like Hillary. Never mind that it's not a defined movement at all, and anyone can claim to be part of it, if they want to, or deny that they are a part of it, if they want to. The media will try to put Trump on the spot over this.

Will they do the same to Hillary, though? She has some rather unsavory supporters as well.

- she was recently endorsed by the American Communist Party.

- how about the nice protesters at the Trump rallies who burn flags, assault elderly people, and try to deprive people of their freedom of speech?

- doesn't she get support from Al Sharpton?

- while there are some BLM advocates who genuinely are trying to advocate against police brutality, there is a lunatic fringe of that group that calls "pigs" and "bacon" and chants poems advocating violence against police.

- then, there are all of the uber PC types who rant on and on about "white privilege" and "male privilege" and "CIS privilege".

I doubt Clinton is personally impressed by these wackjobs, yet I haven't heard her denouncing them. I haven't heard media demands for her to do so. Come to think of it, I never do hear such media demands for any left of center politician. Shocking, isn't it?
Ann Coulter is an idiot.
Trump was correct to pivot on immigration - polls are showing Hispanics support of him growing. He's going to let the illegals stay, but they have to pay back taxes. But the really bad ones, the rapists and murderers, they will have to go. Coulter doesn't get it and was always weak in her support of Trump.
FTS- Where do you stand? I think you're a c.unt hair short from leaving the Dems for the Libs. Honestly. Are you working for the Clinton Foundation?
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Yeah, beginning to bite us. We're just now feeling the pain of losing millions of good jobs since the 90's. People are coming to the awareness that the promises made aren't coming to fruition. We see communities struggling, infrastructure failing, people losing hope for a brighter future, all these are just now becoming self evident as more than a blip.

You're right, the Reps have just come to acknpwledge it, but the Dems have been pissing on the working classes back and telling them it's raining for YEARS, making promises then getting in office and doing the opposite on trade. Notice how Hillary pivoted to now being against TPP? She'll pivot right back if she wins, thats why the big time money is behind her.

Trump simply made money following the laws that are in place, the Clinton's made money from putting those laws in place, big difference.
You might convince yourself this is a new phenomena or it's the fault of one party but I'm here to tell you corporations looking for influence haven't found the Democratic party anywhere near as much as the GOP. And I'm talking for multiple decades since at least the 70's. The vast majority of corporate CEO's looking for a tax break, looking for tax havens, looking for cheap labor, looking to stop minimum wage increases, looking to push free trade deals, looking for a connection with a like-minded politician, ARE REPUBLICAN THEMSELVES.

You can bet they want to keep the status quo economically and definitely want more republicans in Congress. Maybe with Hilldegarde they get most of what they want but I am absolutely convinced someone as self-serving and egotistic as The Donald, whose never lived paycheck to paycheck a day in his life, would always keep corporate interests first.
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You might convince yourself this is a new phenomena or it's the fault of one party but I'm here to tell you corporations looking for influence haven't found the Democratic party anywhere near as much as the GOP. And I'm talking for multiple decades since at least the 70's. The vast majority of corporate CEO's looking for a tax break, looking for tax havens, looking for cheap labor, looking to stop minimum wage increases, looking to push free trade deals, looking for a connection with a like-minded politician, ARE REPUBLICAN THEMSELVES.

You can bet they want to keep the status quo economically and definitely want more republicans in Congress. Maybe with Hilldegarde they get most of what they want but I am absolutely convinced someone as self-serving and egotistic as The Donald, whose never lived paycheck to paycheck a day in his life, would always keep corporate interests first.

Both parties are guilty. But the clintons are the prime example of democracy for sale.
Trump extended his electoral lead in the latest USA wide polls. These reports are based on polls from all states for the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.. Where possible, the liberal bias has been taken out the polling methodology.

He's probably gonna die...such a tough guy, loosing to such an old lady. Has to be so devastating to his manhood.

Are you implying that Hillary will have him killed? Sure sounds like it to me.

When Assange drops that bomb on her, it's over.
Well uh...the economy is doing great. Race relations are...uh....fantastic. Obamacare is...uh...saving healthcare. Make no mistake...I see an unprecedented number of great things happening in...uh...this country. My...uh...Presidency has been a success.

The goggles look plenty big, but there's no way his ears are comfortable in those headphones.
How did she come up with "super predator", anyway? Is there any discernible difference between a "super predator" and a run of the mill predator? Does a "super predator" have super powers?
Super predator was a term used to describe young black troubled youth. Hillary the, the hot sauce packing queen, could never be racist. Trump is the racist because he umm.....wants to enforce immigration laws! Yeah! That's it!
This clip is still so amazing how a young black gal got into a Hilldawg big money swanky fundraiser & called her racist shit out to her face. then the racist democrats at the sleezy gathering had her thrown out, even though she had bought a ticket just like all the other whites in attendance. just for speaking truth to power!

but Trump, Alt Right, racists!!!

Super predator was a term used to describe young black troubled youth. Hillary the, the hot sauce packing queen, could never be racist. Trump is the racist because he umm.....wants to enforce immigration laws! Yeah! That's it!
Why did Trump waste all that tax money passing immigration laws if he didn't intend to enforce them? Might change my mind on that dude.