How will they rule ??!

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Trump with a pretty damning attack ad on Hillary today on Twitter. He needs to start putting these on TV and not just social media.
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"Who knew that it would be Donald Trump to come on and convert the GOP base to supporting amnesty the same week Ann Coulter’s book comes out,” Limbaugh said.

“Poor Ann, oh my God, she has this book ‘In Trump We Trust,’ and in it she says, ‘The only thing, the only thing that could cause Donald Trump any trouble whatsoever is if he flipflops on abortion or immigration and goes amnesty,' and it looks like he’s getting close to it,” Limbaugh said. “I mean what timing, I have to dry my eyes here."
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Bill: "Hillary, do that great Monica on her knees imitation...cracks me up ever time."

Can someone, anyone, please explain to me what they are so excited about with Hilary without mentioning Trump or anything anti republican?

That's it! That is the goal here.
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At what point will Huma become too much of a liability and be dismissed from Team Hillary?
At what point will Huma become too much of a liability and be dismissed from Team Hillary?
85% of more of the electorate likely does not even know who she is sooooooo, maybe the better question is why are you a xenophobe?
This clip is still so amazing how a young black gal got into a Hilldawg big money swanky fundraiser & called her racist shit out to her face. then the racist democrats at the sleezy gathering had her thrown out, even though she had bought a ticket just like all the other whites in attendance. just for speaking truth to power!

but Trump, Alt Right, racists!!!

This clip is still so amazing how a young black gal got into a Hilldawg big money swanky fundraiser & called her racist shit out to her face. then the racist democrats at the sleezy gathering had her thrown out, even though she had bought a ticket just like all the other whites in attendance. just for speaking truth to power!

but Trump, Alt Right, racists!!!

poor kid, may she rest in peace.
"Who knew that it would be Donald Trump to come on and convert the GOP base to supporting amnesty the same week Ann Coulter’s book comes out,” Limbaugh said.

“Poor Ann, oh my God, she has this book ‘In Trump We Trust,’ and in it she says, ‘The only thing, the only thing that could cause Donald Trump any trouble whatsoever is if he flipflops on abortion or immigration and goes amnesty,' and it looks like he’s getting close to it,” Limbaugh said. “I mean what timing, I have to dry my eyes here."

Not sure if you're trying to say he flipped or not, but if you are... Limbaugh added that trump has yet to release his policy but will in the near future and that Limbaugh was making this point because most of trump followers dont mind some sort of policy which includes working with people who have shown they would be contributors to america.

He wasn't saying that trump has changed his policy.
So Anyone that would vote for Trump is a racist?
Nothing new here, been that way for at least a generation: if you are a conservative, or even worse a Republican, then you simply must have some skeleton in the closet, some character defect. Either you are just stupid (and that's probably it), or you are a religious fanatic, or you are mean and uncaring. Something is wrong with you - and that specific wrong is malleable depending on the needs of the present point to be made......
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Hillary has taken $20000 in donations from the KKK this year. Can you say hypocrite?

If true, this puts Hillary in an interesting situation....

--if she keeps the money she opens herself up to criticism for associating with an organization generally labeled as a hate group
--if she returns it and denounces the KKK, she opens herself open to criticism for not returning massive amounts of money from Middle Eastern countries who openly are against gays, transgenders, Christians, etc.

Might be the best $20,000 the KKK ever spent.
She just hired wasserman Shultz after a major scandal. She won't fire anyone.
Really reminds me of UofL. Any sort of notion as to what is "right" or "the right thing to do" w/r/t a given situation is entirely beside the point. Who cares. UofL and Hillary both exist in a bubble, there won't be much criticism from media - which would shape the discussion in a different way - and in fact the media will play defense or change the subject. Any grumbling will be explained as counterproductive, the work of 'others'. They both know that any blackmark associated with a particular thing will be short lived. People nation-wide freak out when you hire Bobby Petrino again? Who cares? No one in Louisville is complaining, and even the ESPN and SI types who did condemn the move won't mention it when the next season starts, they'll be too busy praising Bobby's offensive genius. A year from now, when Hillary is in the Oval Office and there is some reason to talk about Huma, there won't be any mention of any of this - it will simply be "Huma is President Clinton's long-time aide, one of her most trusted in the inner circle."......
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So everything Trump promised his wingnuts is out the window and he is now full blown running to the left of Hillary Clinton.

Gee, if only somebody had told you months ago that was exactly what he was going to do.
Still yet to see anyone explain how this is even a flip flop.

Going from "I'll deport all illegals aliens" to "all illegals must leave, but can apply for visas to come back" is not a flip flop. It's more detail.

Hillary saying last week their family would give up control of the foundation. But now says, well we'll keep chelsea on. THAT'S a flip flop.
The patent is on the delivery. Epinephrine is just adrenaline.
Well here I'll be more specific. The CEO, daughter of the Democratic Senator, quadrupled their funding to lobbyists, from around 270k to over 1.2 million. Then all of a sudden at least 3 other pharmaceutical companies had applications rejected and only then regulations were increased. I'm sure it's all coincidence tho. The government caused a monopoly, no way to dispute it.
Did you even read the link you posted? One of those EpiPen competitors had an increased failure rate. Do you, as a consumer, wanna buy an EpiPen "equivalent" for your kid without knowing it has a higher failure rate? This isn't a flashlight or dishwasher.

The FDA has many faults, but letting sh*tty drugs on the market is the exception, not the rule.
I sure did...the drug it cited that was pulled said after mere 26 what an overwhelming pool to decide to drop a study on. 26 people. Conclusive for sure, considering all humans body's are exactly the same...none of us have never reacted to things differently than others. I dont know why other drugs list possible side effects...if that side effect happened to atleast 26 ppl..better pull it off the shelf. And bc the FDA is so clear on all their regulations I'm sure there was much clarity of how to change and rework to get it resubmitted, or on what particular people it dI'd work for. No there probably wasnt...bc Mylan increased its funding to lobbying 4 fold.
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Well here I'll be more specific. The CEO, daughter of the Democratic Senator, quadrupled their funding to lobbyists, from around 270k to over 1.2 million. Then all of a sudden at least 3 other pharmaceutical companies had applications rejected and only then regulations were increased. I'm sure it's all coincidence tho. The government caused a monopoly, no way to dispute it.
The FDA is another corrupt branch of our government.
If true, this puts Hillary in an interesting situation....

--if she keeps the money she opens herself up to criticism for associating with an organization generally labeled as a hate group
--if she returns it and denounces the KKK, she opens herself open to criticism for not returning massive amounts of money from Middle Eastern countries who openly are against gays, transgenders, Christians, etc.

Might be the best $20,000 the KKK ever spent.

If she returns it, she will be donating to the KKK.
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Jay Cost is usually pretty good. This piece is about the supposed bias against Trump in polling right now:

"The 2012 presidential polls were especially strange. The national polls had the race a virtual dead heat for the final month (and the well-regarded Gallup poll showed Mitt Romney ahead the whole month), but the state polls showed President Obama beating Romney fairly comfortably. The state polls turned out to be correct. Importantly, these errors have underestimated both Democrats and Republicans over the last couple cycles. It is just not right to say that the polls have a pro-Democratic or pro-Republican tilt. They can be off by a few points in either direction. So—from our vantage point, here in late August—it is just as possible that the polls are understating Hillary Clinton's standing as they are Donald Trump's."

I think the weird 'state and national polls are different' thing is happening again. Read the other day that Hillary's average lead in national polls is around 5-6 points, but if you look at state polling, you'd expect her national lead to be about 8-9 points. And as everyone loves to say, we don't have a national election - we have 50 state elections.....
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I still think hillary leads comfortably and will win. But these polls are incapable of estimating the amount of turnout to come out and vote against both candidates; and the closet trump support.
Dems better be pushing for more felons to be released right away and given voting rights to counteract this issue. Via politico:

In nine of 11 states with competitive Senate races, at least one insurer seeks to hike rates for Obamacare customers by at least 30 percent next year: Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield in Pennsylvania wants to jack up average premiums by more than 40 percent. In Wisconsin, three insurers have asked for rate hikes of more than 30 percent. In New Hampshire, two of the five carriers want to sell plans with rate increase above 30 percent.