How will they rule ??!

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Just when you thought the Libs couldn't lower their standards any more than they already have... several of these nude "Trump" statues (titled: The Emperor Has No Balls) popped up in public (note the children in the photo) areas of major US cities.



Hopefully, Trump laughs it off and says something like "at least they got the hair right"... then, when he becomes the president, he can gut the National Endowment for the Arts.
This is the kind of lazy thinking that I am talking about.

First of all, just because one or a few people did this, doesnt define an entire group. Yet, your logic suggests it does. It is intellectually dishonest and false.

Second, NEA is funded by Congress, not the President. So the next POTUS doesnt have that control. The POTUS may have influence, but not control. Once again, more lazy thinking or lack of basic knowledge of government.

3rd, you employ the logic that since 1 artist made a piece you did not like, therefor, we should cut the entire NEA budget? Not only are you equating the works of one with the hole, you are being a fascist by saying the whole thing should be defunded because you dont like it.

This is a prime example of how our country has fallen into lazy thinking. This person doesnt understand basic functions of government, and concludes that one person in a group defines the whole, and then when doesnt like something, wants it gutted. Thank god we live in a democracy and not a dictatorship, as the OP is supposing.
Hillary throws Colin Powell under the bus. Yeah but He told me to use a private server:smiley:
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This is the kind of lazy thinking that I am talking about.

First of all, just because one or a few people did this, doesnt define an entire group. Yet, your logic suggests it does. It is intellectually dishonest and false.

Second, NEA is funded by Congress, not the President. So the next POTUS doesnt have that control. The POTUS may have influence, but not control. Once again, more lazy thinking or lack of basic knowledge of government.

3rd, you employ the logic that since 1 artist made a piece you did not like, therefor, we should cut the entire NEA budget? Not only are you equating the works of one with the hole, you are being a fascist by saying the whole thing should be defunded because you dont like it.

This is a prime example of how our country has fallen into lazy thinking. This person doesnt understand basic functions of government, and concludes that one person in a group defines the whole, and then when doesnt like something, wants it gutted. Thank god we live in a democracy and not a dictatorship, as the OP is supposing.

I took the emotional parts of his post as tongue and cheek sarcasm. Guess that was just me.


I may not agree with you politically, and that's fine. With that said you knowledge of and the use of fallacies amazes me. I used to love that stuff and got away from it for various reasons. It's nice to see someone stick with it and point it out.
I believe we all, left, right, middle, etc.. get caught up in the emotional aspects of debate and forget the things you point out, which if known and avoided properly would make things so much easier.

That was a compliment.
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No one is having a hissy fit Moe, simply pointing out the double standard.

If there were several statues of Hillary with her tits sagging down to her knees, the media would be screaming sexist from the hilltops. There would be a campaign to remove them, and Trump would somehow be the culprit.

Of course you are having a hissy fit. And I've pointed out, Trump has already done more than his share of body-shaming already.

And I suspect he's being baited into an explosive over-reaction. It's his vanity and temper that are the targets -- character issues -- not his ancient body.
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The difference between recognizing a double standard and "hissy fit" is unrecognizable to some.

I for one actually enjoy watching and reading HRC supporters explain away all her lies and corruption....hard to play offense when you're constantly on defense.
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Of course you are having a hissy fit. And I've pointed out, Trump has already done more than his share of body-shaming already.

Of course you are spinning again, which has nothing to do with the point I was making, and you're ignoring.

THE MEDIA would pull out the long knives on the people or group that created these statues if it was of Hillary. In the end Trump would be responsible for them in some form or fashion.
Of course you are spinning again, which has nothing to do with the point I was making, and you're ignoring.

THE MEDIA would pull out the long knives on the people or group that created these statues if it was of Hillary. In the end Trump would be responsible for them in some form or fashion.

Think of the honor he's received. He's now a member of the Froggy Bottom Boys. And you all can sing "Man of Constant Soros"
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Manafort steps down, as he should. Yet hillary moves onward and upward. The email leak would've ended any GOP candidates run; and maybe career.

But barely a blip on the radar for her, thanks to msm.
It's not the MSM's fault. You weren't fooled by them, I wasn't fooled by them. Where exactly is the weak link in our country?
"In 2012, the most recent year with data available, the Clinton Foundation disclosed assets of $226 million, with $51.5 million in contributions and grants received...The foundation spends a shocking amount on salaries and travel. The foundation’s IRS filings reveal the primary drivers of its underperformance are employee compensation and travel. The Weekly Standard’s Daniel Halper explains in his new book, Clinton Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine (HarperCollins) that “the salaries and benefits of all the staff at the foundation are an eye-popping $220,218,840—well above the total grants for the lifetime of the foundation. Travel expenses paid by the Clinton Foundation far exceed the total of grants outside the top three [grants made], and for the years 2003-2011 totaled $55,628,306.”

When a foundation spends more on travel expenses than it does on charity you sort of have to wonder what the purpose of the "charitable" foundation really is. Look, this is how the world works. I won't pretend to be shocked, shocked at this sort of cynicism. What irritates, as per usual, is the double standard. Were this a Republican, it would be the lead story for about 2 weeks. "An embattled Donald Trump once again faces questions about the inner workings of his private foundation. Critics contend it is nothing more than a sham operation really intended for his personal benefit. Trump refuses to answer the question, and honestly isn't saying much. Back to you, Lester."
internal GOP polling data from Utah:

Trump 26%
Clinton 26%
Johnson 25%

what did Michael Moore know, and when did he know it? It's almost enough to make me not take him seriously.

Michael Moore then:
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald J. Trump is going to win in November … Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP.”

Michael Moore now:
Donald Trump never actually wanted to be President of the United States. I know this for a fact.
I thought conservatives believed that the market determines what people are paid?

Below is from Forbes Magazine in 2008.

The Most Expensive Speeches

By the measure of history, a list of the greatest speakers includes names like Lincoln, King and Churchill.

But measure with cash, and other names, like Trump, Blair and Reagan, rise to the top. Their fame, charisma and rock-star appeal has enabled them to pull in more than $250,000 per speech, and propelled them to the top of our list of the most expensive speeches.

An examination of the highest speaking fees ever paid puts Donald Trump Donald Trump on top with the staggering $1.5 million the Learning Annex paid him for each speech he delivered at the company’s real estate “wealth expos” in 2006 and 2007, more than was earned from addresses by former U.S. President Ronald Reagan and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Oh, you missed the point. The market actually worked perfectly. There was a paid for, quid pro quo. Problem is, political favors should've never been for sale.

It's not the MSM's fault. You weren't fooled by them, I wasn't fooled by them. Where exactly is the weak link in our country?

True. Not solely their fault, but definitely have a part to play. If people weren't too lazy to think for themselves, then all their pandering would be for nothing
I would like to hear from the liberals on here...have/has/had a liberal group or leader ever done anything wrong?

I just get the feeling that a lot of the liberal thinking is usually justified with an excuse rather than a reason.
people always post sh*t like this ITT. you know why it never gets answered? because there are almost never actual liberals posting in here. It's 2-3 democratic whores (h/t @qwesley ) who just copy/paste talking points without actually thinking....and then a bunch of conservatives/libertarians who post on the reg.
people always post sh*t like this ITT. you know why it never gets answered? because there are almost never actual liberals posting in here. It's 2-3 democratic whores (h/t @qwesley ) who just copy/paste talking points without actually thinking....and then a bunch of conservatives/libertarians who post on the reg.
Johnsons and whores. Man, you've got to slow down.
people always post sh*t like this ITT. you know why it never gets answered? because there are almost never actual liberals posting in here. It's 2-3 democratic whores (h/t @qwesley ) who just copy/paste talking points without actually thinking....and then a bunch of conservatives/libertarians who post on the reg.

I didn't ask to be inflammatory, I was genuinely curious. I consider myself more conservative than liberal, but I can name of a list of stuff about republicans. Just wondering if liberals can do the same.
I didn't ask to be inflammatory, I was genuinely curious. I consider myself more conservative than liberal, but I can name of a list of stuff about republicans. Just wondering if liberals can do the same.
you probably need to go to a different sports message board if you want actual liberal opinions. Try the Duke board.
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Hillary throws Colin Powell under the bus. Yeah but He told me to use a private server:smiley:
pathetic for her to do that, but wont matter

he will still dramatically announce his endorsement of her in October, getting the only TV time since his late endorsement of Obama in '12
Powell said he never told her that......but why should we trust Powell over Hillary?