How will they rule ??!

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Dems better be pushing for more felons to be released right away and given voting rights to counteract this issue. Via politico:

In nine of 11 states with competitive Senate races, at least one insurer seeks to hike rates for Obamacare customers by at least 30 percent next year: Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield in Pennsylvania wants to jack up average premiums by more than 40 percent. In Wisconsin, three insurers have asked for rate hikes of more than 30 percent. In New Hampshire, two of the five carriers want to sell plans with rate increase above 30 percent.

Guess they didn't see their $2500.00 in savings either.
Guess they didn't see their $2500.00 in savings either.
What a luxury to have your signature piece of legislation be found to be based on blatant lies per its own architect and then be falling apart across the country....with very little of it being reported.
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I sure did...the drug it cited that was pulled said after mere 26 what an overwhelming pool to decide to drop a study on. 26 people. Conclusive for sure, considering all humans body's are exactly the same...none of us have never reacted to things differently than others. I dont know why other drugs list possible side effects...if that side effect happened to atleast 26 ppl..better pull it off the shelf.
What a luxury to have your signature piece of legislation be found to be based on blatant lies per its own architect and then be falling apart across the country....with very little of it being reported.
And yet his approval rating is still above 50%, right? It's baffling to me.

70% feel the country is heading in the wrong direction but clinton still leads? Crazy!!!!
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The U.S. economy grew at a lackluster 1.1% pace in the second quarter, a touch slower than previously reported, in a period marked by weak business investment and government spending.

The big news: corporate profits fell again. Adjusted pretax earnings dropped 1.2% to mark the fifth decline in the past six quarters, the Commerce Department reported. Unless profits turn up again, the economy is unlikely to grow much faster.

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WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The U.S. economy grew at a lackluster 1.1% pace in the second quarter, a touch slower than previously reported, in a period marked by weak business investment and government spending.

The big news: corporate profits fell again. Adjusted pretax earnings dropped 1.2% to mark the fifth decline in the past six quarters, the Commerce Department reported. Unless profits turn up again, the economy is unlikely to grow much faster.


Yellen will start bumping interest rates soon, so Obama won't be blamed for the recession. She will do it around Oct, or Nov. But if Trump wins watch the economy explode with new jobs.
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Well here I'll be more specific. The CEO, daughter of the Democratic Senator, quadrupled their funding to lobbyists, from around 270k to over 1.2 million. Then all of a sudden at least 3 other pharmaceutical companies had applications rejected and only then regulations were increased. I'm sure it's all coincidence tho. The government caused a monopoly, no way to dispute it.

Politicians have lost their way with no accountability, DEM and REP. Always follow the money
Jay Cost is usually pretty good. This piece is about the supposed bias against Trump in polling right now:

"The 2012 presidential polls were especially strange. The national polls had the race a virtual dead heat for the final month (and the well-regarded Gallup poll showed Mitt Romney ahead the whole month), but the state polls showed President Obama beating Romney fairly comfortably. The state polls turned out to be correct. Importantly, these errors have underestimated both Democrats and Republicans over the last couple cycles. It is just not right to say that the polls have a pro-Democratic or pro-Republican tilt. They can be off by a few points in either direction. So—from our vantage point, here in late August—it is just as possible that the polls are understating Hillary Clinton's standing as they are Donald Trump's."

I think the weird 'state and national polls are different' thing is happening again. Read the other day that Hillary's average lead in national polls is around 5-6 points, but if you look at state polling, you'd expect her national lead to be about 8-9 points. And as everyone loves to say, we don't have a national election - we have 50 state elections.....
And right on cue, Quinnipiac's national poll of likely voters shows Clinton's lead increasing up to a 10pt margin (7pt if Johnson and Stein are included).

Time for another pivot?
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And yet his approval rating is still above 50%, right? It's baffling to me.

70% feel the country is heading in the wrong direction but clinton still leads? Crazy!!!!
The first thing is part of the halo of the presidency. The president is always above the rest of the political infrastructure in the public's eye - especially in this time when Congress' approval rating is down around used car salesman levels (apologies to any such). As long as Obama stays out of sight, his number will be 50+. As soon as anything happens to directly involve him, or he inserts himself, that number goes down.

As to the second part, the country is hungry for change unlike any time that I can recall. And I'm relatively an old fart. (And not just this country either - see Brexit). People really, really, really want to vote for something else. They just can't vote for Trump. One of the few times I can recall ('74? '08?) where any sort of decent candidate by the other party would've almost guaranteed a win.
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The first thing is part of the halo of the presidency. The president is always above the rest of the political infrastructure in the public's eye - especially in this time when Congress' approval rating is down around used car salesman levels (apologies to any such). As long as Obama stays out of sight, his number will be 50+. As soon as anything happens to directly involve him, or he inserts himself, that number goes down.

As to the second part, the country is hungry for change unlike any time that I can recall. And I'm relatively an old fart. (And not just this country either - see Brexit). People really, really, really want to vote for something else. They just can't vote for Trump. One of the few times I can recall ('74? '08?) where any sort of decent candidate by the other party would've almost guaranteed a win.

Depends. I dont think theres a halo around the presidency. There definitely was for certain presidents. But GWB didnt get a halo; whereas Obama certainly has.

I agree people want change, but also dont want to vote Trump. However, many of those people definitely wont be voting Hillary either. So who will they be voting for? Will they just stay home? Or can Trump do enough before election day to show them if theyre voting for change; hes an OK vote?
I still think hillary leads comfortably and will win. But these polls are incapable of estimating the amount of turnout to come out and vote against both candidates; and the closet trump support.
Breibart just released a poll showing Clinton only up by 1 point 42-41 with close to 15% undecided.

Undecideds are expected to break huge to Trump in the final days of the campaign, which is the underlying reason the USA Wide poll I posted yesterday is predicting a close but comfortable win for Trump.
Breibart just released a poll showing Clinton only up by 1 point 42-41 with close to 15% undecided.

Undecideds are expected to break huge to Trump in the final days of the campaign, which is the underlying reason the USA Wide poll I posted yesterday is predicting a close but comfortable win for Trump.
Interesting. Now, the Left will pooh-pooh this poll, since it is from Breitbart. Yet, they sure were gloating a couple of weeks when that same Breitbart published a poll with Clinton up by 5. "bwa ha ha, even Breitbart has her up". They like to have it both ways.
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And right on cue, Quinnipiac's national poll of likely voters shows Clinton's lead increasing up to a 10pt margin (7pt if Johnson and Stein are included).

Time for another pivot?
If you spent half as much time supporting your candidate as you do crowing about her inevitable victory, well, then she would probably would have an inevitable victory. I mean, that kind of never-ending dedication is exactly what she needs to put her over the top.

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Breaking: Judge Won’t Allow Conservative Group to Depose Hillary Clinton

However, the judge did say Secretary Clinton has not answered to his satisfaction as to why she set up the private server.

He wrote:

Because Secretary Clinton has not answered for the record and under oath questions relevant to the limited scope of discovery authorized in this case — the purpose for “the creation and operation of the system for State Department business” — and because her closest aides at the State Department do not have personal knowledge of her purpose for using the system, the Court will permit testimony from Secretary Clinton consistent with the limited stope of discovery.

It just isn't fair that she has to deal with all this, she's a Clinton damnit!
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I think those political pundits taking their eye off the ball with these new ads have to circle back to the stark immigration changes in The Donald's campaign. What makes it most interesting is the stance Breitbart took with regards to charges of amnesty coming from people like Paul Ryan and John Boehner. Now that Trump has hired its chairman, the campaign has taken a drastic turn in its case for the deportation of illegals.

One could argue, the very words coming from Ryan and Boehner that led to Breitbart's assault of them are the exact same words Stephen Bannon has Trump echoing. After all, those tasked to leave and re-enter the country have essentially been given a path for amnesty. Simply put, the hypocrisy is quite thick with this campaign.
Breibart just released a poll showing Clinton only up by 1 point 42-41 with close to 15% undecided.

Undecideds are expected to break huge to Trump in the final days of the campaign, which is the underlying reason the USA Wide poll I posted yesterday is predicting a close but comfortable win for Trump.
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I think those political pundits taking their eye off the ball with these new ads have to circle back to the stark immigration changes in The Donald's campaign. What makes it most interesting is the stance Breitbart took with regards to charges of amnesty coming from people like Paul Ryan and John Boehner. Now that Trump has hired its chairman, the campaign has taken a drastic turn in its case for the deportation of illegals.

One could argue, the very words coming from Ryan and Boehner that led to Breitbart's assault of them are the exact same words Stephen Bannon has Trump echoing. After all, those tasked to leave and re-enter the country have essentially been given a path for amnesty. Simply put, the hypocrisy is quite thick with this campaign.
Leave and re-enter ain't never gonna know it, I know it, Trump and everyone around him knows it. If anyone believes it they're a complete idiot. Leave and go where? Re-enter when? You're going to ask 11 million people to leave their jobs for some unknown amount of time for some dog and pony show?

This is exactly why it was stupid of Trump to make such emphatic, hard line remarks about deporting 11 million people... actually it was the people who believed him that were stupid. Now they will squirm around and try and save face to claim that he isn't really changing his position...that there won't be amnesty because they will have to pay back taxes, perhaps a fine...blah, blah, blah.
End result will be that the same 11 million folks that they claim "took American jobs" will be here and they will be joined by others who will follow their paths. They will claim that they will get the bad ones out which will simply be a continuation of current policy that does that very same thing.
If you spent half as much time supporting your candidate as you do crowing about her inevitable victory, well, then she would probably would have an inevitable victory. I mean, that kind of never-ending dedication is exactly what she needs to put her over the top.

(1) I don't have a candidate anymore because of that moronic 40% of the GOP primary electorate
(2) comparing US POTUS polling to Brexit polling? [laughing] My $200 bet is still on the table. So far only Krazy has taken it.

Enough of the voodoo prognostications. We know where the electorate stands as of today. How much it shifts before votes start being cast remains to be seen, but if the final outcome is within 3pts, it'll be one of the largest (maybe the largest?) comebacks in modern US electoral history.

Also, lots and lots of votes are going to be cast within the next 4-6 weeks. This is 4th quarter football and Trump is having trouble keeping Hillary out of the red zone, much less closing the margin.
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Shitty that my wife has to go through the Visa process. She should have just sneaked over the border with Jose, Hector, and Juan. We have paid nearly $3K to get my wife legal and to keep her legal. But apparently doing things the right way is absurd in the eyes of dick licking democrats.
(1) I don't have a candidate anymore because of that moronic 40% of the GOP primary electorate
(2) comparing US POTUS polling to Brexit polling? [laughing] My $200 bet is still on the table. So far only Krazy has taken it.

Enough of the voodoo prognostications. We know where the electorate stands as of today. How much it shifts before votes start being cast remains to be seen, but if the final outcome is within 3pts, it'll be one of the largest (maybe the largest?) comebacks in modern US electoral history.

Also, lots and lots of votes are going to be cast within the next 4-6 weeks. This is 4th quarter football and Trump is having trouble keeping Hillary out of the red zone, much less closing the margin.
No, we don't know where the electorate is today. Why do you persist in cherry picking polls which favor your position, and ignore the ones which don't? To wit- the LA Times Poll; the UPI poll; the PPP poll; the Breitbart poll; and the recent polls which have Trump up in Florida? And now the Reuters and youGov polls, which have recently had Clinton up by double digits or close to it, have it within 3 or 4 points. So, how in the world is a 3 point margin a great comeback, if we're already to that point?

And that's not even taking into account turnout. This election is going to be unpredictable because it's impossible to determine who is voting for the first time, and who they are going to vote for (my guess is Trump). Not even taking into account the Foundation issues which may well be death by a thousand cuts, unless Assange accelerates the process. Many variables here can influence this and most would seem to favor the Donald. Be worried, be very worried.
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Lol'ed at "cherry picking", then you list some of the only polls that show this thing even remotely close. The data is very clear.

Again, $200.
My hope is that the Democrats and their media lackeys (or, perhaps, media overlords; not really sure which it is) continue to go full borne SJW. Hillary's speech was great on Thursday- that's really going to help! And now Moonbat Maddox says that Trump supporters are the types who consider Merkel a race traitor and support Brexit.

Here some news for Maddox- very few people are calling Merkel a "race traitor", but they are calling her a traitor, and they're basing it on the idiotic, feckless, and, yes, treasonous decision to flood Germany with hundreds of thousands of "migrants", most of whom are young men. I've got a great idea; let's have Hillary and Trump debate the wisdom of Merkel's decision on national TV- PLEASE, let's do it. And Brexit is hardly some fringe position, considering that a majority of British voters, who generally are to the left of American voters, voted "leave". Seriously, she's using support for Brexit as a pejorative. She's stupid, anyway, because Americans, Trump fans or not, couldn't care less about it. And, if they did, most would agree with it.

Keep up the good work; let's watch the Left flail in desperation and look increasingly stupid.
Lol'ed at "cherry picking", then you list some of the only polls that show this thing even remotely close. The data is very clear.

Again, $200.
I list a bunch of polls that were done in the past week. My recommendation is that you throw out the polls from the beginning of the month.

I went to RCP and only saw one national poll that is recent and that confirms your position. That's Quinnepac. That's the outlier.
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I list a bunch of polls that were done in the past week. My recommendation is that you throw out the polls from the beginning of the month.

I went to RCP and only saw one national poll that is recent and that confirms your position. That's Quinnepac. That's the outlier.

Let's take a look at it from RCP.

National polls, four person race (because that's what it is), within 7 days

Quinnipac, Clinton by 7.

Rasmussen, Clinton by 4.

Reuters, Clinton by 3.

YouGov, Clinton by 4

NBC News, Clinton by 5.

LA Times, Trump by 2.

This doesn't include 3 polls that have Trump or Clinton up by less than 2- PPP, Breitbart, and UPI. We'll ignore those.

Composite average- Clinton by 3.5.

And it's only going to get worse- I can't wait to see what Julian has in store lol.

I do owe you an apology, though; I assumed that you were a Clintonista, but based on your post in which you blamed the primary voters for not having a candidate, I assumed wrong. Sounds more like a NeverTrump. I believe that another common word for that is cuck.
No, we don't know where the electorate is today. Why do you persist in cherry picking polls which favor your position, and ignore the ones which don't? To wit- the LA Times Poll; the UPI poll; the PPP poll; the Breitbart poll; and the recent polls which have Trump up in Florida? And now the Reuters and youGov polls, which have recently had Clinton up by double digits or close to it, have it within 3 or 4 points. So, how in the world is a 3 point margin a great comeback, if we're already to that point?

And that's not even taking into account turnout. This election is going to be unpredictable because it's impossible to determine who is voting for the first time, and who they are going to vote for (my guess is Trump). Not even taking into account the Foundation issues which may well be death by a thousand cuts, unless Assange accelerates the process. Many variables here can influence this and most would seem to favor the Donald. Be worried, be very worried.
Plus, historical evidence that the undecideds always break for the challenger (Trump, as the leader of the out of power party, must be viewed as the challenger). This election is going to surprise and disappoint a lot of people.
Cruz just creeped me out. so does Donald at times..but I can't stand the thought of Hillary as president. may happen. but it makes me throw up in my mouth
i dislike cruz as well, but (1) he actually knows the difference between a campaign and a sideshow, and (2) he wouldn't have put all of these down-ballot republicans in the bind they're in currently.
Cruz just creeped me out. so does Donald at times..but I can't stand the thought of Hillary as president. may happen. but it makes me throw up in my mouth

There's a bartender chick at World of Beers. She kinda looks like Ted Cruz in the face. Red head. Smokin' hot chick. So I guess I'm secretly unconsciously attracted to Ted Cruz which is why I hate him so much. Explains everything.

Welp, nice knowing ya'll. Time to kill myself