How will they rule ??!

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is that before or after they host a campaign event in the battleground state of Mississippi?
No matter what Trump is doing hes at least doing something. Wheres Hillary at? No where for 3 or 4 days.

Do you want Hillary to win or something? I don't know the last time you trashed her, but you trash Trump in almost every post. If you want Hillary, stop beating around the bush and just admit it.

Hillary is a trillion times worse than Trump and I'm sure even deep down you know that, but you'd rather trash Trump I guess. People like you will be a big reason Hillary wins, if she does.
Watching MSNBC right now. According to Larry Sabato's polling Hillary already has enough electoral votes in "safe democrat" or "likely democrat" to win (283 total) with 75 more leaning democrat. Blowout coming. Hillary is tied in GA right now. Tied in Georgia. That is unreal.

Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson FOX 5 Atlanta Trump 43, Clinton 43, Johnson 11 Tie

No tossup states left. This is hardening and I put the MINIMUM electoral votes Hillary will receive at 340. That's her low water mark for this election. Probably going to be around 380.
Here is a link to the transcript of Aetna's Q1 earnings call. I invite you to read it.

To save you some time, I'll print here Bertolini's comments about the exchanges. There are multiple concerns and caveats throughout the quotes. All anyone wants to remember - all the people you're getting your info from, is his comment about this being a good investment. Context is your friend. Read it.

I understand it quite well. For you, this is simply one more political issue for you to be Team Blue all in. Obamacare is fundamentally and intrinsically flawed. It will not work, it cannot work. In time that will be obvious, and all this caterwauling will be exposed for what it is.

Opening remarks

Let me take a moment to discuss public exchanges and our individual business. From a regulatory perspective, we welcome the efforts of CMS to work with the industry to stabilize the individual public exchange program. While we are encouraged by these regulatory efforts, there is still much work to be done to ensure the long-term future of this program. As we enter the third year of the public exchange program, we are committed to working constructively with the administration and lawmakers to find solutions that can improve this program, stabilize the risk pool and expand product flexibility, all with the goal of creating a sustainable program that makes health care more affordable and accessible for all consumers.

Analyst question regarding exchanges

Well, I think let's talk about the pricing on the exchanges. With the 2Rs coming off this year, that's a six-point impact on top of trend. So that will have obviously an impact on the exchange enrollment in some way, shape or form and the subsidies coming out of the federal government. We do hope to get to breakeven this year. We're looking forward to the next administration to improve the product as we move ahead.

Let me just give you a different sort of basis to think about our participation in the exchanges. We have 911,000 members on the public exchanges Individual. We have 1.2 million members that are exchange or ACA-compliant. If we were to go out and buy those members, it would cost us somewhere around $1.2 billion to acquire them. If we were to build out 15 markets, it would cost us somewhere between $600 million to $750 million to enter those markets and build out the capabilities necessary to grow that membership.

So in the broad scheme of things, we are well, well below any of those numbers from the standpoint of losses we've incurred in the first two-and-a-half years of this program. And so we see this as a good investment, hoping that we have an administration and a Congress that will allow us to change the product like we change Medicare every year and we change Medicaid every year. But we haven't been able to touch this product because of the politics. But if we get to that point, we believe we are in a very good place to make this a sustainable program.

Analyst question regarding exchanges

I think the kinds of structural changes that we need to make, I think Secretary Burwell and her team at CMS and HHS have done a really good job of using the regulatory framework that they can to try and improve the program in the short term here. But there are bigger structural changes that need to made around product flexibility, rating flexibility, pooling. We need different pools, not one pool. Cross subsidizing at the premium level across a large swath of the population doesn't work. It needs to be multiple pools with specific products for each pool. All of that requires legislative response. And that's not going to happen in the near term here.

We will see the dynamics of the market get tougher as we go forward if we don't get those kinds of structural changes. How it affects us versus others, quite frankly, we've been very careful to choose the markets we're in, as Karen noted earlier. We look for the right cost structure, we offer the kinds of products that we believe people need, but at some point, unless we make these kind of changes, the market will be challenged.

So once again, if there are so many issues with the ACA, why does Aetna say they will expand if their merger is allowed?

In what context does that make rational business sense? Buying more members does not change the needed structural changes mentioned that are hamstrung by current government inaction.

The analysts covering Aetna viewed their comments as positive for ACA at the time...hence the skepticism on the sudden change of heart by Aetna regarding ACA and the feds opposing the merger with Humama.
Hillary also signed a document on senate letterhead stating both clinton foundations would not take donations and bill wouldnt give paid speeches fron anyone/anywhere that would cause a conflict of interest during her SOS tenure.

Again, preet bharara... if he can prove evidence of wrong doing, he wont nut out like comey did. He has prosecuted dems before, even though obama appointes him. Hearing he has a former clinton foundation employee willing to testify.

Popcorn popping.
I'm not 100% on this because we are talking a billion dollar take over, but.......

Humana did not take on as much ACA clients and therefore their book of business is basically Aetna inheriting a better "lessor" block of insurance to cover allowing for more profits to absorb the ACA hit(real or perceived).

Also considering the revenue that will be brought in on the merger you have to realize, just like failing big govt, a lot of times these big conglomerate businesses see a revenue stream as more cash flow and "power".

Now I'm not saying obamacare is failing or a success. Rates will go up though and at that point something drastic forces a change somehow. It's business and anyone thinking our govt can out print money on the bad business they take on is stupid.
Regardless of party affiliation, can we all just agree that Dragon ball Z is the biggest narcissistic loser on the board?

Acting like hillary having a coughing fit a year ago is some scheme he cooked up in his moms basement and got her to go with it.

Lol. Dude, get a life. You talk about how much you whack off to females in other threads, but we know you just get off by obama and hillary vids. Give it up.
So posters are really denying obamacare is causing insurance company losses?

The media is talking about that idiot Lochte more than they ever did Clinton.

Nothing joke. He lied about something dumb and it's non stop. She's lied numerous times about highly important matters; and crickets.

Ya. They said the same thing when she was sos. Saw how that worked out
Just when you thought the Libs couldn't lower their standards any more than they already have... several of these nude "Trump" statues (titled: The Emperor Has No Balls) popped up in public (note the children in the photo) areas of major US cities.



Hopefully, Trump laughs it off and says something like "at least they got the hair right"... then, when he becomes the president, he can gut the National Endowment for the Arts.
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The left is so caring.

An Oklahoma college student visiting Washington D.C. on a school trip, says he was beat up for wearing a Redskins Jersey. And the person he got into a fight with was a White House official in charge of American Indian education.

Barrett Dahl is Native American and a member of both the Choctaw and Sac and Fox Nations. He is also autistic. He says he wore the Redskins shirt because he was in Washington D.C. and because he sees it as a sense of cultural pride. However, when he showed up wearing it at a Pow Wow that's when the trouble started.

He says within seconds of sitting down he was approached by William Mendoza.

I am sure all the MSM reported this and I just missed it.
Just when you thought the Libs couldn't lower their standards any more than they already have... several of these nude "Trump" statues (titled: The Emperor Has No Balls) popped up in public (note the children in the photo) areas of major US cities.



Hopefully, Trump laughs it off and says something like "at least they got the hair right"... then, when he becomes the president, he can gut the National Endowment for the Arts.

That ass crack is amazingly well done.
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Just when you thought the Libs couldn't lower their standards any more than they already have... several of these nude "Trump" statues (titled: The Emperor Has No Balls) popped up in public (note the children in the photo) areas of major US cities.



Hopefully, Trump laughs it off and says something like "at least they got the hair right"... then, when he becomes the president, he can gut the National Endowment for the Arts.
You sound like a PC, censoring, libtard to me.


Who is running her campaign. Wtf. Deny deny deny you fn idiot.

She's doing everything wrong. She's getting blasted by the internet, not attacking back, admits guilt, won't speak for herself. She is up against a joke. All she has to do is get in front of cameras and lie her ass off like she's used to. Tell the people what they want to hear. Ie: YEA WE TAKE FOREIGN DONATIONS BECAISE WE ARE FOR THR WOLD UNLIKE RACIST TRUNP WHO WANTS TO KICK OUT FOREIGNERS!!!! CAN I GET A HELL YEA!!!!

And Hillary is worldly and progressive and helping these poor foreign countries. Of course she's going to take more donations to help more people!!!

Her campaign is forgetting how dumb voters are, imo.
Bloomberg joins to vast right wing conspiracy to falsely claim UCA is not awesome.

Businessweek ‏@BW 2h2 hours ago
Obamacare is in trouble as big insurance companies pull out
Golden opportunity this fall to put her on the spot on how she'd fix this disaster and tie her to wanting universal.

In the meantime, get those concierge dr numbers ready. Great point made yesterday, once you become dependent on the government for healthcare you cease being a customer and start becoming a liability. Enjoy.
Don't think nude wax sculptures of our respective candidates is an avenue Ds want to travel.

Of course if one of HC popped up it would be a hate crime and punishable by guillotine.

This. I care less about the statues. But the double standard is pathetic. If someone put up hillary versions, there'd be a full scale manhunt and prosecutions
This. I care less about the statues. But the double standard is pathetic. If someone put up hillary versions, there'd be a full scale manhunt and prosecutions

I'd like to make a statue of Hillary stroking over so we cannot only offend the feminists, but we also make sure we offend the disabled as well..
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Don't think nude wax sculptures of our respective candidates is an avenue Ds want to travel.

Of course if one of HC popped up it would be a hate crime and punishable by guillotine.

Right. Because there have never been any attempts to ridicule HRC's appearance. Republicans have been as prissily decorous as Miss Manners.

Who is running her campaign. Wtf. Deny deny deny you fn idiot.

She's doing everything wrong. She's getting blasted by the internet, not attacking back, admits guilt, won't speak for herself. She is up against a joke. All she has to do is get in front of cameras and lie her ass off like she's used to. Tell the people what they want to hear. Ie: YEA WE TAKE FOREIGN DONATIONS BECAISE WE ARE FOR THR WOLD UNLIKE RACIST TRUNP WHO WANTS TO KICK OUT FOREIGNERS!!!! CAN I GET A HELL YEA!!!!

And Hillary is worldly and progressive and helping these poor foreign countries. Of course she's going to take more donations to help more people!!!

Her campaign is forgetting how dumb voters are, imo.

There is nothing illegal for the Clinton Foundation accepting foreign donations. You all have been screaming about this, but it's idiotic. Foundations accept foreign donations all the time. Corporate, national, individual. All the time. No law broken. None. Perfectly ok. And the foundation doesn't pay the Clintons a penny.

Screaming about it doesn't change anything.
You do realize it's not "foreign donations" everyone cares about, correct? Or are you that stupid?

It's the donations from foreign oppressive regimes and the favors Clinton was granting in return for the donations.
Do you have a link to a nude wax sculpture of Hillary Clinton posed in public squares made by conservatives?

No, you don't. Thankfully, I might add.

Have at it, chums. This all smacks of the gibe, "Can dish it out but can't take it." This forum has seen worse against Clinton.

My understanding is that the statue was erected with the caption The Emperor's Clothes which is an old and honorable critique. Trump, after all, claimed that he was the only one who could save us. Once you take on the mantle of the nation's savior, you're fair game for all the ridicule the peasants can muster. He's a howlingly vain man and that comb over competes with Gene Keady's for the worst anyone has ever seen.
You do realize it's not "foreign donations" everyone cares about, correct? Or are you that stupid?

It's the donations from foreign oppressive regimes and the favors Clinton was granting in return for the donations.

Bill Clinton, of course, can work for whomever he wants. He has no "favors."

HRC hasn't been SoS in years and there's only the donation to Haiti from Algeria on her mark from then. Algeria is one of our greatest allies in the region.

And, of course, there's the fact that the foundation doesn't pay the Clintons a dime.
You do realize it's not "foreign donations" everyone cares about, correct? Or are you that stupid?

It's the donations from foreign oppressive regimes and the favors Clinton was granting in return for the donations.
willful ignorance+awful context comparison+rathole argument+vague reference to attempt to show intelligence coming yo way
online catpaw forum or public displays that make national news?.....very comparable. There are roughly 23 latin debate terms your comp violates.

If you want more exposure, be funnier. This forum hasn't failed for lack of insulting behavior.
Speaking of "yo"....Louisiana where is yo dollah? I guess the messiah is trying to win some money off Zo Mourning to send yo way.