How will they rule ??!

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Come on genius, show your work.

How was I wrong? Please enlighten me.

Who does this sound like.. what is wrong with people these days? Making claims without any verification. They just say it so many times that eventually they believe it becomes fact.... my god you're the biggest POS hypocrite here. I don't say this much, because I pray that a lot of people act differently online than real life, but I feel horrendously sorry for your husband and anyone else who you know.

Again, please show your work. I did. Both definitions and the context of use. But you just keep repeating thru same nonsense again, champ!
A third post again going on trying to defend. You didn't know the meaning. :joy::joy::joy:

That or you think Clinton reads these forums. Both are just as idiotic.

Then you try to subtly hint that I'm gay, by using my husband comment.
Ha, you're so stupid and it's hilarious. :joy::joy::joy:

You don't have facts or intelligence, you just have anger. Thanks for the laughs clown. I enjoyed it.
What exactly is it that anyone over 28 likes about democrats? This is a legit question.

Historically they spend and tax more, have more assistant programs, find ways to become a bigger government, and really and truly are idealistic which usually has backfired in the long run.

So can anyone explain what it is they truly enjoy that the democrats sell?
The anti-science pandering to stupidity, racism, and ignorance that the GOP engages in makes it indigestible to an intelligent thinking person. Not to mention the catering to religious idiocy, paranoia, and propaganda to dupe poor white southerners into voting for rich yankee New York liberal interests.

Right now, as you read this, the Republican party is heaving every social issue they've ever lied to their base about in order to try and save trickle down economics in the form of tax cuts for the rich/corporate interests.

If you look closely you can see it unfolding before your very eyes. There is nothing they will not chuck over the side in order to save their bottom line. Which, unless you're rich, that means you.
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Ok so case in point it not racist to allow illegals in here to take jobs at a lower pay scale and stealing jobs? That is actual racism to me. Basically Americans mean nothing.

When you speak from your intelligent view point do you consider that this nation was built to create small business and not settle for working for someone else forever? Or that less government is best for a free nation? Or that open borders kills our country from the inside out?

I'll concede the religious idiocy point, but you can safe the propaganda angle! I mean you do listen to your candidates right?
Not exactly. There are facts: clinton took bribes. Kept an illegal email server, lied about it, destroyed evidence. lied to the American people about benghazi. Had her husband double his speaking fees soon as she went into office. Her husband met with AG days before they decided not to prosecute. On and on.

Then there are baseless accusations: Russia is trying to help trump win. Trump is racist. Trump is a bigot. Trump is stupid. On and on.

Then there are the clever, strawman arguments/lies: secretary of state always used a private email (yes but didn't do state business and view classified material on it). Immigrant businesses do really well, and they pay alot in taxes (which uses legal immigrants like Dr's, tech industry to pull up the ILLEGAL immigrant numbers, which are a drain on our nation).

About 4 accounts, maybe all the same person, repeatedly spew ridiculous left talking points no matter what. About the same amount of accounts do the same for the right.

About 2 accounts (you included) drop by every so often to say how stupid everyone is. Yet, you read it all and provide no input. Odd.

The rest genuinely discuss topics openly and intelligently.

THAT basically sums up this thread.

False. All of it.
A third post again going on trying to defend. You didn't know the meaning. :joy::joy::joy:

That or you think Clinton reads these forums. Both are just as idiotic.

Then you try to subtly hint that I'm gay, by using my husband comment.
Ha, you're so stupid and it's hilarious. :joy::joy::joy:

You don't have facts or intelligence, you just have anger. Thanks for the laughs clown. I enjoyed it.

Shockingly, I'm going to bet this another post you can't back up with facts. :joy:

I mean, this guy is a parody account right? No one can possibly be this stupid?

Here you are, tool.


[sik-uh-fuh nt, -fant, sahy-kuh-]

a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.

Has nothing to do with hillary reading these boards. And no, i was suggesting youre a woman. No male acts as douchey(yea, i made that word up) as you. And ill show my work. Check the last 900 pages. And no im not considering dragon ball z or moe in the category.

But again, you dont show crap. You continue to post nonsense hoping to get a like or two from your fellow legion of douches. :eek:

Seriously, i feel for your acquaintances. Those forced to interract with such a miserable excuse of a person.[sick]:chairshot:

I can do emojis also.:gun::gun:

I don't know if I saw your post since I don't check attribution on posts. I remember a post which faulted the foundation for paying so much on salaries. I responded by pointing out that the CF runs its own programs rather than give out grants. Charity Watch, an audit group, found that they spend about 88% on charity. If you posted something else I didn't see it.

Asking your opinion on what makes it racist. Not a link with people saying its racist. What, specifically is racist about it?

Clinton Foundation


More than 88% of our expenditures go directly to our life-changing work:

2:30 PM - 25 Apr 2015

Is this where youre getting your 88% from? If so, thats comical.
Ok so case in point it not racist to allow illegals in here to take jobs at a lower pay scale and stealing jobs? That is actual racism to me. Basically Americans mean nothing.

When you speak from your intelligent view point do you consider that this nation was built to create small business and not settle for working for someone else forever? Or that less government is best for a free nation? Or that open borders kills our country from the inside out?

I'll concede the religious idiocy point, but you can safe the propaganda angle! I mean you do listen to your candidates right?
Isn't it just as illegal to hire an illegal alien than to be an illegal alien? Why is it you always complain about one and not the other? If nobody would hire them they wouldn't come.

This country was built by immigrants. We used to celebrate that fact.

Not sure about your small business comment. What large businesses existed anywhere in the world in the 18th century? Didn't the US invent big business? The industrial revolution was in fact the mother of big business. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford. Ring a bell?
Isn't it just as illegal to hire an illegal alien than to be an illegal alien? Why is it you always complain about one and not the other? If nobody would hire them they wouldn't come.

This country was built by immigrants. We used to celebrate that fact.

Not sure about your small business comment. What large businesses existed anywhere in the world in the 18th century? Didn't the US invent big business? The industrial revolution was in fact the mother of big business. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford. Ring a bell?
Fuzz, if you are going to use alt accounts, then you should consider agreeing with your own posts, under your alt ID. It's a clever tactic. It's not all that honorable, but, then again, it's not all that honorable to welsh on bets, either.
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:joy: She identifies with the poor and working class and Donald is a rich bad bad man.

A plane 20 miles?

Shit. No wonder she is spending billions. She's the definition of a bilker.

Hillary Clinton is very important, and she can’t be bogged down by pesky things such as boats or waiting.

The presidential candidate, who is endlessly trying to tell factory workers in Ohio and Pennsylvania that she’s one of them, jetted approximately 20 miles from Martha’s Vineyard — where she was last night partying with President Obama
Fuzz, if you are going to use alt accounts, then you should consider agreeing with your own posts, under your alt ID. It's a clever tactic. It's not all that honorable, but, then again, it's not all that honorable to welsh on bets, either.

It must be Fuzz! (never gets old)
It's a pattern. Whenever they can't argue the facts they try and change the discussion.
Which is precisely (not in exact words, but very close) what Fuzz told me on a Tubman thread. You are Fuzz; no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Since you have two accounts, you should consider liking your own posts. It would increase your likes. Again, it's a rather shady tactic- but, then again, so is failing to honor your lost bets.
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Isn't it just as illegal to hire an illegal alien than to be an illegal alien? Why is it you always complain about one and not the other? If nobody would hire them they wouldn't come.

This country was built by immigrants. We used to celebrate that fact.

Not sure about your small business comment. What large businesses existed anywhere in the world in the 18th century? Didn't the US invent big business? The industrial revolution was in fact the mother of big business. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford. Ring a bell?

While you have a point on hiring also being illegal I'll tell you in most situations those hiring negotiate with a legal business man who may be Mexican(let's just be honest about who we are talking about) who offers the lowest roofing/framing/landscaping/drywall/painting/bricking prices around so they send their guys out to a job.

Indirectly a person hiring them usually isn't the one they work for. Which is exactly why their is such a problem.

Also what is actually funny is the fact that Obama has deported more minorities than every other president combined! But you know why we don't hear that reported, right?
Also, Fuzz, you didn't even present any facts. You presented several questions, which are not facts. You only presented two declarative statements, neither of which are facts.

First, America was not built by immigrants. America was largely built by pioneers and settlers. Immigrants did contribute. But they did not build America. A conqueror is not an immigrant, and the land that is now known as America was conquered.

Second, since America was not built by immigrants, it's logically impossible that this "fact" was ever celebrated.

With that said, I do look forward to more fast facts from Fuzz. There are few things more amusing.
Actually, I am going to have to fall on my sword here. I re-reviewed Fuzz's post, and he did post one fact. He said "not sure about your small business comment". I believe that this was a fact. I do believe that the comment did indeed confuse Fuzz.
While you have a point on hiring also being illegal I'll tell you in most situations those hiring negotiate with a legal business man who may be Mexican(let's just be honest about who we are talking about) who offers the lowest roofing/framing/landscaping/drywall/painting/bricking prices around so they send their guys out to a job.

Indirectly a person hiring them usually isn't the one they work for. Which is exactly why their is such a problem.

Also what is actually funny is the fact that Obama has deported more minorities than every other president combined! But you know why we don't hear that reported, right?
Subcontracting out work does not relieve the general contractor of liability. It is their legal responsibility to insure that any subcontractors are upholding the law.

Simply doing your job usually doesn't make news.
Also, Fuzz, you didn't even present any facts. You presented several questions, which are not facts. You only presented two declarative statements, neither of which are facts.

First, America was not built by immigrants. America was largely built by pioneers and settlers. Immigrants did contribute. But they did not build America. A conqueror is not an immigrant, and the land that is now known as America was conquered.

Second, since America was not built by immigrants, it's logically impossible that this "fact" was ever celebrated.

With that said, I do look forward to more fast facts from Fuzz. There are few things more amusing.
Can't believe I am arguing with an idiot.
Sounds like you think we need to rewrite just about every American History book authored in the last 150+ years. I guess we weren't really that melting pot and that the inscription on the Statue of Liberty was done under false pretenses.

Add the fact you think I am someone else. Smh.
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Which is precisely (not in exact words, but very close) what Fuzz told me on a Tubman thread. You are Fuzz; no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Since you have two accounts, you should consider liking your own posts. It would increase your likes. Again, it's a rather shady tactic- but, then again, so is failing to honor your lost bets.
settled science
Can't believe I am arguing with an idiot.
Sounds like you think we need to rewrite just about every American History book authored in the last 150+ years. I guess we weren't really that melting pot and that the inscription on the Statue of Liberty was done under false pretenses.

Add the fact you think I am someone else. Smh.
Are you familiar with the reason the term "illegal immigrant" exists? Do you understand the difference between a legal and illegal immigrant? Your tirade makes you sound like a democratic party sycophant.
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Can't believe I am arguing with an idiot.
Sounds like you think we need to rewrite just about every American History book authored in the last 150+ years. I guess we weren't really that melting pot and that the inscription on the Statue of Liberty was done under false pretenses.

Add the fact you think I am someone else. Smh.
The graffiti that was written on the Statue of Liberty was coined a socialist- you'll have to forgive me if I don't put much stock into that- and, besides, that inscription is hardly part of the Constitution. Moreover, you dum dum, you completely fail to understand the distinction between a settler and an immigrant. The Pilgrims were not immigrants. The frontiersmen were not immigrants. The Founding Fathers were not immigrants. Is it starting to sink through your head?

By the way, you are Fuzz. I have two nearly identical responses, once from this identity and the other from Fuzz. You are Fuzz, so at least be more ethical in admitting alts than you are in honoring wagers.
Subcontracting out work does not relieve the general contractor of liability. It is their legal responsibility to insure that any subcontractors are upholding the law.

Simply doing your job usually doesn't make news.

Cute coming from someone that probably blames Clintons help more than Clinton(because that's how her followers are) for her errors of judgement. Also I'm sure all the issues with Obama aren't just him being Obama either.......

But a builder/GC is supposed to show up on a job and check green cards when he hires a company and writes a check to a legal business.

You sir need to join us here in the real world!
Cute coming from someone that probably blames Clintons help more than Clinton(because that's how her followers are) for her errors of judgement. Also I'm sure all the issues with Obama aren't just him being Obama either.......

But a builder/GC is supposed to show up on a job and check green cards when he hires a company and writes a check to a legal business.

You sir need to join us here in the real world!

Keep this in mind- Fuzz is not an attorney, so when Fuzz posits about legal issues (and he does so often), he generally is just taking a guess. On occasion, he'll be right (more or less and it's purely a lucky guess when he is), and, other occasions, he won't be. For an example of when he was not right- he doesn't know the difference between a jury trial and a bench trial.