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Beginning to bite us??? [roll]

This race to the bottom is decades in the making and the consequences have too often been ignored by those on the right until The Donald. A guy who has admitted he prospered because of it! He's never had a dog in this fight. Never!

Yeah, beginning to bite us. We're just now feeling the pain of losing millions of good jobs since the 90's. People are coming to the awareness that the promises made aren't coming to fruition. We see communities struggling, infrastructure failing, people losing hope for a brighter future, all these are just now becoming self evident as more than a blip.

You're right, the Reps have just come to acknpwledge it, but the Dems have been pissing on the working classes back and telling them it's raining for YEARS, making promises then getting in office and doing the opposite on trade. Notice how Hillary pivoted to now being against TPP? She'll pivot right back if she wins, thats why the big time money is behind her.

Trump simply made money following the laws that are in place, the Clinton's made money from putting those laws in place, big difference.
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It's ok. I don't think he's reneged on torture yet.
Just heard a new term I like for liberals....Neoliberal. I think it nicely describes Clinton and the new communist democratic party.

"Neoliberal" is another name for Reaganism/Thatcherism etc. To distinguish them from New Deal/Great Society liberals. (Plus "ravenous baby-eating capitalists" sounds a little harsh.)
Wonder if Hillary will ever hold an actual press conference before the debates?

In other news...the US paid Iran another 1.3 billion two days after the first ransom payment.

"Nothing to see here folks!" says Obama.
You should see the "Comments: section on NBC on this story-wow!
Why do you guys quote the media when it is to your advantage and then turn around and talk about media bias whenever it is not?

So DT has now flip flopped on every single thing he's said in the primary. All the begging and apologies come streaming out when he realizes he's losing. It is pretty funny to watch.
Why do you guys quote the media when it is to your advantage and then turn around and talk about media bias whenever it is not?

So DT has now flip flopped on every single thing he's said in the primary. All the begging and apologies come streaming out when he realizes he's losing. It is pretty funny to watch.

You know what's more fun to watch?

A rich old white bitch lie every time she opens her mouth.

That same rich old white bitch court the inner city communities like she gives a damn...and half the suckers buy it!

flip flopping would mean he has gone back and fourth multiple times on an fact he hasn't done that on anything...hell, he hasn't even changed his stance on anything. His delivery has changed because he was hurting to many feelings.
Its cunny how easily the msm twists anything trump says. They flipped out abouy deportation. Now instead of daying kick em out, he says "were gonna follow the law", so hes flip flopping?

I know you libtards wouldn't know what the law says because its never followed but the law calls for deportation, dummies.
Why do you guys quote the media when it is to your advantage and then turn around and talk about media bias whenever it is not?

So DT has now flip flopped on every single thing he's said in the primary. All the begging and apologies come streaming out when he realizes he's losing. It is pretty funny to watch.
He has moved more center because he cannot win pandering to the right. Watching Dems flip the fu** out after her lead has went from 10 to 5 now to 3-4 and some tied after Trump has began his calm approach lol. Wait for the debates where she cannot hide.
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lol. All this talk about flip flopping when Hillary had the Rockefeller Foundation give her access to the Zika Virus.

Hillary is literally killing young women's aspirations of being a mother. But hey, let's talk about flip flopping, anything to cover up her crimes against humanity.
lol. All this talk about flip flopping when Hillary had the Rockefeller Foundation give her access to the Zika Virus.

Hillary is literally killing young women's aspirations of being a mother. But hey, let's talk about flip flopping, anything to cover up her crimes against humanity.
Not to mention her stance on abortion, gay marriage and the "super predators" of the black community.
The Iranians ponied up first. You can check.

I know you have a big emotional investment in blaming Obama for every ill in world, but you really ought to pick something else.
Hey dumbass, the state department admitted it was ransom. Are they just blaming Obama for every ill in the world?

Those darn right wing nutjobs in the state department saying the cash was contingent upon Iran releasing the prisoners.
Why do you guys quote the media when it is to your advantage and then turn around and talk about media bias whenever it is not?

So DT has now flip flopped on every single thing he's said in the primary. All the begging and apologies come streaming out when he realizes he's losing. It is pretty funny to watch.

Its cunny how easily the msm twists anything trump says. They flipped out abouy deportation. Now instead of daying kick em out, he says "were gonna follow the law", so hes flip flopping?

I know you libtards wouldn't know what the law says because its never followed but the law calls for deportation, dummies.

Exactly. Its not flip flopping at all. Its entirely consistent.

Meanwhile, Im still waiting on a racist quite from Trump. This is week 4. Somehow all the posters who claim hes clearly a racist and bigot still cant provide actual quotes to prove their position.
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What a cold hearted bitch. But man, I'd like to hit that. Heather, not Joe.

With the whole discussion about this EpiPen. No surprise, the biggest part of the problem is the government, not capitalism. The FDA eliminated all competitors creating a monopoly for the drug company. Other drug companies tried to create alternatives but weren't allowed. Of course liberals will blame that meanie capitalism, yet capitalism is actually the solution.
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He has moved more center because he cannot win pandering to the right. Watching Dems flip the fu** out after her lead has went from 10 to 5 now to 3-4 and some tied after Trump has began his calm approach lol. Wait for the debates where she cannot hide.

I just checked FiveThirtyEight and her lead is still around 8%.

Trump has the calm demeanor of someone who just took a pound of xanax. He just exudes authenticity now. The old bellicose, asshat Donald Trump fooled everyone for 70 years. There was always a robot waiting to break out.
"Neoliberal" is another name for Reaganism/Thatcherism etc. To distinguish them from New Deal/Great Society liberals. (Plus "ravenous baby-eating capitalists" sounds a little harsh.)

I like Wikipedia to but if you bothered to read the entire article it goes on to explain that that is one interpretation of the word but it is widely used to describe globalization.
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Exactly. Its not flip flopping at all. Its entirely consistent.

Meanwhile, Im still waiting on a racist quite from Trump. This is week 4. Somehow all the posters who claim hes clearly a racist and bigot still cant provide actual quotes to prove their position.
See this is just how brainwashed you guys are. Not flip flopping? He said Obama was letting people in and how his immigration policy was destroying America but now he's saying he's gonna do exactly what Obama's been doing(but with more energy).

Face it. The guy has zero principles. The holier than thou conservatives are now supporting a guy with no principles, morals, or religious beliefs. A thin skinned cry baby.

I'm sure if you do a little google search you can find all of the offensive, bigoted, racist remarks by DT. When you call DT flip flopping as 'being entirely consistent' there's no reason to do research for you because it doesn't matter. You must have forgotten all his birther statements about Obama.

If he wasn't perceived as a bigot and racist, he wouldn't have 2% of the AA vote or be strongly supported by the KKK and other white nationalist organizations like Breitbart and their supporters. His appeal to minorities is geared towards his white audience so as to seem less racist.
I like Wikipedia to but if you bothered to read the entire article it goes on to explain that that is one interpretation of the word but it is widely used to describe globalization.

Which is a tenet of Reaganism/Thatcherism. There was still plenty of economic coal in England when Maggie closed the mines.

PS No need for wiki. It's been a common phrase for years.
See this is just how brainwashed you guys are. Not flip flopping? He said Obama was letting people in and how his immigration policy was destroying America but now he's saying he's gonna do exactly what Obama's been doing(but with more energy).

Face it. The guy has zero principles. The holier than thou conservatives are now supporting a guy with no principles, morals, or religious beliefs. A thin skinned cry baby.

I'm sure if you do a little google search you can find all of the offensive, bigoted, racist remarks by DT. When you call DT flip flopping as 'being entirely consistent' there's no reason to do research for you because it doesn't matter. You must have forgotten all his birther statements about Obama.

If he wasn't perceived as a bigot and racist, he wouldn't have 2% of the AA vote or be strongly supported by the KKK and other white nationalist organizations like Breitbart and their supporters. His appeal to minorities is geared towards his white audience so as to seem less racist.

What has the Democratic agenda done for the AA community?

The guy does have principles, morals, and religious beliefs.

The reason you THINK he flip flops is because he had to tone things down due to the "thin skinned cry babies" in the country, he wouldn't be one of them. It's not his fault that a large majority of this country are morons who base decision on emotion rather than logic.
See this is just how brainwashed you guys are. Not flip flopping? He said Obama was letting people in and how his immigration policy was destroying America but now he's saying he's gonna do exactly what Obama's been doing(but with more energy).

Face it. The guy has zero principles. The holier than thou conservatives are now supporting a guy with no principles, morals, or religious beliefs. A thin skinned cry baby.

I'm sure if you do a little google search you can find all of the offensive, bigoted, racist remarks by DT. When you call DT flip flopping as 'being entirely consistent' there's no reason to do research for you because it doesn't matter. You must have forgotten all his birther statements about Obama.

If he wasn't perceived as a bigot and racist, he wouldn't have 2% of the AA vote or be strongly supported by the KKK and other white nationalist organizations like Breitbart and their supporters. His appeal to minorities is geared towards his white audience so as to seem less racist.

This just proves how bad your candidate is: Trump could club baby seals and STILL be a better candidate than Hillary.

He can do anything he wants and still be more qualified, trustworthy, and honest than Hillary Clinton.
What has the Democratic agenda done for the AA community?

The guy does have principles, morals, and religious beliefs.

The reason you THINK he flip flops is because he had to tone things down due to the "thin skinned cry babies" in the country, he wouldn't be one of them. It's not his fault that a large majority of this country are morons who base decision on emotion rather than logic.

See this is just how brainwashed you guys are. Not flip flopping? He said Obama was letting people in and how his immigration policy was destroying America but now he's saying he's gonna do exactly what Obama's been doing(but with more energy).

Face it. The guy has zero principles. The holier than thou conservatives are now supporting a guy with no principles, morals, or religious beliefs. A thin skinned cry baby.

I'm sure if you do a little google search you can find all of the offensive, bigoted, racist remarks by DT. When you call DT flip flopping as 'being entirely consistent' there's no reason to do research for you because it doesn't matter. You must have forgotten all his birther statements about Obama.

If he wasn't perceived as a bigot and racist, he wouldn't have 2% of the AA vote or be strongly supported by the KKK and other white nationalist organizations like Breitbart and their supporters. His appeal to minorities is geared towards his white audience so as to seem less racist.

Under his plan, all illegals would have to leave, then apply for a visa. Thats consistent, just more detailed than "deport them all".

So your response to my 4 week old challenge of showing a racist Trump quote is "If you google it, Im sure there are some out there". Thats a pretty weak argument, even for you. I assumed youd at least parrot out the partial quote about mexicans being rapists; but you didnt even do that.

For fun, lets assume there is some racist quote out there tucked away in the far reaches of the internet that noones found yet. If its TRULY that hard to find, would Trump actually be the racist and bigot you claim he is?
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